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Anthony Perez Date of Birth: March 31, 1968 Department: eSpeed Position: Technical Specialist Anthony loved working with computers. He enjoyed taking pieces of broken-ready to be thrown away computers and making something out of them. Bringing them to life, making a new computer out of discarded pieces. This was much the same way Anthony lived his life. Nothing was discarded, everything had a meaning, and everyone had a purpose. Anthony was a jokester always making people smile. He could start up a conversation with anyone, anywhere, and he did. Anthony was a kind, gentile sole who was very sensitive and sentimental. He was and always will be my wonderful husband. He would always concern himself with my happiness and my needs before his own. A devoted father, he loved sharing his joy of gadgets, gismos and technology with his children. Always wanting the best for them. He always went above and beyond to make there lives special. In return he was blessed with three wonderful children Olivia, Anthony James, and Alexis. His children think the world of him. He is our HERO! Everyone who ever met Anthony remembers him for his kindness and laughter. Anthony was as beautiful on the outside as he was on his inside, Anthony Perez will be remembered forever as a loving husband, a wonderful father, an incredible friend and the stranger who cared. From your wife you will always be my “Latin Lover” with the kindness and gentleness of an angel. “I LOVE YOU”. We love you daddy, you are our HERO.
Anthony was the biggest pain-in-the-but but, that was one of the reasons he always made you laugh. He was the biggest jokester anyone in our family had ever known. He was always the one dancing funny with our Aunt or dancing with something stupid on his head at family events.
Everyone in our family will remember Anthony as the one would act so silly just to get you to laugh.
Without Anthony, I would have been lost. He and all the guys in his department were the best. If I ever needed “ANYTHING”, Anthony was always there to take care of me. The best thing about Anthony was that he always knew how to keep thing loose. I would call him from a customer’s office in Houston, Texas and sure enough, Anthony and I would start to have this completely out of hand conversation and the next thing I knew, I was laughing so hard that I didn’t care about my problems and Anthony would help me and fix things. We had become close since the start of the year and I must say, he was one of the good guy’s. I will truely miss him. I worked in the tower with him before moving to Houston and I’m very lucky to have known him.
I used to work with Anthony on 103 for a few months. He always had something to say that would make you laugh or smile.He was a great guys and a great person to work with…I am so sorry for your loss.
I first met Anthony, Mary and the kids when they moved to Locust Valley.
My best memories of Anthony are of what a great father he was. He would dress up in costume for the kids’s (Olivia, Anthony James, and Alexis) birthday parties. One year he dressed up as Darth Vader and along with his brother, Scott (dressed as a Jedi Knight) they staged a light sabre battle to entertain the kids. Anthony James was given his own light sabre to help defeat the evil Darth Vader. Before “Darth” went down for the final time he reached out to Anthony James and said (in his best James Earl Jones voice), “Noooo Anthony James, I am your Father…”
I don’t think I have ever laughed that hard since.
Anthony, Tami and I miss you very much!
I worked side-by-side with Anthony ever since he started at eSpeed. He added great flavor to a very diverse room. Anthony always helped me when I asked. We had so many laughs together. We shared a passion for hockey. I was delighted to be invited to his son’s birthday party at a hockey rink in Long Island. I got to meet all of his family that day and they are wonderful people. I miss Anthony very much. I will never forget him and his personality. My heart goes out to his family and friends.
He was a great man. I loved him and I played with him and I helped him. When he needed help Anthony James (son), Alexis (other daughter), and I would ALWAYS help him! Last year in 5th grade we had this huge fieldtrip and I invited him to go. He missed work on that day and came. We had a great time and enjoyed it together! Then he took me to work! All of his co-workers thought someone was sick on my other side of the family and I had to go with him. The real truth was I wanted to go and I begged him and he finally said yes! Shhhhhh! I share a lot of memories with the Perez family but it is so hard to talk about them!
“Baby Tony” is what I called him ever since I could rememer. When we were kids we would spend summer vacations in Puerto Rico with our grandparents. He was always thinking of jokes and pranks to pull and was usually the one that got in trouble. I was fortunate enough to talk to my cousin this past July and all he talked about was his family, they were everything to him. All the family in Houston, Texas sends their love and prayers to yet another Hero.
Daddy I love you very much and miss you a whole lot. I’m so sad that you can’t come home. Mommy tells me that you are with us all the time, so I hope you can hear me when I talk to you. I love you very very much and miss you. Big Hugs and Kisses.
Daddy you are the best daddy ever. I miss you every day. I wish you could come home. I miss playing all the computer games with you and working on the house. I know you’re in heaven now, but I like to think that you’re also here with me playing ball, going to school and riding my bike.
I love you and miss you very much. Hugs and Kisses
Throughout the years, Tony would always want to make a party out of everything. You wouldn’t want to be the butt of all his jokes when we were at family gatherings. He would always have the latest toys. He would be upset until he got that lastest gadget. I will miss my brother. I will miss his phone calls. I will miss the way we used to say “hello” to each other. I will miss you Tony.
Love always, your brother Scott.
Anthony, you were, are, and always will be an angel to me! You saved and lifted my spirit SO many times! You were incredibly gorgeous inside and out, ALWAYS lending a hand, an ear, your heart, and soul to help, and what I feel for you goes beyond any definitive statement in this physical world! I knew from the first moment I met you, you are a kindred spirit!
I will be thinking about your smiling face until we meet again…have the coffee ready, and I mean the GOOD stuff! 😉 Love and miss you!
Anthony was very sweet to me. He was always willing to help me with an installation or to figure out a problem. I always appreciated his friendliness and willingness to help. I still have some of his emails and I can’t delete them.
As I left the building the afternoon of Sept. 10th, I rode the elevator down with Anthony and James. I kissed Anthony on the cheek and told him good-bye as I had been laid off. At first he looked sad, but he smiled and said that everything would work out. I told him I’d see him Thursday when everyone was planning to go out…I wish I could have.
To his kids: He was so very proud of you and often spoke of your latest events–school, birthdays, Saturday activities, illnesses, etc. He had your photos in the office and would email me when he had new ones. He loved you very much. Remember that he’s always with you and always listening when you need him.
For those of you who don’t know, I am the brother Tony publicly made fun of and scrutinized on speaker phone at work. He was a great guy whom I loved very deeply. We grew very close in recent years and had the best of times. The way he would answer the phone when he knew it was me was priceless.
Those of us who knew him well know how enviable a person he was. Always able to put a smile on his face, along with everyone else’s. We know how comical he was and what an outgoing person he was.
A dedicated family man, a loving brother, husband, and son. But to some and especially me, he IS my Hero.
Thank you to everyone for your support! I love you Tony!
Tony was a wonderful and hilarious man. He had never let a smile down and uplifted our spirits. Tony would give up anything for the family if we were in trouble. What a great father Tony was.
I remember a few months before the tragedy, I talked to him almost every day online at his work. Tony always picked on me wherever we were together, on the speaker phone, Tony and my dad would never stop laughing and making fun of me – even online.
What can we say? Everything that everybody said about Anthony is definitely true. He was a jokester and a comedian “TRUTHFULLY”. Anthony and my family spent very little time together but the time we did spend together, he always made it a good time. Our last time with him was at his sister-in-law’s wedding and Philly and he had a ball dancing and kidding around. It was great to spend those moments with him. That’s how we will always remember him, and Anthony, I hope you are having as much fun in Heaven as you had here. You will always be in our hearts…
Aunt Phily and family
The four things I will remember about Anthony is Hockey, jokes, tech stuff and the love of his kids.
He seemed to always be talking about one of the four.
I never worked directly with him on a project but since I was pretty much a fixture in his area on a daily basis I got to know him and knew him to be a funny and incredibly nice guy.
Ant.. I know that you will always look over your family. You will always be in our hearts and prayers.
I had the pleasure of meeting Anthony and his wonderful family last year during a trip out to Long Island where Anthony was kind enough to invite us over to meet his family. Mary, you and the kids were delightful. We laughed a lot that night when Anthony and I who were both of Spanish decent made jokes about our heritage and you and Marcello made fun of us. Anthony took us around the house showing us all of his latest gadgets and little getaways. He was very proud of all he had and very proud of his kids. Mary, I have no doubt that Anthony and Marcello along with all the boys at eSpeed were together when they were taken and are together now watching over us and keeping us safe. I’m sure that you’ve had plenty of these offers as have I, but here’s one more. Please know that I am here if you ever need anything. I’m sure Anthony is watching and feeling proud of his family.
To my dearest Anthony, today is your birthday, and we just wanted to let you know that although you can’t be here with us right now you are not and will never be forgotten. I know you are with us in everything we do, watching over us and keeping us safe. You are also there to make sure we go on. We sent you balloon messages today. I hope they reach you in heaven, they carry all our love, thoughts wishes and prayers. I know some day we will all be together again. All our love and Happy Birthday, we miss you so very much. I will love you forever.
Love Mary, Anthony and Alexis your family forever
Well I have gone throughout 1 whole year without you but I have no clue how I am gonna live my life w/o you!! LOVE YOU
Anthony, I am thinking of you, more than ever. We spoke for the last time three years ago today. I didn’t know at that moment it would be for the last time. I still think of you every time I lace up my skates to play hockey. I think about the laughs we had. Club PR!! I’ll always remember that laugh and that youthful excitement you showed for everything. You are in my heart, my mind and my hockey bag!! I miss you pal…….
Saying hi from school. I miss you daddy. )3 Farewell. Bye daddy. May you keep your wings forever.
Daddy, oh god. Its been How long? like… five years almost since i last say you. I miss you so much. You’ve brought me so many good things in life, and I just can bear to be without you. I’ve grown and changed and its just amazign to me of how I’ve lived. Without you. Please keep an eye over Anthony James, Alexis, Scott Anthony, and Mary, and grandma, and grandpa, and scott, and brian, and the rest of the family, because we love you ,and we think about you constantly.
I used to work with Anthony back at CV.. he was the best lead i ever had there… All of his CV family miss him and send best wishes to his family
Hi dad, I know it’s been a while, but I just wanted to tell you I’ve been thinking about you a lot. We’ve had a blessing come into our lives, Carter, and tomorrow, we’re going to have another little blessing join us. It’s heart breaking that all you can do is watch over us and make sure everything goes safely and happily. I know you’re doing a great job, and if you could help me, you would in a heartbeat. Every now and then I say to myself, what would daddy do? And then i go and attempt to be like you, and I get my butt kicked by it, but it’s okay, because I’m being you, and I’m just so happy for all the amazing lessons in life you’ve taught me in life.
Long story short, you taught me who I was, what I want to be, and how to be right. I owe my life to you, it’s just a shame that you’re not around.
You know I love you forever.
7 years is way too long, but I see you in my dreams every night, so I’ll be happy as long as you keep popping up in my head.
Please watch over everyone,
Love and miss you always,
Hi Tony!
It’s been 8 years and so much has happenned, yet nothing will ever allow for any of us to forget you. You have 2 new nephews – Carter (my son) and Danny (Scott’s youngest). You should see your kids. Olivia is prcatically an adult at Syracuse University, Anthony James is maturing into a wonderful young man entering High School, and Alexis is growing into a beautoful young woman, almost the rock of the family and lokoing after everyone with Anthony. We are all so very proud of them all!
I owe so much to you. I would not be where I am today without your guidance. I am so lucky to have had you in my life, regrdless of how short a time it was.
Tony – Every year, I torture myself on this 9/11 day thinking about the events of that day and the following days, and watching remembrance shows on the tragic day. Today, While I will continue my “tradition” of making sure I consume myself in 9/11…today, I will celebrate your life with my family and let my 10 month old son know all about you.
We all miss you and love you so much. Please continue to watch over all of us. I’ll continue to see & talkto you in my dreams!
-Brian & Family
To the Perez Family,
Sadly, I had to learn Tony’s fate from Raz (Rasim) just recently. I had no clue at all that Tony was involved in 9/11. As weird as
it is I always had a fascination and attachment to this day which I cannot explain before, now I know why. Tony was great to be with
and had the ability to keenly observe you and he couples this ‘pysch profile’ he built of you with humor to tell something about
yourself and since you can’t hide anything from him. He was helpful to all those around him from casual friends to strangers and
more so to people he knew. He was always smiling and laughing and rarely show sad deep emotion and I only saw this once when his
uncle died. This was probably around 1989-90. He had a crazy and wild side and this is attested by liking to drive fast, we once
‘floored’ his old Chevy Nova (the car he got after breaking his older Hatchback car doing spin outs) and worshipped his radar detector since we once almost got caught speeding on Ocean Parkway while blasting to Van Halen’s ‘Dreams’ (which was is favorite Van Halen track). The first time he showed me his room he pointed to the surfboard with a wide smile and he also liked hockey both of which are fast and fun sports. He also loved to tinker with anything electronic so I wasn’t surprised he got into computers and excelled at it. He always was good as fixing something even in the worse conditions. I once had to help him deal with a sewer backup at his parent’s house after a storm, and instead of complaining he made it into a fun thing to do to get the job done easier and more efficient. Tony liked life and to ‘feel alive’ either through loud music or just feeling the wind in the car even if the fan belts were complaining already 🙂 Rest well my friend, you had a great run 🙂
‘A light that burns twice as bright burns half as long…Alkl those moment would beost like tears in the rain…’
To Tony: Sorry man if I revealed too much here 🙂 Just leave me in the dust on side road when we meet again 🙂
Son, it has been 9 years since that tragid day. It has not been a day that I do not think about you. It is still very hard for me to believe that you are gone. I want to dream about you and that you tell me you are o.k. I can not get over this pain of loosing you. My Peter Pan. I fondly remember when you used to say you wanted to be like Peter Pan, never grow up. You know have never seen the movie, nor read the book. I remember the day of your wedding, as we dance the mother son dance “Wind within my wings”, and you kept asking me if I like the song you picked to dance with me. You know, It was not until you were taken away from us that I realy understood what what you were trying to tell me, but you know, you were the HEROE; You were the one that fought with dyslexia and never gave up. You always had that drive to work hard to succeed. I just was there to say “YES you can” and you never gave up. I felt your pain and fustration as you battled with your dyslexia, But you kept going, and as a result you became a successfull young man. You are an example to those who suffered from dyslexia. I remember one day on my birthday, you were 4 years old them, you got up early and made me a cup of coffe on the microwave and toast. Yes, you are and was a heroe. You were a kind loving human been.
You should se your children, they have your pesonality. they are playful just like you were. Anthony James is so much like you. He is very smart, a book of knowledge. Alexis is my little sweetheart, she is sweet and has sturned into a beautiful young lady. Mary is doing a good job with them. And olivia is already 19, and on her 3rd year of college, a beautiful slender tall young lady. She has been blessed with a nice friend in school, Kelsy, who I know is like a sister and good influence on her. I know that from heaven you are looking over us. There are so many things that were left unsaid and I want to tell you. I miss you so much. It is so hard. Part of me went when you were taken away from us. I love you. God Bless you.