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Gene “Gino” Calvi Date of Birth: July 27, 1967 Position: Bond Trader Gino’s memory and the impact he had on so many that loved him will remain forever. Gino will be remembered most for his honesty and patience with others. He was always willing to help others whether it was financial advice, help around the house, or fixing a problem with a car. He also had this insatiable quest for knowledge and continued learning. There wasn’t much he didn’t know, couldn’t do, or wouldn’t learn. Gino’s curiosity was such that when he wanted to know about something, he would have to know everything about it and always succeeded with perfection. Gino was a man of many interests who was unable to sit still. He loved skiing, running, biking, traveling. Like everything in his life, he took great pride in all that he did. He is described by his family and friends as an accomplished man. Gino is and always will be considered a special friend, a devoted family member, and loving husband. He leaves behind many who love him dearly and we will always cherish his time with us here on earth. We know that we will all be together one day, until then our friend, you will always remain in our hearts.
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