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Edward Mazzella Jr Date of Birth: March 26, 1939 Department: Equity Sales Position: Senior Vice President Ed Mazzella was sixty-two and lived in Monroe for the past thirty years. He was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY. We were married for forty years this past February 11th. He was my life and now all I have left are the memories. I have an ache in my heart that will never go away. We have two wonderful children and four beautiful grandchildren. He adored them all and would do anything for his family and his friends. Ed worked on Wall Street for forty years. Clients became his lifelong friends. He truly enjoyed going to work each day but was looking forward to retiring on September 14th. Kay Mazzella, wife Other than his family his two great passions were golf and watercolor painting. His golf game improved this past year and on September 2nd, he won his flight in the club championship on the first playoff hole. His paintings were enjoyed by all who viewed them and many are proudly displayed in the homes of family and friends. Perhaps his greatest talent was the ability to share a conversation. In the days following September 11th, our family received many cards and letters from people expressing their sympathy and relating how he left a lasting impression on them. The most memorable of these are from people he met briefly, the man who installed his satellite dish or the young girl from the catering company who helped serve Christmas dinner at our home. A day doesn’t go by that we don’t think of him. We have a void in our hearts that is immeasurable. He was the core of our family. We still gather for holidays and family occasions but an emptiness remains among us. In the days ahead we have many hills to climb but we know his guidance will always be with us showing us the way. Michael and Patricia Mazzella (son and daughter-in-law) Susan and Matthew Brannigan (daughter and son-in-law)
Ed Mazzella was our friend. As in all friendships, he had his particular role when we were together. It was never anything planned, it would just happen when we were together. Ed always enjoyed being with us. You could see it in his face. In fact his laugh is what made everything more fun. We would do the most stupid things just to make him laugh, and he would never let us down. Now things are different. Ed’s role can’t be filled and all of us are less for it. We will all try to go on because that’s what he would have wanted. Some of us will continue to do stupid things knowing that wherever he is, Eddie is laughing his ass off.
Things we remember about Papa
We remember going to Block Island and digging in the sand.
We remember the surprise water gun fight when Papa put food coloring in the water and got stains all over his shirt.
We remember the nice Christmas presents.
We remember painting with him.
We remember how he let us pretend to drive his car.
We remember how before September 11, he bought us playstation 2 and hid it in the closet for our birthday.
But most of all we remember how he loved us.
Eddie and I knew each other a little over 20 years. We met through the business and soon became
fast friends. What could I say about Eddie? He was funny, smart, amusing, generous and kind. Eddie…when the Cantor light rings my heart skips a beat, then I realize you’re not there. I miss you terribly my dear friend and I always will. Thank you for being that special friend in my life. I will remember you always.
Your friend, Marie
Eddie, I need to tell you what I never had a chance to say:
How you became a vital part of what identified us as a family – from that memorable first day I met you over forty years ago (my arm in a sling) till the day you left us all, so suddenly, behind.
How you became OUR HERO – for on September 11, when the Towers fell, our lives fell too and the sacrifice was and is too much to bear.
How you inspire us now, when we look at your talented art work, to see again the beauty in this world, as you did.
How I know we will meet again and rejoice in that reunion and I will say what I never had a chance to say – that I loved you.
Eddie was my only sibling, 4 years younger. I was responsible for bringing him to Wall Street. I never knew how much I loved him or how much I would miss him until that terrible day – Sept. 11th. I know he is in Heaven now and our mother is caring for him.
Eddie was my brother-in-law. Truly, we did not always see eye to eye. We had a love of art in common…he was a wonderful painter. Eddie was such a family man. He loved his wife and children and grandchilren as they loved him. He was a man loved by so many and I hope that wherever he is now, he knows what he meant to so many people.
When I Think Of You
I think of you in church and I remember you there, always with a spring in your step, so upbeat and glad to be there. Every day I pass your painting in my stairway and it catches my eye and makes me smile. I refuse to let the painting make me sad because I know that when you painted it you were filled with life and joy, the same life and joy that you exuded when you gave the painting to Scott and I. Mostly, though, I’ll remember you when I look at my daughter, Ashlee, who had inherited your gentle and loving eyes.
“In this scene, set in shadows,
like the night is here to stay,
there is evil cast around us,
but it’s love that wrote the play.
In this darkness, love can show the way”
-from a song, “Show the Way” by David Wilcox
Dad exuded love from every fiber of his being. He loved family, friends, golf, painting, reading, traveling, sports, talking to anyone and everyone! He was always considerate of others. One example is when he learned that I had purchased a special Christmas present for my wife Sue, he did not give her the special present that he had picked out for her as he did not want to upstage me. I found this out long after that Christmas. 22 years ago I met Ed Mazzella. He became my Dad and my friend and I am a better man for it.
One evening my Uncle Eddie and I were getting off the train together as we did many times, only that day it was pouring rain. He gave me his umbrella because he saw I didn’t have one.He ran off, my Aunt Kay waiting for him in their car, as he got completely soaked. I walked to my car completely dry. This simple gesture says so much about him.
I never got the chance to tell you how lucky I am to have you as my father. You were always there for me when I needed you. Now an hour doesn’t go by that I don’t think of you. I will never forget how on September 2, after you won your flight in the Club Championship, you came out to watch my match. I was four down on the eleventh hole and you didn’t want to tell me you had won. You had tears in your eyes as you wished me good luck. Who knew we would both win in a playoff that day? Everything I have in life, I owe to you. I wish we had one more moment together so I could say thank you. You will never be forgotten.
I knew Ed from Shearson and of all places, the smoke room on 6. You see world wide equities was on 6 and I worked in the fixed income on 8 but had to go downstairs to smoke. Ed was always the sharpest dresser and he always stood out. Always had that smile on his face and a great demeanor.
I didn’t even know he worked at Cantor till I came to this site to pay my respects to my other colleagues. May God Bless and protect the Mazzella Family.
For 39 years I have truly treasured the times we have spent together. I remember being a little girl cheering, with Mike, “Daddy’s home!”, when you arrived from work; to being an adolescent while you listened to me practicing my guitar; to being in college anxiously awaiting our weekly phone conversations. Even once I was married it did not change our relationship. You were always contributing to my life, from hearing stories about school, to decorating , to helping me plan a party. Once I became a parent we spoke about Amanda and Ryan, and you were an intrical part of their lives, too. For the past 5 years there was nothing I would look forward to more than coming to see you and Mom or when you came to visit us. Dad, I love you so much and you will forever be in my heart.
Our families did everything together visiting, vacationing, shopping, etc. We shared every milestone, from graduation to weddings through grandchildren. Everyone had someone, I had Sue, Chris had Mike, Marie (my mom) had Aunt Kay and then there were Frank (my dad) and Uncle Eddie, our fearless leaders. They took us on great adventures – to the mountains, the shore, Florida and more. Everything was fun when we were all together. We ate a lot and laughed a lot – we didn’t even need to do anything special – just put a little music on and Uncle Eddie would grab Aunt Kay and dance. Uncle Eddie would make us laugh all the time. We laughed at him or each other and at ourselves. He had this special something that knew no boundaries – he could reach all ages and somehow always find a smile.
I don’t remember the last Brady adventure we all went on but I know I will hold close to my heart the lifetime of love and laughter I was fortunate enough to share with him. Love, Lisa
I had a friend who made me smile
I had a friend with panache and style.
A man so warm and full of love
A man full of life — we fit like a glove.
My memories are fresh and never ending
My heart is broken — there is no mending.
I can’t accept your awful end.
I can’t accept you’re gone MY FRIEND!
I will always remember the way Uncle Eddie could liven up the room wherever we were. Christmas Eve has always been a fond memory for our family. We are known for being a very loud family and Uncle Eddie was definitely one of our most vocal. I’ll remember him most for his bright spirit, his kindness and generosity.
Words cannot decribe the emptiness that was created that day. There are so many fond memories of Ed. His left a mark on this World that no man can erase. His spirit will live forever in the hearts of those who knew him. May the example he set continue to lead us!
The Truth
Edward was my husband’s Godfather. We met several times, such as weddings, birthdays, etc,. I remember him always treating me with respect, and kindness. My heart goes out to his wife Katie, and his entire family. I am so sorry for their loss. I too worked for Cantor many years ago, and was saddened to learn several of my co-workers had still been working there. My heart will ache for Edward, and all the others…….forever ! I will never forget them !
Ed Mazzella was my grandfather. I called him Papa. He was a great guy. I think of him always. When I kiss his picture ,I hope he comes more and more, down from heaven. I think of the great times we had. I think I was lucky to have him. How I loved him. I think of the memories and tears roll down my cheek. I keep a journal of my memories. I hope he reads it from heaven. How I miss him!
Sometimes I see you Eddie, in a far off lovely place.
You stand relaxed & peaceful, a sweet smile on your face.
And now a year has come & gone since last we were together.
Our crazy clan is not the same, we’ll feel your lose forever.
We promise to remember & live the way you would.
To laugh & dance & even cry, but loving as we should.
Your canvas has grown wider, to reach across the sky.
The brush you hold can touch the stars or make the moon soar high.
So till the day we meet again, a reunion like no other.,
Keep watch & wait, heaven will celebrate, I miss you so – my brother.
I met Ed 12 years ago when he was assigned to cover me at S Squared. He called me the most outrageous names just to make me laugh and to shock me. He had the most amazing voice. I miss his voice so very much. I spoke to him every day of the week, listening to stories of his family and friends so detailed that I felt like I knew them all. We argued over everything (a running joke among our friends), but always made up. He did so many things for me and my boys, his generousity knew no bounds. Somehow, I inspired his amazing artistic talent, but he never believed how great he was. I can not begin to express my love for him in this short note, I just want to say he was the best man I have ever met and will never forget him.
Ed. its almost two years now since 9/11 you are in my prayers everyday.
marty hogan
former tel. tech at cantor
well its coming up on 2 years and it seems like only yesterday we talked on the train. I keep you in my prayers daily.
We’ll be spending our third Christmas without you next week and the void you have left cannot be filled. I’ve been thinking alot about you lately and sorely miss talking with you. I still find myself saying I can’t believe you’re gone and how you went. You will forever be in my thoughts as I aspire to live and love as you did.
To the family of Edward Mazzella
Just want to say on this day of September 11, 2005 that I send my prayers and love to you in remembrance of your dear Edward.
There is not a day goes by that I do not think of you and pray. I continue to wear my silver cuff Mercy B.A.N.D. bracelet that I may Bear Another’s Name Daily. I have never removed the bracelet that bears your Edward’s name since I received it shortly after 9/11 With prayers
Janice Gray Kolb
Remembering Edward every day. Not just today.——— My prayers are with you daily and very especially today on this 5 year anniversary. I have never removed my silver Mercy B.A.N.D. bracelet in ;these past years that I wear continuously to honor your Edward. (BAND — Bearing Another’s Name Daily) My prayers and thoughts will always remain with you and your family.
Janice Gray Kolb — East Wakefield, NH
To the family of Edward Mazzella I send my love and prayers daily. The pewter bracelet bearing Edward’s name I continue to wear forever in his memory. It has never been removed.
Dear family of Edward Mazella
My prayers are with you every day. I continue to wear the silver cuff bracelet called the Mercy B.A.N.D. that has Edward’s name engraved on it. I have never removed it in 8 years. The Mercy B.A.N.D. means “Bearing Another’s Name Daily.” Love and Prayers!
Well, unbelievably it will be 20 years this 9/11 since we lost you. Your 4 young grandchildren are now grown and Amanda will be having a baby girl in October. So we will remember you at a solemn and sad occasion on 9/11 at Ground Zero and we will also remember you at a happy time in October, when your great granddaughter is born! You are always in our thoughts PaPa!