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  Christopher Forsythe

Date of Birth: October 19, 1956
Department: Foreign Exchange
Position: Money Broker

Chris, we love you. You will always be in our memories.

“God hath not promised
Skies always blue,
Flower strewn pathways
All our lives through,
God hath not promised Sun without rain,
Joy without sorrow
Peace without pain,

But God hath Promised
Strength for the day,
Rest for the labor
Light for the way,
Grace for the trials
Help from above,
Unfailing love and sympathy,
Undying love…”

From, wife, Tessie Molina and children, Jose and Kirsten

Tessie Molina, Wife
  • Chris, I will always remember you as a very good and loyal friend and I take great pride in the work we did together all those years ago. You had some very special qualities and as a trader you were among the best I ever worked with. I will miss you, the fun and the friendship we shared these past 25 years, you will never be forgotten…so long for now.


    Michael Carey, Friend and former colleague
  • Chris, you were a special worker and friend to my son Nestor Cintron and to me, as well. You was so well-mannered and always asked for whatever help you wanted with a “Please” and a “Thank you” all the time. I love that we were able to speak my language. I will miss your stories of Spain and England, Mexico, and all other countries you visited. I miss your smile and the gentleman you were. I miss the stories you would tell me about the children and your wife and how much you loved them and the smile you had every time you talked about them. I guess you are in a better place with my son next to you or the other workers that you were with. May God have you in his hand- guiding you to the most beautiful place there can be.

    With much love,
    Alicia LeGuillow, co-worker

    Alicia LeGuillow, co-worker
  • Chris, I enjoyed working with you back in the 80’s and remaining your friend ever since. You were always ready to listen, both as a work colleague and as a friend. Your infectious sense of humour made you very entertaining company and I always looked forward to any opportunity to meet or chat on the phone. Everyone who knew you was aware of the great love and concern you had for your family and I am very sad you have been taken away from them. All your friends will miss you and you will never be forgotten. love “Maggs”

    Sally Martinez, friend and former colleague
  • conocí a chris en Londres cuando entre a trabajar en buhal en los 80, y despues volvi a coincidir con el en Madrid en 1991. Siempre me llamo la atencion su forma de bromear incluso en los momentos mas tensos de la sala de cambios. El mirar su buen humor me daba una tranquilidad enorme. Le he agradecido mucho la manera tan amable en la que me trato en aquellos tiempos. Quiero mandar un enorme abrazo a su familia.

    manoli, antigua compañera
  • Chris,

    I will always love you my dear husband you are in my heart. Remembering you always miss you lots. With my prayers.

    Wife, Tess

    Tessie, Wife

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