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Ronald Orsini Date of Birth: August 17, 1942 Position: Bond Broker My son is almost 6 months old now. He has an innocent face and a beautiful smile that knows no sadness. Although he will have a happy life, he will never meet his Grandpa Ronnie. Not a day goes by that I don’t think of my father. He was my hero. He loved my Mom, his family and friends. He had such a love for life and enjoyed every day to the fullest. I think of all the moments we spent together and the joy that was my life. It pains me that my son will never get to meet this man. He will never know this wonderful guy that made a trip to the mall a special event. He will never see the funny faces he made just because he wanted to. He will never play catch with him or go out for ice cream with him. He would have been the greatest grandfather on earth. This picture was taken so that my son could see his grandfather that day he was born. It was taken a few days before September 11. I show it to him every day and when he looks at it, somehow maybe he knows that he has an angel looking out for him from Heaven as he would have on Earth. Dad, I miss you more than words can say. I wish you were not gone. I love you forever. Your only child, Danielle
I knew from day one when Ronnie didn’t want me to call him Mr. Orsini but Ronnie that we would turn out to be great friends. Ronnie treated me like the son he never had. I am thankful to have so many great memories of him (playing golf, going out for dinner, watching and talking about the Yankees, working on the computer, barbecues, trips, etc.) the list seems endless. He has given my wife and me so much guidance and help over the years and I wish I could have thanked him one last time. I also wish he could of met his grandson(our hope). Ronnie has made such an impact on my life and I miss him greatly. We only meet a few special people in our lifetimes and the toughest thing in the world is losing one.
Ronnie, you will be missed greatly by all but never forgotten.
Love Always,
Ronald Orsini was my uncle. I am also honored to be his grandsons’ Godmother. In the past six months our families lives have been filled with such sadness over losing my uncle. My mother, his younger sister has a whole in her heart because he is gone. He was a source of strength and security for her. She misses him everyday. He was such a loving father to his daughter, I know that he would have been a dedicated Grandfather. If any good has to come out of this heartbraking situation, it is that our family has never been closer. We will make sure that my Godson knows how special his grandfather was. He will hear all the funny stories and see all the special memories that fill all of our homes. We Love you and will never forget.
Your Niece,
I worked with Ronnie on The MBS Desk for 4 years at Cantor Fitz. Ronnie always helped me, when I was new to Cantor and had a question to ask, Ronnie was the one I always went to and he never hesitated to help me. He was a wonderful man with a huge heart and tremendous personality, I think about him and all the others from the MBS desk everyday. My heart goes out to his family and friends. God bless you all.
I had the pleasure of knowing & working with Ron for about 4 years on the MBS desk @ Cantor. What a great guy he was. Ron was a hard worker, honest, faithful, and I enjoyed his company very much. He turned into a “golf addict” over the years and I got a kick out of hearing all the progress he was making with his game. My heart goes out to his family.
For you Ron: Thank you for being you. We only knew you for a few short years, but you touched our lives in a special way. Thank you for raising a wonderful daughter and for taking Matt in as a son. You would be very proud of them today and of your grandson; Zachary, Matthew, Ronald Pandolfi. He truly is a most precious gift from God. You are truly missed and are in our thoughts and prayers every day. Carole and Lou Pandolfi
Ronnie Orsini- Where do I find the words. You were one in a million and I loved coming up to the MBS room to say hi. Your smiling face when I walked in always made my day.
I miss you buddy.
I worked with Ronnie years ago at Cantor. His daughter and I are around the same age and I always remembered that he was sooo in love with his daughter. Danielle, you were the apple of his eyes. How fortunate you are to have a father that loved you and worshipped you like Ronnie did. We have never met but I felt like I knew you because of how much your father spoke of you. I am so sorry for your loss. Your father was a wonderful man.
Even though I never met Ron Orsini, I felt like I knew him. His daughter Danielle and I worked together and she spoke of her dad daily. You could tell from her stories that she was definitely her father’s daughter. I will never forget how health conscience he was. The envy of many! This always seemed to rub off on Danielle, which would somehow rub off on us in the office as well. She was always trying new fads her dad would turn her on to, especially her workout routines. This made for quite an interesting work environment. They had a wonderful relationship and they lived for each other. Danielle, your father would be so proud of both you and Matt. You have become wonderful parents to Zachary. Zach has a very special angel watching down on him from heaven.
With much love,
I worked with Ronnie when Cantor first started up the MBS/GNMA Dept. I met his wife Arlene when she came up to Cantor once, and Ronnie ALWAYS talked about his daughter Danielle. He loved his family so much. I worked with Ronnie for about 1 1/2 years and even though he acted like he was gruff, we all knew that he was a mush inside and he was always very dear to me. I was shocked and very saddened to find out about Ronnie’s death and I will always remember him.
It’s been one year and the pain does not get any less. I miss you every day. Zach is almost one now and he is running around like a little “devil”. He keeps me busy and happy. I wish you could have met him. You would have had a blast with him. We all miss you very much. Zach sends his love up to heaven. I love you.
Forever, Danielle
“If tears could build a stairway, and memories a lane, I’d walk right up to Heaven and bring you home again.”
I still can’t believe and understand this tragedy that took Ronnie from us a year ago. I can only find comfort in all the wonderful times we had and all the funny and crazy things he did to make me laugh.
I am grateful for our 34 years of marriage and the 38 years that I knew him. Our special memories will be locked up in my heart forever.
I want to believe that he will always be with me in spirit, watching over me and helping me down the path of life.
It so saddens me that Ron never got to meet his grandson, Zachary, and to watch him grow, but he can rest easy that Danielle and Matt are wonderful and loving parents. Ron, you can be proud of them but somehow I feel you are guiding all of us.
Special one year anniversary in heaven.
I know we will meet again,
Love you forever,
To the Orsisi family,
I’d like to take this opportunity to let all of you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Gina and I were so shocked and sorry to hear about Ronnie. Life may change and people lose touch but special friends, times and memories are with you always. I think of the old days often, and cherish them even more now.
It was easy to see how much Ronnie loved his family and enjoyed his life and friends. My heart goes out to all of you as you try and live with this tragedy. I hope Zachary will somehow lesson the pain and be a source of strength & joy for all of you. We all have to believe our lost loved ones are always with us.
Love, your friend & once neighbor,
Tina Coppola
I can’t help but to keep coming back to this site. I will never forget that day or all the people lost, especially from Cantor. Working in the MBS Dept, back in 1987-89, we were like a family – George, Ronnie, Don, Jeff, Tom, Donna and others, we all looked out for each other and I am so disappointed that I am the only one from that time that has written anything about Ronnie. We were all so close, even after I left Cantor I still went up to the GNMA Dept to say hello. I keep thinking of how horrible it must have been for them all, and I hope they didn’t suffer. I will never forget Ronnie and my heart goes out to his family and always will. Is there a site that we can “talk” to each other after all these years of losing touch? Life is so short – it seems stupid to not be in touch with people that I will never forget. I spent some of the best times at Cantor. My thoughts and prayers go out to Ronnie’s family, and everyone who had someone taken from them that terrible day. God bless you all.
I am Thomas Cahill’s sister Tommy worked for Cantor and I read his name on 9/11/05 I also wanted you to know I read Ronald’s name and I was praying for him and your family on 9/11/05 and still today……..