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  Alexander Lygin

Date of Birth: January 16, 1973
Department: Portfolio Trading-ITD
Position: Computer Programmer/Analyst

This is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to write. Our life without Alex seems so unreal. He was my dream come true, one of the most precious gifts I have ever been given. I remember every detail of his life. Every moment of every day of his life flashes before my eyes like a movie. Bright and talented, he graduated at the top of his class at 15. At 20, he received his Masters Degree in Physics & Mathematics. Our dreams came true when we emigrated from the Georgian Republic to the US in 1994. We were relieved that we had saved our children from war. Making New York our home and starting all over again, we were hoping for a better future for our kids.
He was warm, kind and had such high hopes for his future. Alex was to be married on October 20th. When October 20th came around, we held his memorial instead. He loved photography and was recently awarded a press pass for his outstanding work. Our feelings, our tears, our sorrow cannot be expressed with a few phrases. We, his parents and sister, will always think of him as alive. He will always be with us. We want him to know how much we love him and miss him. Alex, we are terribly sorry that we were unable to save you from that hell. We love you and miss you very much.

Valentina & Vladimir Lygin, Parents
  • My thoughts and prayers are with your family.

    Libbie, stranger

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