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Beverly Curry Date of Birth: June 24, 1960 Department: Telecommunications Position: Operations Manager Beverly Curry is my aunt and i miss her very much, she was a great aunt to me and my sister Leah. She would take us shopping in New jersey with my uncle Fred. She was a very nice person with a great heart. We all miss you aunt bev. Love your nephew David Orellanes
You are my shining star.
I met Beverly through her husband, Fred, at a Fordham Alumni event. It wasn’t until I saw her face that I remembered she looked like someone at my new job Cantor on the 103rd floor. Come to find out, she was the “face” down the hall. After that meeting, every morning before I walked to my desk for my morning tea, I had to check on Bev. We talked about her schooling (which she couldn’t wait to finish & was doing a terrific job at), any vacations, how she and Fred swapped “driving” when visiting family and our favorite topic – shopping! She loved quality shoes and handbags. I would find new places to shop and come in with shoes, etc. to show to Bev. She was my fashion critic. After awhile, she finally found my cube (about a year later- smile) and would stop by for a visit. She was a beautiful woman and friend! I didn’t get to tell her on the September 10th that I was going to be a “mommy”, but I wish I had…she would have been so happy since we talked about it at my 35th b’day party the year before. I miss my friend but I know she’s watching down over everyone here! Love you always. God’s continued blessings to Fred and family.
Beverly I miss you so much. This must be a nightmare that I cant wake up from, the saddness is unbearable sometimes. I rerun our last conversation over and over in my mind and I am so thankful that I told you I loved you, but I hate that you werent at my shower and that you weren’t there when the baby was born. I just hate that you aren’t here, joking around and asking me what I am eating for lunch. I hear music and see TV shows that we used to talk about and I pass Jose Texas almost everyday and I think about how we always talked of eating there, but never did.
I think of Fred and how hard it must be to walk into your home and see all those pictures of the two of you everyday, of how much he misses you. I just can’t find the words to express how sad, angry, and confused I am about all of this.
I guess I just miss my friend. BFF FOREVER TB.
I love you always and will never forget.
Hey Bevie,
I’ve been waiting for this opportunity. I wanted to write my tribute to you before anyone else.
I have had so much fun with you in the short time I knew you. In 4 short years you went from being a client, to a co-worker, to a trusted friend. I will always cherish my ‘brain-breaks’ when I’d come over to comms, sit on a box from the supply room and chit-chat with you…. or sneak up behind you and poke you in the ribs to get you to jump out of your seat.
I can still hear your laugh… I can still hear you say “Danny-boy” as you would when you saw me each day. I hope I never lose that… it keeps you close to me.
I miss you each day, but I feel your grace as well. Keep shining it down on me… and Fred… and the others. We need it.
Love Always,
It is unbelievable that you are not here!! Sometimes, I feel as if this whole thing is a bad joke or a temporary situation that will be lifted.
You have been in my life for almost half of my life. When I shop for shoes or boots, I remember you, when I look at my curtains that you encouraged me to put up, I think of you. As a matter of fact, I need to change them, but don’t want to take them down.
You and my brother shared a very deep and special love. I will never forget what you have done for me when I was at a low point in my life.
I miss your smile, your blush, your advice.
You will forever be a part of my life.
My Beautiful, Beautiful Sister Bev,
I miss her unbelievably and think about her every day. I wear something of Bev’s on a daily basis just to be close to her again. Although life on earth is not the same for us without her, it makes me smile knowing that she left such a great impression on so many people. I miss the emails, our get-togethers on weekends, our conversations and the times we laughed so hard and her little nuances. Bev was a “together” person and I benefited from knowing my next to the baby sister..we all did. Jehovah will recall you again, Beve…and I pray for the welcoming. I will love and miss her always and until then.
Beverly Curry is my aunt and I miss her very much, she was a great aunt to me and my sister Leah. She would take us shopping in New jersey with my uncle Fred. She was a very nice person with a great heart. We all miss you Aunt Bev.
Love your nephew
David Orellanes
Somewhere in my dreams tonight
I’ll see you standing there
You look at me with a smile
“Life isn’t always fair”
You say you were chosen for his garden
His preciously hand picked bouquet
“God really needed me,
That’s why I couldn’t stay”
It’s said to be that angels
Are sent from above
I’ve always had my angel
My sister – whose heart was filled with love
Wherever the ocean meets the sky
There will be memories of you and I
When I look up at that sky so blue
All I see are visions of you
“While there’s a heart in me, you’ll be a part of me.”
Your presence will never be forgotten.
Love you always,
There is no me without you.
B-I miss you. It’s just about 1 month until my birthday…there won’t be any countdown this year, it wouldn’t be any fun without you. Besides it marks 6 months to the day of when you were taken from us and I dont want to celebrate without you. I miss you so much, I wish you were here.
Fred, I think of you everyday, you are in my prayers. When I see the brightest star in the sky, I know it is Beverly shining for you.
With love
I miss you.
I met Beverly on the trip home on the Staten Island Ferry. What started with nods of hello, we eventually began to talk. It became a nightly thing that we traveled together. I didn’t know Beverly very long (just about a year), but in that time I grew to see the lovely person she was. She left a wonderful impact on me, which made me write this. I do not know any one of her family or friends, but I can understand why she is so truly loved and missed. I miss her – the ride home will never be the same without you Bev.
I really miss you. You are a good aunt to me. When I think of you I feel sad. I love you very much.
liana 🙂
You are probably laughing at me and I can hear you telling me how crazy I am. But we had an understanding and an appreciation for the finer things. We were brought up to know how things should be and question why they are not. It has been said so many times and in some many ways, but the world, my world was so much better for knowing you, and it will be whole lot more empty now that you have gone.
In my garden this summer I will plant a yellow rose bush and I will call it Bev. Yellow roses are the sympbol of friendship and your friendship is one that I will truly miss. Now this is the crazy thing, since 911 every time I have chicken I always think of you and that makes me smile even in the midst of tears. I know that we will all be just fine eventually.
Your friend and buddy,
Beryl A. Thurman,
P.S. I haven’t given up on Port Richmond S.I. I’m still trying to save it from self destruction and the wrecking ball. You’re right I’m crazy.
Without you…I’m always at the edge of a tear.
As I sit here reading through the many people you’ve touched and the fond memories shared, the tears run uncontrollably. I read your name in a public document in a public place and the tears run uncontrollably. I talk about you to friends and family and everything’s fine, and suddenly tears run uncontrollably. I’m good for a number of days and then you pop into my head and I think about you and I see your fingers or picture you at the kitchen table or see you coming up the walkway lugging your weekend stay gear, or see the way you were sitting at the Marriott bar the last weekend we were all together and how happy you were. I hear how you would doubtingly say “Now FRED” when you didn’t believe something he said and I hear the fervor in the way you talked about the latest in basketball with Tim…and I miss you evermore. Just those kinds of little things always have me at the edge of a tear, and the tears run uncontrollably.
Bev, you are loved and missed unbelievably…from Queenoe to Queenoknow, your sister Deb
These last few weeks I have thought of Beverly so often. It still hurts knowing she is gone. But I overcome it by telling myself that I will see her again. I look at pictures of her every day. She is on my computer at work. She is in my heart. I love her so much. Sometimes words just can’t say it. I love her sophistication, her taste in everything, her knowledge, her will to do whatever she put her mind to do. I am so glad she and Fred found each other and loved each other so much. You are truly missed.
There hasn’t been a single day since that morning that I haven’t thought about you. I was so sure our paths would cross again and can’t forget the conversation we had the week before. Oh, how I wish I had invited you (and everyone else from the office) down for a cup of coffee that day!
You were always so accepting of others; your own source of peace and strength drew others close to you. Your patience in dealing with others and the integrety with which you handled every situation set an example for the rest of us.
You were such a shining star; managing the telecommunications operations during the day and going to school at night. You always spoke so fondly of Fred and of the incredible time you had in Aruba.
If you could send us a post-card from Heaven, I bet you would say it’s just like Aruba, but without those horrible Geccos!
You are loved and missed.
Beve, I keep trying to fool myself into thinking that you are far away from me in New York, just like always. I’m here in Kansas and your there, going about your normal day. But then the reality hits me so hard. When I dream about you, you are so full of life. When I call your home your voice answers the phone and it’s just as if we can start conversing. When I wear your clothes, I still smell your scent. When I look at family video, there you are. Even on sunny days, I think of you. The sun was shinning bright the day you left us. How can you be gone when everything about you is still here. I feel so cheated! I envy those who were so close to you, and were able to see you all the time and work with you. I was always so far away. Beve I will see you again. In God’s appointed time, I so look forward to seeing, hugging you and spending time with you again. Then, no Terrorists can take you away. Your family will not have to just live with and except death as if it normal. It’s not normal to be here one second and a second later nonexsistent. I will not accept it as normal only as temporary. We were made to live not die. I love you and miss you sooo much it hurts. I will wait for you untill I see you again.
Your youngest sister, Sheila
To the family of Beverly Curry:
Beverly was so very lucky to have a family who loved her so much. Although no one can fully feel your pain, please know that your expressions of grief for Beverly have touched me so much, I have returned time and time again to this site to read the beautiful tributes her husband Fred, her sisters, and nieces have shared with the rest of the world.
On behalf of the rest of Chicago, we love and support you and all of New York, and wish you Godspeed.
Take good care and continue to be strong. Beverly must be very proud of all of you.
Chicago Stranger
We all miss you immensely. Every day I still wake up hoping to hear that this was all just a bad dream. Our lives will never be the same without you.
Today, on the sixth month anniversary of the attack on the WTC which you and others unfairly became victims of, I feel a thick and dark cloud of smoke over my being (more so than other days). My brother’s wife, as I affectionately referred to you in the past, I love and miss you.
I am moved by all the sentiments expressed to and about you. I am broken without you and wish that you would come back. You did not deserve to be taken away from me, your family, friends, Staten Island community, Cantor, bus stop, ferry, gym, and every place you touched in such a manner. I wished that God had taken me instead.
Love, Fred
My darling daughter Beverly, I’ve tried several times to do this. It’s just too hard because I can’t believe you’re gone, and in my heart, you’re still here. So it makes no sense to do this. All I know is that I miss you terribly and although we lived miles apart, we were still so close. I long to hear your voice; like when you’d call to check on how I was doing. I looked forward to that call. Now I have to wait until I see you again in Jehovah God’s new world. When you’ll be that beautiful daughter I long to see, alive and well and more beautiful than before. That’s a promise I know will come true because God doesn’t lie (Titus 1:2, Heb.6:18). He said all those in the memorial tombs will hear Jesus’ voice and come out because Jesus has been given all authority in heaven and in the earth (John 5:28, Matt 28:18). So I’ll wait my precious one. I LOVE YOU! MOM
As a kid I always enjoyed coming down to you guys house in North Carolina, mainly to bother the mess out of all you guys. (Smile!) So as the years went by I really missed the closeness we had as a family. You were always so involved, and I always was impressed with your outlook on life. But now it’s very hard to believe that someone close to me is gone, and now every time someone mentions New York City I proudly discuss you! Beverly you will always be a part of my heart, and I love you.
Walter T. Nelson, cousin or Spunky by Family!
Well I guess it’s official
You really are gone
No more opportunities
To prove you wrong
A tragic end to our debate
On Whom and Who
And Grand & Great
Good-Bye to the woman
Good-Bye to her will
Good-Bye to the shoes
That are too big to fill
No one will ever take her place
With her wild curly hair
And soft beautiful face
Good-Bye to the woman
With a great sense of style
Good-Bye to the snort
The laugh and the smile
Saying Good-Bye
We never wanted to
Good-Bye Aunt Beverly, we love you
Your Niece, Michele
While working in the rain this Sunday, I thought of you much. I miss you. I miss you for my brother.
Well Beverly,
Time is passing and you have not returned back to me. I miss every aspect of your beautiful personality, especially your level-headedness and practical way of doing things. Every one misses you. Life without you is miserable, and I just don’t know what to do about it. It is difficult adjusting, and I am hoping to focus better once school ends and the summer begins. What else can I say, you know it all.
My life, my love, and my lady.
Dear Beverly,
I only met you a few times and have heard so much about you through Dan. I know you two were such good friends and that he misses you. I do remember and will never forget your friendly personality, your laugh, and your great big smile. You are a beautiful woman who will not be forgotten.
It has been 9 months since you were taken away from us. I still find it difficult even to get through this tribute. I still can not believe you are not with us. And even though your pictures are all around my home, I still have difficulty looking at them and thinking that they are no longer reality for me.
I look at the news somehow still believing that something of you will be found and there’s nothing. The area is all cleaned up now. Everything is gone. Everything. My mind won’t let me rest at times contemplating what your final moments may have been like. Did Jehovah give you some calm, did you call out to him? I know he helped you be as calm as you could, and brave. You were probably even helping someone else as much as you could, knowing you. We all miss you,
I know Fred misses you so much. We try to be strong but at times, strength is fleeting. Time will heal our deep grief and pain. Seeing you again will be the only thing to mend our hearts.
I Love You, Sheila
My life is lonely and empty without you. I feel like I have lost my soul and purpose and been torn up into little pieces. I miss your smile and charming personality. I miss everything about you. I am stunned that you are not here and I walk around dazed. I can’t believe this happened to us. I love you.
I’ll only stop so we can start all over again.
Just reading these tributes to you just breaks my heart. And I know I’ll see you again but the pain of you not being here to laugh with and talk to about anything is almost unbearable. I pray for the pain to subside and I know in time it will. I miss you so much. I want to say I love you to your face. I want to hug you and feel your hair and listen to your knowledge. I’m so sorry you were taken too soon and Fred has to be so lonely. He is so alone. We are here for you Fred. We are here for each other. And Jehovah is here for all of us. He can get us through this lonely pain. You will forever be in my heart. I will forever LOVE you!!
My darling daughter, its been 9 months since you were snatched away from me, the same time it took for you to develop inside of me. A great sence of sadness has over taken me today, I can’t stop crying, I miss you so much. I want to hear your beautiful voice say , Hi MOM, just calling to see how your doing. Its so hard to do this, cause it has never made any sense,but my hope is in Jehovah that I’ll see you soon in his new world where you’ll be my beautiful baby girl, and I can hear you say hi MoM. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. MOM
I keep you alive in me in every way I can. I constantly talk about you and keep your face in front of my mind. Every now and then I hear myself say something or do something and it reminds me of you and I start smiling.
I keep reaching for you in my mind for a conversation or a weekend visit and then my whole day becomes sad. IT DOESN’T MAKE SENSE THAT YOU’RE NOT HERE!!! Where is my sounding board? Where is my NY running partner? Where is my other touch stone? Bev, where are you???
Nine months later and I sit here looking at your photo with tears in my eyes asking myself, why? I remember the laughter we all shared when our family all got together over grandma’s house. Those were some of the best times. We used to joke and tease one another until no end. Being on opposite coasts, we didn’t talk on the phone a bunch, but e-mail was most certainly was our link to one another. I knew if you sent it to me, it was going to be something that made me laugh out loud. When I was called back to active duty military, I didn’t have to look far for my motivation. I was willing, able and ready to join in to right this wrong on your behalf. On one hand I’m feeling very sad that you’re gone. What brings a smile to my face is I know your in a better place and I can proudly say you were and will always be my 1st cousin. You’ll always have a special place in my heart. I love you. We all love you. You Will Not Be Forgotten!! My prayers go out to Fred, Aunt Lavern, Genie, Deb, Michele and Sheila
Your cousin,
These are some of the most touching tributes I have read thus far. I am so touched by the family sentiments, especially Fred’s. The photo of Beverly is beautiful (what a lovely smile)! My heartfelt smpathy is extended to the entire family, especially Fred. I feel the sadness in his words and am compelled to say “I’m so sorry” and THANK YOU for sharing your feelings with the world. GOD in His infinite mercy and wisdom will sustain you through these difficult times.
We met so many years ago when I was just starting out on Wall Street at Noonan,Astley and Pearce. As luck would have it, we ended up together again at Cantor. I will never forget all of the great times we had at Noonan’s, laughing and just enjoying beging together with Trisha,Annmarie, and so many others.I lost you and Nicky, two of the very first people I met in the business world and was fortunate to call my friends. I miss you terrible, and will always remember your great smile and attitude towards life.
To the Curry family, I am so sorry and share in your grief, may God bless you always.
My heart and mind cannot accept the loss of your magic in my life, even now, 10 months later. I can’t take your name off my e-mail mailing list. I can’t stop reaching for the phone to get your advice. I can’t make plans for the future without adding your name to the guest list.
At your funeral, someone told me she thought you and I were soulmates and I sincerely hold that to be one of the greatest, most beautiful things anyone has ever said to me. The fact that someone I admired so much, respected so much, and adored so much actually returned all of my admiration, respect and love is a gift I will cherish until the end of time.
The world doesn’t look the same without you sitting beside me. You may have left the room but you will never leave my heart.
I love you and I miss you.
The Shadillac Man
Hey Bevie,
You’re still a part of my everyday thoughts darlin. I miss you each day. The best thing that has happened to me lately is that I was able to come by a copy of that picture from the 2000 Christmas Party of me and you. It’s just a picture, but to me it was like getting a piece of you back. I was as excited about it as I would have been Christmas Day as a little kid – I was grinning ear to ear. I just wish I could get more of you back… I wish we had time for more stories, more pictures, more laughs.
I miss you Bevie.
Love Always,
Lonely teardrops, mine don’t ever dry up. I miss you.
Fred e
Dear Bev,
I have asked God to keep you safe and allow you to rest in peace for almost a year now. I think of you always being the person I would see as we left the WSTA parties, your beautiful smile and grace. You are missed Bev, thought of always,
Fanny and Rob
Dear Fred,
Every so often I read these entries. Your entries however stand out the most. It’s been almost a year and I’m just wondering how you are. I know they say time helps to heal, but I’m sure your hurt is there just as much as the first day she did not come home. I want you to know you insire many who read these loving notes to your wife and make us all think just how blessed we are to share true unconditional love of family. I hope your friends and family are with you in your times of need.
May God bless you and yours.
Dear Beverly,
I can’t think of Cantor without thinking of you. I miss our phone conservations about the traders and bankers and how we always said “we have to meet for lunch” or whatever. How I wish we had. I learned that we can never put off to tommorrow what we should have done today. Be, I pray that your family can some peace and remember that they were fortunate to have you in their lives as I had. I also pray that they find peace in their lives. Bev, save a place in “HEAVEN: for your family and me.
Always on my mind
Audrey B
B- Tomorrow is a year. A year ago today marks the last time we spoke. I miss you dearly. Look for my light, the candles I burn are for you, Joe and Kenny. I love you and miss you so much.
Dear Bev,
I know that where you are you are well able to know all about us. We never met, your dearest husband doesn’t know me, neither does any of your friends… You have a lot of them!
I only wish your loving husband to get well soon. I will pray for him, and tonight when I pray with my little son Pelayo before he goes to sleep, I will offer his prayers for you both.
Love from Spain ( Europe)
Hi Bev:
You don’t know me, but I am from Pholadelphia, Pa. I since moved to Australia, on 8/22/2001.
I was in Australia, when it happend. I am sitting here now, watching the tribute from across the world. I look at your face, and you look like someone I would speak to in passing. I hope you are having a good time in heaven and I know your family will join you one day. My god strike down the fools that took you away from here. I pray for your family, and hope they know your spirit lives on. Hi Bev…..
Lou Gambrell
Melbourne, Australia
[email protected]
Dear Beverly:
A year has alredy passed and you continue to be in my thoughts. A day rarely passes without my thiking of you and the events of Sept. 11. Although I did not really know you, thinking of you and seeing your sweet smile brings me some comfort. You are loved by so many and have touched the lives of many you did not even know..
What a wonderful life you must have led. I have never met you, yet I feel that I know you, at least I feel I know how loving you were and how much you are sorely missed.
Fred, I hope you are reading this. I am so sorry for your loss. Please know that Beverly is looking down on you. She’s in a better place now and one day the two of you will be united again. I hope you are doing well. I was watching all the news coverage and something compelled me to look on the Cantor families page and I went directly to Beverly’s name. I don’t know why. I will keep you in my prayers.
Dear Bev,
Back in May of 2000, we finished a managerial course together. We both said that we looked forward to working together again in the coming semesters. Therefore, when this 2002 fall management semester began, I looked around for you in the classroom. When you did not show up, I wondered if you delayed taking this class for a semester or two. At the same time though I remembered you worked downtown though I did not remember which firm you worked for. I started to feel sick to my stomach. On September 11, 2002 I was listening to names that were being called off at the 9/11 Memorial, and I thought I heard your name. I was sure I heard wrong. That same day I saw a local paper listing the names of those that perished on 9/11/01, and your name was there. I could not and did not want to believe it. The college had a memorial for all the students that died that terrible day. They planted some flowers and have some benches for people to sit and reflect. I stop by there now before going to class and say a prayer for you (as well as for all the victims) and wish that we were going to class together. Out of 204 acres on campus, this memorial section is right next to our building. I am glad we went to the end of the spring 2000 management semester dinner together. It is a nice memory to have. Beverly, it was a privilege to be your classmate and team member during the spring of 2000. I am glad our paths crossed. My life is enriched for having known you. You will be sorely missed. Take care.
It has been a year since you left us, and you know that my life is still up side down. It is difficult to find peace or happiness without out, I guess that is the reason we reunited, and the second time around was better than the first time.
We had our first scholarship luncheon September 7th at the Pavilion. It was a grand success. You had so many friends and admirers, including myself. Amos Anthony Allen from Jacksonville who was awarded a scholarship was really special and it seemed that he knew you, although that is impossible.
Losing you has challenged by beliefs about life and death. I am sorry that I am no longer with you. I miss every aspect of your life. I thank God that I had the chance to share the many moments and years we spent together. Through you I know what true and unconditional love means. Through you I know what true companionship means. You are remarkable.
Dear Beverly,
You know that I’d be with you if I could.
Love Fred
Can I just have one more moon dance with you?
I haven’t been able to write to you because of the tremendous amount of survivors guilt. Please know that I miss you very much. It has not been the same without you. I remember your smile, your laughter and your great sense of humour. Thank you so much for the wonderful chats we had. I will never forget you
One Love
One Heart
One Destiny
Love Mike
My heart is consistently heavy, there is always a tear in my heart. Life just isn’t the same. We miss you!!
Its funny how time seems to fly, but I remember 30 years ago I met a special family, a special friend. Friends I called my sisters (being that I was a only child) Hopping the fence in Holiday City brings it all back and I REMEMBER..You were my FRIEND. In reading the tributes I see you touched many lives and I got to know you all over again. Bev you worked by FAITH, your labor was prompted by love,and your endurance was inspired by hope. I miss you much. FAMILY YOU ALL ARE IN MY PRAYERS Donna Sloan~Brown
I feel as if I knew you. If your friends and family are a reflection of
you, you must have been “so fly”. I am so inspired by your legacy. Today I
am praying for your family and friends, who love and miss you tremendously.
I feel your love is shining down on all of us.
Today marks the second anniversary of your death.
I didn’t know how I should spend it because nothing brought relief from the memory of that one day when just going to work cost you your life and the lives of so many people. The unimaginable hatred that can fester inside of people to make them commit such an act on innocent people can only be credited to the heinous God that they worship, Satan the Devil.
The realization of death is hard to take, true, but the way that you and others perished that day is beyond human comprehension.
There is no greater power on this earth that can fix this kind and degree of hatred. No Government, no leader, no man. Only Jehovah can rid the earth of this disease.
You knew that, and that is what I keep praying for. Jehovah’s Kingdom.
I miss you, but I know you are okay in Jehovah’s memory, and I will see you again.
Love Sheila, your baby sister.
Beverly you were a big part of my life, You were an true inspiration to me. When I started out at Noonans as a child of being 18 years old you were the only one that cared and took me under your wings. and through the years we worked together and talked you have taught me alot about being a better person in and out of work. You treated me as if I was your sister. I know Fred must still this day be in pain and I know you will watch him always.I will always think of you remember you and remember some of the values you have taught me. I have pics of all of us at Noonans smiling and laughing and that is how I will remember you. There will always be a place in my heart and you will always be in my prayers. You will not be forgotten by me. Thank You Beverly and I loved you as a mentor, Friend and Sister. Rest In Peace.
Stephanie (Brooklyn, NY )
Bev, it’s been a little over 2 1/2 yrs and the pain hasn’t gotten any easier for any of us. I can only thank our God Jehovah for the resurrection hope he has given us. and pray He will help me to be patient until His Kingdom government by Jesus is ruling over the earth and in his new world. allof you in the Memorial Tombs hear his voice and come out. I miss you so much and LOVE YOU even more. Your MOM
to fred if you need to talk call 212 803 6072
keep your head up brother
My sister Bev…we are coming up on the 3rd anniversary date of your death, 3 years without you and I still can’t believe it. This is unfathomable. I have accepted the death of family members before, but nothing like this…my sister is gone, I just can’t believe it. There was always the five of us and now I have to literally count on my fingers because, out of disbelief, it doesn’t make sense that it is less than five. You are always on my mind. Sometimes I can hear you in my own reactions. I used to call your voice mail number just to hear your voice and although I would say it under my breath, I wanted to say “Hi Bev,” out loud and wait for your response as it always was before. Sometimes I can’t listen at all because it was too real in this unreal scenario. I now have it recorded so that I can hear you say “…and make it a great day.” We sure laughed about that recording. I remember those really deep laughs we had like the time you tried on my black jumpsuit…that was the funniest thing – I’ll never forget it, or the time we crashed “Leon’s Party.” This is unbelievable! I have your suitcase filled with winter sweaters and I take it out every so often to smell you. I saved all of your hair strands from your sweater and laugh at the idea that you forgot to brush them off, which you would have thought was tacky! I look at your pictures and one in particular where Fred is singing to you and you are laughing shyly by Fred’s serenade, and just the way your toes are flexed, you can tell that you are happy.
It is only July and like clockwork, my heart feels heavy and I am depressed. I feel so sad right now as we approach your 3rd anniversary, knowing each time that the event of September 11 draws attention to the many victims, but even more-so to the mourners who were directly affected. If you only knew how much of an affect you had on people. You left an excellent impression!
My sister Bev…I love you always and miss you unbelievably still. It just doesn’t make sense that you’re not here.
Always, your sister, Deb
Please dont think that because I dont write that I have forgotten you. I just have no more words left to say.
I miss you so much.
BFF Forever
It is now December, 2004 and you have been on my mind…we would be visiting each other around this time of year.
If you only knew how the loss of you has affected your family’s life. A piece of us has truly died with you and we see and feel it constantly in our daily lives. I don’t know how to explain it…its like, prior to your being killed we all seemed to have a purpose and focus and life continued on as we went about our business – we were whole!
Now things are different…our focus is hazed over and nothing has clarity anymore, the family band has been broken. Your loss is an unhealing wound on our hearts, We’ve come to realize that we need you because you made our family whole. This emptiness will never subside. We will mourn the loss of you forever, my beautiful sister.
I love you,
your sister Deb
God bless you, Bev.
Dear Mrs. Curry,
I didn’t know you or your family but my heart goes out to all of you. Just reading these tributes makes me so sad. Your story touches me because you were born six days before my mother was & I lost her in Febuary of 2001. God has two beautiful angels in his presence.
A deeply moving and thought provoking poem from a dear friend of mine who held this to avoid upsetting anyone. Thank you soo much:
Memories Not Lost
Lines of darkness fall on the paths
Of stones now gone to reflections
And vapors of light dim the eyes
Held fixed on the edge of wings
Hearts are fast with songs to reach
Places that are now rustling currents
Over the paths filled with a light
That can only shine on the spaces
Memories traced in the folds
Of the minds that held the stones
Are linked to eternal currents
With souls of warmth and light
Heights lifted by word’s verse
Help catch the smile that now
Reflects the lasting light of turns
Holding hearts in memories not lost
You meant so very much to your sister and all those things are held by her. You didn’t leave a space or a void…you left love and memories and all those things that can never be taken. We never met but you have touched me….I hope that if my spirit is blessed…..I’ll see you one day and thank you. May your soul and spirit fly….to a happy place.
I don’t know if I truly belong on here, but I remember Beverly because my company provides service for Cantor-Fitzgerald and I used to work with her on a regular basis. She was such a sweet person and it was a pleasure to work with her. I never had the pleasure to meet her in person because I’m in Atlanta, but I’ll never forget her. I knew a few people that worked with her from working with them here at Sprint, and when it happened, Beverly was the first one I thought about. God bless.
My sister Bev..we still mourn for you although time has made things easier as well as the comfort provided by Jehovah’s word and the hope that we have in the new system of things under Jesus’ governmental rule. Although I have envied those now dead at times because you no longer have to endure this sick and crazy cut-throat world, I am looking so forward to the day of resurrection here on the earth to welcome back you and Ryan and Grandmom & Grandpop and all of my family who make it into the new system. With my news, it appears my envy may be over sooner than I think. I know this all sounds strange to outsiders, but we know the truth from the Bible and the promise made by Jehovah who does not lie. I am joyful and at peace with this and look forward to the day. I love you forever and always to my sister and my family…until we meet again!!! Love always, Deb
I have thought of you so many times over the past 6 years, so many times I want to sit down to write or call you, but I just cant muster the courage to do it. I guess that I am afraid that the saddness that I feel over the loss of Beverly just cant even begin to compare with your saddness and I dont want you to have to comfort me because I know that is what you would do, you are that kind of amazing man. But please know that not a day goes by that I dont think about Beverly or you and the way we were all robbed of such a wonderful woman. I miss her dearly.
With love,
Dear Fred, and Dear Brave Family of Beverly —
You do not know me, but I went to Jacksonville Sr High School with Beverly. I wanted to write and express my thoughts, condolences, and wishes for peace to all of you.
JHS had their 30 year high school reunion this past July (2008) and I wanted all of you to know that Beverly was memorialized along with the other classmates that have been lost over the years since we graduated. Please know that her beautiful high school photo was shown, and our hearts were broken, as yours have been, to think of the loss of such a life filled with possibility.
What I remember about Bev is her amazingly beautiful skin — and her glorious smile. And how SMART she was! We were not especially close, but in a school like JHS, it was sort of “everyone knows you” and everyone knew Bev, or knew of her.
I just cannot even begin to imagine your grief at losing her. I’ve watched all the coverage of the memorials today and even as I sat at my desk and others around me were working, I made sure I watched the names being read, and I listened for her name, and a tear came to my eye. I am so sorry for your loss. Such a senseless, ruthless act of cowardice occurred that day — I wonder if we will ever understand it.
Please just know you are in my thoughts as these memories and emotions all flood back to you. May God hold you close and give you peace. Your angel Beverly was one of the most beautiful, and somewhere she looks down on you and watches over you.
God bless you, Fred, and bless the entire family.
Jenny Sumner
Sept 11, 2008
Dear Fred, Deb, Michelle and Family,
Words can never express the memories of that day. Beverly had one of the sweetest dispositions with such grace and style. She was well beyond her years even in high school and she was loved by so many. I have had a picture of her and another girlfriend from our Class Reunion on my dresser since we took it in 1998, so I see her beautiful smile every day. May God continue to bring you comfort because I know she will be forever missed. God Bless all of you. Sincerely, Gabrielle “Gabby” Leonardz Harris — Durham, NC
10 years later….. Today I looked at your picture and thought of a angel. You are truely missed may you now Rest In Peace. Prayers and Peace to the family.
With the 10th anniversary of 9/11 drawing near, I began reading tributes and was touched by the comments on yours. You were obviously a beautiful person inside and out. Your family and husband miss you very much, and I pray they continue to find peace and strength. I was only 14 when this happened, and I’m sorry you were a victim. I know you are at peace in heaven.
August 2011
Yep…still missing YOU!
My sister Bev…you are still forever on our minds and forever in our hearts. We’re still missing you madly and waiting for that day when Jesus will give the commanding call for those in the memorial tombs to come out. And in that resurrection time we will reunite and never have to worry or fear or have death interrupt our lives ever again. Jehovah promised his followers an earthly paradise to look forward to and through his son, Jesus’ heavenly governmental rulership over this earth will give us our hearts desire…it WILL BE just so.
Imagine that day when we get to touch and hug and feel and see and touch and hug and feel and see and cry and cry and cry tears of exquisite joy and happiness at seeing our sister living and breathing and talking and laughing in a beautiful paradise earth the way it was supposed to be from the beginning!!! Yes, I’m holding out for the REAL life when I can see Bev and Ryan and Grandmom & Grandpop in that resurrection time period when earthly life really begins living and life as we know it now won’t even be brought to mind. WOW…what a day to look forward to, my sister!!!
Dear Bev,
We have never forgotten you. Praying that God will continue to bless and encourage your family, those whose hearts were most broken to have lost you.
Today it has been eleven years. It’s hard to believe that it seems like yesterday. America is stronger, but different. Families have sacrificed so much. You are still our inspiration and our reason to go on, never taking a single day for granted.
Jenny Sumner
Hi Bev, it has been awhile since my first entry on this Tribute board, about 12 years. I pulled it up this evening because Cantor Fitzgerald made donations to Hurricane Sandy victims here on Staten Island. And I thought way to go, that is an alright thing to do. Living on Staten Island continues to be an adventure. But with that being said things have changed in Port Richmond while you have been away. You would like the way Veterans Park looks. And P.S. 20 Elementary has so much life in it now, the kids and teachers do a Halloween Parade around the park and it is so much fun to see. I got the U.S. EPA here and they remediated Mariners Marsh Park and the Seduttos Ice Cream Factory site/Jewett White Lead Company. True enough Port Richmond still needs work, but you would like the work that has been done so far. All the while laughing and shaking your head at me. I think about Fred, Debbie and Tim at your place on the Terrace and us girls drinking cosmos. Macy’s always reminds me of the wedding dress that I helped you to pick out for when you and Fred renewed your vows. It was an awesome dress and you looked so beautiful in it. But mostly I think about how happy you were and the plans that you were making for the future. And New York remains a place of the bitter and the sweet. Much love always, Beryl
Well…It’s been years now since my last entry on your tribute; 12 years since you died. Do you know that every single year since; around the time when the kids start going back to school, I get this feeling that overcomes me. The days, around that time of the year (September), were bright. The air was crisp…the sky was clear. That time of the year repeats the very day that 9-11 happened. Last September I was in my usual funk and happen to be rushing off to work when I got in my car, looked at the clock and it was the very day (Tues), the very hour(8:45am)that the North Tower was hit by a terrorist flying a plane of innocent victims. I just burst into tears. If I could do myself a service and erase the images and memories etched in my mind, I would. But they are there until Jehovah sets my mind free of all negative things. You however, are at peace. You are not aware of your past sufferings. For this I am glad. I miss you and yearn to see you again soon.
Today in Florida my husband and I attended a 9/11 memorial. During the service they scrolled all the names of the people who perished that horrific day. Beverly’s name stood out to me because Curry is my maiden name and I felt a kinship with Beverly immediately. When I looked her up on line I found this Cantor Fitzgerald site which is lovely. I read all the tributes and she seemed like such an intelligent and hard working woman. She was certainly beautiful too, and from what I’ve read beautiful on the inside as well. I got a kick that someone addressed her as B, so that makes her B Curry , which is how I was known growing up I’m interested in donating to her scholarship at CSI as well and will connect with staff soon. Fred just know that people are praying for you and we have not forgotten the anguish you’ve endured.
Take care and be strong
Marie Curry Coyle