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Alfred Russell Maler Date of Birth: January 21, 1962 Department: Governments Zero Desk Position: Bond Broker I met Al in 1990 when I worked for Cantor and he and the other “Zeros” had just joined the Firm. I had never met a nicer group of guys in my life and knew early on that Al was the one. He was funny and fun loving. He always had a pleasant look on his face and people were drawn to his easy-going manner. When you conversed with him, you knew you had his complete attention and that what you said would travel no further. Alfred was born in Patchogue, NY. He was educated in the local schools and went on to SUNY Cortlandt, receiving a BS in biology. He went into sales at the DZUS Fastener Company on Long Island. While there he got to travel extensively throughout the US. He went to Australia several times and golfed in Ireland. Later on we shared that love of travel together, visiting many awesome places within the US, Europe and the islands. Al had his Captain’s license and drove the Davis Park ferries for 13 summers. He loved the ocean and it was very fitting that we chose to be married in a beach church on Fire Island in 1993. We have two beautiful boys, Alfred Royce, age 4 and Jack Walker, 9 months. They both have Al’s warm, sunny disposition. Alfred is more soulful, while Jack (so far at least) seems more mischievous. I have every confidence that both will grow up to be fine gentlemen just like their dad. He was an incredible dad. His eyes would well up with tears as he looked at these amazing little people that we had created and he would tell me how much he loved them and me and what a great life we would have. If every child could have a father of this calibre, the world would be a better place. Al was a humanitarian. He bought food for the homeless and often sat on the curbs of Manhattan in his suit, eating with them and listening to their stories. He did “Swim Across America” this summer with Tom Palazzo and raised money for cancer. He gave blood every chance he got. He always helped people, whether it was coming to the aid of someone who fell in the subway and, more recently someone who had a seizure on the LIE. He even put out a couple of fires on Fire Island over the years! Al was a superb natural athlete. He excelled in all sports – golf, skiing, soccer, basketball and volleyball. Our son Alfred has that same knack for athletics. Al so enjoyed hitting golf balls with him, kicking the soccer ball around, swimming and just laughing like crazy. He never pushed, but rather, began instilling his love of these things in his boys. I will do everything in my power to continue this. Al loved the beach and I will never forget the images of he and Alfred running through the surf with those matching muscular legs sticking out of their trunks, digging deep holes and looking for beach glass. I’m so thankful that Jack was with us this summer and the four of us had the chance to walk along the ocean together. We had a fun, busy summer and saw so many people that we might not normally have seen- family, friends and especially Al’s Cantor buddies who are with him now. I take comfort that they are together, even though it is so terribly wrong that they are not with us. Al – there is not a moment that goes by that I don’t think about you and miss you. There is a hole in my heart that can never be mended. But I thank God I had you in my life, if even for so short a time. You have made me a better person and I will continue to honor your memory by raising our boys with the values and dreams that we started together. I find my strength and courage each day because of the special relationship that we shared and in the knowledge that we will all be together again one day.
I can remember when you and Al just started dating. It all seems so long ago. We all used to go out on Thursday nights and laugh up a storm. Even though it seemed as though we lost touch we never really did. I would see Al in the hallway or in the cafeteria and he would always say hello with a big bright smile. He would say, “Laura says hello” or “Laura was asking for you.” Or I would see him next time and ask for you and the boys as well. I never saw him angry or in a bad mood. I always admired that about him. He seemed to be a very content person and knowing you for so long I can understand why. I remember he requested internet access (back in the day when not everyone had it at work). He wanted to be able to watch his son while in preschool and there was a site set up that allowed him to do so. I remember thinking, “Wow, you can do that now?”
Laura, so many things have changed since our early days at Cantor but you have been and will always be in my thoughts and prayers. May God Bless you and your children.
Al Maler was another one of the origional zero guys from cantor I remember when he came over we all worked on the 32nd floor, Al was always such a happy person, always smiling, never angry. When we all worked on the 105th floor together I would always go by the zero desk and say hello, and I do remember when Al had that screen to see his son in school because he showed me,
Al was very proud of his children and family. Laura my heart is broken with you I miss them all, but I can always say I have al ot of great memories of going out with the zero guys from the time they came over until now.
What can I say about Al? He was simply one of the nicest guys on the Zero desk. I worked in operations and would speak to him often on trade problems. He always went out of him way to help me. I enjoyed working with him. I know he is missed by all who knew him. May God bless you and keep you.
Al was another one of those great guys, that you always just got a good feeling around. He worked hard, and always had time to say hello, crack a smile and share in a laugh. The work environment was so much better with people like Al. He was a very special personality, and made you feel like you could be a genuinely nice and good person and still be successful in a competitive world.
I feel sorry for his family, and his kids should know what a good and strong man he was in many, many ways.
Hey Al,
I have gotten to know you a lot better since September. The stories, the stories!! I’ve laughed as hard as I’ve cried these last few months. What an insurmountable loss to those who love you. The only consolation I can think of for me has been getting to know your family and friends a little better and developing a special bond with my sister and your sons that will last forever. I’ll make you a promise Al……I will always be there for them, always. I think of you everyday Al, and I miss you dearly. I imagine you sitting on the edge of a cloud with your buddies, Budweiser in hand, and peace in your heart. I love you Al, I’m sorry I never got the chance to tell you, All My Love, Lisa
Dear Uncle Al,
I miss you very much and if you are listening,
I want to say I Love You. I am doing yours and Alfred’s song “You’ll Be In My Heart” for my school’s Talent Show. I hope you will be watching and blessing my family and your own.
With love, your niece,
You were and still do mean so much to those who love you. You live on in our hearts and memories, and especially in your sons. For it is in our hearts where we remember the love, and where we can always find you. Godspeed Al. I love you. Rosemarie
Words cannot properly describe Alfred Maler. He was genuine and kind. Al had a way of putting people at ease. He showed great respect for all living creatures. He was a fantastic father and friend.
I will always cherish the time I was spent with Al (vacations, summer houses, birthdays, christenings, etc). They were some of the best in my life.
I think of Al every day. I miss him and would do anything to bring him back.
Dear Al,
We are just a few of your many cousins left with broken hearts. The love for you, carried on by your family and friends is immeasurable.I can surely say that “The Apple Didn’t Fall Far From The Tree”. Your wonderful Mom, Dad, Brothers, and Sisters have shared their Special Brother/Son “Alfred” with all of us, that were not fortunate enough to spend much time with you.
We can only rest in our Faith, that you are in God’s Hands now, preparing a New Place for your Family, and Friends, so that we can all be together once again, in a place where there is no pain, just eternal happiness. We Love You..
Hey Al,
We are just a few of your many cousins, left with Broken Hearts. In the recent months,your family has reached out to all of us, and shared their precious moments with “Alfred”. The Love that they displayed for you is immeasurable. I can surely say that “The Apple Didn’t Fall Far From The Tree”… I personally want to Thank you for sharing one of your treasures with me, your Loving sister ” Janine”. She is truly special,just like you.. Thankyou.
We Love You.
What’s up, Al?–
I’m so glad that I came to see you when I was in New Jersey in July because obviously, we never know what will happen. You were the epitome of a true New Yorker. I will always remember what a good person you were and your great sense of humor. You really changed me with your life and with your death.
Anyways, thanks for all the good times… taking me to Hard Rock Cafe, Jeckyll and Hydes, being “in” the parades, getting my front row seats for the New Kids, introducing my family to Fire Island, and of course my birthday trip to Washington, DC.
By the way, in your honor, I have begun to do some volunteer services. This weekend, I will help feed the homeless… you’re not around and someone has to do it… :o)
I hope I will someday see you again. I love you and miss you….
I haven’t seen you in years , but when I heard your name so many memories came to mind. I dug up some old photos of us at parties drinking cheap wine and acting like idiots. Also, I remember driving around in my father’s old Mustang. You seemed to have done well for yourself, and your wife and children are beautiful. When I remember my childhood, you are in it and they are all fond memories…GOD BLESS YOU.
I would like to express my deepest sympathy to you, Laura. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I’m sure you have wonderful memories of Al that will last a lifetime. May God Bless you and your beautiful boys.
Laura, it’s been a long time since I worked in the Cantor communications department, and you, Lisa Petti, and myself would go out after work. I remember when we all first met Al and the Zeros guys. I just want to tell you that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. My heart breaks for you.
I know I’m not that close to you but Alexandra talks about you so much that I had to write something so here it goes. I hope you bless your two sons and your wife so that they never have to worry. If you’re always there, what is there to worry about? If they’re sad you’ll be there. If they’re happy, you’ll be there. You’ll be there for the rest of their birthdays to come because if you don’t bless them, who will? I don’t know what it’s like not to have a father but I know deep down that they are sad or scared of what is going to happen to them next but if you’re there it doesn’t matter to them. All they want is a hand to hold or a person to play with and that person is their dad so I hope everything goes well for Jack, Alfred, and Laura. All my suport and love.
Al was my live wire! I was so lucky to have him on my college volleyball team and as my friend. Win or lose we always celebrated the effort. I’ll miss his random calls telling me all his good news. Al was a great man -with a kind heart. I work at Chelsea Piers and there isn’t a day that I look downtown and don’t think of him. I love ya buddy!!
I search for beach glass at low tide, weather and work permitting.
It is a quiet time I cherish. I often find myself carrying on silent one way conversations with Al. I smile for having known him, for his sincere acceptance of my daughter Sally and I 15 years ago when we married his oldest brother Michael, for his goodness and caring for family and friends, for his ability to drink beer, play ball, relax and laugh, for bringing wonderful Laura into our lives and eventually 2 super boys who share the looks, smarts, heart and humor of their parents. Al always made me feel special. His greeting “Hi, Sand” in a proper British accent was all mine. I loved him for so openly showing his affection and respect for our 2 daughters. So many small things, so many special moments that were just “normal” when you were around Al. He made every family gathering more fun. He was a good listener and a wise giver of little but the best advice. He was a “take charge” kind of guy, but not a “push you out of the way” sort. People just liked to be around him. Some of the best times were the silent ones. Standing on Neenies deck looking at the ocean, Sans End watching the sunset, sailing on Keyboard down Carmens River at dusk, or being in the same room while he gently patted a babies back to help him off to sleep. I talk to him about how to help our family get through this disaster. Did I say he was a good listener? Smile.
I recently watched the video from the 1988 Spring Picnic. Just seeing you Al, made me smile. You were always so friendly and nice. Living next door to “The Waterfront” was so great. The girls at 110 were lucky to have you and the guys, as neighbors. I send my heartfelt sympathy to your wife and beautiful children, they were so lucky to have you. I wish, as all of our nation does, that you could have stayed with them forever. You will always be in their hearts as well as in the hearts of your friends.
I will forever remember your smile,
When I received word from my good friend Bill that he had seen your picture on the wall of victims I was devastated. I thought of all the great times we had spent together at Cortland State and on the court playing volleyball…times I will never forget. You were one of a kind Al. Your humor, your kindness, your heart, and your drive…I will never forget the times we spent together. Your legacy will live on in your children, your wife Laura, and in the hearts and souls of your good friends…take care buddy I miss you!!
Alfred, today is your 1st anniversary…I think of you and all of your family members. I pray for you and I pray for the healing of those you love. I also want to say “thank you” for the gift of having been a part of my life and teaching me how to be a better person and seeing the good in all. I fondly remember our high school days, the Empire State Games and all of the club volleyball teams that we played on together, as well as our catechism classes, Steritz, your mustang, working on the Davis Park Ferries and the t-shirt that you brought back from Syracuse for me. You were always teaching and taught by example. I believe that one of the greatest gifts that you gave to the world was teaching and leading…sometimes not by your words, but how you lived your life. You were always sincere, genuine and for real. You have a beautiful heart and a pure soul. Because of your special gift of “leading by example”, I know that when others pass on to the hereafter, you will be the first person at the Heavenly gates waiting to greet and give the tour. That is a very comforting thought. That is just the way you are. Many people search for words to say how “wonderful” a person was after they have passed. Alfred, you are that unique person that leaves a lasting impression on soneone’s life, whether it was only for a minute or for a lifetime. Those of us that know you and spent time with you were blessed by God and searching for something good to say about you is not a difficult thing to do. You are missed terribly, thought of every day and you will never be forgotten. Your spirit lives. May God bless you and your family always…may you rest in peace Alfred.
I pray for Al and Tommy and all the guys each and every day.. I know how much Tommy and Al liked each other and I am sure they are all together watching us all try to deal with their loss. Your children are beautiful. I recently had a son named Jason Thomas we call him JT. I know your children are your strength and Iknow when I met you at Tommy’s golf outing you had such a fondness for Tommy and it meant so much to us. I send you my love and prayers always I pray for all of our boys each and every day. My e-mail is [email protected] if you ever want to chat God Bless you and your entire family