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Ron Gilligan Date of Birth: May 15, 1958 Position: Database Administrator There are no words to express the loss of the best dad, husband, son, brother and friend. You touched everyone with your beautiful smile. You epitomized what a gentleman should be and there will always be a void in our lives not even time will fill. Our dad, Ronnie Sr. has now joined you; look after each other. You are in our thoughts every day. All our love, God bless XXXX Liz, Ashley, Ainsley, Dherran, Mom, Les, Loraine, Philip, Anita, Colin, Dee and family
Keep smiling! I love you!
Ron was a perfect gentleman. I knew him from the day he joined Cantor. He was always willing to help with any problems and with a smile on his face. I miss him very much. May God rest his soul in peace.
Ron was a real good guy who always would go out of his way to help people. A man who would always do that extra something. Ron and I traveled together to & from NY each day. Ron loved his wife and kids more than anything. On the way home many nights he would buy roses for Liz. He always said how strong a person she is. He was very proud of his children and loved them dearly. Ron had a sweet tooth, well, maybe all of them. Five packets of sugar with his coffee! Steak or Chocolate cake… Ha! Chocolate cake. Dessert for breakfast, lunch and dinner would be fine. The dream of hitting the lottery and sitting on the front porch on the water with a T shirt, blue jeans & boat shoes, no socks. Seven sets, one for each day. There are so many things to say. I miss you my friend.
Keep that smile on your face and tell that to grandad, too. Also, I know that you’re gone but you will not be forgotten. I wish you could’ve been here, especially on my 11th birthday. See you in afterlife in many years. Ainsley
Ron was a great guy. I had a lot of respect for him both as an engineer and as a person. He radiated with competence and intelligence. If I had paged him at some ungodly hour at night (as I had done a few times) or asked him for help in the office he would always lend his skills with diligence and patients. He was also a very funny guy and liked to kid around a lot. Although I never mentioned this before Ron was one of the people I admired most at eSpeed and it truly is tragic to see such a good hearted and talented person taken from the world. He will surely not be forgotten.
Ron was an incredible guy and both professionally and personally.
He ALWAYS made time for your problems. I will never forget him for his incredible insight and the ability to discover issues that had not even occurred to you. You would come to him with a plan all worked out in your head and he would listen most attentively and when you were finished he would say something like “yeah but have you considered…” and make an incredible point.
How we used to kid with each other and bust his chops calling him Scottish…
Once he told me “James…you’re a really good guy and I am quite fond of you”
I wish that I had the chance to know you better personally. I did not get to see the family man that others got to see.
Ron…I was/am quite fond of you as well. You will not be forgotten.
Ron was an excellent person. He would always welcome people with a broad smile and was ever ready to offer his help. He was very hard working, sincere, genuine and honest person (which is very rare in this world). I always held him in high regards. To see such a person at work was by itself motivating. He was such an experienced person and there was so much to learn from him. His absence is a great loss.
My sincere condolences to his family members and may his soul attain peace.
I worked for Ron for about a year, but Ron was much more than my manager. He was quite simply the finest man I have ever met. He truly cared about me and my family, and took great pains to make sure that I would be able to spend time with my wife and two young sons. Often this meant that Ron would stay late or work on a weekend; I don’t know how to thank him and his family for affording me the opportunity to spend time with my family.
I miss our morning ritual – Ron would pop his head into my office about 8:30 – 9:00 and say ‘Let’s go up for a quick one (smoke)’. We’d then spend 10 minutes planning to solve all of eSpeed’s problems – or talking about our children – or rock’n’roll.
I miss our evening ritual – at 4PM, he’d pop into the office to tell me he’d be calling my wife if I wasn’t gone in ten minutes; his way of reminding me that my family came first. I know he felt the same way about his family.
I miss how Ron managed to remain calm no matter what the situation; I hope I’ve learned something from this.
I miss Ron.
Dear Dad, I miss you, although you are always with me. I’ll always love you. Thank you for teaching me soccer. I’m pretty good; every time I score a goal it’s for you. Maybe England will win the World Cup. I will see you one day.
Love, Dherran
I was fortunate enough to live with Ron and his family. I saw first hand the devotion to his wife and children. They in turn returned his love, fortifying it with the respect earned from Ron’s wise and consistent nature.
There was never a dull moment in the Gilligan household and Ron was inevitably a part of the action. He was able to see the lighter side of any situation. His presence was both commanding and comforting – his personality coming through in both his spoken knowledge and his silent understanding.
When I think of him I see his smile and hear his welcoming, reassuring voice. I remember his example of diligence and devotion, as well as his strength as an individual and as a husband and father. These are the feelings and images that will forever remain with me as I treasure his memory.
Ron’s friendship meant a lot to me and my family. We shared some fun times together with our families playing soccer in the yard with the boys or wolfing down a good steak off the backyard grill. We also shared some of life’s challenges over a hot cup of coffee. When I had trouble with my PC, Ron would fix it. The machine was no match for him, as I watched him work his magic.
For me and my family he will be sorely missed, but always remembered.
Love ya bro.
Who will ever forget Ron’s wonderful smile or laugh?. Ron’s tireless efforts and statemenship were only second to his clear devotion and love for his family and friends.
Ron will always be remembered and admired as a true gentlemen and someone who values we need to emulate.
My God watch over those Ron loves and cherishes.
Christopher Marino
We first got to know Ron and his family when they moved a couple of doors away from us in North London. We wonder how an American got such a Liverpudlian accent!
Both our families got on very well, especially as the kids were roughly the same ages. It was obvious how important family was to Ron, enough so for him to root up and move countries for their best interests. He stayed behind when they moved back, a hectic time for all of them, but he kept his spirits up and we heard how he longed to be back with them.
We remember his integrity; how he was always willing to help; the importance his family was for him and how much he cherished his father role. We’re reminded of him whenever we go into a bookshop (somewhere we know he loved to spend time with his soul mate Liz). We’re reminded of what’s important.
His memory and legacy will live on through his family and children.
God Bless You Ron.
Lave Singh & Permjit Kaur ex-Neighbors / Friends
You where much more than a brother-inlaw,I will always remember sharing those fresh cream cakes, with you,and letting our five girls dive on you, to them you will always be “our Ronnie” even now they have kids of their own your legend will live on.
miss you
Brenda, Pat,& family
we had many a good chin wag, me with a pint, you with a coke, you also where a fellow Evertonian,I
knew our Liz had sense, she got the best guy I ever knew.
night mate, miss ya.
Where to start? What a great man. Intelligent, funny, very kind, generous….too good to be true – you bet. ‘Our Ronnie’ was a wonderful uncle. He helped me with homework, he introduced me to the great classics of English Literature and took time out to ensure I understood what was meant. Being a bridesmaid for Liz and Ron was an honour and even on his special day he took time out to make sure I was alright. That’s the kind of person he was – a true gentleman. For those who never met him – what a loss, for those who did – how lucky.
Goodnight God Bless
All My Love
Ron, meant so much to our family. He was a lovely man, husband and father. I remember meeting you and how handsome you were. We miss you very much. Marc followed you into the computer business. You made an impact and we will never forget you.
All our love,
Evelyn, Marc & Jayne
Sister-in-law, niece & nephew
Hey Dad-
It’s been almost 6 months now and I can’t begin to describe how I feel living without you. I miss seeing you, your words of encouragement, and your presence in the house because we’re left without your laughter. I must thank you, though, because all of the encouragement that you offered me over the years helped me get into college (I only wish you could be with me when I graduate!)
Anyway- I’m sure that you’re looking down right now and laughing at me and my silly mistakes, you always did.
I love you dad.
Until we meet again,
A single Rose he brought her at their son’s baseball game, Because I love you honey, because your always there, I’m away from home so often, our children in your care
I bring a single Rose, to show my heart I’ll always bare
to you my love who make’s my life so promising so true
A single Rose to you my love to show my love for you.
Our uncle and friend, we miss you, and hear all the funny stories from nan and our mum’s you will not be forgotten.
Scott, Daniel, Charlotte, Georgia, Megan, Grant, Elliot, Mason,Michael, Baby Colin,Philip, Cami, Jacee, Patra. Look after Baby David for us.
I remember visiting you, getting of the plane,only “our Ronnie” would be enough of a kid to take me to Toys-r-us at 10:oo at night,wait outside Versace with mom and help pack that suitcase, which meant sitting on the damn thing to get it to close after I was through shopping!!
Miss ya mate.
Brenda, Michael, Michael jr, Colin
I remember the day before Liz and Ron emigrated to America – I was 5 years old. They both took me to the revolving tower restaurant in Liverpool now each time I see it I think of him – standing out above everybody. I also remember him singing his favourite song – ‘I know a man named Michael Finnegan’ we used to laugh our heads off at him – you owe me a little finger!! I always remember him being so kind, funny and always laughing.
Thanks for all the help when I went shopping in New York – especially the socks!!
Good Night God Bless (Have you got a camera?)
All My Love
Little Brenda (Baby)
Although I only met Ron in person once, I spent many, many hours on the phone, via email and via AOL’s “Instant Cynthia” (as he humorously called it). Ron’s professionalism and knowledge were only surpassed by his incredible personality; Ron kept his cool and his sense of humor during the most critical times. I’ll always recall his quiet “This is probably a stupid question…” phrase, which generally preceded an incredibly astute observation that no one else had thought of. His quiet humility, his dry wit, and his remarkable intelligence made him a pleasure to be around. I never met his family, but he showed me pictures of his wife and children. I knew so much about them because he was so proud of them that he always talked about what they were doing. Ron, you will be missed… but not forgotten.
Good Morning Dear Ron:
I have come to your page many times and thought so much about your wife and kids. I wanted to write something but I did not know how to start. TODAY I have a pretty good reason and I want to share it with your kids and wife:
I’m leading a hard project, I have all the resources except the DBA, the one we have is making things a little hard and he is making me have to discover what he already knows as a DBA.
This morning, I had a dream with you, I was at my computer and suddenly you were next to me. Your presence was so pure, so peaceful, so confident, so happy, so under-control, so gentle, and so willing to help, exactly how your presence was when we worked together. You gave me confidence and guidance on what I have to do even though I’m not a DBA. It is like having that DBA resource through your spirit. In the dream we worked for some time, and then I realized that you have die and start crying, but then you said to me, no, no, I’m here. Your voice was happy and relax.
Ron, thanks for coming to me when I need it your help, thanks for remind me how God can make us so happy by being in his presence, thanks for being such a nice human being, always willing to help, to listen. And thanks for being such a good father and husband, which is not that common on earth.
Talk to you later, during my research work
Love and smiles for your family
I only met Mr. Gillian once, but he was a very kind man. He was welcoming to me, and I was shocked when Ashley called me with the news. I was in shock, because I could not believe that a kind person like him would be taken away from her and her family so fast.
Ron, today is our 23rd yr anniversary I miss you,and look forward to the day when we can celebrate being together again.
Love You
Hey Dad-
Yesterday was your and Mom’s wedding anniversary- and I really thought about how you were such a wonderful dad and husband. There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t think about you- and when I do, I smile because I think of your laugh and your silly jokes, yet tears well up in my eyes because I wish you were here. I see other kids and their dads- and while they are lucky, I don’t think any one of them is as lucky as I have been to have had such a wonderful dad and friend like you. (Nothing like a good burping contest… but yes, you are the all time champion).
Dad, I love you. Keep the sunshine with your smile.
To my dear uncle Ron,
Everyone misses you so much.
I can’t believe that you’re not here anymore. I am so glad you came back to England when you did, it was so lovely to see you and my girls had the chance to meet you.
When I think about you, I remember back to when I was a little girl and you and Liz would come and babysit for us. Egg and Bacon or Flossy you would call us and you would tickle us and we would read our books to you, you really were a great uncle.
I remember being a bridesmaid at your wedding, I was only 4 but I remember, St Chad’s looked so big to me then, but you let me sit by you in the Reception and I will always remember that because I was sat with loads of people I didn’t know and I was scared.
My children and I will always love you Ron, and I will always tell my girls about you forever,
We’ll meet again some sunny day my dear, love and miss you loads,
Lynzi Portman
I met and became friends with Ashley in August of 2000. Since that time I had spoken with Mr. Gilligan only a couple of times, but within that time I was able to see how great of a person he was. Intelligent, compassionate, spirited are only a few of the many extraordinary traits of this family man who was taken too soon from this earth.
But he will live on in the hearts and souls of those who love him so. And his life will inspire us all to be better ourselves. God bless.
Dear Ronnie
Hope that you are ok we are all still thinking of you.
love you always from Colin, Sue, Christopher, Daniel and George
Ron was indeed a perfect gentleman. His family meant everything in the world to him. Everything he did, he did for them, with love and gratitude.
He was intelligent, funny, and kind. There’s a void now, where his smile would have brought warm, friendly light. Liz, Ashley, Ainsley, and Dherran, I pray for you daily, for God’s grace and comfort to surround you and hold you close.
Dear Ron, Mom is with you and Dad now, she had been so strong for all of us, a wonderful Mom and Granma,we will miss her so much, take care of mom and dad Ron,until we meet again.
Love always we miss you every day
Gilligan Family
I was lucky enough to call Ron my friend. I looked up to Ron as maybe I would have if I’d had an older brother…admiringly and perhaps even a little enviously. His caring friendship towards me helped shape who I am today.
Anyone who was lucky enough to meet Ron or get to know him couldn’t help but be touched by such a genuine, honourable and warm-hearted gentleman.
Ron was such a rarity for this day and age….a damn decent human being with an unquestioning generosity of spirit and understanding for his fellow man. A man with an obviously passionate, proud, glowingly deep warmth of love for his family…Intelligence…crackin sense of humour…a great taste in music and he supported the ‘right’ football team!!…you couldn’t help but like him and love him.
I think about him so often…wishing I could just pick up the phone and say ‘hi dude!’….I hope you’re at peace my friend…
Liz, Ashley, Ainsley and Dherran….ave faith and hold on tight to the deeply precious and irreplaceable love Ron has for you as a devoted husband and father…
Dear Ronnie,
I cannot believe it’s nearly your 1st Anniversary. Reunited with Mum and Dad. Rest in peace. Love as always from Sue, Colin, Christopher, Daniel and George.
I was lucky to have worked with Ron at Cantor for a few years. He was always willing and able to help me with any issues I had. It made my life at Cantor easier knowing I could rely on Ron any time.
We also shared a love of music. Ron liked (loved?) David Bowie. I had a tape of Bowie from Madison Square Garden I had made and Ron really appreciated hearing it. It was only the first tape of two and I had wanted to get Ron the second tape. I found it this year. I wish Ron could listen to the rest of the concert.
I miss Ron very much.
Henry “Grape” Minkoff
I was fortunate enough to meet Ronnie at a good stage in our lives….the late teens.Those were the days when the summers seemed longer and the beer infinetly cheaper (and boy did we test the latter theory!). Although it’s been a long time since then, good people somehow remain part of your life forever.It’s obvious from reading the messages that the good guy I knew all those years ago simply improved even further with age.I’m proud to say he was, and will remain, a friend of mine.
Hello Ron, it’s been over a year,both the girls and I miss you, your sense of humor and your eighteen years of friendship, I’m keeping an eye on Liz, you guys will always be my best friends and I’m always there for Liz and the kids.
Tina, Niaomi, Kiki
Hey Dad-
We’re into the new year now- and things just haven’t been the same without you. But…. did you know that we were able to find a spam calendar? You know- the whole john cleese thing… spam and spam and spam and what not… boy do we miss your impression and the sound of you laughing at the sketch over and over and over again. Anyway…. I just had to share my new discovery with the hope that we will laugh as a family again over the “spam” thing someday.
Give nan and granddad a high five for me…
Dear Ron,
I don’t know what to say, you would know what to say and you would know the right thing to say.
I really wish you were here, for Liz and the kids, and for everyone else. You had that sense of calm around you and I think this world could do with someone like you at the moment.
It’s been so long and it still makes no sense to anybody.
We all really miss and love you loads, but we’ll meet again my lovely Uncle and I will give you a great big hug and kiss.
Love you.
I grew up with Ron Gilligan (“Gilly”)as he was in my class at school from the age of 11 onwards. I never saw him after about 1976, but he obviously grew up to be a real nice guy. But that’s no surprise really as he always was a real nice guy. I knew he was doing well through his brother in law Brian, who was also in our class and who I hear from every once in a while. Whenever I see someone from the ‘old days’ we will still speak fondly of Ron.
Dear Ashley,
I met you on a flight to England in July 2003. We talked about your Dad and all I can say is that he’d be proud of the strong person you are. With love and prayers. Helen
How quickly you lose touch after school but how long the memory of a good friend remains. Little things stick out like Monday mornings. There would be verbal battles with the Kopites and Ronny would always have some clever insight into the game that those of us who took a more emotional view of things would have missed. I remember he had a limitless supply of Ben Sherman shirts from Kirkby Market. We would help each other with our homework, i was good at maths while ronny was good at english, but his sense of right and wrong meant we never copied from each other. He would give guidance and encouragement only, helping you to understand the question not answering it for you. A little boy with a big heart and a bigger grin. Nothing seemed to get him down. The teen years are a time of shifting friednships but Ronnie was always solid and dependable, asking nothing in return except you laugh at his funny comments. I’m proud and privileged to have known him and i’m sure that goes for everyone who ever met him.
Dear Ron,
Today is 9/11/03 and you have been on my mind all day. I think of you very often and with great fondness. I remember the laughs and good times we had at James River – hard to believe more than 20 years ago.
May you rest in peace my friend. Liz always remember how Ron loved you and his family.
Phyllis Kopelman
Hey Dad-
Yesterday marked 2 years that we lost you… and it feels like it was just yesterday that I saw you smile. A friend and I went to Dave Matthews yesterday- and we celebrated your life by jumping up and down, like you would have, singing songs and having a good laugh. I can’t begin to express how lucky I feel to have had you in my life for as long as I did and I hope that you’re having a rock on time up in heaven.
Thanks Dad for the laughs, smiles, and all of the love. I miss you so much, but I know that you live on through all of us every day.
I grew up with Ron, I lived opposite him, we played football every day using our garages for goals.
We went to school together, played together laughed and cried together.
Although I hadn’t seen Ron since I bumped into him on a bus in the seventies, he was and always will be, in my thoughts, a huge part of my childhood.
My older brothers and sisters have photos of us all together, in Trentham Road.
I’m not surprised at the many tributes, I could tell even then as a child, he would touch the hearts of many.
I’m deeply saddened and yet feel equally as lucky to have spent such an important part of my life with Ron.
Barry Chambers (now in Florida) I’ll never forget!
Dear Liz,
Yesterday marked the 3rd Anniversary of Ron’s “Angel Day”. You and the kids were in my thoughts and prayers all day. I miss you alot and I know that you must be hurting at this time. Please know that you will always be my friend and if you ever need any thing just let me know. It is not yet 7 a.m. on the East Coast but I really wanted you and the kid’s to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.
cakes,cakes and more cakes you and my mum always eat loads especially when you came home too liverpool and you would go to sayers for a box full.you where a pleasure to have as an uncle our ron that was you funky hunky ron see you when we get there
love bev,phily and childrenxxxxxxxx
never never met y but i have heard a lot about you you love cakes cameras and books oh yes and david bowie.your children my cusions are great and most of all antie liz.twinkle twinkle little star
luv megan aged 11
Hi Ron,
It is hard to sit here and look at your face on this screen, I could just reach out and touch you. All the kids are getting bigger now and seem much happier than they have for a while. We really miss you loads I would give anything to have you back here with us. Hope everyone is well upstairs with you, say hi to your mum and dad and nan and grandad and of course baby david. Our other grandad is with you now little lenny (is he still smoking?) give everyone a big kiss from me and tell them all to look after you.
Love and miss you more everyday.
Its hard to think that it is that time of year again. Everyone still loves you so much and misses you all the time. Love you forever.
Dad- Christmas is coming up soon and I can’t help but to think about how much you loved Christmas and how you lit up our faces every year. I am missing you so much and I miss you more and more as every day goes by. I wish you were here to meet Dave- my best friend, and my other half. We live together, and he has really been so great to me. He has loved me, and helped encourage me in carrying on your legacy of being a smart, hard working, and giving person. While I will never be quite as great a person as you were, I know that I will always have your example to go by. I’m going to med school next year Dad!!!!!! Love You, Ashley XOXOXO
Dear Liz and kids, 9/11/06
I just wanted you to know that today we held a 5 year 9/11 memorial in Norwalk today. It was beautiful and so appropriate. A chair was placed om stage for each of the victims from Norwalk and Liz, you’ll understand why this was so appropriate, they placed a single rose on each chair as each name was called. It seemed so appropriate, It made me think of the day Ron got off the train and came to Darhan & C.j.’s baseball game and handed you that single rose and said just because. I wanted you to know, Ron is always in our thoughts and we miss you all.
Hi Ron,
Still miss you more than ever, love always and forever. Wish you were here read stories to my children like you used to do for my sisters and I, you was and always will be a very special person to me.
hi dad
i was just reading what all these people said about you and it made me sad that i never got to do the things that other lads do with their fathers.Its just so unfair that you had to be taken from us.
dad ill miss you forever
Today is that awful day again. Its been so long but so close.
Just to let you know that I will be thinking about you today, a little more than usual.
Miss you loads Uncle Ron I don’t think anyone will get over the loss of you.
You would be so proud of Liz and the kids, we all are.
Love and miss you eternally.
Lynzi and Family x x x x x x x
Has it already been 7 years…? *sigh*
You were always a good person, you were good to my mom, my sister, and myself. Your family always helped ours when we were in need. The world lost a genuinely good person on this day, seven years ago. I still have fond memories of when you brought me and Ashley out to eat, and bought me food from Swanky Franks that one time, and introduced me to those silly Yum Yums plushies. Good times…Oh, and can’t forget that ‘Plinky Boy’ song you made up for Dherran when he was a baby! Hahahaha..ahhh..
Rest in Peace, old friend. Hope everything is holding up well for you, in the stars…
7 years…… 7 very long years not least for Liz and the kids. You are still very much missed by us all and silly little things bring back memories of you. Like: Sayers Cakes, Pride and Prejudice, LFC and now that Charlotte is doing a degree in ICT – guess what she’s trainig to do? Yep – a Data Base Analyst!!
Love you loads
Debi x x x
Hi Ron,
Just a little note to say we still all think about you.
Love you loads Uncle Ron, you always were and still are the best.
Its eight years today and so hard to believe that eight years has passed, we think of you every day and you’d be so proud of the kids they are doing really well and you’d like the people they are becomming they have their fond memories of you and the ground work you did with them has paid off they have your values I thank you for that Ron and I miss you everyday not just today I’m glad we had that time together and as you can’t be here I’d rather spend the rest of my life alone. Liz xxx
Ron, you were the best database manager and finest human being I worked for.
I can’t tell you how many times i’ve come to this page but have found it too difficult to write anything. I’d like to thank the hardest working and nicest person i’ve ever know for his friendship and guidance while I worked for you. I can still remember wrestling you to do xmas/new year support in the UK and you’d always insist on doing it. Also, the week I spent in the NY office, you went out of your way to make sure I was alright and invited me to meet you family, that meant a lot and it came as no suprise that your family were just as nice as you.
Thanks for everything you did, said and the encouragement you always gave me. I can remember when we light on bodies in the UK DB dept and I was working long hours and constantly driving into the office during the night which my family were cconcerned about and I kept telling them that i’m not even doing half of the amount of work Ron is doing, that’s the kind of guy you were and that’s why you’re so missed by everyone whose life you touched.
Thanks Ron,
Hi Uncle Ron,
I guess by now you know that Mandy has joined you up there in the sky.
I know that you will be guiding and looking after her and giving her those great big hugs we all miss so much.
It is so horrible that the both of you have gone it still hurts so bad but I know that you are not alone which is a bit of a comfort.
Give each other a big hug from me, till we are all together again.
Lots of love
Hi Ron
almost nine years now and you are just as missed as if it was yesterday. Thank you nick for your kind words and remembering Ron Mandy is up there now too and I know you’re telling her it’s ok you did have a soft spot for Our Mandy I miss you so much love you xx
Cant believe it has been so long.
Still think about you lots.
Hope you and Mandy are looking after each other.
Till we meet again.
Love always,
Hi Ron
This is silly because i know you cannot hear …but anyway..
A little note to remember my little brother. I look at the web site occasionally; but think about you a lot. It is still so sad what happened. Oddly enough Jonathan keeps me up to date via info from his cousins… the irony of IT.(facebook) Well done to your daughter Ashley who you would be proud of .. also Ainsley and Dherran
Love loraine PS your tree looks good.
Hi Ron…..it’s been a difficult few weeks and the kids have handled it well just as you would have wanted them too with dignity yes they got Bin Laden but it doesn’t bring you back and we don’t find much comfort in him being found. Your still gone. It will be ten years soon and again we’ll handle it with dignity already turned down the BBC and their request to do a story on the kids ten years on 9/11 you wouldn’t want that and we will reflect and mourn you as always in private love you always
Still miss you loads Uncle Ron.
Cant beleive it has been ten years.
I know you will be looking down on everyone, I cant believe how much Dherran is the spitting image of you, love you lots,
Lynzi and Family
PS: Give Our Mandy a big kiss and hug from me.
Eleven years have flown by so fast. Still can’t beleive it.
You have Mandy with you now – hope you’ve got ear plugs!!
I will always remember our dear trainer at Grolier, Inc. Danbury, CT. years 1998 & 1999 but more than a trainer a great man of values, deep kindness rare in the technology world, and fun to be with. Ron you will always be sadly missed.