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Donald Thomas Jones II Date of Birth: November 4, 1961 Department: Municipal Bonds Position: Executive Vice President It is with a profound sense of sadness that I write this letter. On September 11th, 2001 the lives of my entire family were changed forever. My beloved brother, Donald Thomas Jones II, age 39 was lost in Building One of the World Trade Center. He was a loving husband to Michele and a devoted father to his daughter Taylor Nicole, age 5 and his son, Donald Thomas III, age 2. He was a caring son to grieving parents, Judith and Donald Jones, son-in law to Carol and Felix Ramirez and brother in law to Christopher Ramirez. He was a dear nephew to Marjorie & Edward McSpirit, Linda Zielke and Robert Sutton; tremendous cousin to Stephen McSpirit, Edward Otto Zielke, Jason Zielke & Lauren Zielke and uncle to Stephen McSpirit, II. Don was also an honored family member to The Winifred Jones Family, John & Barbara Jones; The Mees Family, The Markferding Family, Gertrude Dickison, The Bregman Family, The Red Jones Family and The Janelli Family. My brother was an Executive Vice President in the Municipal Bond Department of Cantor Fitzgerald on the 104th floor of Building One of the World Trade Center. He survived the bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993, and was called a hero in many New York newspapers as he calmly lead many down a darkened stairwell over 100 floors, (including a pregnant woman who was in labor) to safety. I am sure he tried to do the same for his co-workers again this time. That was the kind of man he was. He moved with his family this past March to Billingsley Drive, just around the corner from where he grew up. He was delighted that his daughter was starting Collins School in the same kindergarten classroom he attended. We will never forget the wonderful people on his street, many of whom he had yet to meet. The Hollis family, the Brenners, the Maxwells, the Place family, the Heicklens and so many more all coming in every day with food and kindness to try to bolster our spirits, while we waited. We were also supported by our wonderful friends Elaine, Donna, George and Karen Reinhardt, Sue and Ed Luigori, Dana and Gary Marshuetz. His wonderful Newark Academy friends, Jim Borkan and Mike Melillo.who have been with us every day. The Lopomos, the Bonsmas, the Cantors, the Collins School mothers the PTA and Officer Chuck Granata of the Livingston Police Department have all helped ease our suffering. Reverend Long of the Federated Church spent time with us and prayed with us at the beginning of this ordeal, when we needed his prayers. The employees of St. Barnabas Hospital helped us with their kind words and generosity. My brother’s many friends from the Northfield Townhouses in West Orange including Elaine Sugerman, the Patels and Paul and Ava Goldstein stopped by repeatedly and offered their comfort and support. Pip Printing on Route 10 in Livingston assisted me, at no cost, in preparing flyers with my brother’s picture, which I posted throughout New Y! ork during our search. Trays of food were sent from Chuck Tahaney at the Town Hall, Joe Roberts and the Town Building Department, Prudential Real Estate Associates, the employees of Saks Fifth Avenue and Bloomingdales, Joseph Zahn, Shelly Umanoff and Gail Lowenstein of Gail Lowenstein Real Estate, Marty Writt, Frank and Shirley Goehringer and Ochs Cider Mill. Countless others stopping by with cookies, donuts or that big hug that we so desperately needed. I’m sure there are many who I can’t remember, but you know who you are and we love you for caring for us. I know we will never be able to adequately thank you. I would also like to thank my wonderful cousin Lauren Zielke, who spent days tending to my brothers’ children giving love and kindness and patience where it was needed. She was and is our rock to lean on each and every day. Finally, I would like to thank my dear friend Steve Avetzek, and my cousins, Edward Otto Zielke, Stephen McSpirit and Jason Zielke. For 2 days we searched countless sites in New York City, including hospitals and the armory to find my brother. We walked hundreds of blocks when we weren’t allowed to drive. After we ran out of places to search and came home, my cousin, Stephen, a Patrolman on the Livingston Police Department went back and spent nearly a week without rest working tirelessly with the rescue crews digging in the rubble to find his cousin. No greater gift could my brother have received than his cousin’s love and dedication. I will always remember their expressions of love for this great man, my brother. I will miss him all the days of my life. May he rest in peace. William B. Jones II Many people have asked if a donation could be made in his honor. To all of you who desire to do so, donations can be made payable to “The Jones Family”, 18 Billingsley Drive, Livingston, NJ, 07039, for the benefit of Taylor Nicole and Donald Thomas.
Donnie, my best memories of you are when we were younger. In those days we spent alot of time in Livingston and I have wonderful memories of playing in the stream behind your house and of holidays with everyone gathered around the dining room table. And back then it was really alot of people! Then we all grew up and had our own families and life sometimes gets in the way. I am sorry that I never got to know you better as an adult. The last time I saw you was at the Labor Day picnic and although we exchanged the usual hellos, I wish I had spent more time just talking with you and getting to know that adult better. Who knew it would be the last time I would ever see you. I was at your memorial service today and was in awe at the sheer number of people there who’s lives you had touched in one way or another. My heart goes out to Michelle and your children and to your Mom, Dad and Will. I pray that they will eventually begin to heal from their grief and one day find joy in their lives again as I know you would want for them. May you rest in peace, Donnie.
To this day, I still can’t believe that I’ll never see you again in this lifetime. You know what I miss?..when I would call your office to get some advice on something, you always sounded so happy to hear from me that when I hung up I would smile just thinking about it. I wonder if you ever realized just how many lives you’ve touched. I don’t think you did. You know what’s wrong with this picture Don, you were supposed to be here for my Stephen to help him through all the rough times. I know you told him you would always be there, especially for little Stephen. Your Mom always figured when all of us were gone you would keep the whole family together. Who’s going to do that now? Who will have the Labor Day picnics, Thanksgiving dinners, Christmas, etc. One more thing Don, you would be so proud of Will…it’s as if he is taking up where you left off…I call him now for the advice I used to get from you and I hang up and smile…need I say more…Until we meet again. All my love, All my life..Aunt Margie
I still can’t get over the fact that you aren’t here anymore. It breaks my heart to see your beautiful wife, your precious babies, your parents & the rest of our family suffer like this. I cry every day wishing somehow I could have said more to you in the time we had together. Those days when we would run into each other on the path trains, going to work in the morning – I still find myself looking for you. I prayed that when I saw those towers come down, you were already out – you did it once before. I wish I could have found you when I searched the streets that day. Looking at every face in the crowd, I was hoping to see you walking towards me. Stopping by every hospital in the area to give any kind of information, it didnt seem like I had done enough. The hardest thing for me was to plan your memorial service. I hope you were happy with what I put together. I did the best I could. I went down to ground zero and placed a bunch of your memorial cards around the areas. I think it was the first step for me to start healing. I know you arent alone where you are. You are surrounded by so many of our family who love you: Ma, our grandfather we never knew, Aunt Grace & Uncle Joe, Aunt June, Uncle Bob, Ma & Pa Jones, and so many more, including my grandparents whom just passed recently.
You were more than just my cousin, you were my brother. And I love you, more than I ever knew. Until we meet again… Forever Eddie
Don- I am an old friend of yours and a former boss. I remember you at the age of 17, when you first started working for me at my resturant. You were the most responsible and respectable young teenager I knew and never forgot. I am not surprised at your accomplishments working at Cantor Fitzgerald.Through the years, I would see your father at the Livingston Mall, and would always ask about you. When your Uncle, Ed Zielke, told me about their loss, I was deeply saddened. My heart goes out to your family and children. You and your family will remain in my prayers forever.
My deepest sympathy,
Edward Kraft&Family
Friend/owner of The Two Gondoliers
Hi don my dad worked with you Leo Roberts i am his son my sister os also Taylor Nicole.You r up there somewere with my dad.ILL be seeing u in a couple of years with my dad.
My Beloved Son,
I do not know when or even if this pain will subside, it is there all the time even at the quiet moments. Images of you keep filling my brain. Swallowing whole my thoughts. Each day seems to get harder, knowing you will not be coming home ever again. I remember you as a little boy. Never boisterous, but bounding in and out, always full of life and forever making plans. A mini bike, skis, GI Joes, matchbox cars, a new baseball glove. Lessons, lessons and more lessons. Little League and summer vacations. Throwing yourself whole-heartedly into each and every endeavor. Always thinking about the next day and what it will bring. Taking Joy in each day as it was meant to be. Sunshine and laughter all brought about by you, my first born. I will miss you all the days of my life. I hope you did not suffer and pain. I cannot bear the thought that you were hurt. I hope with all my heart you never knew what was coming. Rest quietly my son and know that your father, brother and I will take care of those you left behind. We will love you forever.
Don was Donny Jones to me. We used to play Monopoly together as kids. I find it sad I will not have a chance to muse on how his becoming a bond trader was so appropriate. We were in the same class many times at Collins school. Donny was a fine kid and a good friend. My hearts go out to all. I’m am so sorry for your pain, which I have just found I share. Here it is 2/2003 and we keep learning about our losses.
9/11/03 – We went to Ground Zero again. We all hold you in our hearts and will miss you forever.
Happy Birthday Don. We love and miss you always.
Been thinking about you lots lately. I miss you so much. I still can’t beleive that I am getting married in about eight months and you won’t be there. It does make me feel better to know I am getting married in the same place you were. I know you will be right there with me on that day, as I’m sure you are on most days.
You are on my mind and in my heart always. I’ll meet ya in heaven…
Dear Son,
It isn’t three years since you left us, but thinking of you tonight, my heart was shattered, once again in a million pieces. Dear heart, know that you are with me always and forever.
My heart is heavy with pain tonight. I miss you so much. I try to let things go, but with change comes much sorrow. I do the best I can. Each day someone or something brings you back to me. You will always be here in my heart. When your memory fades with others it will remain strong within me. Your father and I speak of you each day and all our yesterdays turn into our own special rememberances. Grieving has become a way of life and nothing will turn back time to a better day, only your smile could do that. We’ll love you always…..
09/11/04..Another year another memorial. 17 members of the Jones family were there..your mother and I read names from the podium at Ground Zero in your memory..I think you would have been proud of us. Hard as it was we wanted it to be a tribute to you. It wasn’t until we read your name my son, that our grief was once again in plain view for all to see. We miss you more each passing year..our grief knows no bounds..
I love you always,
Hey Don,
I miss you so much today my heart hurts. Life isn’t fair, you should still be here. Not a day goes by where I don’t think of you and miss you so much. Well I’m going to sign off now, they don’t encourage crying at my work.
Love and miss you more then words can say,
Here is another father’s day June 18th, 2006 and we miss you more than ever. I went to the cemetary where last September we buried what remains were recovered of you. I could not let this day go by without honoring you. I know how you loved being a father.I hope Taylor and Donnie will some day know how much it meant to you to have them. I placed red and white carnations on you plaque and stayed for while looking for the comfort that never seems to come. I loved you all of your life and will continue that love for all of the rest of mine.
It’s five years to the day 9/11, and I couldn’t help myself but visit your memorial page again. I have your tribute hanging on my wall at work to serve as a reminder of that terrible day for our country. Of all the people taken from us that day, you are the only one I personally knew through your cousin Scott. You were a wonderful man, full of life and love. I know your family misses you terribly as I see in their postings. I acknowledge your family and friends pain and pray for all of them, as I do for you. The memory of you keeps you very much alive, it keeps all of us alive.
Thanks for bringing the family back together again. I know you were a big part of what has happened in the last few months. We will love you always.
Today marks 6 years, it’s really hard to beleive you have been gone that long. How I wish you were here to meet my daughter Alex, you would just love her. I know you are her angel and will shine down on her always.
I miss and love you tons,
Don, It’s really hard to belive it’s been six years since we have all seen you, so much has changed but one thing remains – we love and miss you tons. How I wish you could have met my daughter Alex, you would just love her. I know you are her angel shining down on her always.
Love you,
Happy Birthday to you. Miss you still
My heart is really heavy tonight – I miss you. I wish with all my heart you could have met AJ – I know you would think she was amazing and she would have loved you so much! I know you watch down her and protect her and keep her safe and I find so much comfort in that. I also feel comfort in knowing that your spirit lives on in Taylor, Donnie and strangely enough Christopher too – AJ loves them all so much and is really close to them – and through them she gets a glimpse of you!
I love you.
Just thinking about you…..it still seems like it was only yesterday that you were here, yet it seems like forever since I last saw you.
Thinking about you and missing you 24/7
My beloved son…it is comming up to 8 years since that day when you were taken from us..I think of you every day.I look out into the back yard and remember when you were just a boy busy playing and riding your moped..Your leaving has left you father so grief stricken that these past 3 years have taken it’s toll on his health. He misses you so, he cries whenever someone mentions your name or he sees your picture..we both do and that will never change. Taylor and Donnie would make you proud..You son stops in to see us quite often and it is so wonderful for us.
He reminds me so much of you, his compassion and kind ways are just like his fathers. She is a lovely young lady caught up with her friends and busy all the time. So beautiful! Love Mom
On the eve of yet another September 11th I am very sad once again – I happily think about you quite often through out the year but the anniversary of that terrible day reminds me of all the sorrow and bad time we all had to endure. I guess in life we never truly know why the bad things happen but all good things do live forever in our memory.
Love you & miss you,
They say there’s a heaven for those who will wait
Some say it’s better but I say it ain’t
I’d rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints
the sinners are much more fun…
You know that only the good die young.
-Billy Joel
How I wish, how I wish you were here.
We’re just two lost souls
Swimming in a fish bowl,
Year after year,
Running over the same old ground.
What have we found
The same old fears.
Wish you were here.
-Pink Floyd
In my window light your way
Your favorite record’s on the turntable
I drop the needle and pray
Band’s countin’ out midnight
Floor’s rumblin’ loud
Singer’s callin’ up daylight
And waitin’ for that shout from the crowd
Turn it up
Meet me at Mary’s place, we’re gonna have a party
Tell me how do we get this thing started
Love you, miss you, think about you often and Wish You Were Here. One day I’ll Meet You at Mary’s Place so we can get that party started.
Your gone but NEVER forgotten.
Dear Son – It is now 9 years since that horrific day that you were no longer here..Your family went to ground zero for the memorial and your brother Will proudly read your name. I cry sometimes late at night when no one can see..the grief is still so real..I will always miss your beautiful smile and your compassion.
Your fathers’ grief has taken him to a place where recovery is only minimal..he can’t speak or walk alone and his sorrow still hides behind in his eyes..when someone speaks of you I see his grief full force when he turns and looks at me. You were our first born and your place within our hearts will always remain strong. Be at peace my son..your children are a credit to you they are their fathers legacy and they would make you proud. Love, Mom
My Beloved Son -2010..another trip to ground zero.along with approximately 20 family members. Your brother “Will” read your name from the podium. He honored you and your two greatest legacies, Taylor and Don III. They would make you proud. Love and miss you till the end of time. Mom and Dad
My beloved son…9 years and we made our trip to the WTC Memorial on 9/11/10 as always Many members of your family and your wonderful brother “Will” read your name and offered a tribute to your two beautiful children.. They would make you proud. Love and miss you always.
Today we have heard that the evil monster that perpetrated the attacks on the WTC, The Pentagon and in Shanksville, Pa. Osama bin Laden was killed by the Navy Seals (I know you would smile at that, since your good friend Mark was a Navy Seal)
Justice has been served but closure will never come. Rest in Peace my Son your murderer rots in hell.. Mom (May 1, 2011)
I just recently heard of your passing..My sincere condolences to your family. I remember what great times we had together at Richmond.
My heart breaks to hear you had 2 young children.
I only have fond memories of you at school and what fun we all had. Rest in Peace.
My heart is so heavy, I miss you beyond words. Wish you were here with some words of wisdom so many times. I know you never had any problem ever speaking your mind and would want me to do the same – just with you were around to tell me if I was right or wrong sometimes.
Still can’t believe I have 2 kids and you never met either one. Told AJ all about you tonight and she was smiling see your pics but sad when I explained she couldn’t ever meet you in this life. She also was so sad to hear T & D’s dad was gone but happy that Bill is such a wonderful man and takes such great care of them & Chris.
Shine down on your mom, dad & mother in law – they need you. You have been doing a great job shining on your beautiful Michele – she looks amazing, is raising 3 amazing kids and is one of the strongest women I know (stronger then she even knows).
I feel you here in Georgia at times, it comforts me – please keep it up because lord knows I need you!
Love you my cousin, RIP
Meet you at Mary’s Place, we’re gonna have a party!
Another Sept. 11th has come and gone..your families 11th year going to the memorial in N.Y.C.was sad as usual. But we all remember and relate stories of you and that makes us all smile..
Will love and miss you always…Mom