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Michel Pelletier Date of Birth: January 30, 1965 Position: Commodities broker, Electricity/North East From the 1st day we met you brought me happiness. You were a tremendous presence in my life, honest, thoughtful, strong & gentle, intelligent & humble. I’ll never forget how passionately you loved Sophie, Sydney & Nicolas. Sophie tries so hard to survive. Please give her the strengh to be happy. We shared a very special connection, not only son-in-law/mother-in-law, but a rich relationship of respect & love that transcended everything. We laughed so much. You always made me feel needed & loved. Not a day goes by that I don’t think of you. Your loss is incalculable but so is the privilege to call you “my friend”. I cry…I smile…at the great moments we shared. Life is so fragile…
What can one say about Mike? Was it his infectious smile, his love of life, or the little inside jokes that we had that made each day with him so complete?
In his 36 short years, Mike touched many lives and had a way of making everyone feel special. He had it all: looks, intelligence, a loyal friend, an accomplished athlete, a team player – yet his simplicity and great sense of humor made him the kind of person everyone wanted to be around.
Mike gave us all many “special moments”, some we would like to forget and others we will cherish forever…!
Being a father was one of his most treasured roles. He ran home every night to his family and the world stopped as he walked in the door and saw the excitement on his little ones’ faces. His children were his pride and joy.
On September 11th, I did not just lose my loving husband. I lost my best friend, my lover, my confidant. Together we were thunder. There was no mountain we could not climb, no challenge we could not overcome. Mike was my life, my heart, my soul. We cherished every moment we had, and lived every day to the fullest.
He will continue to live in our hearts forever.
I knew Mike while he lived in Calgary during the late 1980’s & early 1990’s. There was a group of us that “chummed ” together during that time.
I saw him in the news in Calgary as one of the Canadians missing in the tragedy of Sept 11th. My breath was taken away.
There was a story about his tragic last few moments in our city paper. I took me 2 days to finish. My heart broke for his bride. She lost an incredible friend, the daddy of her babies & a true partner. Mike never did anything half way he would have loved her with all his energy & spirit. I know she must be so special to have won our Mikes heart! But what is the most difficult for me to put my head around is the loss those sweet children have had. Their Daddy was strong & devoted . I look at my own children & think about Mike & Sophie often. I see my children passing milestones & reflect what a great injustice for Mike to have missed watching his babies grow.But mostly I grieve for their loss of not knowing their extraordinary Daddy. Will they still have his charisma , his character , his strength , & his humility? Their will be a special place in heaven for Mike to watch . I pray for Sophie to find her strength in her commitment to Mike. I pray that those innocent children will grow to everything that their Daddy would have dreamed for them.I think of you so often living without him. I kiss my children everynight & think of you. My regards, Charlene Vallee
Mike my love,
I feel so robbed. Robbed of the future we never had. Robbed of our happy life. We were supposed to grow old together. Our dreams shattered on that horrible September day.
In your time here, you touched more lives and inspired more people than you ever realized. Baby you just made this world a better place. You gave me endless love. You believed in me, like I believed in you. You showed me happiness I never knew before. You brought our family such strength, love and laughter. I am so grateful for every second we had together.
My worst fear came true on September 11th. Your absence is so immense and unbearable.
I secretly believe that Sydney and Nicolas have a special connection with you. They will know what a wonderful man and a true hero their Papa is. I am now devoting my life to them, just like you would want me to. I want to make you proud. Please give me the strength and confidence that I need to go on without you.
I miss you so terribly. You have my heart. I love you, forever.
My heart aches for you! Please know that you and your children are in my thoughts and prayers everyday. May you find peace in Mike’s memory and in the faces of your two beautiful children.
My deepest condolences-
Kerry Cummings (former co-worker of Mike’s wife)
It is so hard for me to sum up all of my feelings/memories in one tribute. I didn’t know Mike as well as I would have liked. But I do know one thing for sure – he made my friend Sophie very happy. I have never met a couple that were so well matched for each other. If you ever doubted the idea that “there was someone for everyone”, you only had to look at Soph and Mike to be reminded that it was true.
I met Sophie around the same time she met Mike, so for me, it is hard to imagine her without him. I am sure that she feels very much the same way. An amazing team – best friends and husband and wife – they were able to tackle anything together, with a smile (and lots of laughter!)
Their proudest achievement was their family. It is so unfair that little Sydney and baby Nicolas will not get to know their father firsthand, and what an amazing man he really was.
My heart breaks for Sophie, Sydney and Nicolas – not a day goes by that I do not think about you. I know you miss him terribly, but he is with you every day, in everything that you do. And I know know that you are all with him – he wouldn’t have it any other way.
Dear Mike:
From the moment we met you and Sophie in our Lamaze classes we knew we had found the other “cool” people in the room (hopefully you were thinking the same thing). It was a time in our lives to witness a miracle, and it was easy to see that you embraced it with all your heart. Your joy with Sydney and Nicolas was infectious and we know that your unique personality will be forever a part of them. We’re anxiously waiting for the practical jokes to start. FYI, you won the large baby contest with Nicolas and he appears to be well on his way to the pro hockey arena. We’ve told Kalie & Coleman to buddy up to him to secure their protection later in life.
Through this tragedy we had the opportunity to meet your mom, dad, brothers and sister and saw firsthand the family crucible that forged your character. We must say that it is no surprise that you became the man you did.
Thanks for being humble and thanks for making us laugh. Most of all, thank you for the privilege of your friendship.
Mark, Lisa, Kalie & Coleman
It seems strange that this is now how we write our tributes, but I love my cousin and want everyone to know how much I miss him. It’s amazing how Mike always had the right words. He was so wise and always made me feel important. I still can’t believe he’s not with us. But, his example has taught me how to keep going with a smile, to love life and grab it by the horns. I’m pursuing my dreams because that’s what would have made Mike proud. He doesn’t want anyone of us to be sad, or to let this horrible thing prevent us from really living. Thank you Mike. I love you and miss you and wish I could have said goodbye. Funny story, Mike taught me how to burp when I was just a little girl. I would drink a big glass of water and then he’d tell me what to do. He always got a big kick out of making people laugh. Thanks to him, I am the “outspoken” one in the family…Love Always, Aimee Jo
It ‘s true.
Mike had everything. Everything anybody could ever want. And he chose to share it all.
He shared his family.
He shared his friends.
He shared his free time and time he couldn’t afford.
And all provided you did just one thing: Laugh.
Mike had no time for life without laughter. And that’s the aspect I miss the most – especially at times like these.
I miss you Mike, but when I laugh – at anything – I know you’re not far off and the chances are you’re probably laughing too.
Dear Mike,
We lived on different coast and only met at holiday, family gathering and special occasions. We did not have too many chances to know each other, but I always thought we would have a lifetime to do so… One thing is certain, I loved the way you made my sister happy, how her eyes glowed every time she was with you, how complete she looked when you were around. You made her life and I love you for it!
On that terrible morning, you were cheated out of life, Your beautiful children were cheated out of the most dedicated father, Sophie was cheated out of the love of her life and an awesome husband, everyone that would have crossed your way was cheated out of a smile and possibly a joke that would have made their day…
“Quoi que je fasse,
Ou que tu sois,
Rien ne t’efface,
Je pense a toi…”
You will always be in our heart.
Dear Mike,
This is the first letter I have written to you since you left us on September 11th. Whenever I have the strength and courage to write I usually write to Sophie as she needs such encouragement and support to get through each day without you. After seeing this tribute site I feel a strong need to write to you.
We just finished watching a video of Christmas 2000 our family spent together in L.A. Dan and I laughed so hard at some of the things that you did. You truly were a very funny man! But we cried too because seeing you is still so hard because it reminds us of what we have lost.
We miss you so much – your smile, your laugh, your phone calls, your jokes, your sincerity and your spirit. Life will never be the same. The world was a much better place with you in it. We are devastated that we have lost our dream of sharing our lives with you and Soph and the kids.
Family gatherings are so difficult as your absence is so acutely felt. But please know we will be there for your family and we will go on to share our lives with Soph, Sydney and Nicolas as we had planned and know you are with us all in spirit.
My heart aches for Sophie and Sydney and Nicolas everyday as they struggle to go on without you.
You are their guardian angel now so please give them strength and courage to face life without you. But please know we are taking care of them, they are loved so very much.
You are in our thoughts and our hearts and our dreams everyday…until we meet again… we love you.
Kyle Pelletier, Sister-in-law
Dear Sydney & Nicolas,
Everyday, I see your papa thru you. You both have so many of his qualities. Thru you, he has given me a tremendous gift, the desire to succeed in life just like he did, & to enjoy each moment to the fullest. Your papa is a hero.
I love you,
My heart aches for you. I know you have lost your soulmate, your best friend, your other half. Noone can take your pain away.
I admire the strength & courage you show everyday. I know Mike is very proud of you. You are an AMAZING MOM.
I love you,
Now, when I say “I had a special relationship with Mike,” I realize that, in fact, everyone had a special relationship with him. He had this way of making everyone feel important. He made me feel this way all the time, eventhough he called me a “crunchy, hippie, whale-hugging, spaghetti-legged granola.” Even his name calling made me feel special. I knew my brother well enough to understand what he was really saying. He loved to tease and teased to show his love.
Mike left home at a young age to see the world. And though he had seen and done so much, he would always come home happy to hear the mundane news of an awkward attention seeking teenager. He always made time for his family and friends.
When he was around, I felt happy, secure and loved. Mike was so solid and stable – physically there’s no doubt – but also in his character, his beliefs, his loyalty and his love. Though physically he is no longer with us, in spirit, he will continue to be that solid and stable presence in our lives.
I miss you terribly Mike.
Since September 11th, we have had to climb many mountains. I have fought so hard to get through each endless lonely day without you. But today is the toughest of them all.
Four years ago today, I vowed “to share with you all that is to come”. I let you down on that horrible September day. I was not there to hold your hand through the terrible pain and torture you had to endure. I am so sorry.
But baby today and forever, I will never forget to treasure our love, just like I promised.
Happy anniversary my love.
Mike was an ordinary man with an extra ordinary heart. He had a special relationship with each member of his family. We will all miss his ways of bringing joy and laughter to every situation in our lives. Family meant so much to him and that is why as a son, brother, husband and father he displayed such love and devotion to all his family. Sophie was his eternal love and Sydney and Nicolas his pride and joy.
Growing up as a child he wasn’t much for words but oh! how he could connect with just a look or a smile. He never gave us any worry, always ready to do the right thing. You could always depend on his character to excel in every situation he faced.
I have no doubt that on Sept. 11, he was there for his fellowmen. He is our hero and will be missed forever.
Let us all love one another a little more each day and perhaps laugh a little more each day in Mike’s memory.
I love you Mike. Me too.
Lillian Pelletier Mother
Dear Mike
One year ago already… & it has been so long… People say that we have to pass one year, that time is a healer, that there is a reason for everything… time is going on & we still miss you so much every day.
We had to make it through Christmas, all the birthdays, your anniversary, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day but there’s still going to be a 2nd Christmas, a 2nd celebration of everything, a 2nd September 11 without you.
Even if you incredibly live in your two adorable children, in Sophie’s heart & in the great memories we all have of you, things just won’t be the same anymore. We live every day with your loss. Why did this terrible disaster happen? Why all these young life were taken away from their wifes, husbands, children, parents, family & friends? it’s so crazy, so tragic, so unfair, so sad… I will always miss you.
Jacqueline Brassier Raphael
For some reason, I keep coming back to this tribute page. I do not know you, but my heart goes out to you. Your children are beautiful. May you find comfort in knowing that your husband is an angel in heaven watching over you.
May you find the courage to be strong and please remember that a stranger is saying a prayer to guide you and your family. My deepest sympathy for your incredible loss.
Dear Sophie,
I never knew your husband but by reading your tributes, my heart was broken. You two sound like a perfect match and with those lovely kids to double the joy, I can only imagine your pain…
I am so sorry that such a terrible thing happened to your husband…infact, it should never have happened to anyone. But God has a plan for everyone…maybe he needed a special angel up ther look after you all. Please be strong as he will be watching over you and the kids…what’s gone will never come back, but when one door closes, another door opens…
I wish you peace in your life and strength to carry on…though we don’t know each other, please know that I’d always be thinking of you and praying for your happiness…
Dear Mike,
We last saw you 12 years ago, during the Summer of 1991 when we visited you in Calgary. You took us to meet your Mum, Dad, Brother & Sister and they made us feel so welcome. You were part of a truly amazing family and we were so glad to have met them all.
The terrible events of September 11th were hard enough to bear but when we heard you had lost your life we were shocked, devastated and heart broken.
Mike, we just wanted to let you know that your friends in the UK think of you often and we feel such heartache for your beautiful wife, Sophie and your adorable children, Sydney and Nicolas.
Sophie, we had the privilege of meeting Mike when he came to the UK to play hockey. He was a fantastic guy and made a huge impact on everyone he met.The people here are devastated by your loss. We cannot imagine your pain but please be comforted a little knowing that your friends in the UK are thinking of you.
Be strong, take care and God Bless.
“To live in the hearts of those we leave behind,
is not to die.”
He is always with you.God bless your family.
Dear Sophie
I hope that my note finds you well.
As we approach Sept 11th , I think of you again. I want you to know that I think of you & your family often . I wonder if you are alright?? I hope that your sweet children are well.I hope that your heart has carried on.
For some reason each time there is ever a reference to the horrible tragedy , I think of Mike. It gives the feeling that we were all so personally connected to this. I cannot imagine how this has impactd you . I do hope that with some time you have started your healing. I hope that everyday you share with your children what an outstanding human being their “Papa” is. I believe that Mike is still with us all but mostly with your family.
I look at this memorial at least once a week to be reminded that he is still here with us & that he did impact so many people.
God speed my friend….
Charlene Vallee
[email protected]
To my friend,
I remember fondly the times we shared lunch,wisdom, how we’d joke in school and how the financial wiz kid helped me in class! I cannot say enough about how this affected me, but I kiss my kids more and pray for your wife and kids at least once a day. I hope they know you loved them and they feel that love thru their mom. I will light a candle each 9/11 to remember a life taken to early, his wife, kids, parents, and the hope Christ gives. I will hug my children and pray for peace.
Todd E Bruner
dear sophie,
i’m a girl from milan, italy. I didn’t know mike, neither you and all your family. I found this site on internet, while i was reading more about the 11/9. You touched my heart. Love you have inside for your husband, the love of his family and fiendrs makes me believe mike was a very special person. I am just one of the million of people who probably tell you they’re sorry, but we can’t feel what you feel, we close our door, we still have our special person alive, we can’t really understand what to loose a person, the love of your life meant to you, to your children. What can i say? have you ever seen italy before? i’m here, a 34 years old girl, touched by your words, your pain, who will be happy to have you as a friend, who will be happy to learned about mike’s love, everybody would have to learn about this..love
Dear Sophie,
I found Cantor Fitzgerald’s tribute page to its brave employees the fifth anniversary of the tragedy. All of the pages moved me, and in particular your tribute to your husband. Not a day goes by that I don’t think of what our country lost on September 11th – it never goes away. Please know that countless others feel the same. The love you and your husband shared and the beautiful family it created reminds me of the best of what it means to be human. Those gorgeous smiles say it all. Please know that your story touched a stranger more than you will ever know. You all are in my prayers.
As we all went to bed last night we dreaded today, the images come back to haunt us, the sorrow, the pain, the heartache… Time passes, 6years and we still miss you. We look at your oh so beautiful children and Sophie, keeping your legacy so much alive. Oh how proud you must be watching from above.
To all of you who love Mike, please know you are in our heart today and everyday…
Mike lodged with me when he played a seasons hockey in the UK in the late eighties.He was a lovely guy who treated my home as if it was his own , and my friends with respect.He never missed a practise and prepared meticulously on game days , a true professional.We had a great eight or nine months together along with Tim Lappin who also stayed with me and who Mike had played alongside when they were both at St Lawrence.It was a moment of great sadness when I learnt recently that Mike had lost his life in the tragic events of 9/11.Sophie my heart and soul goes out to you and your children.
Dear Sophie, As the ten year anniversary approaches I thought about Mike because I attended SLU around the same time. What a joy he was to watch on the ice, and what a gleaming smile, and what respect he had. I want to send you more love and courage, and truly from reading your endearing tributes to your lost love, like everyone else has said on this blog, how refreshing and beautiful to witness what seemed to be a soul-mate-love. I hope, somehow, the passing of time has made things a little more bearable as you raise your beautiful children. I lost my nephew when I was in HS and I remember penning a poem about “time being said to heal all wounds, but how much of that is true?” (that was the beginning of the poem)…and what I learned is that time helps the weight of the pain, but the heart only heals in pieces –because you have to force yourself to go on. Time only helps, but does not heal. Healing is closure and forgiveness, and I can only imagine how hard it must be to forgive an act of terrorism….At least those are my thoughts, and I mean them gently. So i send you blessings and courage and I pray your life now has brought you the happiness and strength that you and your family so obviously deserve. Best regards, heather harmon fraser
Today is the 11th Anniversary of such a dark and tragic day. Those of us that knew Mike and Rich Stewart, two brilliant young hockey players and friends at St. Lawrence University were so stunned at their deaths. The stunned aspect does not really wear off, but we do feel sure they are at peace.
Catherine and I and our three young daughters lived adjacent to campus. I had the honor and privilege of serving as the Saints Hockey Booster President and as the Hockey Team Physician at St. Lawrence in the period from 1981-1991 and in this context knew the players of that era.
None were more enthusiastic and always smiling and had a better sense of humor than Mike. He visited our home on several occasions with other players, and it was always our joy. Mike always had me laughing.
We pray for you Sophie and for your children, and please know how many of us also have cherised memories of Mike, and we know he is in a good place awaiting us.
Brian R. McMurray, MD SLU ’74