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Louis Fersini Jr Date of Birth: June 24, 1963 Position: Municipal Bond Broker Louis was a wonderful husband and amazing father to our 4 children. He loved life to the fullest. Everyday was a party for Lou. He was always smiling and laughing. He enjoyed his family and friends with all his heart. Everyone was always welcome at “Uncle Lou’s.” We miss him so much. There is such emptiness in our lives, but we know his big smile is shining over us to help us get through this. You never truly appreciate someone until they are gone. Well, Louis was appreciated while alive, for being so alive, and we certainly appreciate our hero even more now. God Bless our guardian angel!
My Dad Louis was very special to me. We used to love to play football and baseball. We used to watch TV, (too much golf), together and cuddle on the couch. We would also play playstation together. My Dad was the best and I miss him very much. I love you Daddy – Brian (your little Bri-Bri, shorty Jr.)
My Dad was my biggest fan in hockey. He would never miss a game. He died 2 days before my birthday. He never got to see my first season of traveling hockey that he was more excited about than me. I miss him very much. Every game I play, I play for you Dad. I love you! Christopher (aka.Shorty)
Lou was a genuine gentleman. He was always willing to sit down and educate me on the municipal bond business or to introduce me to his customers. I always used to go down to 104 and find the muni desk happy as can be. I often said to Brian and Lou, “It must be a good day because you look and sound so happy.” They would simply reply that the muni desk always has a good time! And, they did. I could hear Lou’s voice and laughter as I walked in the room and it always made me smile and feel comfortable. Thanks Lou.
I do not know much about the personal life of Lou Fersini, but I do know through conversations with him that he was a true gentleman. He would always hollar at me (in a joking manner) to stop calling him “Mr. Fersini”.
Mrs. Fersini, children, and extended family: I only knew Lou through the phones (I was his transportation rep) and for only eight months, but I absolutely adored him for his wacky humor and prestine professionalism. I am heartbroken and will forever remember “LOU”..may he shine his bright light on you always..GOD BLESS!!
I’ll always remember him calling me “Uncle Jer” whenever he picked up the phone. Lou worked with my nephew Stephen, and through Steve I got to know Lou..Just a great guy, always with a big smile, and always ready to help whenever he could.
I miss my Uncle Lou. He taught me how to swim. Every time I swallowed water he told me to give him a quarter. He took me for a “buzz”cut when my mom wouldn’t let me get one. I wear a necklace with his picture. I love you.
My Dearest Son Louis:
It has been six months since your tragic passing and I feel as if it was only yesterday that you were taken away from your loved ones. Every day I wake up thinking that this is just a bad dream. I try communicating to you in my prayers and pray that you hear me. You were my first born and I will always cherish my precious memories of you and what a wonderful son you were. I attend grievance counseling and there have been moments that my counselor and I felt your presence. This does my heart good knowing that you are with me. A mother’s love for her child is greater than any other love. It was cruel and inhuman that I was not permitted to say good-bye to you as a mother should, but I have given this up to God to deal with. I loved you the first moment I saw you as an infant and I will love you for eternity. Pray for everyone you have left behind. Pray that we are blessed with courage, strength and peace of mind. Most of all, please watch over Christopher, Brian, Thomas and Katelyn, your four beautiful children as their guardian angel.
With all my love always until we are together again.
I entered my relationship to Louis (Louie!) as friend, but to me growing up he was the brother I never had. His generosity and friendship was limitless and it will remain so in my eyes forever in all I do. I know Lou wanted everything, but most important is he wanted everything for everyone. I miss you buddy and I think of you everyday.
Dave (Davey)
Lou… wow it’s an entire year w/o you and your wise cracks. I so miss the mini conversations we had while I “harrassed” you for “the last time” for your updated info for your transportation billing. You always made me laugh, once made me cry, then formed a brief but everlasting friendship. You are one person that we all can never forget and I thank you for it. To Mrs. Fersini I would like to say to you and your children that Lou loved you and sees just how loved he is. May his love for you carry you through the painful years, and endless nights. It’s 1 year today he was taken so abruptly, but with the grace im sure he was born with. My thoughts and prayers are always with you and your children as well as with Lou. Rest in peace buddy, and bless you always..
Lou, it’s a year now, a year without you fellas breaking my chops for extensions. I so miss the laughter, the craziness and racket in the background each phone call. I so wish that this did not happen, it’s so heartbreaking reading the tributes and the pain your family is enduring. I hope that you are happy where you are and you continue to provide your family, friends and colleagues with the love and support you provided when you were here on this earth. Mrs Fersini, your husband was a very sincere man and I hope he will guide you to be stronger and at peace. He always had the very best things to say, and I now can understand why he is sorely missed..My deepest sympathies and sincerest condolences…
Hey Lou, it’s now two years and it feels so brand new. I miss laughing on the phones but take comfort you are ina much more better place than we. To your family: I know Lou thorugh work and he was truely a gentleman. I hope you will find the strength and love to carry you on in life.. I wish you ove, and peace and serenity.
I love you Louis. I will never forget that beautiful smile.Watch over us until we meet again.
)3 Deniseann
I still think of you often after all these years and what a great shop you ran. You were a friend and a great and honest broker, who knew your markets and your clients.