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Alan Merdinger Date of Birth: February 13, 1954 Department: Operations Position: Accoutnant My wonderful husband, Alan, enjoyed a quiet life with his family. He was a devoted father to our children, Jill, Mark, and Melissa, taking pride in all of their accomplishments and sharing in all of their hopes and dreams. He always had time for coaching and advising all of their sports and academic endeavors. There wasn’t anything that he wouldn’t do or sacrifice for all of us. We all had a cherished relationship with him, which provided us with wonderful memories. He was the head of our family sharing in all of our joys and helping solve our problems. Alan was the most honest and straightforward man I ever met. I admired his intelligence, determination and strength of character. He always made me feel at ease. Alan enjoyed a sarcastic sense of humor and strong work ethic. He valued honesty and truth. Although he was shy and quiet he had the ability to laugh at himself. Living in Allentown, Pennsylvania, he probably had the longest commute of all the Cantor employees. He traveled by bus daily to Wall Street while listening to jazz c.d.s or reading. He called me every morning by 7:30A.M. from his desk to ay “hello” so we could start the day together. After that he’d either talk to the kids or e-mail each one before tackling his work. I looked forward to hearing him say “Hey Babs!” when he came in the door at night. He never complained that his commute was too hard. Alan enjoyed a good challenge. He was a sports enthusiast and a walking encyclopedia of sports trivia. Priding himself as being health conscious he exercised almost daily. He was working towards a black belt in Tae Kwon Do and enjoyed playing golf, which he studied like a science. Each year plans would be made to golf with his friends at Cantor. We enjoyed quiet evenings together at home, listening to music, watching t.v., going to movies, taking walks, sitting on the beach, lounging by the pool, sharing a golf cart, and being with our children, family, and friends. Alan was more than my husband. He was my best friend. His presence here at home is missed dearly. He will remain lovingly in my heart always and forever.
Alan and I worked together for 5 years at Cantor. I can’t say enough about what he has meant to me. Not only as a guy who knew alot about life but someone who you could call a friend. I always joked about his vegetarian habits and how his “soy burgers” weren’t all they were cracked up to be. In a room full of Yankee fans, He, Mondo, Smitty and I were the only Met fans around. I’ll always remember his devotion to his family. Everytime one of your numbers would pop up on the phone, he wouldn’t say another word and call you right back. He so loved talking about your futures as a lawyer or your plans to study abroad. His planning of a Ranger game with you every year. And of course his love and devotion to “The Boss” as he would refer to Barbara. I looked forward to our golf outings. I miss calling him about everything going on in our lives; our hurried lunches in the concourse. Although were in different places in life, I felt our friendship was as good as any I’ll ever have. Thanks Alan.
Unfortunately I was never able to meet Alan, but Dan never had anything but wonderful things to say about him. I know that Dan considered him to be one of his closest friends and mentor. I think that he valued the talks that he could have will Alan about almost anything. Before September 11, Dan was able to visit Alan while working in PA. They played golf and talked just like they always did and I remember how happy Dan was that he had a chance to spend some time together. Dan always says what a great golfer Alan was, I’m not really sure if Dan ever won a round, I doubt it. To the Merdinger Family, our hearts are with you always. Alan, you are missed dearly. Thank you for being such a wonderful friend to Dan. We will never forget you.
Daddy, you are my smile and my happy thought… *hi miss in the morning
*bike in atlanta
*teddy couples
*which majesty?
*oops i did it again!
*monty python (they turned me into a witch)
*baaaby!! daaaddy!
*i’ll cut you some watermelon
*blue eyed girl
*the word is ‘yes’ not yeah
*how was the workout today? hmm that’s what i thought.
*you must get so tired of being told …
*you don’t need to say no lemon!
*why do you want to sleep on eggs??
This list is endless. It is hard for me to imagine missing somebody more. I love you from here to the end of the universe and back again.
I remember Alan as quite a relaxed guy. He never raised his voice and seemed to take all things in stride. It was a pleasure to have worked with him.
Alan, I am happy I got to see you on Monday before it happened. Thank you for the hug. It may not seem like much but when someone is genuine it is great! A small part of me cannot accept that you are really not here. But then again, you are…in spirit anyway. Bless your family and all those who loved and cared about you.
Alan and I would often play basketball at the Jewish Community Center in Allentown. We saw each other often. He was a fierce competitor and I knew him and his family well. His passing crushed me, knowing he would never show up and shoot it out for a spot on the court again. Twenty years later, I have grown to miss him and like him. Especially after reading the comments Barbara and many others have left about him. I attended his memorial service in Allentown. After seeing his life end so tragically. I have committed myself to cherishing everyday.