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Robert Horohoe Date of Birth: June 11, 1970 Department: Corporate Bonds Position: Vice President Robert was a very kind and caring person who touched many people in so many ways. He was a wonderful son, a caring brother, a doting uncle, a loyal friend, and a loving companion to his fiancé Lilia. I feel very proud to have raised such a special person. I feel very fortunate to have had such a special son. Robert always went out of his way to include everyone in his life. He loved to socialize. Sitting in the backyard with his friends rehashing old childhood stories over a beer, he would always include his mom. I would be invited to join his friends for a glass of wine. We would laugh into the night. Robert’s coworkers would encourage him to call me when Robert got particularly annoyed at work. Those conversations would usually end in laughter. Laughter and good times were so much a part of Robert’s life. Family and friends were Robert’s life. It was often hard to draw a line between the two. Robert’s family were also his friends and his friends were also his family. Robert loved skiing, fishing, and playing tennis or golf with his friends. He loved his work, and worked hard for the firm and his customers. He had the strength and confidence to face challenges, and took great satisfaction in attaining his goals. I am very proud of all Robert had achieved. Robert was to be married on May 4, 2002 to his fiancé Lilia. He was so happy and very much looking forward to their lifelong future together. They were looking forward to purchasing a home in Holmdel in order to be close to family and friends. Robert will forever be remembered as a compassionate, generous and loving person with a heart of gold. We know Robert was loved by many, and now his memory will be cherished by all.
Robert was a very kind and caring person who touched many people in so many ways. He was a wonderful son, a caring brother, a doting uncle, a loyal friend, and a loving companion to his fiance Lilia. I feel very proud to have raised such a special person. I feel very fortunate to have had such a special son.
Robert always went out of his way to include everyone in his life. He loved to socialize. Sitting in the backyard with his friends rehashing old childhood stories over a beer, he would always include his mom. I would be invited to join his friends for a glass of wine. We would laugh into the night.
Robert’s coworkers would encourage him to call me when Robert got particularly annoyed at work. Those conversations would usually end in laughter. Laughter and good times were so much a part of Robert’s life. Family and friends were Robert’s life. It was often hard to draw a line between the two. Robert’s family were also his friends and his friends were also his family.
Robert loved skiing, fishing, and playing tennis or golf with his friends. He loved his work, and worked hard for the firm and his customers. He had the strength and confidence to face challenges, and took great satisfaction in attaining his goals. I am very proud of all Robert had achieved.
Robert was to be married on May 4, 2002 to his fiance Lilia. He was so happy and very much looking forward to their lifelong future together. They were looking forward to purchasing a home in Holmdel in order to be close to family and friends.
Robert will forever be remembered as a compassionate, generous and loving person with a heart of gold. We know Robert was loved by many, and now his memory will be cherished by all.
As I read the tribute written by your mother, I know that she loved and cared about you very much. I, on the other hand, barely knew you. But I did know your father and stepmother. I have included you in every prayer chain and request for love and prayers. My concern is not for us, those who remain, but for your spirit and soul. I pray that Lilia, your fiancee, will have the strength to go on. We are all heartbroken by your passing. Please know that your family and friends think of you often. Please also know that those of us on the perimeter, mourn your passing, too. You must have been an INCREDIBLE person! I feel it in your Mother’s tribute and I feel it through my communication with your Dad and Claudia. Rest in peace, knowing always that you are LOVED AND MISSED. May God Bless.
Peg and Bert Chappell
Rob was an amaszing person. When I close my eyes and think of him all I can do is smile. My memories of Rob are of happy times. I worked with Rob for over nine years at Cantor. He started a few months after I did. We lived and learned the business at the same time which drew us closer together. There are so many stories, so many laughs. There is one thing that I am very happy to know. That is Rob did find his true love. Lilia can take comfort in knowing she was truely loved by Rob.
I miss you bud!! You will never be forgotten.
I had known Rob for over 15 years-beginning with high school in Holmdel. He was always a giving and fun loving person-who simply enjoyed hanging out with his friends. We had a lot of great times enjoying those beers on the back porch of the Horohoe’s-definitely rehashing, rehashing, and rehashing again (there was never too many times to repeat a story!!)the many funny events that he took part in through his life. It was obvious how much he loved Lilia, in the way he treated her like a queen and spoke of her to his friends. We’ll miss him and the good times we had together very much!
I have known “Ho” for 7 or 8 years. We met through the brokerage business as we both started about the same time.
The first time we met Terry McCarty at Cantor was covering me. We were heading out for drinks and he mentioned he was bringing along the “new guy”, Rob. From the minute we met I could tell Rob was a “regular guy”, to use Wall St. parlance, – very gregarious, easy to talk to, nothing fake about him. This was reflected by the fact that we stayed in touch even when I was no longer his customer, and remained friends after Terry moved away.
I noticed a change in Rob about a year and a half ago. It coincided with Rob becoming engaged to Lillia. I happened to get engaged to my wife, Karen a few months later. The fact that both of us were in similar places in our lives seemed to cement our friendship. Lillia and Karen became friends. We saw each other more frequently as couples, all of us excited about our futures. I mourn Rob not as much for the past, but more so for the future times we all would have had together.
Joe Dragoni, Friend
Bo – Bobby Ho was my best friend whom I have known for 15+ years. We have had so many wonderful times together either on our annual ski trips, or fishing off the rocks down in Manasquan often just Bo and I. Knowing him has made me a better person, and my life will be changed forever without him. That is what hurts so much in knowing I lost a true friend and realizing I will never experience the future we expected to share together. There is not a day that goes by that my wife and I don’t think of him, and we really feel as if a piece of our hearts will always be missing. I take comfort in knowing that Bo is in God’s loving care, and we anxiously await the day when we see his smiling face in Heaven and to hear him say, as we have many times in the past, “I love you, kid!”
Bo, I thank you for touching my life and in a short 31 years leaving me a list of memories that will last for a lifetime.
I thank you for getting me through the days when I needed someone to lean on.
I thank you for always being there for me without any conditions.
I thank you for making me laugh.
I thank you for making me cry (something I hadn’t done in a very long time).
I thank you for being my friend.
I thank you for being so much more than a friend. I thank you for sharing your secrets.
I thank you for keeping my secrets.
I thank you for saving my life (something I wish everyday I could have done for you).
I thank you for opening up your home to me.
I thank you for sharing your life with me.
I thank you for the person you were and the person you will always be in my heart.
And I especially thank you for being you.
You will live in my heart and memories until the end of time. Love, DAPS/GBUA
I knew Rob during the many years we worked together at Cantor, and he was my neighbor, living in the building next to mine. I would run into him earling in the morning as he was leaving for work and I was finishing my run. As sweaty as I always was, he would give me a big hug and tell me how great I looked. He had a great smile, and was a genuinely nice, down to earth guy.
My prayers and deepest sympathy go out to his fiance and his family, particularly his father Bob, who I knew and worked with for many years at Cantor. Bob, in every conversation I had with your son, he always talked about you, always said what a great Dad you were. I am so very, very sorry for you and your family.
I met Rob at the University of Hartford in 1989. We instantly became friends and lived together for a couple of years. Rob was one of a kind. He loved life and always lived it to the fullest. He had enough energy to power an entire city. When Rob walked in a room things always picked up. He had such an infectous personality, you couldn’t help but have fun and laugh when Rob was around.
Rob was one of the nicest people that I’ve ever known. His passing has left such a huge void in all of our lives. But I will always think back on the good times we had and smile. And his spirit will always be here to remind me to have fun and enjoy life.
My deepest and heartfelt condolences go out to his family, fiancee and friends.
You were the best. Miss ya, bro!
Robert was a friend since the day we met. After a couple of weeks, a great friend. A little while longer, a best friend. We spent alot of good times with one another, and not many bad times. Come to think about it, after we spoke they were all good times and we seemed to work out the differences in what we thought could have been bad times.
In my eye Rob (Bo) had no idea of the impact he had on so many people. I personally will never forget the GIANT or RANGER games, and lets not forget the Aerosmith concert, or the air-hockey games that I was able to be part of. Robert made me feel so comfortable with his friends and he felt so with mine. I am honored to have spent the time we did together. Rob, in my eyes, you are a great friend and an excellent Brother-in-law. Everybody knows the type of son you are but words cannot be written down on what a fantastic Uncle/Godfather you have been and always will be!!
I love you,
I miss you,
I’ll never forget you!
Until we meet again,
Joe Sueiro
Rob was such an easy person to be around. He was interested in so many different things and he was always in a good mood. In fact, I don’t think I ever saw him in a bad mood no matter what kind of day he was having. I treasure the memories I have of Rob and the fun times we had together. I just wish he had better taste in movies! We never agreed on that subject. He will be missed.
As I sit here and read all of these tributes to Robbie my heart swells with pride to have known and shared some of my younger years with such a wonderful person. Robbie was my cousin and to this day I still can not believe that he is gone. I wish that everyone could have known him I will always remember when we were young playing games (witchie-poo)and putting on shows for our parents (gong show) and when we were older going out with his friends and how he always made sure I was welcomed. I know in my heart that Robbie is in heaven watching over all of those that he loved and protecting them from harm. To those who knew and loved Robbie our lives will never be the same.
We miss you!!!!
Love always your
I am writing to share my memories of a terrific guy. Being friends of his sister Tricia for many years, I had the pleasure to spend time with Robbie.
There are so many wonderful qualities about Robbie, and he was so many things to so many people. What is a constant memory about him to me was his smile. When he smiled at you, he spoke many words without saying a thing. Whether it was at a family function, or just poolside at mom’s house, everytime I saw him, he would flash that dynamite smile, give me a hug, ask how I was, and wanted to know what was new in my life.
I am quite sure Robbie had no idea the way he touched peoples lives. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think of him, and when I do, it brings warm feeling inside and a smile to my face. His family, friends and fiance Lilia are in my prayers forever, and I will keep Robbie in my heart always.
Thanks for all those smiles Robbie.
Donna Marie Basile
Bo, we want to wish you a happy 32nd birthday and let you know we are thinking of you on this special day. We love and miss you dearly.
Danny and Stacey Strandberg
A letter with no address, a letter never intended to be opened.
A letter to Bo, a year without you.
As I reflect on life and the past year-I think about so many points in time when I would find myself just thinking about you. Moments in time over the last year, moments I would take a step back and look around a room. I would think to myself something is missing and for a brief second, my subconscious would try to forget the awful events of September 11th. Then deep in a place that never lets you forget, it would all comeback to me and I would have to live another day without my friend.
It is said that time heals all wounds and memories do fade, however, it is not true. Everyday I wake up not immediately thinking of you, but throughout the day your memory is all around me. Somebody will say something and I can hear your voice. I see something and I picture an image of you. I reach for the phone to call you and stop in such disbelief. I can’t tell you the number of emails I have sent you just hoping and praying for a response. I can’t tell you how much I miss you and I can’t believe I haven’t spoken to you in over a year.
A year without you has been extreme in so many senses. There have been so many times that I could feel your presence, along with your being as I know you are always with me. One of the most notable times that I can recall over the last year is when we made sure to include you in our wedding day by making a special dedication to you. I honestly felt that you were there along my side to see it.
I go to your grave and visit you as much as I can, but to see your name takes a little piece of me each time. I speak to you throughout the day, not only in my mind and my dreams, but also on paper. I do a lot of writing lately as it helps me sort things out and eases my pain.
You see Bo, it is 4 a.m. on Saturday morning the seventh of September 2002 as I sit and write this to you. I could not sleep and continued to toss and turn, coming in and out of sleep, when again I would dream another dream of you and I (and this time Chris too) going to a bar with no destination, everything is fine like nothing has ever happened. We exchange words and laugh out loud when I suddenly wake and realize I have missed another opportunity to say goodbye. This day last year would be the last day I would ever physically see you; the date was actually September the 8th.
I miss your laugh, voice, sense of humor, your friendship, and most of all I miss you.
I have been blessed to have all the memories that we have shared, but I also have been cheated by not being able to share so many more. A void has been left in my life that will never be filled, but only eased by memories.
In life we are blessed if we can look back and have made the journey with some really good people who have played major roles in our lives. You will continue to play this role in my life, my wife’s and the lives of our future children. I promise you they will know the boy that turned into the man that I am proud to say is one of my best friends. You will always be a part of me, and as long as I live, you will live with me.
Bo, I hope that in heaven you can hear the words I speak to you in this letter and all the words I speak to you every day.
I just wanted to fill you in on our life down here over the past year and let you know that a day doesn’t go by when I don’t think about you and all the dreams we had planned on fulfilling together.
As I finish this letter, I realize I have a lot to accomplish in this thing we call life, not just one set of dreams, but two-
I love and miss you.
God Bless.
You are my big little brother and there is not a day that goes by that I don’t think of you, talk to you and miss you. I miss your phone calls from the office. I miss you borrowing our car and returning it with the drivers seat almost fully reclined, how do you drive like that? I miss Andrew calling me to say he’ll be late because he’s meeting you at Johnny’s Fish Grill for a couple of cocktails. I miss seeing you lounging poolside drinking from your 7-11 big chug mug. I miss hearing about your weekend tennis matches with the boys. I miss you talking about buying a house in Holmdel. I miss sporting our birdman glasses. Most of all I miss having you around.
My only comfort comes from knowing that you are in heaven with our family members, and oh yes, Dutch, and a wonderful group of people we had the privledge to work with and befriend. I enjoyed coming down to 104 to say hi to you, Freddie, Lads, Alen, and Danny, and it was always good to see you on 105 visiting with cousin Eric and Boo Boo.
I promise that your twin nieces due in early February will know all about their Uncle Rob and will love you as much as we do. I know that you keep the girls, Andrew and I safe and that you’ll be there the day they arrive. I can only hope that our little miracles have your sense of humor, compassion, consideration, loyalty and zest for life.
Your sister,
“A sibling is both your mirror and your opposite”
Elizabeth Fishel
The twins arrived on January 18th. Isabelle Ann was born at 8:46 a.m. weighing 5 pounds 14 ounces followed by her sister Olivia Ann at 8:47 a.m. weighing 4 pounds 11 ounces. A bit earlier than we expected, but everyone is home and doing well. Thanks for getting me through the labor bro it didn’t hurt a bit. We can’t wait to tell the girls all about you.
We miss you and love you.
Donna Marie
Happy Birthday Robbie,
Now that you’re 33 you don’t seem so much younger than us. I’m sure by now you, Eric and Boo Boo have found the hot spots in Heaven, be good to yourself tonite, but make sure Boo picks up the tab.
The twins are great. You’d be amazed at how big they are, particularly Isabelle, she is 5 pounds heavier than Olivia. Liv burns all her calories contemplating how to solve the world problems. I know that as their special angel you are watching over them, I’ll really need your help when they start walking, yikes!
We miss you so much. You are never far from our thoughts.
Hugs and kisses,
Donna, Andrew, Isabelle and Olivia
June 11, 2003
Dear Rob,
Happy 33rd Birthday!!!!
We are thinking about you and all of the good times we shared on this day and all of the other days we spent together. We love and miss you always. GBUA
Dan and Stacey
These days are always hard. As much as it hurts and as much as I miss Robert, I always smile whenever I think of him. So despite the fact that this day is another reminder that he is not here, I’m going to smile and wish him a Happy Birthday. Happy birthday Robert, I love you dude.
Hi Rob,
Sunday is the twin’s Christening and I know you are happy that we have chosen Marie and Kenny as Godparents for Olivia, and Patty and Michael for Isabelle. We all wish you could be standing with us to witness the girls welcome into the Catholic Church. I know there will be several times I look up and see you smiling, and then telling me to pay attention.
Just the other day I heard Andrew telling the girls about their Uncle Rob and how we will make sure they know all about you. You’re always on our minds and in our hearts.
Talk to you soon.
September 11, 2003
It has been 2 years since you left us. They say time heals. Well it doesn’t, I miss you as much today as I did 2 years ago.
I miss your smile, your phone calls, your cards, all the weekends here at the house, I miss you Robert! Life is just not the same.
I will say it over and over again “there is no greater pain than when a Mother loses a Child”
God gave me three beautiful Granddaughters since you have gone. I try so hard to think of all the wonderful gifts I have, but my mind always goes back to you.
You made it so easy for me, to be so proud of you my Son.
To remember is an act of consciousness, taking one or all senses. Never to forget is a promise, a covenant.
This is what I have pledged to my brother-
To heal is a process, almost a dulling of senses and memories; hence time heals all. A promise never to heal.
This is what I have pledged to my brother-
The future is the unknown between time and space.
The past is already known with details lost in the race. The present is a very fine line between both.
A promise never to forget the past, always live for the day and in the future my friend, we will meet again.
And this is what I have pledged to my brother-
You are always with me my friend…
September 11, 2003
We cannot know why things happen the way they happen. All we can do is keep hope in our hearts and remember those we love. We hope you know how much we love you and that you’re in our thoughts each and every day.
Hugs and kisses,
Donna, Andrew, Olivia and Isabelle
September 11, 2003
It is hard to believe that it has been two years. You are fresh in my mind and missed by all.
Your pal, Terry
Uncle Robbie,
I miss you so much, i wish i could see you again. my wish will come true when we see each- other in heaven again. I wish you could have been sick that day. we would still have you in our lives.buti will always have you in my heart. we can’t change the past. but we can live the present. I will never forget i love you uncle rob
-Caitlynn ( God-Daughter )
Dear Rob:
Happy 34th!!! Time goes too fast. One thing that will always last are the memories we shared. We miss you more each day. The eleventh used to be a celebration, but now it is a day of remembrance. You will always be with us on this day and forever. GBUA
Love, Dan and Stacey
Dear Rob,
It is always difficult to post on this website, especially on days that are meant for celebration. As our nation mourns the loss of former President Ronald Reagan, we continue to mourn your loss, and look foward to the day when we see you again. Many remember the former President as an inspiring man, know that you inspire all of us each and everyday, and on this day, your birthday, we reflect on how very much we truly miss you.
All our love,
Donna, Andrew, Isabelle & Olivia
Dear Robbie,
I read your tribute page often, I see your smile when I close my eyes, you always have fresh flowers for your grave, you will always be 31, you are missed so much.
To My Robert,
Here we are 3 years later, September 11, 2004. I did not think it was possible to miss another person as I miss you. There are no words.
I had a gathering of all of your friends and family last Sunday. We were making arrangements for your golf outing. Every time someone spoke your name, they would smile. You had a way to make everyone happy.
On September 12, 2004, we will have our Holmdel memorial unveiled. I will speak that day about you and my head will be held up high.
I will tell everyone who never had the chance to know you, what a wonderful person you were.
I will never stop missing you.
Love Mom
September 11, 2004
Three years
Three times the memories
Three times the thoughts
Three times the loss
Three times the void
Three times the Anger
Three times the Pain
Three times the Love and the Promise
In death there is certainly the very real pain and sorrow of physical separation. But it is equally true that you remain with us. We do not see you because we are still in the darkness of this world. But your eyes, filled with the light of heaven, are always watching us. Heaven must be a perfect place all hearts are dreaming of, for only heaven is lovely enough for the cherished souls we love.
Love always,
Donna, Andrew, Isabelle & Olivia
Uncle Rob,
I wrote this poem for you, so i could remeber you every night i thought of you
Uncle RoB
I looked out the window and into the clouds.
thinking of you, you only heard one sound.
The one sound you heard was my heart beating Faster…and faster
i got so scared when i remember your face
i couldn’t bare with the pain it brought me,
Thinking of how you died an unwilling,painful death
I’ll never forget how we had all those fun times together
playing paddle ball over the pool
hide-and-seek in grandma’s back yard and
having swimming and diving compations in the pool
I justed liked seeing you,it wouldn’t matter if we sat in silence or played a game or two
it wouldn’t matter because i was with you
But all those times put together can not add up to how much i love and miss you
You will always have a place in my heart forever, and we will always have our memories together…ForEvEr…
DeDiCaTed…UncLe Rob
P.S i love and miss you soo much i can’t wait too see you again
I loVe YoU,
Dear Rob:
June 11, 2005.
We are thinking of you on this special day and wish you a very happy 35th birthday.
You are always with us. We love and miss you!
GBUA, Love, Danny and Stacey
Happy 35th Birthday Rob. We toast you, remember you, and most of all miss you. Hope you heard Isabelle singing Happy Birthday Uncle Robbie while looking up into the sky. There’s a word or two missing but it’s pretty close. Cheers.
Donna, Andrew, Isabelle & Olivia
So much has happened since that awful day in September. There was so much to look forward to then; your wedding to Lilia and the birth of me & Chris’ first child. Aidan was born that March and while that was a happy time for us, there was a hole in our hearts knowing you physically couldn’t be there to meet him. Now we have another son, Sean, born last April and oh they would of loved their “Uncle” Rob so much. It’s hard to believe it’s almost been 4 years without you here with us. The gang all have children of their own now and am sure you and Lil would of too. Life it so fleeting, we are just happy to of been able to spend the short amount of time with you that we did. We know you are in God’s hands now and at peace. We will never forget you. God Bless.
Hey Robbie, Just thinking of you on this day. It is hard to believe that 4years have gone by. You are missed and thought of often. May God continue to bless your family and friends.
September 11, 2005
A song rings in my ears and my head that brings me back like it was yesterday not four years ago.
A song I love to hate but somehow look for answers between the lines that I can never find.
I can’t stand to fly, I am not that naive.
I’m just out to find the better part of me.
I’m more than a bird, I’m more than a plane, I’m more than some pretty face beside a train.
The song is very ironic to me. It focuses on a man in a red sheet who can’t stand to fly, bleeds and who is looking for himself. A man who at one time was super, but no longer is. A man that couldn’t stop the 11th hour from happening and now questions his own existence as it has made us all do. As the song comes to an end the hero admits it is not easy to be him; I must agree.
I think about my friend and wish somehow I could have saved him that day, but then the song that haunts me reminds me not even superman could have saved him. I miss you.
Love, DAPS
September 11, 2005
A song rings in my ears and my head that brings me back like it was yesterday not four years ago.
A song I love to hate but somehow look for answers between the lines that I can never find.
I can’t stand to fly, I am not that naive.
I’m just out to find the better part of me.
I’m more than a bird, I’m more than a plane, I’m more than some pretty face beside a train.
The song is very ironic to me. It focuses on a man in a red sheet who can’t stand to fly, bleeds and who is looking for himself. A man who at one time was super, but no longer is. A man that couldn’t stop the 11th hour from happening and now questions his own existence as it has made us all do. As the song comes to an end the hero admits it is not easy to be him; I must agree.
I think about my friend and wish somehow I could have saved him that day, but then the song that haunts me reminds me not even superman could have saved him. I miss you Rob.
Love, DAPS
June 11, 2006
We want to let you know we are thinking of you on your birthday and always! We miss you!
All our love,
Danny and Stacey
Sept. 11, 2006
You are our constant shining star – your light will never be extinguished. Andrew, Isabelle, Olivia and myself walk with you in our hearts.
We as parents are so proud to tell our daughters about their Uncle Rob – your laughter, your smile, your generosity, your sense of humor, your love of friends and your family. We are with you and you with us all of us, forever.
We love you with all our hearts.
Donna, Andrew, Isabelle & Olivia
Five years Robert!
The World Trade Center is still a huge gapping hole….and so is my heart.
They say time heals the pain but really time just puts other things in your life to distract you from the pain.
Let me tell you Robert….time has put 4 wonderful and beautiful new granddaughters in my life and yes they distract me from the pain but I can just see your smile with the little things they say and do. You would get a run for it with them; they are so smart and would make you laugh like you would not believe. You would love their wakeups when they arrive before you are out of bed. I wish I could see them wake you and drag you down the stairs to play with them.
Time has given your friends a dozen children, can you believe it. “A dozen”
I am now the Grandmother of six beautiful and challenging little girls, but still the Mother of a wonderful Son who was taken from me to early in life and that I miss so much.
I miss your face, your calls, your smile, your laugh, and even your temper. I miss you Robert. I miss, “Mom, come to dinner with us” you included me the same as your friends, you wanted to take me as much as you wanted to take them, I miss talking with you, laughing with you, easily fitting right in at dinner with you and your friends. I miss seeing you every weekend, even if you set off the alarm. I miss you scaring me on the staircase you would walk so softly, I would tell you, you are going to give me a heart attack and we would laugh about it. I miss the birthday party you were giving me at the Water Cub in New York City on September 30, 2001. I told you save your money and you wouldn’t hear of it.
God took you but he could NEVER take away all the nice memories I have in my heart of you.
It has been 5 whole years without you physically but I had the joy of being your mother for 31 years and yes I want more. I could have never said Goodbye to you so this was Gods way of my precious son saying Goodbye to me.
Parents are not supposed to bury their children and I may have physically buried you but as your Mother, I will never bury you Robert. You will live on with me with the memories. I cannot change things but I do not want memories and I do not want to talk to you this way. I miss you and want you to be standing right here so I can reach out and hug you. I do not want to go to your grave and water and make sure the flowers look good. I just want you to be here and never have to go to that cemetery again. But Robert, I and your family and friends always make sure you have your favorite things at your grave in Holmdel. None of us would have chosen this.
Yes our family has so many wonderful new little girls, great additions to our family but we will always be missing you. You were taken away from us to soon.
Amazing how the world has changed. My world is still that horrendous day of September 11, 2001.
Robert I have experienced many things in my life, but nothing ever prepared me for the pain of missing you.
Five years Robert. I just cannot believe you have not called me at 10 o’clock for five years. Even now when the phone rings I hope it will be you.
Yes it is the anniversary that I am writing you….but you know me your mother Robert, I can write you every minute of every day. I wish I could talk to you…see you …just have more time with you.
Terrible how life works…..you plan what you would say if you could have had just 5 more minutes, or a call that morning. Wishful thinking can be a horrible thing sometimes.
Robert, I love you and that love is the same as if you were still with me. One satisfying fact is you know I loved you and I most certainly know you loved me. I miss you with all of my heart.
Your, Forever Heartbroken Mother,
Love you,
September 11, 2006
5 years, 60 months, 260 weeks, 1,825 days, 43,800 hours…time has quickly passed…but you are always on my mind and in my heart. I miss you my friend and will continue to see your smile and hear your laughter…I love you…DAPS
June 11, 2007
Dear Rob,
We wish you a very happy 37th birthday. We miss you everyday!!!! All our love, Dan and Stacey
June 11, 2007
Happy 37th birthday Rob. Even though we think of us continuously, this day is your special day, our hearts are filled with lingering sorrow and hopeful joy. We raise our glasses to you!
Donna, Andrew, Isabelle & Olivia
September 11, 2007
Six years have gone by and nothing has changed we still think about you everyday. We love and miss you…
All our love, Danny and Stacey
When someone close to us is taken suddenly, the pain sometimes seems more than we can bear. And yet, with time, our memories grow more precious, and we come to realize that those we’ve loved live within our hearts. Rob, you can be sure of this – that you are always in the thoughts of your family and friends who love and care for you.
Donna, Andrew, Isabelle & Liv
June 11, 2008
Just want to wish you a Happy Birthday!!! Not a day passes where we don’t think about you! We miss you! May God always bless you.
All our love,
Danny and Stacey
Seven years – Bro, it feels like a lifetime ago since I saw you. A lot has changed down here, but one thing that hasn’t is my love for you and the promise….Love, DAPS
June 11, 2009
Happy Birthday my friend. You are missed dearly and thought of constantly. I know you are celebrating in heaven.
God Bless you always.
Love, Dan
September 11, 2009
My friend you live you in in our thoughts and prayers and memories forever. Time will never makes us forget, this I PROMISE……DAPS
All our love and prayers,
Dan and Stacey
June 11, 2010
Dear Rob:
Just want to wish you a very happy 40th Bday! Wow….I remember bringing you balloons on your 30th and hanging out at your mom’s pool that day.
Hard to believe so much time has passed. You are always in my thoughts and prayers. GBUA
Love, Dan and Stacey
dear rob
its hard to believe you would be 40 years old now. To me you will always be 31. I think of you everyday. Each one of my daughters has a piece of your personality. Caitlynn is off to the Univ of Tampa. Her excitement reminds me of when you left for Hartford. She has your beautiful smile and zest for life. Rebecca has that serious side you liked to keep hidden. You would be proud to have her as your niece. Honor roll and athletic with a bright future. Natalie is our little hippie. She has your laugh and laid back style and i can feel you watching over her. Now Ava on the other hand is very outgoing and has your sense of humor. I believe God gave me each of my daughters filled with your spirit so that i can always be connected to you through them. You are always in our hearts.
Tre Matt Caitlynn Rebecca Natalie and Ava
Robert- Although I never had the honor of meeting you,I spent many nights hearing of what a special person you were from your sister Tre when my family lived across the way in Oceanport. My entire family watched today’s memorial until we saw you mentioned,and we prayed. As your sister Tre and I did on each anniversary of your passing,I will be sending my prayers to you as the towers light the evening sky. God Bless
Robert- Although I never had the honor of meeting you,I spent many nights hearing of what a special person you were from your sister Tre when my family lived across the way in Oceanport. My entire family watched today’s memorial until we saw you mentioned,and we prayed. As your sister Tre and I did on each anniversary of your passing,I will be sending my prayers to you as the towers light the evening sky. God Bless
Robert- I never had the pleasure of meeting you but I feel like I know you as I spend many an anniverary of you passing with your sister Tre while living in Oceanport. My whole family watched the memorial today and said a prayer when you appeared. As the sun sets tonight in Sea Bright, and the towers lights burn again, we will raise a glass to your memory. You have left a lasting legacy. God Bless.
You are thought of and spoken about often.
Sept 11 2010
Dear Rob
today marks the 9th year of such unrest in our
hearts We will never forget I miss you dearly
Always 31 and forever loved
your sister tre
Rob you were obviously a very special person to have touched so many lives and be loved and missed so much still. Such a warm and friendly smile I see from your picture. I wish you were still here with the friends and family that love you – but in your absence I wish them all peace. 05/04/2011 Tracey P XXX
June 11, 2011
Happy Birthday Rob!! Still seems like yesterday you were here and we were making plans to plan tennis on the weekend. Hard to believe it was almost 10 years ago. I still can’t believe you’re gone. Forever 31 brother! Miss you a ton!
Always in my heart and on my mind.
God Bless you always!
Love, Danny
Dear Robbie,
Today marks your 41st birthday. It has been almost 10 years since that awful day in September, that ended your life. You are with us all in spirit everyday. By now i imagine you would have had a few kids, a big house and a beautiful life with Lil. Instead we are left to mourn your loss.
We will continue to keep your spirit alive in our hearts and soul. To me you will always be 31.
Tre Witschel
I am so sorry to come across this news- as I had no idea about this tragedy.
I went to (what was called at the time) Elton Road School with Robert….and lived in Juniper Farms.
As a kid, I remember coming over to Sleepy Hollow- and having some good times with Robert…..along with so many others, who grew up in that area in Freehold. Such good memories of his house on the corner, with the pool out back.
My best to the family.
Steven Strzepek
Still some selfish tears
Not as many fears
Its been a long ten years
Forever 31
Love Tre
Trish Horohoe-Witschel (sister)
June 11, 2012
Hi Bo:
Just want to wish you a happy 42nd birthday. Miss you each and every day. Always thinking about you and how life would be now with you in it. You will live forever in our hearts. Always in our prayers.
We love you.
Dan and Stacey
Dear Rob, June 11,2012
Another birthday
Another year
Another tear
Forever 31
Love Tre
Trish Witschel-Sister
Dear Rob,
Another year is upon us, elevan to exact. I often wonder what life would be like if you were still around. I know you are with me in spirit and guiding my girls as their guardian angel but I miss your physical presence. Your smile could light up a room and your laughter was contagious.
Until we meet again.
Forever 31
Love always
Your sister
Matt Trish Caitlynn
Rebecca Natalie Ava
Oceanport,New Jersey
September 11, 2012
Dear Rob:
Another year goes by. Just want to let you know we miss and love you and will never forget.GBUA.
Love, Dan and Stacey
June 11, 2013
Happy Birthday Rob! Another year passes, but it still seems like yesterday! Miss you as much as ever. May God always look after you.
Love, Dan