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Matthew Mc Dermott Date of Birth: May 27, 1967 Department: Institutional Equity Program Trading Group Matt….Indexing just isn’t as fun without the singing trader at Cantor. You never quite knew all the words, but you could whistle and hum to beat the band. Miss you and your coworkers.
Although I only knew you for a few years, it seemed as though I knew you a lifetime. Our interests were so similar, it was if we had grown up together. Your two precious girls led mine by 6 months each, and both of our 2nds carry the same first and middle name. We are also expecting our third, a few months after you. Although our sports teams are bitter rivals (you a New Yorker and I Philadelphia), we always had fun when they met. Our matches on the golf course are always to be remembered as well. The strength your family has held through these most trying of times is a testament to your commitment to them. My family and I will always be there for them, for you.
I will always have our memories from St. Patrick’s. I remember you as always being one of the cool guys but had a big heart.
Hi Matt:
Our lives will never be the same without you, but we will find comfort in all the happy memories you have given us.
You were such a delight to raise. Your enthusiasm for everything was a real challenge for Dad & I, but we enjoyed watching you thrive and succeed in all you did. You were truly “blessed”. It helps to know you enjoyed so many triumphs before you were taken from us.
You will be in our hearts forever, Matt … we will never forget you!
Love, Mom, Dad – Suzanne, Meg, John, Peter; parents and siblings
Hi Matt,
Your enduring laugh, the twinkle in your eyes and the genuineness of your heart will always be remembered. You glowed when talking about Sue, Kara and Kelly and the love that you shared with them can never be taken away.
Simply stated by Fred, “You were one of the good guys.”
Keep practicing your golf game in heaven Matt. Fred doesn’t want to have to give you too many strokes when we all meet again! We’ll make sure that we help Sue to keep her game up to par.
P.S. We didn’t know that you could sing????!
With love, Fred and Karen Graboyes
I may not have known you personallly, but I know
of you through your sister-in-law’s wonderful
stories and pictures.
Someday, we will have to share them.
Much love,
Matt, you were the best husband/father/son-in-law anyone could wish for. We love you and will never forget you, and we will not let your children forget you. We miss you Matt, Mike, Carl, Chris, Justin, but there is some comfort in knowing you are all together. Till we see you again,
Hey, Kiddo-
You always said we made the perfect team … We always will.
Sue, Kara and Kelly McDermott, Family
Matthew Thomas McDermott
May 27, 2002
Happy 35th Birthday, Matt. I am happy you and Mike will share your mutual birthday surrounded by all your friends from Cantor. I asked for your favorite birthday cake — Carvel ice cream cake with “chocolate crunch” — be sure to save a piece for Gran!
My heart is overflowing with love for you today, sweetheart, so catch all the hugs and kisses coming your way. Your beautiful smile will give me peace and the strength to go on until I am with you again.
All my love, Mom
Happy 35th Birthday Son !
Your departure left a huge void in the hearts of your two families. The void has since been partially filled by births of two good looking lads-your son Matthew and nephew Liam. Both have fine Mothers, your wife Susan, and sister Suzanne. Susan will be taking your place with me at US Golf Open next month in Bethpage,NY. I well remember the last time we played the Bethpage Black Course. Set up a Tee Time for us when you get word of my pending arrival (hopefully) up there.
Love forever, Jack McDermott, Dad
Happy Birthday Matt. Today we will scatter the dried rose petals from your memorial service. A symbolic gesture in the hope that they will nurture the earth and the hearts and minds of all people. And may our children find a way to stop the arguing, put an end to the hatred that took you from us and make a world that will make Old Turtle smile.
And then we’ll turn on the BBQ and remember all the good times. Give Gran a big hug.
Love and miss you.
Suzanne and Liam
Today is May 27, your birthday and Michael’s. You shared the same birthday and a lot of the same qualities. You were both loving, giving and caring young men. Now you have a beautiful new son who shares both your names…Matthew Michael. With you and Michael watching over him and with Sue’s love and guidance, he is sure to grow up to be a true hero just like you and Michael.
Hello Matt,
I think of you every day and I miss you so much. I bought a Carvel ice cream cake to help me celebrate your life. I remember the list of gift possibilities you’d give Mom around your birthday. Things like hockey pads and a net so you could be a great goalie like Billy Smith. I hope you had a great birthday even though you couldn’t spend it with all of us. Please keep sending me your love and support from your place in heaven.
Love forever,
May 27, 2002
Happy Birthday, Matt! You are in my every thought today, like most days.
You always made me feel like family. When you and Sue asked me to be Kelly’s Godmother, it was an amazing honor, because I knew that when it came to your children, no decision was taken lightly. It was the same for Chris and me, when we asked you and Sue to be Michael’s Godparents. We created a bond through our children that will never be broken.
As I watched you “climb the ladder” professionally, it was a wonderful sight, but nothing compared to seeing you as a “Daddy”. Your gentleness and loving ways with Kara and Kelly will always stay fresh in my mind.
There are such reminders of you in your children. Kara’s smile and her quiet, but sure way…Kelly’s eyes and zest for life…and your son, Matthew, is your image-we will cherish time spent with them!
I know we will meet again, Matt, but until then you will be missed and remembered every day.
The family get together’s will never be the same without you there. WE all miss you. The kids all love you and talk about you all the time. You were even presented in school when Frankie was “Star of the Week”. The boys are so happy to finally have a “boy” cousin (Matthew) and they adore Kara and Kelly. Sue is doing a great job with them!!! You have three beautiful children who are well loved. They each have a unique quality of you in them that will keep your spirit alive.
We miss you!!!
The Hoffman Family
Even though Matt and I did not see eachother for several years, I always considered Matt one of my best friends. Growing up, Matt, and his family were my family. I’ll never forget all the great times that I spent in Glen Cove. I wish the nothing but the best for his wife, kids and family. I would love to send a personal note to Matt’s wife and family. If someone gets this, please forward for me. Love you always Matt, Ed Strauss
June 16,2002
Hi Matt,
Let me start by saying how much I miss you and love you. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think of you. The children are a constant reminder of you; Kara’s beautiful smile, Kelly’s sparkling blue eyes and Matthew is the spitting image of you. I thank God everyday that you and Sue blessed us with 3 beautiful children.
We will never let them forget about their wonderful father. They will always know how loving and caring you are. You will live in ALL our hearts forever.
I know you know how honored I was when you asked me to be with you for the birth of your 3rd child.
To watch Matthew being born was incredibly beautiful. I know you were there. With the birth of your son, my prayers were answered.
You have been a SPECIAL part of our family for many years. I have always thought of you as my brother.
I always enjoyed weekends in the summer. We would watch Met games and golf tournaments. We always had a good time going to Shea Stadium. You also took me to my 1st hockey game. Matt, I promise I will never lean forward again.
Last summer in Amagansett, you and I took a walk down to the beach, cocktails in hand(of course), and we talked as we walked along the beach. Sue, Kara, Kelly and I walked down to the beach to watch you fish. You certainly looked like you knew what you were doing. I will always cherish these special times we had with you.
I am so proud of Sue, as I know you are too. She is doing a wonderful job with your children.
Happy Father’s Day Matt!!! We are celebrating Kelly’s 3rd birthday today and we will be sending
balloons up to you so keep your arms open.
Until we meet again. I will always miss you and love you.
June 16, 2002
Father’s Day (and Kelly’s 3rd Birthday)
Dear Matt,
There’s a saying that a man is known by the company he keeps – family, friends and associates. Both in this world and the next you are surrounded by dear family and friends who speak and have spoken very highly of you. We are so proud of you Matt, and especially so when we hear or read the tributes. Shortly after your graduation from Eckerd College, a friend of mine told me that guys like you are hard to find. Matt, you are the tops in any category.
Mom, Dad and Gran did an outstanding job raising you and teaching you values, faith in God and the will to succeed. Then topped off with graduation from college, accepting a position in the investment field and making many friendships along the way, marrying Sue, your college sweetheart, you were well on your way. Kara, Kelly and Matthew, blessings from heaven, are a joy beyond description. Kara and Kelly speak proudly of their Daddy. Matthew will grow to know you and love you.
One of the comforting things about reading tributes is to make the connection with another’s characterizations of you. Here are some of my heartfelt characterizations:
-Patient/Not pressed for time/Enjoy the moment/Never rush dinner/Pleasant and enlightening conversations
-Quiet confidence
-Happy/Playful/Sense of humor/Winning smile and laughter
-Spontaneous outbreak in song
-Polite/Proper/Tops in social graces
-Pleasing telephone style and etiquette
-Golf, Hockey, Baseball, Soccer, Football (In that order)
-Loves a party
-Daily prayers/Teaching the children to pray/Church going
-If anything is worth doing, it’s worth doing well
-Faithful and loving husband
-Loving and adoring father
-Respected and cherished son-in-law/Never a cross word
-Wants the absolute best for his family
-Traditions: Christmas, family, vacations, sports
-Dreams of the future/Goals/Brilliant at looking ahead
-Proud of his identity/Fellow southpaw
-Teaching children discipline, proper etiquette and the Golden Rule
Matt, our Sunday evening handshakes have cruelly been taken away, but I can still say “Have a great week, Matt” and hear your “And you as well…Drive safely”.
We’ll never stop talking of you and with you. Peace be with you…..
I can’t believe it’s been a year…I had been told someone I knew had been involved in the attack and I had hope that it was a mistake. In something so horrific as this, you don’t want anyone to die but when it’s someone as nice as Matt, it really does make it so much harder.
I remember Matt being one of those nice guys from St Pat’s – all through High School, he never picked on anyone and yet knew how to be one o f the good guys….
Congratulations on the birth of his son, I hope this quick passage bring peace bring to his family…
Revelation 14:13
I heard the voice from heaven saying, “Write, ‘Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.'” “Yes,” says the Spirit, “that they may rest from their labors; for their works follow with them.”
I hadn’t seen you since High School but I think of you fondly Matt….I love you.
Dear Matt,
All I keep thinking about are the terrific memories we both shared growing up while we were in high school. The soccer team, the discos, the parties, the haircuts, the 80’s, the fun.
I really wish that some how over the years we kept in touch with one another. You were a part of my life and now you’re gone but not in spirit.
Until we meet again in heaven,
Love, to you & your family,
Jeff Foster
Hey There Matt:
It is May 27, 2003. Happy 36th Birthday. There is not a day that goes by that you do not come to my mind. I know you are with all of us everyday. Remember to give some Ice Cream Cake to Gran and the guys. Mom would want you to do that. I will love and miss you forever. Your Sister, Meg
It is Sunday morning June 8 and News12 is discussing the latest Islander coaching change. I always remember working at Kidder to calling Chris and you breaking my chops about the Rangers. Whenever the Islanders come into the news I always think of you and miss the fact that i cannot call and discuss what is going on.
Happy Birthday and congratulations on your new son who is now over a year old.
Hello Matt:
It is June 15, 2003. Father’s Day. I hope you are having a great one in heaven. Everyone is doing well. Kelly’s fourth Birthday is tomorrow, Matthew looks a whole lot like you when you were young. He is growing quickly. Kara has become a little lady. We all wish you were still here, but know you have a hand in things from above. Mom and Dad trying to be strong and loving as usual. Please keep giving me and the rest of us support and guidance. Love you, Meg
Thinking of you and your family on this day.
Much love,
Matt, Sue, and Families –
Just wanted to say I am thinking of you and my thoughts and prayers are with you and your families. I learned about this website at the tree dedication ceremony at Eckerd College a few months ago. That was a very special day that I am glad I could share with you.
May 27, 2004
HappyBirthday Matt:
This is our special day together. You always came to me to discuss your concerns when growing up, whether it was about school, sports or friends. You always wanted to do the correct thing in all situations. You had a genuine respect for everyone.
I was so proud of how well you learned and demonstrated the values you were taught. The character you displayed is why those who knew you also trusted and respected you. You were an asset to have on the team in school, sports, friendship, business and, above all, family.
I appreciated your Sunday evening phone calls giving me a recap of the week’s activities, and especially enjoyed the spontaneous calls during the week while you were waiting for lunch to arrive at the office.
Thank you for explaining your true feelings to me during the summer of 2001 and for being the loving and compassionate son I am proud to have raised.
You are at peace now; be proud for being a loyal son and brother.
All my love to you and Gran, Mom
Hi Matt:
It is Father’s Day again. I you have a great day. You really are being a great Daddy from heaven. All the kids are growing up quickly. Kara likes to watch birds and can identify many of them. Kelly enjoys Barbie dolls. Matthew likes to hide and play peek a boo from behind couch. I went to see the children for Easter at the laake. He looks a lot like you. Sue is doing the best job she can as their Mom each day. Matt, you continue to a great daddy. Enjoy this special day. Mom and Dad will see them this coming week too.
I miss you sweetie! Love Forever, Meg
June 20, 2004
Sept 11, 2004
Kathy, Sue and families,
Thinking of you and yours on this Day.
Much Love,
Hello Matt: June 19,2005
It is Father’s Day again! You truly are being a great Daddy from heaven. I went to the NHV Strawberry Festival yesterday. There I saw many friends and had fun! Justin and Courtney played well together. Justin stayed at my home last night too. Everyone down here on earth is doing their best. The other day Mom called to say that Dad was having lung problems. Both doctors have different opinions. He might have Lung Cancer or blood clots on the lungs. Dad came home today. I hope you can help make sure he is okay. I am starting to study Biology for next semester. Avon is going well too. Happy Father’s Day! My best to all. Love Forever, (Megitch) Meg
Although many of his fellow clanspeople would never have met Matthew we share in his family’s awful loss and send our heartfelt belated condolences and best wishes to his darling Susan, parents Jack and Jackie, the children and extended family.
At the recent MacDermot New York gathering in October 2005 we stayed for a few moments at Ground Zero to pay our respects and shared a few more moments silence at dinner that night in his memory.
God Bless you all and I hope that one day we might meet so that you can tell me more about Matthew
The Mac Dermot
Prince of Coolavin
Sept 11, 2007
Kathy, Sue and family,
As always, you are in my thoughts and prayers on this day.