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Ann Nelson Date of Birth: May 17, 1971 Position: Bonds Trader For those of you who may not know me, I am Annie’s Mom. That is a title that was conferred on me over thirty years ago when Ann Nicole Nelson came to live on this earth. It is a title that I shall gratefully and proudly wear into eternity. It has been said that parents are a child’s first and most important teachers, but as I stand here at her memorial service, I can only think of all the things that Annie has taught me. One of the first things that Annie taught me was how to play cards. When she was about four, she used to wake me up early in the morning to play “Gold Swish.” Naturally she made up her own rules and always won. I was really too tired to care. From this I learned that it was important to choose your time and place carefully. Strike when your opponent is most vulnerable. I don’t know if you believe in angels, but I do, and I like to think that Annie is with them now, laughing and loving and making up her own rules at cards. Annie taught me to live for today. To remember and learn from the past, plan for the future, but live for today. Many children want to grow up fast, but not Annie. She was wise enough to appreciate her childhood. She relished it. At age five she went through a stage when she wanted a baby brother or sister, but after a while she stopped asking. When I inquired, she simply said, “I’ve changed my mind. I like being the youngest one.” As she grew older and began to contemplate some of the more global issues of life, she never seemed discouraged or overwhelmed. She never asked, “What can one small person do to change the world?” She just took one step at a time and began her journey, dragging us along behind. Now when I consider her accomplishments, I know that I will never again underestimate what one person can do. Annie taught me the significance and power that lies within an individual life. Since September 11th, I have often mentally cried out from the depth of my soul, Annie! Come back and give me a big hug-let’s have one more of our heart-to-heart talks. Let’s take just one more trip together. Then I seem to hear her voice remind me that now she can be with me each time I talk or walk or travel. She can be with all of us now all the time, as long as we keep her in our hearts and minds. “That’s not good enough,” I argue, “I want to see you. You know that I need to see things.” Then I seem to hear her answer, “You will see me.” A little later someone tells me that Cantor Fitzgerald is going to be featured on 20-20. I turn on the TV and sit glued to the screen waiting to see my Annie. But with breaking heart I am disappointed. The program is nearly over and I have not seen even a brochure about her among the missing. Then again I seem to hear her voice say, “Wait”. A story begins about some young girls from Afghanistan being beaten because of their manner of dress. Later I see a group of them that have fled into Pakistan in order to go to school. I look closely into their faces, I listen to their young female teacher explain the great danger they are in–and then I see her. It’s hard at first because their eyes are brown, while hers were sparkly green, their skin and hair are slightly darker and they have covered the lower part of their faces while she wore only a bright smile, but I could see her. The same determination to succeed, the same willingness to go wherever necessary in order to learn. The same belief that the pursuit of knowledge was worth great risk and sacrifice. Even if it meant losing ones life in order to make this world a better place. From this I learn that it is not enough to care only for our own children. We must care for all the children. We must make sure they have food, clothing, shelter, and a good education. During one of Annie’s recent visits back home, she reminded me that I needed to “choose my battles”. The way she lived her life and the way she has transitioned into the next has taught me that we must fight to rid our world of violence, terrorism and fanaticism. We must fight for justice, peace, understanding, and compassion among the people of this earth. We must each do the job that we have been created to do to the best of our ability. The leaders must lead, the warriors must protect, the singers must sing, the painters must paint, the writers must write, the speakers must speak, and the teachers must teach. All of us must pray for divine guidance as we wage this worthy war. Eli Wiesel writes: When we die, go to heaven and meet our maker, he is not going to ask us why we didn’t become a messiah, or discover the cure for some terrible disease. The only thing we’re going to be asked at that precious moment is why didn’t you become you? Annie should have little trouble with this question because she specialized in being herself and bringing out the best in others. These are but some of the things that Annie has taught me. I suspect that she is not finished with me yet. Annie knew that it was important to say thank you. I remember how sincerely and frequently she thanked us for our efforts to help her accomplish her goals. I know she would want us to thank you for being here today and for the many loving things that you have done to help us bear our pain and to make this service beautiful. Most of all, she would want us to thank you for loving her and sharing her time here on earth. For Annie knew that you, her friends and family, were life’s greatest gift to her. please share Annie memories at: http://piecemeal.ath.cx/ann/
I am “Anissa’s mom”. She’s a beautiful six year old with an independent mind and a questionable sense of fashion. She has driven me almost to insanity many times, but no more. After reading your tribute to Ann I think I can listen to her read one more story, play one more game,…in truth I am up for whatever crosses her mind. My heart aches for your loss and the loss of so many others. Please know that your daughter’s passing has made a difference in my heart, and that Anissa will reap all the benefits. God keep you.
What a beautiful tribute to your lovely daughter, Annie. I have printed it out for inspiration as I embark upon my own journey of raising a daughter. My prayers are with you and may God bless you always.
Thank you for your tribute. I didn’t know Annie, but I ache for all those that have lost loved ones on Sept. 11. I found such great comfort in your beautiful tribute to Annie. I hope you don’t mind that I have “adopted” her to be guardian angel. I will remind myself of Annie when things look bleak – I will draw upon her light to find courage in my day to day activities.
She seems as if she was an angel on earth. I can only imagine the joy she brought to so many. Every day was a direct blessing.
God Bless you – may you have peace in the thought Annie continues to bring happiness and joy to others.
My name is Suzanne and my brother, Donald Gavagan, worked on the agency desk with Annie. Although I never met your daughter, through your tribute I feel I have. Annie sounds like a beautiful person, one I wished I had met. I do recall my brother speaking fondly of her, “Annie- she’s a good girl” so he said. He loved the people he worked with like family. That is hard to find on Wall Street. I worked there myself for ten years and relationships like the agency family do not come around that often. Since September 11th I have wanted to know as much as I can about those who were with my brother. Annie, along with a great number of people who were on their desk, was ripped so unfairly from our lives that day. As we all know, the pain of losing all of them is so overwhelming, unbearable at times.
I look into my mother’s eyes and see her pain. I guess I can somewhat relate to yours. I know what it looks like, I know how it feels to lose a brother. It hurts. It hurts real bad, but I can never imagine the depth of losing a child. I am so sorry for your loss.
Thank you for sharing Annie’s story with me and I just wanted you to know that there are many others sharing your pain. And although a day does not go by that I do not think of them or wish somehow we could change what happened, know that Annie was in good company, with one of the greatest guys in the world, my brother Donald. It is never goodbye, just until we meet again.
My name is Maura O’Doherty and my sister, Amy, worked on the Agency desk with Ann. Amy was 23 and had only been at Cantor for a little over a year. She and Ann became quick friends when Amy started at Cantor in the summer of 2000 as Ann kind of took Amy under her wing. I’ve only had the pleasure of meeting Ann on one occasion and I could immediately see why she and Ay had become quick friends. From the brief words we had, I could see that she had a kind and gentle heart, as Amy did. I can remember saying to Amy that day that she was very lucky to have met and befriended Ann and she agreed. Amy would often speak of Ann in our daily conversations and the fun they had going out in the city and at work together.
It has been unbearable in the last few months to know that I must go on without my only sister and best friend in my life. The lives of my mother and I will never be the same as a piece of our souls was taken away from us on September 11th. All of our hearts are broken as we lost those so dear to us.
There will never be another day in my life that goes by when I will not think of all of our heroes who died that day. It gives me comfort to know that Ann touched Amy’s life in a wonderful way, even if it was only for a short time. Thank you for sharing these wonderful memories of her with me.
Maura O’Doherty, Co-worker’s sister
I’m Eric Lockovitch
I not only truly loved Ann, but she was my best friend.
I can’t explain to you what she meant to me because I can’t explain it myself.
So instead of telling you how Ann touched my life, I’m going to share a story of Ann.
I’ve found sitting around a table telling Ann stories has helped the grieving process. It has also allowed me to understand Ann in her many facets of life, and there are plenty!
Ann was extremely goal orientated. Not only would she set goals and complete them with ease, she excelled at everything she did. A goal was not complete until she was in the top 5% in the particular activity whether in her career or personal life. As you can imagine, it was difficult keeping up with her, as her family can attest to.
I got to witness one of these goals from inception to completion over the last 2 years. Ann decided she wanted to learn how to cook. The days of three meals at McDonalds, Pizza delivery, and reservations were not over, but dwindling.
Her first endeavor was shared with Jeb and Suzy Scherb. Ann decided to make a Thanksgiving dinner for us 2 years ago. I thought it might be easier to start with steaks and potatoes, but she wanted the real deal of course.
I had one job, take the dogs to the park for several hours before Jeb and Suzy got over while she went grocery shopping. I returned from the park around 3:00 expecting to see Suzy and Ann stuffing the bird and peeling potatoes. Instead I found them at the dinning room table sharing some wine and laughing, as Ann always did. I asked, “Is the bird in the oven?” With a hint of optimism, Ann replied, “We haven’t even gone shopping yet”. I asked “are we still having dinner tonight?” “Of course” she said with her laugh.
The groceries were bought and a whirlwind began in the kitchen. Jeb and I retired to the living room to get to know each other and remove ourselves from harms way. After an hour of preparation I returned to kitchen to fetch Jeb and I another beverage. I found Ann with a measuring cup in one hand and the breadcrumbs in the other. Reading the directions, looking at the measuring cup, then flipping the bag over to read the front. She asked me “how many oz.’s in a cup?” I replied “8 “
She continued to look at the measuring cup with the 8 oz mark next to the 1-cup line, look back at the directions, then flip the bag over and read the front.
I could hear the wheels turning
Then Ann piped up “Suzy, I’m going to send Eric back to the store for more bread crumbs, we didn’t get enough, we only got 1 bag and we need 8.”
I asked, ” How big is this bird?”
“Why do we need 8 bags of bread crumbs for a 12 lbs bird?”
“Look, we need 3 cups of bread crumbs, there are 8 oz.’s to a cup, so we need 24 oz.’s of bread crumbs and this bag is only 3 oz.’s! I need you t go buy 7 more bags of bread crumbs right now!”
At this point I tried to explain to her the difference between fluid oz.’s and dry oz.’s, but I still had to agree to take the blame if it didn’t turn out.
I returned to the living room with several beverages for Jeb and I along with some chips and told Jeb it might be awhile.
On my next journey to the kitchen I found Suzy over the sink peeling potatoes with a knife.
I asked Suzy why she wasn’t using one of our two potato peelers. Ann told her we didn’t have one. I reiterated we had two and went to the drawer to fetch one. Ann being curios as to what a potato peeler looked like came over and said:
“That’s not a potato peeler, that’s a carrot peeler.”
Suzy and I dropped to our knees in laughter.
I returned to Jeb this time with double the beverages and a cheese plate.
The bird went in at 7:00 and we ate around midnight, and it was good!
We all have our starting points; I was lucky to witness Ann’s with cooking.
One year later after many fantastic meals Gary, Midge Alex and Kim came to Chicago for Thanksgiving. Ann made the best everything from scratch, including the cranberries, Thanksgiving dinner we have ever had.
Once again she completed her goal and excelled at what she did!
We can all learn from Ann:
Live life to the fullest
Have no regrets
Set goals and excel at them
I love you Ann
I did not know Ann, but feel as if I did, after reading the tributes and stories from her Mom, Erik, and many other family and freinds. I can only get through a few lines from her loving mothers tribute, as I have tears flowing down like a waterfall. I continued to read down to her boyfriends tribute. I begin to burst into tears and laughter all at the same time. It sounds like she and I shared the same cooking skills. Then I felt guilty for laughing. As I sat there wiping the tears away, I thought this is what her family wanted, was for us to know her, and remember her and her wonderful life. Thank you for sharing her stories, and her life with me, and the world. I will never forget seeing her picture, and reading the stories of her life. Just seeing her picture alone, let me see how happy of a person she was. I do believe in Angels, and I believe she was, and still is a GUARDIAN ANGEL. I will think of her when I hear the song “In the Arms of the Angel.” I am going to share Ann’s life with my family and friends, so we can continue on with Ann’s CELEBRATION OF LIFE. Ann shares the same birthday as my Mother. I will never forget her!!! When your lonely, and sad, just think of Ann, and she will be with you! My prayers are with The Nelson family, and all of the victims and their families. May God bless you all.
Dear Jenette and Gary,
My heart is heavy when I realize that our precious Ann is now an angel. But what an angel! She touched an incredible number of lives with her love and kindness. Thank you for sharing her with the world.
My love for her began holding her as an infant. Remembering Annie, wearing worn blue jeans, warms my heart. She never lost that naturalness in a homecoming crown, winning athletic events, or in her professional life. She was able to visit with queens and kings but never became arrogant. Ann taught me that bragging isn’t necessary if you’re good. She praised those close to her, realizing that making people feel good about themselves encourages better people. Ann was a most well adjusted person, she felt the world was hers and she reached out. She also never forgot her roots and reached back often.
Nette, you brought a million smiles, taught creativity, a quest for knowledge, and the warm nurturing only a mother can give a child. Gary, you assisted in the development of a logical, analytical mind of a financial genius and the ability of a world class athlete. The two of you had the most positive relationship I have ever seen between a father and daughter.
As we go forward in the difficult days ahead, know how much you are admired as parents and loved. Ann’s family and friends will remember our angel.
Mrs. Nelson- What a wonderful tribute to your daughter. It is so easy to see how very much you meant to each other. Reading your tribute brought tears to my eyes. I have followed all information that I could on 9/11 and hoped to see that your daughter was ok. I truly am sorry for your loss. I lost my husband in a scuba diving accident when in my thirties and I still feel his loss and always willand so will our children. Remember all of your memories of Ann. They will hold her close to your heart forever. My prayers are with you and your family. Find the book “Good Grief” . It helped me through my tough times. I’ll be praying for you all.
To her family and all that loved her. Ann touched our lives very briefly at Christmas time 3 yrs ago. We have a quiet un-traditional Christmas as we focus mostly on the adults and give ‘unusual’ gifts that range from singing gorillas to the sculptures of never-to-be-discovered artists. So when we have a new person join our midst, we always wonder if they will have a sense of humor to go along with our craziness. We did not have to wonder long with Ann, she lit up the room with her smile and laughter. We felt we had known her for a long time.
The death of anyone diminishes us all, the death of Ann diminished a larger number of people then most, as anyone who knew her quickly loved her.
We are reminded that those we love are only on loan to us. So hold them tight when you can and love them deeply every moment. Mother Theresa once said, I know that God does not give us more then we can handle, I just wish He didn’t trust me so much. These times bring out the best or the worst in us… may we all strive for the best, as a tribute to those whose lives were cut short.
Our love and sympathy to Ann’s family. Your strength and courage through this has been an inspiration to us all.
I met Ann a few years ago when my brother Mark took her over to get a taste of NY apt. life downtown. We all saw each other at parties and in Montauk since she moved here. Ann was always so kind and fun; my niece Delaney adored her and stuck to her like glue whenever she saw Ann. My last memory of Ann was this past summer when Mark treated us to a wonderful dinner and concert. We danced the night away. My other brother, Stephen, had only the most wonderful things to say about Ann. He loved the times he visited Chicago and especially the times he spent with Ann and Liz (his other trader and friend.) Our hearts are aching with you. This desk was, hands down, made up of the greatest group of people on earth. I miss my two brothers terribly, and the only solace I have is that they are still with this tremendous group of people, especially Ann. May God bless us all,
Thank you, Gary and Jenette, for sharing this website through the letter and memorial card we received from you last week. It seems that since 9-11 I wake up at 4:00 am regularly I think God nudges me at that time of the day so that I can say those special prayers for our kids, our families, the nation, etc. You as well as Ann, have been and will continue to be in those prayers.
Ann was always special in the Stanley schools, in the church, and in the community. We have all been blessed by knowing her — and we continue to be blessed by you as you so honestly continue to share your daughter and your story with us. Thank you for this, and may God continue to bless.
You should be pretty proud of your dad. He really is good at email- very funny and witty. You and I never emailed each other much. It was always so much easier to see each other if we were nearby, or talk if we were not. I miss our time together very much.
As it begins to warm up here in New York I keep thinking back to all the hot days last summer, where we would call each other, unsure of what to do on such a hot, humid day. We would meet for brunch and the day would disappear. At dusk we sat on your back garden, wishing we could just stay there and relax, rather than fix ourselves up and go out. I recently walked by the Broome Street bar where you met us for lunch so late and so tired. Do you remember I had to cut your hamburger up so you could eat it? These streets hold so many memories of you.
I have been working in London and as I walk through the streets, eat certain foods, I recall so much about you. I think I stumbled into the department store where you and I bought new lipstick before the meeting at the Economist. I always pass the Italian place we ate after we shopped following our week in Wales and Scotland.
I am having a baby shower for Donna Saturday. It is a tea and Claire and I decided to include scones, but omit the clotted cream. Do you remember how sick you got after the scones and clotted cream? You would not be sick at our tea. I wish you could come.
I miss you very much, Ann.
Annie- recently returned from NY–our minister from Stanley, ND was invited to participate in a special service honoring all the 9-ll victums so I went along. Eric also travelled from Chicago. I stayed with Suki and again we visited some of your favorite spots and saw many of your NY friends. I visited Ground Zero twice-once with Eric and once by myself-I know you don’t like it when I go down there but Annie, I have to-it was your last place before you moved on…I miss you so much-as you know we are preparing for your graveside service May l7-your birthday-we miss you so much–Dad
I have visited Ann’s tribute page several times. I did not know her or any of the other victims but each time I visit this page my heart aches for Ann’s family and friends. Mr. Nelson-you are an inspiration! Your loving words to your daughter make me cry each time I read them but the words also sooth my heart as I hope your heart is soothed by the loved ones that surround you. May God truly bless and keep all of you.
I did not know Ann or anyone else that passed on that horrible day. I just wanted to say that your daughter seemed like a great person, beautiful inside and out. She is an inspiration to us all. What a moving tribute to her Mrs. Nelson. I am going to call my mother tonight and tell her how much I love her.
The horrible people that did this and and took away all these great, beautiful, talented and giving people should know that they will never take memories from anyone or kill their spirit.
God bless you and your family.
Its been awhile Annie but you should know that we think of you and remember those precious moments that we shared. As you know, I went to New York to celebrate your memories over the 9-ll-02 ground zero services. Jenette spoke with Governor Hoeven on the steps of North Dakota’s State Capitol. Minot State Univ. of Minot N.D. recognized you as a cultural pace setter and has voted to rename the newly refurbished McFarland Auditorium in Old Main the Ann Nicole Nelson Hall.The Tioga American Legion, Tioga, ND held a special memorial for you on Sept. ll. Aunt Leann was asked to speak on behalf of your mother. Carleton College, Northfield, Mn and Wayland Academy, Beaver Dam, Wi. each dedicated benches in your honor during their homecoming weekends in Oct. I thank God every day for the life you shared with us. We still feel your presence–thank you Annie–Dad l0-l5-02
Even after all of this time, I feel such sadness and loss when I let myself to be present to the loss of Annie. Words cannot express the emptiness I feel inside, and I cant even imagine what you have been going thru.
The love that Gary and Jeanette have for Annie, as well as all of the friends in her and life have been such a inspiration to me. It constantly reminds me what is important and what kind of person I want to be. I value my life more and the people in it. I want you both to know, that I am here for you anytime you need someone to talk to. With all of my love and prayers……. Kim
I was lucky enough to know Ann through our mutual friend, Suki. I first met Ann when I was visiting Suki in Minneapolis, where they were roommates. We clicked immediately…she was one of those people who becomes an instant friend. It was springtime and I had packed summer clothes, so Ann insisted I raid her closet to borrow some jeans, which was so sweet of her. A few years later, I was living with Suki in New York when Ann moved to town. Suki was thrilled to have her funny little friend living just blocks away. I remember one day they went on a walk and then stopped by the Italian deli for lunch, and Ann purchased nothing but a big ball of fresh mozzarella cheese. She did little random things like that, she cracked me up every time I was with her. In Suki’s tribute on this page, she talked about a fun lunch we had at Broome Street bar. Ann entertained us with so many hilarious stories that day. What I remember most about her, though, is that I was always impressed that this pretty, flighty, sweet girl was also a very smart and successful woman. Sadly, I learned just how special she was that awful week in New York, when Suki and Eric worked so hard and tirelessly to find her. I remember on the morning of the 11th, Suki said that Ann is such a special person, and she just knew that someone from work would have carried Ann down all those flights of stairs if they needed to. We hoped for all sorts of scenarios, but eventually learned that God wanted her back in heaven. I know she’s up there spreading giggles around, and sending good luck to her family and friends who miss her every day.
Tonight, September 10th, I take the time to read about people I never knew, to honor them in some small way, I copied your tribute, and have sent it to those dear to me. I honor your daughter and still today 2 years later grieve for all of us. I have seen family and friends in military action, and have seen them return. They do it without question, they do it in memory of all who are lost. Bob recently told me how the children in Baghdad light up when the soldiers give them candy or books, it must be your daughter at work!God Bless
Hi Ann,
Thinking a lot about you and your family today. I can’t believe it has been two years. I used to worry that I would forget things about you. But everything is as clear to me today as it was two years ago. The sound of your voice, the way you moved, the last words we exchanged, what it felt like to be your friend.
I love and miss you.
Ann, Nelson family, Eric, and Suki,
I’ll be thinking about all of you tomorrow, on yet another 9/11 anniversary. I actually think about Ann all the time, b/c I still use the bookmark with her picture that her dad gave me. I know she’s in a lot of hearts forever.
What a beautiful woman. I have found this Cantor memorial website for the first time as a visitor.
To Ann, her family, and all the families who lost loved ones – with a heavy heart, I wish you peace and comfort as you await the time when you will be with one another again.
my dear ann—-soon a very special day will be here—in some ways it was your favorite–may l7–syttende mai- norway’s own independence day and your birthday–i seem to remember that each year i sent you a dozen roses–sometimes red and sometimes yellow–i always had to contact one of your co-workers to get the order thru so the flowers would arrive at your desk–don’t worry ann i’ll get the flowers this year and every year — dad 2005
Just passing through the Cantor Fitzgerald memorial to their emplyees, as it nears September 11, 2005, I feel much sadness as I remember that day. I must tell you, I had to hug my beautiful 3 year-old son (while he was sleeping) for I cannot imagine your pain. You and your sweet daughter will be in my prayers forever more.
I have read through many of Ann’s tributes and it has brought me to tears. Not only tears of sorrow at Ann’s passing, but also tears of joy that she was loved so much by so many people. If there were more people like her in this world, we would need not worry about the state of affairs. We would need not worry about the problems of the world – there would be none.
Dearest Annie,
Five years have passed since the first 9-11, and in some ways you are more alive than ever. Since your last birthday when Dan Barry of the New York Times wrote of your “List”, people from all over the world have contacted us. Your list has been in magazines, newspapers and TV shows all over the country. When I google your name, hundreds of links show up. You continue to teach me ( and apparently, others) even though I can no longer see you with my physical eyes. I hear your thoughts in my mind and feel your presence with me where ever I may be. I wonder if the veil between your world and mine is lifting for everyone, or if it is just me. I thank God for giving me such a beautiful, strong and loving daughter. I thank him for allowing her to reach me from the other side. I guess it is his way of keeping his promise to never give us more than we can bear. I Love you,darling.
Dearest Annie,
Six years have now past since that terrible day that took you to the other side and left me here. Dad went to New York for 9-11, but I stayed at the lake and spent the day listening to your CDs and reading your books. I feel you presense most clearly here- the place that you loved so dearly and often sought refuge in. This summer we have taken your things out of storage and I have been fixing up your room here. Everything looks as if you will walk in any moment. This morning I unpacked some of your T-shirts from various places where you visited. I miss you Darling.
Dearest Annie,
Seven years have now passed. and I am working on your list. The first one is “Be healthy/healthful.” I find it interesting that you distinguished between those two, because we cannot always choose to be healthy, but we can choose to live in a healthful way. I feel that you already know about the health problems that Dad and I have had sinse 9-11. Recently I have been exercising etc. and I feel better. You are such a wise and loving daughter. If love could have saved you, you would have lived forever. I believe you do.
Seven years have now passed since that day that changed our lives forever. I still feel your presense and love,Annie. Your list helps me remember how special you are and inspires me to try to carry out what I know you would want for me. If love could have saved you, you would have lived forever, and I believe that you do.
LOve, Mom
Annie, today marks seven years on my calendar. I think of you so often and am always inspired. Thank you for being the truest version of you. I wish to be the same of myself. Loves, hugs and giggles. Ang
I am a stranger, but your mother’s letter touched me back in 2001. You sound like a beautiful spirit and the passing of someone like you is a loss to our whole world.
No man is an island
Entire of itself.
Each is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if a manner of thine own
Or thine friend’s were.
Each man’s death diminishes me,
For I am involved in mankind.
Therefore, send not to know
For whom the bell tolls,
It tolls for thee.
Dearest Annie,
It is eight years now since that terrible day, and I think of you constantly with love. It is raining today as if the heavens are weeping about the tragic consequences of hate and violence.
Today, I wanted to draw myself into remembrance of the event that forever impacted life as we know it. I’d had the privilege of working on a project with a team of folks from Cantor/Fitzgerald back in the Summer of 2000. I remembered being struck by their personal qualities and thinking they were a cut-above the typical personalities often encountered in wall-street types. They were just lovely people.
Today, I read Annie’s tribute by her Mom. There is great hope and inspiration in these words. It moved my heart to make the best of each day and live in the present moment.
I wanted Jenette to know that her daughter’s memory lives in residual impact in the lives of perfect strangers. Thank you, Jenette, for contributing your precious memories over the threshheld of personal grief and loss. May G-d bless you and your family, always. J. Frank
Hi Ann (although I feel I should call you Annie) — We never had the privilege to meet in life but I feel we have met in spirit. I have come to adore your dad who reminds me so much of my stepfather and I loved spending time with your Mom and uncle on my trip to North Dakota in January.
Please guide me/us on what to do. 🙂 I think you know what I mean.
with admiration for who you were in life and how you continue to inspire.
In rememberance of Ann I thought I would share funny stories from HS:
Im sure all my classmates would agree, Mr Lowes History class was always every girls favorite. Not only was he REALLY good looking, but a really laid back teacher. After every test you could always count on Ann to argue her case for any question she had gotten wrong (or even if she didnt) and get that question thrown out. Mr Lowe didnt stand a chance against Ann’s logic. Most of the time he just gave up and threw the question out because he knew she wasnt going to give up. All of our grades were better thanks to Ann! I always thought that she should have been a lawyer. One day as we are sitting quietly in class Ann let out a big gasp and when everyone turned around she was pointing down at her feet. Turns out she had been walking around school half the day with mismatched shoes, they were not only kinda different (like two different tennis shoes), but REALLY different I think one was a flat and the other a strappy sandal. She gave us all a good laugh. I dont even think she went home and changed them. She just went about her day laughing at herself. The last time I saw her was at our 10 year HS reunion and she was still chuckling about that.
Gary and Jeanette, just know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. May God bless you!
I’m “Anissa’s mom” from the first comment all those years ago. That 6 year old little girl I mentioned in that comment just turned 18 a couple of days ago and again I came to this page to visit the “dear friends” you have become over the years.
I revisit this site often and think of Annie in some fashion or other almost daily. The comments from family and friends expressing love for your daughter/friend remain in my heart today and always. Annie is not forgotten.
Hello Jenette, I am your 2nd cousin Danial Roben. I was born in Morris Minnesota 1961. What you wrote is Beautiful about Ann. I wish I had met you in 1988 when I came through N. Dakota, But I did meet & talk with Gary. I have Always prayed for Ann on each 911 every year.