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Thomas Dowd Date of Birth: April 17, 1964 Position: Vice President, Government Bond Trader To My Husband and our father: Babe, remember how we use to laugh about life being so weird? Two kids sitting next to each other in the 8th grade, totally infatuated with each other; not realizing that someday they would end up making a home and a family together? How at the age of 20 they decided to get married and thought they knew it all? How everyone told them it could never work? How they lasted 22 years together and loved each other more and more every day? Today I sit here and think about our life together and realize how much I cherish the short time we had. We learned to make each other laugh, we learned how to depend on each other, we learned to support each other’s decisions, and most important we learned to be a family. It was not always easy but we never gave up. During the past 3 months I have gotten through each day thinking of and enjoying all of our memories. You are gone from us today but you leave behind the best part of you: Heather, Thomas, and Brittany. I look at them every day and see you, Heather looking exactly like you, Thomas having that laid back attitude, and Brittany having that dry sense of humor. As I have been trying to get through the loss of your smirkish smile, the touch of you, and that morning phone call asking me “Did I tell you today how much I love you”; I hear your voice through the kids saying to me, “Mom, can you change how things are? “No”, “then no sense in crying about it, let’s make the best of the situation.” With these words I realize you are and will always be with us….! In the short time we had together we were able to create 3 wonderful children that I promise you, I will always remind them of how wonderful their father was. “Did I tell you today how much I love you?” With all my love,
Tommy worked side by side with my husband Joe for a long time. They not only made a great working team but built a great friendship. They made each other laugh each and every day. When Joe went to work on the eSpeed desk (which was only a few doors away) he would still go to see Tommy every morning to start his day. I miss them both so much, but I know they are watching over us and will give us the strength to laugh again someday 🙂
Tommy was a great guy. He loved to go out, have laughs and talk sports. I remember our countless battles on the basketball court during the Cantor 3 on 3 tournaments. We had many conversations over a few beers and I will miss that the most. He was an easy-going guy who loved his family very much.
Tommy, you will be missed but never forgotten.
Tommy was a great guy. Always upbeat, funny, considerate, and jovial. He was the kind of guy you could laugh with at anytime.
He was laid back at times but always quick to do his job or help somebody else out. He loved sports and was always up for a funny story, a good game, or a lighthearted bet.
I hope his kids know what a proud man he was. He was proud of his background, proud of his family, and was his own man. He knew he was moving along in a way that would be best for his family; even during some rough and tumble years on Wall St.
Why else would anybody put in those stressful hours, and demanding days and nights; if not for to provide a better life financially for their family. Tommy was a perfect example of that. He could have done many other things, and made a living; but he stuck it out year after year in the trading pits of Wall St. so he could provide even more for his family.
He was nobody’s fool, and Cantor was damn lucky to have a man like Tommy Dowd on their payroll all those years. They owe him a heck of a lot more than he ever owed them. May he rest in peace, and his children know that he was a man’s man. We should have more like him in this world, not less.
I didn’t know Tommy that well, but I knew him for many years. What I did know of him was that he was a very sweet and kind and funny person. My prayers go out to his family and I’m sure he still has that smile on his face that I always saw working at Cantor. God bless Tommy , you’re in good company.
Tommy and I worked side by side for many years. He was the most fun loving person I have ever known, a time with Tommy was never boring. He would make you laugh until you cried. The pranks he played on me were endless, I will never forget the time when I got to work on a Monday morning and noticed that the area around my desk stunk. I later found out that Tommy had put grated cheese in the mouthpiece of my phone from the Friday before’s lunch. We laughed so hard. Tommy’s love for the Yankees (and Budweiser) were amazing, I will always remember him for taking me to my first Yankee game, because of him I have been a crazy fan. Tommy and Vinny were my Best Friends at work. A year ago I made the decision to work for eSpeed, it was a touchy choice since it meant moving away from “The Boys”. I didn’t see them everyday but they would call to say “Good Morning” or just to “Break Chops”. Working here will never be the same, I will miss the phone calls and their faces forever.
Tommy would give me advice on personal and job related issues, he was always there to lend an ear and great to talk to. He would say “Hel, life is too short you must live”. My friend I will try and live the best life that I could. Your spirit will always stay alive. I will never forget the memories and the fun loving guy I once knew. REST IN PEACE, ANGEL IN THE SKY. My thoughts and prayers are with the Dowd family. Love your forever friend Helen
Where to begin? I remember Friday night, April 17, 1964, as if it were yesterday. I was proud then and will always be proud to be your brother. I can still picture you walking down the street with dad, you 3 feet tall and him 6’4 holding your hand. How you used to jump from your crib onto Gerard and me waking us up. You were the best man at my wedding. You were a city championship basketball player. I will always remember your smile, which never seemed to leave you, even at the worst of times. You continued to make me proud, when you married Kerri Ann and together you had Heather, Thomas and Brittany. You, Heather, TJ, Gerard, Daron and I going to the Yankee/Met game and the 6 of us going to Fenway Park later that year. I will miss our lunches, where we talked about our children and how much we worried about them growing up today. I remember how much you loved Kerri Ann, Heather, Thomas and Brittany. I remember the calls back and forth, when one of us was stuck on a sports question. I will miss our St Patrick’s day celebrations and the nights we met for beers to catch up with what was going on in each other’s lives. With you gone, who is going to tell me I will have to deal with it and move on with life? While I will have a big hole in my heart, I at least have Kerri, Heather, Thomas and Brittany, to remind me of you and your wonderful life.
Rest in Peace Tommy, I love you and I will never let the world forget.
I can still remember your sense of humor in the short room. Always a smile, I am lucky to have known you and your family. You will always be in my prayers.
I don’t know where to begin. These past few months have been very difficult for our family, all trying to cope with you not being with us. I remember when we first met, I was 7 and you were 8. We played little league; you had a red, white, and blue glove. Our friendship grew as we attended Good Shepherd and Tolentine together. I remember the times hanging out in Inwood Park, whether it was bothering the girls, store owners, or throwing snowballs, we always laughed and had fun!! As we grew older you married my sister, and as I have said before, we officially became family. We had a unique relationship and I cherish all of the memories we shared together. I just wish we had the chance to share more. Tom, I last played golf with you in July; remember I almost broke 100 for the first time? You were rooting for me and I blew it. You told me I’ll “get it, don’t worry”. Golf, my brother, will never be the same for me anymore but when I do play again, it will be in honor of you, and I will break that 100 someday! I think of you and pray for your soul everyday, and I miss your emails, your joking voicemails, the ball games we went to, the steak dinners at the PALM , and the friendship we shared. As I said in your eulogy, “For you are my brother, not by blood, but by Choice.”
Love always and forever, your Brother-In-Law
Kevin Cregan
What remains vivid in my mind are the softball games you came to when I was dating your sister Mary…you were only 7 at the time and you had fun and great times watching all of us play.
There are many things that stir my memory but none will ever replace your easy going nature and how you made people around you feel comfortable.
This is one trait that no one will ever take away, regardless of where you are.
Tommy, we will miss you but your smile, laughter and kidding around will never be forgotten. We will always have you in our hearts and minds and in time all of us will share the same.
Tommy, we’ve known each other since our grammar school days at Good Shepherd. Even though I’m a little older we still became friends and hung around in the same crowd. I’ll always treasure the great times we had in Inwood Park, ISPY and any other time I got to just sit and talk with you. I can still hear you call me FiFi, you and Frankie always loved to call me that. Unfortunately, we grew up and went our separate ways, but whenever I saw you, you gave me a big hug & asked “how are you doing?” You especially made sure to ask how myself and my family were doing after I lost my brother, whom also considered you a friend. For that I will always be grateful. Now I know you are in Heaven with all of our friends because you have a heart made of gold. I’m very lucky to have met and been your friend, even if it was for such a short time. You will be missed by all!
We grew up together in Inwood and had some great times together. In my fondest memories of my youth, “Howdy” Dowd features in a major role. I was proud to serve in your wedding party when you married KerriAnn, and I remember well when Heather was born. I don’t think I ever let you know how proud I was to be your friend. Even though we haven’t seen enough of each other for years, I have always considered you one of my lifelong friends . My life is so much better for having known you, and so much emptier without you.
There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t think about you. There are so many things that I miss about you. I feel like a whole part of me is gone. I miss hearing the music you always made me listen to: 101.5 FM. There was this one time when you took me to the World Series and the Yankees were losing and you were getting really mad and angry and then they ended up winning. I remember your face when they won. You were so happy. I remember the hard talks we had about school and we would both end up crying and you would always say, “You didn’t see me cry.” I guess that’s the trait I got from you. I remember over the summer we went to the O’Connors’ pool party and I remember you being so funny my stomach hurt. It is so hard to talk about you. When people bring you up I don’t want to talk about it. But it’s not because of you, it’s because it hurts to deal with it. When I talk about you my eyes fill with tears but my heart smiles. The last memory of I have of you is you walking out of the door on that morning on September 11th but I never thought it would be forever. Many people say you were gone too early but I know the reason you’re gone; it’s because they needed a great guy like you up there. It just takes time to get used to. I’ll never forget our memories but life goes on. I WILL MAKE YOU PROUD I PROMISE YOU THAT.
Until we meet again, I love you!
Our lives have been forever changed since September 11, 2001. The hours searching for Tommy, turning into days, and then having to realize he was taken from us. As I sat daily with Kerri, I watched a parade of people pass through her home. Friends of a lifetime to those who only knew him for a short time. Hearing stories of the old days, seeing his lifelong buddies drawn to tears. Tommy was loved by everyone who knew him. He loved his family and lived everyday to its fullest. His laughter, sense of humor and wisdom live on in Heather, Thomas and Brittany. Kerri, you had the love of a lifetime. I know Tommy is watching over all of you with great pride. We agonize over our loss of such a great man, but know that heaven has a new angel. I love you all.
I needed to talk to you today!! I met someone down here from NY that attended High School at Power Memorial. I proceeded to talk his ear off about how you played an integral part of the winning city championships at Tolentine your Junior year. I told him how angry I was that you didn’t start but came off of the bench to shut down there “star” point guard and leading scorer. I remember bragging about you on the way home on the # 12 bus to Inwood!! I was so proud of you that night and was always on your side, but nothing compares to how proud I was to be your “boy”. We talked a lot Brow, and I will keep my promise we made in the golf course in July!!!
I love you,
Uncle Tommy-
Were do I begin? Words could never express the love and respect that I have for you. You were always there for me no matter what it was, without judgement. I could live a thousand life times and would never meet a man that could make me laugh the way you could. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think of you, and how it makes me smile. I wish I could talk to you just one more time, there would be so much more that I would say…. The pain in my heart is tremendous and could never be put into words. I have a very special day coming up next year Uncle Tommy, and I would give ANYTHING in this world to have you there. Until we meet again, I love you with all my heart and I miss you even more! Your niece Michele Ann
Tommy, we miss you so very much, we miss your handsome smile and your easy-going style. You brought such joy to our family. We thank God for you and for the time we had with you, although it was way too short. We were very proud of our little brother and we cherish more than ever Kerri and Heather, Thomas and Brittany. They are our link to you. How very lucky Dad is to have you one on one. You are in our thoughts and prayers everyday. We love you dearly and we will keep your memory alive forever.
Love and Prayers Always,
Dear Tommy,
I have been thinking about you so much. What keeps coming to mind is that you are the baby. I almost thought of you as my younger brother. Now, I think about the fact that you are a husband and father. Still, some of you just never goes past baby brother in my eyes. I believe that is because you accepted it contentedly, you are such a warm, loving guy. I also remember a sense of pride you had with Kerri, Heather, Thomas, and Brittany, it was just a subtle idea that I know you felt strongly.
I grew up with “Tommy stories” from Grandma and everyone, I have even told a few. So, what will be with me forever is how much you are loved, by us all, and how much you loved back.I thank God that you were here on earth. You stay in our hearts, in Kerri, Heather, Thomas, and Brittany, and of course in the stories.
All my Love,
To the Dowd family & all those who loved him,
My brother Joseph John Hasson III, aka three-fingered Joe, perished alongside Tommy Dowd. They worked together & were friends. I find some comfort knowing that they were together in the end. Together they were brave, together they stood strong, together they remain forever. I believe all those who perished were special, chosen, for what I have no clue. I’m just lucky to have known a slice of heaven as you have. May the loving memories you share bring you peace, love & joy always. My heart & prayers are with you for eternity.
Lot’s of Love,
Victoria Zanotto/Vicki Hasson-Joe’s little sister
Tommy, Before we actually became the great friends that we did, I could always tell that you wanted to be friends. I would drive into Smith Clove Park and see all you guys drinking with your BLUE cups in the parking lot and you’d see us walking up and I noticed that you would step away from everyone so that you would be in direct sight to say “hi”. Well Tommy, over 5 years later and you are on the top of the my list of “friends”. When you started to become inseperatable friends with Kevin I was so happy, you were the ONLY friend of Kevins that I did not make a face or dread when you walked into our home. Our home was so comfortable for you I don’t believe you ever used the doorbell, just open the door and shout “YO” and then make way up to the “apartment” has you called it.
Kevin and I are so thankful that we spent the last weekend with you playing Scrabble..you beat me twice that night. WE have great memories of you that are foreve in our minds and hearts. Thank you Tommy Dowd for a great Friendship !!
Uncle Tommy,
I was cleaning out a box the other day and I found something that made me laugh. When I burnt my hand at work one night on the coffee machine and I came home and needed a bandage for it. You went to the store and bought me all this stuff, the cream, a gel bandage so it wouldn’t stick to the burn,2 rolls of tape, gauze and some weird sticky stuff! I laughed because I still remember your face when you came in the door, you had your usual smirk, and you said “your aunt said your a wimp, but I didn’t know what to get you, so I got you everything they had.” I can’t bring myself to throw that silly stuff away, maybe because it brings back good memories of how funny you were. Your sense of humor was definately unique and I know we all would do anything to hear that laugh of yours. I love you always and I feel lucky having you up there on my side!
Love always, Mich.
Tommy, it is so hard to believe that 5 months have passed since that horrible day! The pain is still so difficult to bear, but it is the wonderful memories we have that make it possible for us to go on.
You brought such joy and laughter to everyone who knew you. You always knew that if you ever needed anything you just had to call you sister (meaning any one of us) and we would do anything we could for you, and we always knew that if we needed you for anything, you would always be there for us. We treasure every one of the 37 years we had with you and know that you and Dad are together in God’s loving care.
We are truly grateful to have Kerri, Heather Thomas and Brittany. Spending time with them is like having a little bit of you still with us. We will continue to due our best to honor your memory and hope we make you as proud of us as we always were and continue to be of you. You were the best little brother we could have ever had.
I remember the day you started at RMJ–chipped tooth, polyester suit, Capezios, 19–myself and Scotty Moore looked at each other like, “what’s up with this guy?” Not that either one of us were any better. A couple days later we go out for beers, end up at Spanky’s playing pool and out of nowhere I gave you a wake up shot in the chest, you looked at me like, “OH MAN THIS GUY IS WHACKED”. I wasn’t and we ended up friends. As you know, living in Battery Park City, I walk by you every day, salute you, and think about you every day. I think about the fun we had at RMJ with Flatty, Kerrsy, Jaimey, Brian, etc..playing ball at the DAC, playing summer league in Bay Ridge, going to Yankee, Giant, Kicks, Rangers games, getting involved with the NCAA poll, going rafting upstate, meeting Vin, Marty, Wizzy, Scratchy, Raymond.
Hey to your father, Gerard, Kerrianne, etc, etc, etc…..CURLY
We had a lot of memories together-Island Beach-sitting under that umbrella with the Gilligans Yankee hat; midnight prime-rib sandwiches; BOC wrestling; where’s Dick B.?; memorizing Ebby’s menu; Happy Hour at Bum Rogers; Johnny H singing; The Yankee-Met game in 95 degrees; the train rides; stopping at the Table & Daddy Mac’s; softball games. The time you called up to make sure there were no bad feelings between the families when Thomas & Christina broke up – that showed what a great person you were to call and make sure all was OK. It seems every time I tell a story your name always seems to pop up and it brings a smile to someone’s face. You will always be in my heart and I know you’re up there watching over us. Love you bro!!
Tommy- What can I say about you? Except that you were a great father to your children and a wonderful husband to Kerri. I remember the days when me and Tom were going out and you would take us places and were always asking to make sure that everything was ok between us. The days at the shore were always awesome. You were always cracking jokes and making everyone else laugh. I still picture you sitting on the beach with the beer in your hand along with my dad. All the memories that I have of you will never leave my heart and neither will you. I don’t know what I would do if I had never met such a wonderful family that you have. Kerri, is like a mom to me; Heather, is like my older sister; Thomas and Brittany are like my family. And you stood as another father to me. You are my guardian angel in heaven and I will miss you.
Love Always- Christina
What can I say? Kevy’s “Home for Wayward Men” will never be the same without you. We just get to see more of Johnny H. now. So many good times, too many to mention. Thanks for inviting us to Lake George what a blast that was. We’ve met so many other friends here in Monroe thanks to you. We always share great Tommy Dowd stories when we’re hanging out. You would have been very proud of Terence’s first year at flag football. A couple of touchdown’s and he had to be the fastest on the team. Well Tom, the Inwood Section of Heaven must be quite special with all you guys up there. Watch over us down here until we meet again, as you can be assured we’ll always watch over Babe, Heather, TJ & Brittany.
Tommy “guy”, I cannot relate in words how I have felt in the past 6 months. I miss you terribly!! Never in my life have I had such a close friendship with a SUPER person and wonderful father and husband. Believe it or not, I still talk to you on a daily basis. I look at the blue chair in the loft and tell you how horrible our Slow break team did this year! It just wasn’t the same without you. I really enjoyed the last couple of years as we grew closer. Our trips to Calahans, Dondees, Bones, Table, Kinchleys and Daddy Macs were always enjoyable and filled with lots of laughs. Our last two vacations together at Lake George and Saratoga were a blast, too. Remember when our bankroll was down to $2.00 and we got it back up to $400.00…or dancing with the “sweet boy”! I recall how you wanted our wives to become closer…and they have…our Scrabble games. I remember playing hard against you in our pickup games, even arguing at times, but as soon as the game ended, you left it on the court. We even had our differences coaching(CYO/AAU) together, but you were usually right and I learned from you. I remember the time we played TJ and KJ in my driveway and they almost won !! I miss our daily phone calls and EMAILS. I miss busting your chops and the nicknames(T, TD, Guy, Fat Boy, and most of all-Rubbernuts).
I miss you !!!
“That’s Right Guy “!
See ya…and I love ya!! Love, Kevin
It has been 6 months since this horrible tragedy, It is still so hard to accept that you and all of our co-workers/friends are not around. I always thought about how hard it would have been to say goodbye to all of you once management shut the desk down. How I wish he would have done this sooner. I know everyone was working there still to provide better lives for their families. “Our Cantor Family has been broken but your spirits will live on forever”. I want you to know that you are always in my thoughts and prayers.
“Happy St. Patricks Day”,
I know you will be having quite a few Budweisers in Heaven.
Love Helen
Tom I sit here reading your tributes and first I cry then I laugh, I cry, I laugh all of the things the people you met had to say is the guy I know. We have lots of stories-many I won’t write-I feel you with me-but my wife is crying at the squiggy name-she never heard that one so although you are gone-another one of your cuts has just been created only this time-its in my house hahahaha! Where do I begin-how about this, who the heck were you hanging out with that you would win a scrabble game! Things have changed you were always invited to play cards so WE can win hahahaha we go back far, but how about the time Heather was born and you wanted to kick my ass because we had no flowers for Kerri, so I was gonna steal them from a lady sleeping in the next room or the time you cried when I fell down the stairs on the boat-ripping me like your supposed to-then 5 mins later you went down in the same place. Funny thing was you didn’t remember you went down-a year later! Still sticking to your story? I have the shirt Joe gave us because we didn’t show up to a boat trip the same year and as long as I can fit in it I will wear it in the honor of both you and Joe. My friend-I’m laughing and crying again hugs and kisses to a great guy and friend tommy/fungus/sqiggy/s**thead/a**h*** I’m feeling you again so I will stop there. Peace my friend.
Hey Tom/Browser..you know, you and Joey had a lot to say to me “My Condolences, and Peg you are not drinking enough to be with “Tom”, WELL, I can’t drink enough!! So be it!! Browz, I learned “Squiggy” tonight..what the hell is that?? Okay I know now. All I can say is you know why I drink, can’t get enough!!! YOU, came into my face and all you said when you knew who I was with “Let me buy you a few drinks” Then talk to me!! Well, to many later, and I’m still with HIM/FUNGUS AKA: Squiggy!! HAHA..Tommy, I must say, I adore Kerri, we had a good time in the bathroom (right Kerri) You, from all I know, were awesome. I wish I knew you the way others did HOWEVER..I should have taken the warning..My Bad!! I’m still with him…However..you touched my life momentarily and I have to say it will be a moment I will never forget..You had that smile..onee I shall never forget, though the warning was heard from you and Joe (look down upon us PLEEZZZZ ha ha)..Rest in peace..and remember, one day FUNGUS will join you (oh man what a party ha ha).. Kerri..we will hound you!!! HA HA..Lunch on me )wink> Tommy..all my lov, thanks for the warning..)tee hee> Till we meet again………….
I first met Tommy through my brother Kevin sometime back in the mid-to-late 1990’s at Orangetown Slo-Break basketball. In the years that followed I found Tommy to be a good athlete and an all around great guy. I will never forget the turnout at Smith Clove Park for Tommy’s flashlight vigil. The sheer number of people who showed was astounding and a true testament to all the lives that Tommy touched.
I cannot believe it has been almost 7 months since that horrific day. I still remember that helpless feeling I had that day as I stood watching the fire just 5 blocks away, yet I was unable to help you. When I spoke with you that morning, it gave us all hope, since you had to leave, because they were evacuating you. We searched for 4 days, before we gave up hope of finding you in a hospital. I was over visiting the family platform last week, when they recovered 2 people. While I hope and pray, they find you, I came to the realization that somewhere deep within me I was hoping you were still alive. Because the 2 people found were firemen and I was so relieved, if it had been civilians, it might have been you, then you would definitely be gone. While Gerard, Kevin, Tony and I can never replace you, we will all try to be there for Kerri and kids, whenever they need us. I know we all have an angel looking over us now and Dad has someone to discuss the merits of the Mets over the Yankees. Tommy I am sorry for not getting you out of the building. Rest in Peace Tommy I love you and you will never die in my heart.
We had such good times at Cantor for many years and Tommy was a part of all of them. There were several times when Tommy’s children came up to the office to visit. One time in particular I remember commenting to Tommy how well behaved they were. He was beaming. He took so much pride in his children and his love and devotion to them showed in everything he said and did. I will miss him because he was such a good friend to me for many years. I know that his children will grow up knowing what a joy they were to him.
Tommy…Kevin is at the opening game of the Yankees right now and just called that he caught the first foul ball of the season…he was so excited he’s been going to Yankee games all his life…and never came close to any catches…well, Tommy…I am sure that you had everything to do with that catch for him…thanks for the sign that you’re “Okay” he needed that.
Dear Tommy:
I am not sure they celebrate birthdays in heaven, but we will be celebrating your birthday today. I cannot begin to tell you how much I miss you. There are days I cannot breathe, and then there are others I can feel you push me to go on. I want you to know how much I love you. There is not a day that goes by I don’t wish you were here with me.
We love you so much and Happy Birthday…
Love Kerriann
Today is your birthday and yes it is very special because you were born on this day. However it is a sad day for all of us because we don’t have the opportunity to wish you a “Happy Birthday” in person. Tom, every day since September 11th has been a sad day! I think of you every day and I pray for your soul. I hope you hear me when I ask God to tell you hello from me. I celebrated your birthday today by attending mass, my preference was to sit with you and have a few beers and some laughs!I think back about the events that took place and I find myself searching for an answer as to WHY? Why were you taken from us? Why didn’t Raymond, Gerard, Tony, and I take you home with us during those four horrible days of looking and hoping? We all had so much more to do, so much time left for all of us to spend with you. The pain and the sorrow will never leave us, you will always be in our hearts and prayers. Memories of our past will be held until we meet again and laugh about them like we used to do. I see your wife and three children and I see YOU, I see how much you touched their lives and how you have given them the strength to move on with just your memories and unique characteristics! You have done so much good for people that you weren’t even aware, you were just being YOU! So today is a very special day and I say Happy Birthday to a very special person!!!
I want you to know that not a day goes by that I don’t think of you, Kerriann and the kids. I still can’t believe that you are not here. It seems like yesterday that we were singing Marilyn Monroe’s rendition of ‘happy birthday’ to you on your answering machine. I will always remember the laughter! Good for the soul. I came across a picture of you and me at my wedding laughing like two school kids. Whether it’s someone tripping and looking back like there was a hole in the floor, or someone wearing there clothes without taking the tags off,or someone tucking their skirt into their pantyhose and walking out of the bathroom, we would be crying laughing! Because you know that things like that always happen in front of people like us. I’m really going to miss that! You were a special person Tommy! You are missed terribly by so many people. So many lives that you touched ! I always thought it was cool that we shared a birthday! What I wouldn’t give to share one more birthday………one more laugh!! Happy Birthday my friend!!
Love PJ a.k.a ” the younger one”
Uncle Tommy,
I wanted to say “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!”.
I love and miss you and not a day goes by that I don’t think of you and say a prayer…
You are SEVERELY missed….
Dear Tommy,
“Happy Birthday” It is still so hard to believe that you are no longer with us. There is not a day that goes by that we don’t think of you. I see a part of you in each of the kids. Ryan says
“Let’s go Mets”
We Love you and miss you
Kathy, Jimmy, Ryan & Kevin
Kathy,Jimmy, Ryan & Kevin
I don’t even know what to say. I thought I had seen the worst and there was only better things to help us in the future, but now, I am hoping that it won’t get any more hurtful then it is now. At first it was too strong of a shock. You couldn’t have been gone. At times like this especially, months later, reality faces us and we are all forced to accept this tragedy. Sadness is not the only thing that is over us, but pain. We all miss you so much and still cannot believe we are living in this time of war. I look at Kerri, Heather, Thomas and Britt, those four souls carry on your own and we see you inside of them, on their faces, and touching their hearts every day. Thoughts of you bring smiles. You touched so many, and for that favor, your spirit is still as stong as it was before that horrible morning of September 11th. Those people, for the rest of their own lives, will never forget you. Every person who had the plesure of knowing you and the honor of being your friend will take that part of you that they treasure, and hold it forever. I know myself, that the way you touched me was so strong. I take the happiness and wisdom you gave me, just from being your friend, and make sure it’s in my mind wherever I go. In times of need, I let that part go free and I have the courage to smile, even if things aren’t so good. Tommy, you never will be forgotten. I know you’re smiling in heaven. You are an angel that I will always pray to. I am so greatful I was able to know someone like you. Thank you for everything-from the bottom of my heart.
Well I don’t really know where to start. Before your funeral today every day when I thought of you it was always thoughts of anger and sadness. How is it possible something so awful can happen to someone so good? But today at your mass Kerri Ann said something that has stuck with me all day.
I shouldn’t remember you for how you died, where you died or the day you died, I should remember you for you. That was something I couldn’t do before today but hearing that from someone who should have so much anger made me realize how foolish it is to feel that way. You were a great guy and I will always think of you as that, no matter how hard it is to get past the anger and grief.
Anyway, hope you and Pop are having a good time up there. Hopefully we’ll all meet again. Chris
The words of Kerri Ann. who addressed the crowd of over 400 , at your funeral mass were a touching tribute to her husband, in part she said ” I shouldn’t remember you for how you died, where you died or the day you died, I should remember you for you “. Those words were from a strong lady who chooses not to feel anger but were words that touched many people in a way that she probably never imagined they would.
Tommy you were a very popular man in your community and had many friends. Your commitment to youth sports over the years left impressions with many people of your caring, considerate ways and your ability to communicate to the kids. Along with that your sense of humor on and off the fields of play brought you many close friends in the community.
In the eyes of your family and friends you are our hero… no one can take that away from your family or friends…. each and every day we think of you and we will miss you terribly.… family events will not be the same but you will be there…we will feel you….we will reach for you in our own way and we will never forget you.
From all of the family members we share the sorrow of the lives that were lost on that horrible day. Not one person was a victim on that day…. they were all heroes. We sincerely hope that all the families who are still searching for their loved ones can bring them home and fill the emptiness they may feel and let them all rest in peace. Our heroe is home and resting…. At least till we all meet again, then we will pick up where we left off and start all over again.
I miss you so much…I pray every night you will come home…this was not suppose to happen to us. Everyone keeps telling me there is a reason for everything…but what! I just need you…
Love Kerriann
Well believe it or not, I now live in Monroe. Becky and I moved up August 24. Stephanie decided to spread her wings and stayed in Long Island. We miss her but she is 22 and ready to try it on her own.
We live off Lakes Road behind Bocci’s, so we are not far from Kerri and the kids. I just wish you were still here, with us. Kerri mentioned, how much you would have enjoyed, giving the movers orders as you sat on the porch, with a Bud in your hand.
I know I cannot replace you but I will do the best I can, whenever Kerri and kids need me.
I cannot tell you how much we all miss you.
Love Raymond
Oh, Tommy, it was just so sudden! Being home in my apartment on a beautiful, summer afternoon, but so horrid at the same time. I remember talking to Grandma, and she was saying, “Tommy worked in Tower 1.” I said, “Good one, Grandma.” But now I know she wasn’t joking. Even though it’s almost a year later, I still think about you often. Even though I never really saw you all that much, you were still my uncle, being in my heart. And now, I see a picture of you in my mind every day. It will never fade away.
You could not ask for a more beautiful morning, until 8:48. And now, you will never leave my heart.
I will love you always,
Stephen Dowd, Nephew
10:27 am
That date and time changed our family and lives forever! That day a peice of our hearts were taken from us and no matter what happens, we will never be able to get that back. That horrible day will FOREVER be etched into my mind- the fear that you were gone was too much to think of. aai remember watching thousands of people running from the buildings and praying you were one of them, and thinking what Aunt Ta and the kids would do without you.
You were and are a wonderful father, husband, son, friend, brother, brother-in-law, and uncle. You touched everyone you met in some way- we all take a peice of you with us as days go by without you!
You would be so proud Aunt Kerri (Ta), Heather, Tommy, and Brittany- they are staying so strong, the way you would want them to.
I will ALWAYS keep your memory alive and you will always be missed and forever be apart of me and those who loved you. Rest in peace until we meet again, you were a wonderful uncle!
I love an miss you, your neice
Tommy, we speak your name so often, every single day. There are so many Tommy Dowd moments, a black Jetta or a white Expedition may pass us by and we could “cry” or “smile” at that time. A song on the radio would remind us of you,and again, we could “cry” or “smile” at that time. We have pictures of you in our home, which will remain honoring you for the rest of our lives. WE have a video that is dedicated to you with so many laughs and tears when we watch it.
We had so many good times together.. you always made us laugh..We know you are with us ….(Kevin actually helps around the house now) WE KNOW you are with us !! Kerri and the kids are remarkable, amazing people … I know you are proud of them. All of our love….”Forever Missed” !!
Dear Tommy,Well today is 1 yr.it feels like it was just yesterday..I want to let you know that not a day goes by that I don’t think about you..You are in my heart & my prayers & I will always keey you ther for the rest of my life..I wish everday for you to still be here just so I could talk to you but I will never forget the memories I have with you..I know you will be here with me through the hare times I will face..You are my idol&my angel.I LOVE YOU & MISS YOU!!!
Dear Tommy D,
Where did a year go? It feels like I just met you six years ago in your house. It was the first time meeting you, and your father was in and out of the hospital. I did not think it was the right time to have people over, but you said it did not matter. I was still calling you Mr. Dowd. That lasted long!!By Sunday dinner that week you were TOMMY D!! And we then went on vacations together, who could forget camping in the rain,Dorney Park, the beach, basketball tourneys in other states, , remember our conversation on what bugs do when they land? We all still laugh about that. You were a father to me. You were always throwing the gang down into the bsaement because we were too loud, but you love every minute of it!I hurt everytime I watch the news and see that date, or hear people say so much about the “Heroes”, but I correct them and say you were a hero to so many in such a short time. I, until we all went to the memorial service for the year anniversary thought that it was all a bad dream. How could this happen, and why to you? I realized that I would only see you in my heart and memory, but I was selfish and wrong. I see you in three beatiful children that love you very much. Heather, my best friend, a sister, has the same facial expressions and stubborness when it comes to emotions. T.J. is almost as tall as you, and Britty is the craziest girl. When everything first happened, I lived at your house. And it was hard not to hear you come in the door, or not to get up on Sundays, play basketball, and bring home sandwiches. It showed how much you were involved in our everyday lives. But for the time you were around, it was the best time of my life. I love you, miss you and think about you all of the time. You were my father when I was not at home and I will cherish everything you have done for me-concerts and baseball games or everything that you have taught me-basically everything happens for a reason. I will cherish all of these times we had together, and make sure to tell anyone who never knew you how great of a guy you were to your family, friends and “adopted daughter”
Love you, miss you, and remembering all of the great times, Missy Blackwell
P.S remember that first Sunday dinner, whatever Heather said I would never think that of you!
You are missed by so many, and your spirit still lives in all those you have touched. I think about you every day and can’t help to get upset, then think of the kind of person you were and I smile through a tear and try to go on with my day. I smile because I remember yours, and I remember how often it was on your face, every time I saw you I think. Your memory still lives with so many, and we are comforted knowing we have someone up their on our side. Until we meet again….
Love Andrea
I had a dream last night you came home…It was so real! I got up this morning looking around and hoping I would see your smiling face…Unfortunately, reality set in. I miss you so much. I try so hard not to forget every inch of you…every moment we had…I feel like you are getting further away from me and then I dream of you and it all comes back..
Did I tell you today?
I will never forget you Tom. I pray for you in my Rosary everyday. I was fortunate to sit and work with you for the first 6 years of your career. You were really a mess (as I was) Between Curly, Brian, Gary, Tom Catal,BK,Box,Flatty,Ed Moor and TC it would have been impossible to have more fun. The fresh hot mustard story, the Hello Larry Devita story, your daughter Heather throwing all the stuff out of the window in Inwood and then sending Pizza’s to everybody in town later on.The raft trips and football games… Just everyday at RMJ when we all slept on the floor or in a closet or even with our hand in a bowl of water.I consider myself very fortunate for the times we shared.To your whole family and Kerianne, God Bless you all.
For the first 10 years of my life I had you and they were the best years of my life. I will never forget you. The morning of September 11th I was so happy that I called you at work to tell you I loved you before I went to school. I still wish I could have said goodbye to you in person because I would just love to have given you a BIG hug. That afternoon I came home and I asked Mom if you were ok and she said “Dont worry he will be here tonight” but you did not come home. I am so happy that I still have Mom, Heather and Tom. Whenever I look at pictures of you I just can’t help not to cry. I miss you so much, but I know that you are always watching over us. Remember when I use to drive you crazy because I always wanted to play man or woman in the car becuase I would have nothing to do and you always made me listen to the Rolling Stones and the Allman Brothers. And you always use to pat the wheel in the car when I use to sing to you YOU CANT ALWAYS GET WHAT YOU WANT and Hey daddy baby I got your money don’t you worry I said hey!! And we always wanted to move right next door to the O’Connnor’s, but now I wish you were here with us when we got our wish. Here’s a song that when ever I listen to it it makes me think of my dad.
My love I regret the day you went away
I was too young to understand my love But now I understand my mistakes
Where, where are you now?
Now that I’m ready to Ready to love you the way you loved me then
Where are you now? Do you still think of me?
Or does your heart belong to someone else’s
Love, Oh my love Wonder sometimes were you just a dream I sit in the dark
Wondering if our paths Will ever cross again Oh lord I need to know I sit and wonder
Could it be that two people were meant to be
In my dreams that’s what I feel
Or could it be that I’ll never see you again
My love that was so true
Still I sit here waiting all alone
Brittany daughter
I am sitting here on New Year’s Eve remembering all the years past. We use to laugh and say “one day the kids would all be out and you and I would be old and at home. I am home tonight watching videos of you and laughing and the kids are out doing their thing…They are all having a great time but called to tell me how much they missed you and how they wished we were all together. I know you would be proud of them…They are all so strong and have managed to keep their sense of humor. They talk about you often and have finally found humor in your ways, as I did.
We will always love you and keep you close.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day Uncle Tommy!
Happy 39th Birthday Tommy
I miss ya pal, I think about you all the time.
How you made me laugh so hard….
So much to tell you, I finally had a baby boy, Dec. 24, 2002, I asked for you and Vinny to help me in the delivery room and you did. I had a wonderful experience. His name is Sean, nice irish name….. You would be proud…
I hope your doing ok, I’m sure everyone is enjoying your company. I always tell such funny stories about you, it makes me laugh and then it makes me cry…..
We will never forget…
Happy Birthday my friend….
Love Helen…….
Happy Birthday!!! Always thinking and missing you!!!
Happy Birthday “Guy” !!
Just wanted to tell you I was thinking about you and I miss you very much.
I couldn’t help thinking about you and Joe today. I have been trying to finalise plans to come home for Bruger’s wedding, plus Saturday was Scratchie’s boat trip. As usual when I think about Inwood, I think about you and Joey. Inwood is a not just a neighborhood but a part of us, alive in our hearts, our families and the stupid stories we try to tell but often can’t finish because we laugh so much. Well, we used to laugh. My Inwood is still there inside me but it is hard to remember the good stuff without thinking about losing you when we shouldn’t have. They say that time heals all wounds, they just don’t say how much time you need when you lose a part of your heart and soul.
I did it….finally made honor roll and Finally graduated!! WAHOO What a long hall that was. Even though i felt your presence it was so weird without you PHYSICALLY there, because you made such a big impact on my schooling. I always used to want to show you my good report cards and hide the bad ones. Now that i finally get those good report cards, those congratulation letters for making honor roll(mom finally got a bumper sticker from ME as well), my diploma, and my acceptance letters, its not the same because i dont get to share them with you. You know how everyone says you never know what you have until its gone, well it is so true. Cuz i never got to say thank you for all those silly and annoying talks we had about school and how you thought i never listened, well i did. And i never realized that i had a great dad and never said it to you.
I hope that your proud of me,because i continue to try. I love you Dad and i hope you know that even though i didnt show it that much while you were still here. LIFE CHEATED US MAN!!
Luv ya DADDY-O
well tom its almost 2 years since that awful day
you are in my prayers often, my wife wears a braclet with you name on it so we will never forget you or all the people at Cantor. God Bless
On Sept. 5-6…your friends got the second year softball tournament together..So many of your friends and family were there to have fun and keep your memory strong and alive. The community came together dedicated their time and raised alot of money that will be going to a foundation in your name. I am so proud to be your wife…you have touched so many people and all they want to do is remember you. You will never be forgotten…I love you more today than I did yesterday.Did I tell you today?
Love Kerriann
Tommy… How to discribe how we feel today is tough..could never compare to how kerri and the kids and your family feel..but it is still a powerful feeling..you were a big deal in this house and you always will be. Over the past two years we have met and become very friendly with your family..especailly Gerard, it is as if you placed him here with us. He continues with your sense of Humor..saying things that you would be saying at that exact time. Again, we can only think of all the great times that we all had together and cherish them forever in our hearts. WE will always be there for Kerri ,Heather,Thomas and Britt..always….”FOREVER MISSED”….we love you
Just thought you might want to hear these words one more time!!!!!
We were born before the wind
Also younger than the sun
Ere the bonnie boat was won as we sailed into the mystic
Hark, now hear the sailors cry
Smell the sea and feel the sky
Let your soul and spirit fly into the mystic
And when that fog horn blows …..I will be coming home
And when that fog horn blows I want to hear it
I don’t have to fear it!!!!!!
I want to rock your gypsy soul!!!!!
Just like the days of old
Then magnificently we will float into the mystic
And when that fog horn blows you know I will be coming home
And when that fog horn whistle blows I got to hear it
I don’t have to fear it!!!!
I want to rock your gypsy soul!!!!!g
Just like the days of old
And together we will float into the mystic
Come on girl…………………
Just thinking of you Tom….
Uncle Tommy-
I miss you so much…. I think about you and Pop everyday and know you both are watching down on us either laughing or crying with us… Wish you were here.
This Summer I saw a young boy wearing a Tom Dowd Memorial Basketball Tournament T-shirt. When I spoke to his Parents, they said to me “He Must Have Been One Hell of a Man”. In all the years we spoke, I never knew how giving you were of your time to the Children of your community. Your Modesty and Selflessness is a model to us all. I’m sure your children are very proud of you and there is no greater honor a Man can attain than that.
I’ll always cherish the time we spent together (with and without the wives).You, Kerrie, and the kids are always in our thoughts.
Jim & Judy Mori and Family
To Ray Dowd and Family,
Thank you for your kind words in your acknowledgement to my brother Wally. It wasn’t long ago that I had seen the Dubois website with my brother’s picture on the front page. Unfortunately Ray, it had to take a tragedy for all of us to connect. I am truly sorry for your loss. My prayers are with you and your whole family. In reading all the wonderful tributes to your brother, only confirms that all the victims from the Cantor family, were very special and beautiful people. For all of us they leave behind, the pain and anger we feel will never go away. God bless Tommy and Wally. They will never be forgotten!!
It’s almost Christmas and a New Year is coming fast. Still can’t believe you and Pop are gone, still not a day goes by I don’t think of you and smile, and remember how hysterical you were- even when you weren’t trying to be funny.
I love you and miss you…
Tom Dowd may have been the funniest person I ever met. It wasn’t that everything he said or did was funny, it’s just that once he smiled, you had to smile even if you didn’t want to. The smile always led to that laugh. It started with a giggle and then he put his hand over his mouth (as if to hide what what was coming). He would look at you with one eyebrow a little higher then the other and then he would break into a laugh that was contagious to anyone near him. No matter how serious you wanted to be or how ridiculous the subject was Tom could laugh and then get you to laugh.
That’s what I miss most about him…..I don’t seem to laugh as much anymore. He wasn’t perfect, who is? Sometimes he could be “difficult”, who isn’t? But one thing he did was make you feel good when you were around him. I miss that too.
I was lucky, I got to know him outside and inside. We spent a lot of time together, alone, with our families and with our friends. He loved his children, admired his wife and appreciated his family and friends. I trusted him with my children and they looked up to him. What more can you ask of a person? If you knew Tom during any of his short 37 year’s of life you were lucky. I was lucky.
It’s talken me a long time to write this but I see you everyday as I have your picture on the visor of my car. I think about that on that terrible day, I put Brit& AJ on the bus when the plane hit the Tower. I tried to get through to you but to no avail. (Damm, I wish I could’ve spoken to you!!) I remember the Saturday before, you and Kevin came up to my house to watch the football game and you broke my chops because I only had that “Fag” beer. Cooors Light. Ithink about the first day I met you and Marty when you realized that I was Bounce’s cousin. I enjoyed coaching basketball with you, Kevin Gray, and Kevin Canty. Hey remember the night that we got the better of them in the 7th grade draft?? I miss those Sunday nights whenI would stroll up to either your house or Scott’s and we would talk about what we did on the weekend.
Well,somethings haven’t changed, TJ and Mike are still good friends. They’re downstairs now and are going over to your house. AJ and Brit are still hanging out too!! I’m glad that the Murphy’s and Dowd’s are still friends but it would be better if you were still here.
I know we’ll be together again!
I will make this short and sweet my Brother, Happy Birthday!! Can’t tell you enough how much I miss you!!! There are no words to describe the loss we all feel since September 11, 2001. I think about you and pray for your soul everyday! You will be missed and never forgotten.
Yankees lost two straight to the Red SOx, UGH!!!!
I love you always and forever,
“Happy Birthday Guy !!!”
Always thinking and talking about you. We went to Continental arena on Saturday, Tracy and I were talking about how we spend your b’day there 3 years earlier watching our sons play basketball on a pro court. That was a great day for us. Miss you !!!
I want to thank everyone who has written on this site in memory of my husband. I am planning to print each and every good word everyone of you has written about my husband and my children’s father. I want all of you to know I will be making a book of memories for my children. My older children remember their father in their own special way but unfortunately, Brittany told me she does not remember much of her DAD.
I check this site everyday in hopes I would find a new message. I know it is 3 yrs now and the world thinks its time for all of us to get on, but all of you who check this site in memory of my husband remember I, his children, and most important his family will never be able to get over our loss. But we so are thankful for every wonderful word you have contributed to Tommy’s memory. I ask that you pass on this site to all who has known my husband so that I may print a wonderful book of memories for my children to remember each and every day how wonderful their father was.
All I want is to keep Tommy’s memory alive in his children’s lives each and everyday.
Uncle Tommy
I still can believe it’s been three years already, it still feels like yesterday. I tell everyone I can about how wonderful my uncle tommy was, but my words could never do you any justice! You are always in my heart and you are still missed today as you were three years ago.
Love always
Tommy Dowd was someone I have known for over 30 years and I spent a lot of time with. Honestly one of the most likable, funniest, and genuine person anyone could ever know!! He was a man who loved his family and friends to the fullest. I can tell you Tom Dowd left an everlasting impression on those of whom he was in contact. His generosity is unmatched, his devotion to his job and his family showed in his dilligence to advance his career by striving to be the best at everything he did. Tommy instilled laughter in people, he was a friend’s friend, a brother’s brother, a beautiful wife’s husband, a father’s father, and a mother’s good son! He loved his brothers and sisters very much and of course his mother and father. Tom lived life with such charisma and charm and he spread it to everyone he talked to. Tom was very athletic and loved to watch sports, was very knowledgable and would give you an argument anytime someone disagreed with his points of view. There is a lot more I can write, and I will continue to write as time goes on. The world was a better place when Tommy Dowd was here!
I can’t believe it’s been 3 years. It feels like i saw you only a few days ago. I think about you everyday and i miss you so much! I’m really sorry i couldn;t be there this year got the softball game. You know i would’ve kicked butt for you, hurt or not, i was prepared to play! Next year it’s on and i’ll make you very proud. Thank you for always being an inspiration to me in every way. I love you cuz! “may angels lead you in”
love always,
Was thinking of you today as I caught myself tilting my head and had a flashback of your animated impressions of me (it was only a slight tilt. Can’t believe it has been over three years already. I park in the same garage everyday like we did before the WTC attack, and walk past the same store where you bought your two newspapers. Then I walk past the entrance to the “E” train on 35th street where you ran down the stairs and caught your train to the Trade Center. Still involved with AAU and CYO basketball just like we used to, still going to the Pop Warner and HS football games just like we used to, still live in Windridge like we used to and still hanging with Murph. just like we used to. As you can see…I’m still living the same life we used to! Our whole family misses you.
Uncle Tommy,
You would think that over time Christmas Day would get a little bit easier, but it will never be the same. We miss you terribly. I am living up here in Monroe now being a big pest to dad. I tell Kerri all the time how much I wish we had moved up before you left us. Ive gotten to know alot of your friends and even work with Kevin, Tracy, and my mom now. We talk about you constantly and it is nice to hear about this side of you that unfortunately I never had enough time to learn. Tracy must mention your name at least once a day, normally referring to you laughing at us for doing something stupid. She taught me how to drive stick… that was a site, and she kept saying your uncle is laughing so hard right now, I am sure you were. Me and Heather have become close… She gives me all of her hand-me-downs from her closet. I always joke with TJ about him being my favorite cousin, but I think i do it just to get that smile cause man does it light up the room like yours did, and Brittany has grown up so much it is scary, but she sure did turn out Beautiful! I wish you were here. You are so badly missed by all it is unexplainable!
I just wanted to drop you a note to say hello and tell you I miss you!!!! You are always in my thoughts and in my heart!! I had lunch with Bruger yesterday and we were talking about you. We both started to shed a tear, nothing new there though because there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think of you and begin to feel sad.
I pray for your soul everyday!!
Happy Birthday Tom……..
Always thinking of you!!!
“Happy Birthday” !!… we went to dinner last night with your family at “JB’s”…it was great to be included with them.. Always talking and thinking about you everyday. You are so missed…”That’s right Guy” !!
Happy Birthday Tommy… !!!!
It was a beautiful day on Sunday.. the first nice day in a long time..it made it easier to smile that day for you. We spent time with your family at JB’s it was nice to see everyone.
You have a great family !!
Miss you very much and you are FOREVER missed !!
Yo Big Guy,
Still missing you- Every time I think about you all I have to do is flip down my car visor and there you are!!
Thought about you on your birthday on Sunday- hey you’re almost catching up to me, I hit the “Big 50”.
Still hanging out with the guys, Marty, Hairy Ass, Kev, Peteeee, Johnny H and ultimately your name always comes up.
Well just as it was back a few years ago, TJ and Mike are still hanging out, they just came back from Cancun and the stories that they told me, apparently they had a real good time.
AJ and Brit are still hanging together and I see Kerri and Heather every once in a while.
Kathy, Matt, Mike, Brian, and AJ miss you and speak of you often.
Yo, I’ll check you out later!
Thinking of you often,
I just wanted to tell the Dowd family they are in my prayers and that I am very sorry for your loss. God Bless You and Thomas.
Tommy.. “Happy Birthday”..we continue to miss you very much….ALWAYS thinking and talking about you…
“Happy Birthday Guy !!!”
I spent the day with TJ out on the golf course yesterday. You would be very proud of him!
It’s just one of those days.Thinking of all those good times at work together.I’m missing you my Joe and all the rest. Hope your all hanging out having a blast. Keep watching over us !! Miss your smiling face.
Thinking about Tommy everyday and smiling to myself every time I do…..
I don’t exactly know where to begin because it’s been so long, over 5 years. Sorry it took me so long to write but you and I both know I’ve never been one for words. Anyway, I love and miss you. For at least a month after that terrible day I still refused to believe that you were gone. We had already had a funeral and I was still waiting by the door for you to walk in.
As i said I’m not one for too many words so I’ll keep it breif. I know you’re up there in good company so enjoy yourself until I arrive, because you know when i get there I’m gonna have to bust yo ass in some Basketball.
Your son,
^Also no matter how much I complained, and annoyed you I wish I could still go to practice every night with you.
Happy Birthday GUY !!! Miss you ! (2007)
happy birthday.. i miss you and love you
Just wanted to wish you a Happy 43rd Birthday…The kids and I think of you often. We wish you were here with us to celebrate….
Did I tell you today?
Love Kerriann
Happy Birthday Tommy !!!…
Happy Birthday!!!
Love Always and Forever,
I was thinking of you the other day so I pulled down my sun visor to look at your mug and I realized it was your birthday.
Happy Birthday Bro!!! Wish you were here to celebrate it with us.
I’ll see you when I see you,
We had Brittany’s Sweet 16 Party on May 25th. Can you believe our baby is 16. You would have been so proud of her, she was absolutely beautiful. She has turned into a wonderful good hearted young woman. You never see her without a smile on her face, just as you were.
What started out to be a small party turned into a huge gala and I would not have changed it for a minute. All our family and closets friends were there to share her special day. We did a slide show starting when she was a baby till now, there were many pictures of you and her which broke all of hearts but I know you were there with us. She dedicated one candle and it was for you, she said “these were the days she missed you the most and how hard it was to not have you with her on such a special day.” She made us all cry but most of all she made us all smile with her smile.
You would be so proud of all of your children. They have come through this disaster with alot of humor, (wonder where they get it)!
Did I tell you today?
Love always Your wife
We had Brittany’s Sweet 16 Party on May 25th. Can you believe our baby is 16. You would have been so proud of her, she was absolutely beautiful. She has turned into a wonderful good hearted young woman. You never see her without a smile on her face, just as you were.
What started out to be a small party turned into a huge gala and I would not have changed it for a minute. All our family and closets friends were there to share her special day. We did a slide show starting when she was a baby till now, there were many pictures of you and her which broke all of hearts but I know you were there with us. She dedicated one candle and it was for you, she said “these were the days she missed you the most and how hard it was to not have you with her on such a special day.” She made us all cry but most of all she made us all smile with her smile.
You would be so proud of all of your children. They have come through this disaster with alot of humor, (wonder where they get it)!
Did I tell you today?
Love always Your wife
We had Brittany’s Sweet 16 Party on May 25th. Can you believe our baby is 16. You would have been so proud of her, she was absolutely beautiful. She has turned into a wonderful good hearted young woman. You never see her without a smile on her face, just as you were.
What started out to be a small party turned into a huge gala and I would not have changed it for a minute. All our family and closets friends were there to share her special day. We did a slide show starting when she was a baby till now, there were many pictures of you and her which broke all of hearts but I know you were there with us. She dedicated one candle and it was for you, she said “these were the days she missed you the most and how hard it was to not have you with her on such a special day.” She made us all cry but most of all she made us all smile with her smile.
You would be so proud of all of your children. They have come through this disaster with alot of humor, (wonder where they get it)!
Did I tell you today?
Love always Your wife
We had Brittany’s Sweet 16 Party on May 25th. Can you believe our baby is 16. You would have been so proud of her, she was absolutely beautiful. She has turned into a wonderful good hearted young woman. You never see her without a smile on her face, just as you were.
What started out to be a small party turned into a huge gala and I would not have changed it for a minute. All our family and closets friends were there to share her special day. We did a slide show starting when she was a baby till now, there were many pictures of you and her which broke all of hearts but I know you were there with us. She dedicated one candle and it was for you, she said “these were the days she missed you the most and how hard it was to not have you with her on such a special day.” She made us all cry but most of all she made us all smile with her smile.
You would be so proud of all of your children. They have come through this disaster with alot of humor, (wonder where they get it)!
Did I tell you today?
Love always Your wife
I forgot to mention one more important detail about Brittany’s dedication to you… Her song for was:
When I think back on these times
And the dreams we left behind
I’ll be glad ’cause I was blessed
To get to have you in my life
When I look back on these days
I’ll look and see your face
You were right there for me
In my dreams I’ll always see you soar above the sky
In my heart there will always be a place for you
For all my life I’ll keep a part of you with me
And everywhere I am, there you’ll be
Well you showed me how to feel
Feel the sky was in my reach
And I always will remember all the strength you gave to me
Your love made me make it through
Oh, I owe so much to you
You were right there for me
In my dreams I’ll always see you soar above the sky
In my heart there will always be a place for you
For all my life I’ll keep a part of you with me
And everywhere I am, there youll be
‘Cause I always saw in you my light, my strength
And I want to thank you now
For all the ways you were right there for me
You were right there for me
For always
Hi Tommy, Tomorrow–Tuesday–9-11-07–6 yrs. Just reading the Photo-News last week, turned a page and there you were—the annual T.D.Memorial Softball Tournament keeping your spirit alive. As usual we will be going down to the Cantor Memorial tomorrow. Just wanted to let you know WE HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN!!!!!
Marty and Mary
Hey Tommy…thinking about you always.. its tough when this time comes around… Kevin went to “Gates of Heaven” today to talk to you.. I played your video last night for the first time in a while and it was so good to hear your voice and to laugh with you.. you are so funny.. when you were doing the “Joey” from friends “how you doing ??” and Kevins surpirse 40th when he pulled out a speech and you grabbed the mic right away..”Why did I spend 7 hrs with this guy.. when he knew ??..” …and playing ball with kev and TJ in our driveway, I am so glad that is on video.. special for TJ to have forever !.. I know you are with us all the time.. again.. thanks for a great friendship !!! Miss you and you are forever missed !
Rubbernuts, I visited you this afternoon, said a prayer and left a Flyer for you, from the softball tournament in your honor.
Tj called and he is starting to play ball with the guys on Tuesdays and Thursdays nights. I’ve been waiting for him to come play with us.
MISS you always, “That’s right Guy !!”
Tommy, where to begin? It’s been six years now, and know matter how hard I try, I know you’ll never be coming back. I’ll never forget the last day I saw you, at Six Flags in August 2001. What a great day it was. It hurts to know we won’t have those great days now. And although I didn’t see you as much as others in the family, you still mean a lot to me. Not a day goes by where I don’t think about you. I listen to Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd every day becuase, in truth, Tommy, how I wish you were here.
Love, with all my heart,
Well, Tommy, where to begin? 6 years later on 9/11/07, it hasn’t gotten any easier, and it will never be easy for the rest of our lives. I wrote to you several years ago, but haven’t since then; I’ve been trying to figure out what to say. I talk to you every week at Church, but this will be what I really, truly feel. So, here’s goes:
Tommy, I think about you every single day. And, although I may not be your child, I still think about you as much as just about anybody. It saddens me to know that I won’t see you again until I join you in Heaven. So, until then, I’ll listen to Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd, which completely describes what I think and feel, because, in truth, how I wish, how I wish you were here.
I’ll write something else sooner this time, I promise.
Love from your nephew,
Tommy..last week someone dear to my passed away and I assured his wife that you would look after him in Heaven…I know you will !! Theres already been some situations that made me smile because I felt like you were with Marty.. looking down at us and teaching him how to do the magic that you do from up there !! Thanks ….
Uncle Tommy, 2/19/08
It’s been a long time since I’ve written to you. It doesn’t mean that I still don’t think of you everyday! Recently quite a few times I look at the clock and it will say 9:11. I tend to think it’s you saying hello and you are there, I smile and say hello. I have about three more weeks until my baby is due, yeah, can you believe it! HAHAHA… I think that is why I have been thinking alot about you and Pop lately. I wish you and Pop could be here, but I know your both watching from heaven.
You would be so very proud of Ta and the kids, they are doing so well, and it still amazes me how strong these kids are!
Just wanted to say hello and I love you, still not a day goes by I don’t think of you and miss you very much.
Love and miss you!
Love and Miss You Always
2008- Happy Birthday Tommy !!!
Miss you !!.. and love to talk about you.. for some reason we can never run out of things to talk about when it comes to you… I actually once counted all the t-shirts that have your name on them in our house and I have to laugh .. there was well over 30 of them..and they are worn all the time…well.. that’s how special you are to us !! 4 ever missed !!
Hi Tommy,
I read Michelle’s tribute above me and I too do the same thing everytime I look at the clock it is 911. Gets me everytime.
Wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday! Wish you were still here Dad and you would have had a blast living so close to each other. I know we all still think about you everyday and miss you like crazy.
Love you!
Hi Tommy,
I read Michelle’s tribute above me and I too do the same thing everytime I look at the clock it is 911. Gets me everytime.
Wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday! Wish you were still here Dad and you would have had a blast living so close to each other. I know we all still think about you everyday and miss you like crazy.
Love you!
Happy birthday Uncle Tommy. We miss you.
Just wanted to say Happy Birthday big guy!!!
Everything’s about the same–still hanging with Scott, Johnny, Kevin, Pete, and the rest of the guys. The kids aren’t kids anymore—- Mike and TJ may be working together soon, Brit and AJ are still close as ever. We see Heather and Kerri and everything’s good there. Think of you often in our house— Well gotta go
Happy Birthday—2008
I’ll see you when I’ll see you!!
Just wanted to say hello.
I had a little girl in March, I wish you could see her. YOu would have gotten a kick out of her.
Miss you
It’s that time of year where 175 basketball teams converge for the Tom Dowd Tournament which is held in honor of your life. While everyone is looking forward to it, we would rather have you around.
Hi Uncle,
Definately had a dream about you last night… we were at Grandma’s house on Seaman Ave, and it was like the middle of the night and we snuck out. We took the fire escape out of your/heathers room, haha. Don’t know where we were going but we were both sneaking out so it must have been somewhere good!
Well miss you and think of you always.
I know you will find this hard to believe but the Orange County Crusader 17U team won the AAU D-2 National Championship this week. From those early days when your team lost by 50 to a national championship…..who would of thought?
7 years… and you are still missed as much as the first day. I hate when this time comes around because I always go back to that day, and how bad it was .. I think I hated 9/12 even more because deep down I knew. But its 7 years later and in that time you do learn to smile at pictures and laugh at memories and somehow that works and there is a peace about this all… and you probley have everything to do with it .. thanks Tommy !! WE miss you ……
Seven Years and each year it doesn’t get any easier.
We all miss you every day and nothing will ever change that.
You aren’t here, but you will always be here in our hearts and I will make sure that my daughter will know her “great” uncle Tommy and what an amazing man he is.
I love you and miss you.
Well again, another sporting tournament was held in your name which means Orange County and the regions south will have “T” shirts with your name on them!!!— It’s amazing, I’ve seen kids in lower Manhattan, Bnx, and Qns wearing these shirts– Did u know that u were that popular??? I guess Scott got your name and legacy out there.
TJ and Brit have been hanging with the boys @ my house and I’ve seen Kerri and Heather—It’s always good!!
The Murphy’s always miss you!!!!!
I’ll see you when I see you!!
Well again, another sporting tournament was held in your name which means Orange County and the regions south will have “T” shirts with your name on them!!!— It’s amazing, I’ve seen kids in lower Manhattan, Bnx, and Qns wearing these shirts– Did u know that u were that popular??? I guess Scott got your name and legacy out there.
TJ and Brit have been hanging with the boys @ my house and I’ve seen Kerri and Heather—It’s always good!!
The Murphy’s always miss you!!!!!
I’ll see you when I see you!!
Well again, another sporting tournament was held in your name which means Orange County and the regions south will have “T” shirts with your name on them!!!— It’s amazing, I’ve seen kids in lower Manhattan, Bnx, and Qns wearing these shirts– Did u know that u were that popular??? I guess Scott got your name and legacy out there.
TJ and Brit have been hanging with the boys @ my house and I’ve seen Kerri and Heather—It’s always good!!
The Murphy’s always miss you!!!!!
I’ll see you when I see you!!
Well again, another sporting tournament was held inyour name which means Orange County and the regions south will have “T” shirts with your name on them!!! It’s amazing, I’ve seen kids in lower Manhattan, Bnx, and Qns wearing these shirts—Did u know that u were that popular???
I guess Scott really got your name out there.
Myself, Kathy, and the “Boys” miss you!!!
I’ll see you when I see you!!!!
Happy Birthday Tommy !!!
Kevin wants to make sure that I mention that TJ did a really great move on him playing basketball.. and he is sure you had everything to do w/it !!!!
We miss you.. we think and talk about you all the time.. forever with us …
Tracy and Kevin !!!!!
Officially wouldve been an old man today…. probably all gray by now lol
Happy Birthday!! I was thinking of you on Friday and then I saw Brit hanging out with AJ and their friends @ a Varsity Baseball game. They all just got back from the Bahamas with Kerri taking the trip with them. Later that day Mike called me to go golfing with him and TJ and then they went down to the Bronx to go bouncing. On Saturday they then went to the new Yankee Stadium (heard u would’ve loved it)they have some lives don’t they?? On Sunday I ran into Heather—I guess it was a “Dowd” weekend for me. Only one missing was you!! Kevin Gray and I are putting together a “Going Away” dinner for Marty next weekend you should be there.Still hanging out with “The Boys” Johnny, Scott,Pete, Kevin and the rest of the guys. Well again Kathy,the boys, and I miss you but…..
I’ll see you when I see you,
Hey Tommy.. asking a favor again.. my cousin Geannie who I am close to, passed away today.. can you please look out for her and teach her all those good things that you do from Heaven !!!
I’ll be looking out for signs ! miss you !
We Miss You….
Words cannot explain how much I miss you. Im now a freshman in college and I wish you were here more then anything. It’s a week from 9/11 and I cannot believe it’s going to be 8 years. I think about you everyday. It hurts so much to know your not here when I finally completed high school and moved on to thinking of what I want to do for the rest of my life. I love you so much and I hope I’m making you proud.
Love Britt
Its been 8 years tomorrow. I cant believe how it feels like just yesterday. I love you so much and can’t stop thinking about you lately.
I hope i made you proud.
Tommy.. 8 years has flown by so fast(unbelievable!!). It is so good to have places like this to write to you about our feelings.. because we know that you are getting the messages… So again,,, as we repeat every year to you …”you are so missed everyday !” and..”thank you for all the great things you do from Heaven for us !!”.. Thanks Tommy, 4ever missed….
Today I spent a wonderful day in Miami with your children. They are amazing and probably the funniest people I know. We talked of you often and laughed alot. You would really be proud of them. Brittany is in college down here and loving it.
Although I had a great day it hurts and angers me that someone robbed you of the greatest gift in watching your children become wonderful people.
I just want you to know the best part of you remains with me, your kids.
I love and miss you everyday. There is not a day that goes by that someone does not mention your name and I would not have it any other way.
Keep watching over your children they still need you and always will.
Did I tell you today? Love Kerriann
“Happy Birthday Tommy !!!” We miss you ..
Uncle Tommy-
Miss you more today then yesterday.
Your birthday just passed and there was a softball dinner in your honor-unfortunately I couldn’t make it but Mike, Matt, PJ and a few other guys went and spent the night with TJ and Heather. You’d laugh because Scott and I were presented awards for being friends with you (which wasn’t a hard thing to do!) Well, miss you buddy and Happy Birthday!!
I’ll see you when I see you!
“Happy Birthday”!! Well tonight Greg ran a fund raiser for softball honoring you again. Unfortunately I couldn’t make it but I sent Matt, Mike and a few of their friends to take my place. Scott is at it again working hard on the “Tommy Dowd” AAU tourney with teams coming from all over–it feels weird not having any of my boys playing anymore! I see all the boys, Johnny, Kev, Marty, Scott, Milty, and Kevin Mac once in awhile–nothing has changed. Still see TJ when he’s with Mike, Matt and PJ. Gotta go
I’ll see you when I see you!
To the site Administrator,
I’ve submitted 2 tributes and they haven’t been published. Would you let me know if there’s a problem?
Thank you,
Paul Murphy
([email protected])
Today your baby is 19…she is amazing and if possible as funny as you. The two of you together would have been a handful…but I would have loved to been able to see it….we love and miss you…
Did I tell you today?
It been 9 years and we still can talk about you everyday and there is no exaggeration there,it is so natural for us to bring up your name.. ofcourse your birthday “417” has alot of meaning each time there is a horse race,..that combo wins alot.. so we smile because we know your telling us that you are w/us.. Kevin usually only has one dollar boxed ..(he’ll never learn !..) We miss you Tommy !!! again, thanks for all you do for us, I know there been some tough requests over the years, but it nice to feel that you are listening…(still missing those 10 tapes if there is anything you can do..).. Your doing a great job from Heaven with your family..everyone is happy !!!!…love you and you are 4ever missed !!!!!!!!!!
9 years today..
Still doesn’t get any easier. We miss you so very much, it seems impossible to ever make the hurt go away..When Alyssa gets older, she will know and hear all the great Uncle Tommy stories that make us all laugh to tears, even till this day!
Love You Always…
Miss You Always…
LOL.. thanks for finding the 10 tapes.. I gave you full credit.. I knew they’d show up after I asked you… they ruined my life at work for 3 months.. should have written earlier to you !! Lessons Learned !!!..lol..
Happy Birthday Guy !!!!! Going to Kentucky Derby this year.. I am sure you’ll be right there with me !!! 4-1-7 miss you !
Yo my Brother,
Another Birthday today–wish you were so we could celebrate!!! Things are pretty much the same with Scott, Johnny, Pete, Marty, Kevin and the others-when possible we hang out–Mike, Matt and TJ still together at Yankee games. Just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday!!!
I’ll see you when I see you!
Miss you very much.
We got bin laden–you can celebrate in heaven with the rest of Cantor. Thought of you last night when we heard the news–always in our hearts. Marty and I and our daughter Kerry WILL NEVER FORGET!!!!!!!
Hey yo, Dude, “Gone for now, but NEVER forgotten!”
Please look after Fredy in Heaven and Sean on Earth. It always makes us feel better knowing your “on it”.. !!! Thanks Tom..
10 years already? Still seems like yesterday. I miss you and tell Alyssa about you all the time.
Shucks Tom,10 years ..a snap of the fingers. Just regalling some guys with one of the thousands of stories…In my prayers every day Tom. Jamie
can’t believe it has been 10 years already. We miss you everyday, everytime something happens good to us, we give you all the credit and when things aren’t so great, we pray to you to help us get thru it. At times, I may reach out for a ridiculous request, like “please help me to be able to make this left turn out of my street” when there is so much traffic.. and “wow..” right after that.. there is a clearing.. I laugh.. I hope that is you..lol..(smile) Love you Tommy and we will ALWAYS honor you in our lives ! You are forever missed !!! P.S. Kevin had a bad year at Saratoga until the last day up there, wearing a Tommy Dowd t-shirt and won 4-1-7 … thanks !! We love you !!!…
We are just a few days away from the last time that you and I were together. In the 10 years that have passed since 9/11 your friends and family have done an outstanding job of not letting people forget about you. From basketball and softball tournaments to family picnics and scholarships, your more popular now then you ever were! We miss you!
I’m decked out today–bracelet,TD t-shirt. You have a wonderful family–see their pics on FB–you can be proud. 10 yrs–rebuilding–never thought the site would be cleared. Marty and I will be at the Memorial–back in Central Pk. this yr. Rest in Peace. WE WILL NEVER FORGET !!!!!!!
Hey Yo,
Although it’s 9/13/11, always thinking about you…Always know, Kath and I talk about you all the time!…I know you’re looking down seeing me tear up right now…Gone, but NEVER FORGOTTEN!!
Took me a little while to write. I carried your clothes around for 10 yrs and could not let them go. I finally decided to take them and make quilts for your family. I made the first one for your mom. I put a picture of both of you when you were a little baby and then in the shadow a picture of you. It was so amazing, she loved it. I am working on the rest of them for your family trying real hard getting through it.
I have every basketball tshirt with the number on it. I am donating your famous jordan black sneackers to the memorial for you… i would always ask why did you carry them??? YOU NEVER KNOW WHEN THERE WILL BE A GOOD GAME!!! I didnt find them until a couple of months ago…Scott found them in your trunk…he helped me clean the car out. He held onto them until I was ready. So I am figuring there might be a good game where you are.
I read the site every once in awhile when I can bear it and I see Curly, Jamie, Scott, and Paul…we miss you terrbile every day….
I went to a flea market today and I saw a little tag for my car, and it said “shut your pie hole”…cried….but laughed. I sent it to the kids, hahha just to let them know your words still ring through.
Very hard to see your name on a stone once again. the memorial is beautiful, I asked for your name to be with Joey and Vinny I figured you were with them and you should remain with them. We etched your name with joe and vinny and then took the paper and etched against Joey and Damien.
So many things I would like to talk to about, Heather is going to be having her wedding next year and we are having hard time trying to decide how we can make sure you are apart of it. You would be so proud of them. They are strong nice people. They have missed you but they live their life so you would be proud.
We miss you we wish things were different, but we always remember what you always said “can you change it”??? No we cant…
Did I tell you today????
Hi! It’s Joey Hasson’s sister. I was just writing to my brother & thought I’d check out Tommy’s page. My heart goes out to you all & Kerriann your tribute was beautiful…it brought tears to my eyes. Congratulations on the upcoming wedding. You don’t have to worry. He’s a part of it…I know he’s with you all every step of the way! It eases my mind knowing the guys were/are together. Happy New Year in Heaven Tommy try not to cause too much trouble up there with my bro & Vinny! Happy New Year to the entire Dowd family! All the best for 2012!
Much love,
Vicki Hasson
Happy Birthday TD!!!
Happy Birthday….. You are so missed each and every day. Hope you are having a beer or two with your father, my father and gramps….
Kathy, Jimmy, Ryan & Kevin
Happy birthday daddy! I love and miss you.
Miss you…
(grandpa) Today I found out you are going to be a grandfather. I saw a beautiful picture..hands waving, I could not believe how big the hands were…I immediately thought basketball hands..whether a girl or a boy..basketball hands..I wish to god you were here today to enjoy this moment..I hope you protect and guide this child. Your daughter needs you, she needs your hand in keeping this baby safe…we love you and think about you everyday…did I tell you today??? love kerri-ann (grandma)
Hey Yo Tommy,
As you know my Birthday is 9/10 and wedding anniversary is April 17th(your birthday), which means we are linked forever… Also, at my wedding to Kath, of which you & Kerri attended, I still hear/see you yelling at me while I was making my moves on the dance floor, “Hey, Curly, you “BFF”…..”You Bald, Fat, F–k!”…….And you were cracking yourself up hysterically!!!…..As I write this, I can see it-feel it-and get chills thinking/remembering that moment! Even though it was my chops you were busting…..
So you guys know, as I walk or drive by the WTC, I always raise my right fist to all you guys up there!!!!!!
That being said, Dude always know, “GONE FOR NOW, BUT NEVER FORGOTTEN!!!!”
So hard to believe it’s 11 years today. You would be so proud of your family. Heather’s shower was Saturday, what a beautiful day.
You are truly missed, keep looking down on them and guiding them. They feel your presence with them everyday.
Wow…11 years already, doesn’t seem that long! I talked about you a lot today and I just never feel like I can do you any justice, how do I describe how funny you were? How do I tell how caring you were? It’s hard to find words to tell how wonderful you were & what you ment to our family..but I will always keep trying…because we lost a great one that day 11 years ago.
We love you always..
We love you always…
babe today i saw her…she is beautiful…she has heather ann’s nose and lips…she is stubborn when they try to take a picture of her she puts her hand up and covers her face …who does that remind you of…our heather ann…she had alot of hair…remember our daughters you could comb and braid it…well stella ann she is coming…and she is beautiful…she has alot of hair and a pug nose and these heart shaped lips…she looks like our heather…remember that day when we saw her …you cried i cried we couldnt believe how pretty she was…well i saw my grand daughter today on a 4d picture she is amazing…tommy you have to bless our family you have to look over us now my son in law your son and my daugheter especially your granddaugher…did i tell you today..xoxoxo
I found out today you are going to have a granddaughter. Her name is Stella-Ann Starro. Heather said she was not cooperative in getting pictures of her. She kept turning her back, putting her hands over face and retreating to the corner. Amazing what they can do today, heather has 4d pictures of her already. She has heather,s nose and apparently her personality!
Heading to ny today to be with family and friends. Eleven years how I miss you. !!
Did I tell you today?
Well you are a grandpa…Stella Ann Starro was born on March 1st, she was 8lbs. 5oz. 20 inches long…she is long…beautiful of course she has some of Heather but definately looks like Michael. She smiles alot in her sleep, I told heather she has an angel that is making her laugh, wonder if its you…? If it is which I believe, keep her smiling…she’s absolutely gorgeous….Wish you were here to experience this joy, its amazing…I promise she will know you…Did I tell you today???
2013- Happy Birthday Tommy !!! Think of you all the time .. and “Congrats” on your beautiful grand daughter Stella !!!…. Love you !
“Hey Yo”
Tommy, writing to say hello and let you always know, “Gone, but Never Forgotten!” Flatty, Jamie, Wang, etc….still always talk about you & our antics….That show will alyways live in infamy….And, as we all get old(F’n 54 today), those stories become even more grandiose!!!…..Still think about taking the ferry over to Bay Ridge before Summer League games, sipping a few Buds, and then you working the crossover, jump stop, finger roll….Ha!!!
As fas as being a “BFF”, definitely no balder, maybe a lil plumper, but Kath is still digging it!!!
Dude, as always, “Gone, but Never Forgotten!”
You are always in my thoughts and prayers. Jamie 9/11/13
Tommy–I remember you sooo well as we worked together at RMJ in addition to Cantor. I remember you wiping me off the basketball court. But I’m writing you now because my Dodgers finally have earned respect all over the major league. We worked together when they won the World Series 25 years ago and I remember you were very happy for me.I know you’re smiling at my missive now.
I also remember you bringing your wife and kids into the office a few times. You’d be happy to know that I had my boys late and they’re only 15 and 12 now. I wish you could see them, even though they’re NOT that into football and baseball as you and I were.
Anyway, I just wanted you to know that I was thinking about you on this day (9/11).
God bless,