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Danny Pesce Date of Birth: July 26, 1967 Department: Government Securities Bond Brokers Position: Manager of Ticket Desk Danny Pesce was 34 years old and worked for Cantor Fitzgerald on the 105th floor for 7 and 1/2 years. He began his career in the mailroom and worked his way up to Manager of a ticket desk in the Government Bond Securities Department. He was the greatest son, brother, brother-in-law, uncle and godfather. Danny was the kind of person you could always depend on, he always put himself last. The family is devastated from this loss. I will always cherish my last conversation with my brother, Danny, the morning of the September 11, 2001. At 8:48 a.m. he phoned me at home asking to put on television because he had just heard an explosion on his floor. I informed him a plane had just hit his building. He yelled to his coworkers, “a plane hit us!” I then told him this must have been an accident, just try to get out, I see flames and smoke. Put a wet rag over your mouth and get out of there! He then told me they were beginning to get smoke inside the office and he then left the receiver off the hook. I will never forget Danny’s voice at that moment directing everyone off the floor with such calmness. I heard no screaming or panic from the others, just voices getting farther away from the receiver. I could no longer listen and so I hung up. At that moment I never felt so helpless and afraid. I will always remember my brother Danny, as one of the many heroes of that day. He was my best friend. He will be forever in our hearts. He is our new angel in heaven, guiding us here on earth, until we see one another again. I will always love you, your sister, Angela Frunzi
Danny, where do I begin? I will begin by saying that we all miss you very much. You were such a great person, someone everyone could always depend on, especially your parents. They miss you so much. The hurt in your mother’s eyes is unimaginable and it kills me. One thing I do know is that we have gained another angel. I promise to never forget you and keep you alive through our memories. We will all make sure that Christina and Vincent know what a great uncle you were. I know that my mom is taking care of you like your mom did me and Frankie when she died. Please tell her we miss her, too! I miss you and I will always remember you. We love you, Dan!
Danny was a GREAT guy. He was always on his toes and he managed to keep everyone in line up there in the Bond room. He always met people with a bright smile and a nice word. I don’t think Danny knew how to speak badly of anything or anyone.
I am sure he is looking down on his family and friends and watching over you.
God bless your family and all those who are missing you.
On the morning on Sepember 11th, Danny’s sister (my wife) Angela phoned me at my office in Brooklyn to inform me what was going on. She mentioned the phone call with Danny and expressed her worry to me. I am a Detective N.Y.P.D. and immediately left my office in route to Danny’s building. I, like many others, was unable to reach the towers until it was too late.
Danny was, in my eyes, truly a hero that morning and I will always remember him for that. I will forever live with the thought that I was not able to keep Danny out of harm’s way that morning, but in return, will see to it that his memory is forever etched in the minds of his neice and nephew-godson (Christina and Vincent)…..
Danny, please rest in peace and always remember that there was never any (‘n’law) between us as we joked one night. I have always considered you my brother and will forever mourn and remember you as MY BROTHER!!
P.S. At your memorial, as I eulogized you, I saw the butterfly in the lobby area of the church and it was then that I KNEW YOU WERE THERE!! Thank you for the sign…
Love Always,
From the first time I spoke to Danny, I knew there was something very special about him. It was that day, over 4 years ago, that I fell in love with him. His passion for love, for life and for his family was so strong. He always said that we were one soul existing in two bodies, and in time, we will be one again. I miss his voice, his smile, his laugh and most of all his touch. I know he is watching over me and all of us until we can be together again. You are forever in my heart and I love you.
My heart goes out to the Pesce family. I have worked with Danny in my room for 6 years. He was a giving person and did a great job in the bond room. If you asked Danny to help other rooms out he did it. He took his job seriously and was great at it. Danny, you will be missed but never forgotten. His faviorte word when we had problems at work and tickets did not print, he would yell TICKETS DELAYED and everyone would laugh at Danny’s big mouth. I am sure the family is feeling a great loss. I also lost my sister that day. Maureen Hunt
My heart has been broken since I have lost one of my best friends. Danny and I had a special bond because we were there for each other when the loves of our lives decided that they needed to be with someone else. We understood each others hurt. We laughed, we cried, we loved…but it was all cut short. I will never forget that Danny called me the morning before the attack. It was the last day of his vacation, but he got up to call and tell me to have a good day. My sympathy goes out to the Pesce family. Danny, I hope you know what you mean to me and that I love you and miss you. Be my angel. Ciao
I just wanted to say that I wish you a very Merry Christmas in Heaven. We are all thinking about you and miss you very much. You will forever be in our hearts. Thank you for the little signs you gave Angie the other day. You have made her grieving a little better. WE LOVE YOU ALWAYS! Until we meet again. Your cousin Nancy and Family.
Dear Danny, it’s Christmas Day and we are all so sad without you. I just keep thinking of all the past years and how you loved buying toys for Christina and Vincent. You loved to see the looks on their faces when they opened their gifts. I also remembered how we could never figure out what to get Mommy and Daddy every year and no matter what we bought Daddy he was never happy with it. We all remembered you last night on Christmas Eve. We had to celebrate Christmas for the children and I know you wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. I know you are with us and you can see us, but it’s so sad and hard not to be able to hug or kiss you on Christmas Day. We love and miss you. Mommy, Daddy, Frank, Christina, Vincent and Mark wish you a Merry First Christmas in Heaven. Hope you like the flowers and poinsetta plant we bought you!
Your sister, Angela Frunzi
Amato Nipote Danny,
da quel famoso tragico giorno (11 Sept,2001.)ci
hai lasciato un dolore profondo,indescrivibile,
indimenticabile.Siamo tutti sciocchi, solo ci consola sapendo che DIO ti ha scelto come un fiore prelibato.Ti pensiamo sempre, specialmente
durante queste Feste Natalizie,and sono sicura che
stai d’avanti a DIO pregando per tutti noi,
specialmente per la tua Mamma che e’ troppo
addolorata, non potra’ mai rassegnarsi della
tua scomparsa.Sono sicura che DIO ti ha riservato
un posto magnifico, circondato di fiori preziosi
(ROSE) e dalle farfalle rosse che svolazzano
su di loro. Tua Madre si ricorda le tue chiamate
dal lavoro:”Ma, ce sta fe?”.Tenendoti sempre nel
nostro cuore,Ti ricordiamo nelle nostre preghiere.
Zia Maria e Zio Michele
Dan, It has been months since you have left us and I still can’t believe that it is true. What a nightmare. There is not a day that goes by that we do not think of you. I sometimes go to your mom’s house and expect for you to come down the steps, how sad it is when I realize time after time that you are never coming down those steps again. I come to this site everyday just to read about all the families that lost their loved ones too. We all love and miss you all so much. Remember that you will always have a special place in all of our hearts and you will never be forgotten.
Dan and I would always take the bus home. He always made sure I wouldn’t miss my stop. Dan was the one person at work that would always know how to make me smile. He always talked about bringing his parents food shopping, and going to doctors on the weekends. He was always proud to be doing things for his parents. Dan, you will always be in my prayers. Until we meet again.
Love, Jennifer
My dearest friend it is now 6 months since you have been gone, but not forgotten. I have cried many tears. Of course a few extra tears today, the 6 month mark. I still often have the urge to pick up the phone to talk to you. I want to share the good thing and get advice or cry on your shoulder for the bad. It is a terrible feeling when I realize you will never be on the other end of the phone. I wear my angel pendant and sleep with the bear you got me to help comfort me. I will always miss you. Ciao.
Hey cuz,
Just wanted to wish you a Happy Belated Birthday! We all went to Angel Circle on your birthday and I know you were there with us, I could feel it and I could see it in your mother’s face that she also felt your presence. I still can’t believe that a year is approaching since you were taken from us. How hard this year has been for everyone. Until we meet again! We miss you!!!!!!!
Dear Danny, Happy 35th Birthday in Heaven. I wonder how you are spending your day? I distinctly remember last year, mommy was making your favorite dinner but you said to me that you were going to your “kick boxing” class at the NY Sports Club and would be home late. You were so unique. You never wanted a fuss on your birthday, not even a birthday cake. We actually forced you every year to blow out the candles and open up your presents.
Well, this year we made an even bigger fuss. I hope you liked the flowers, balloons and birthday article in the Advance paper. I know you shook your head, “like why all the fuss?” But you deserve it and every year to come.
You are forever in our hearts and we all love and miss you.
Love you, Angie
Dear Danny:
It is a year already. It feels like yesterday that I last spoke to you. I cannot believe a year has gone by that I have not heard your voice or seen your face. Going back to the World Trade Center site makes me feel closer to you. It also saddens me to think of what you must have gone through when you left the receiver open after we spoke. I hope you didn’t suffer too much.
Danny, not having you with us anymore is just torture. Life will never be the same. You were such a big part of all our lives. You were the sweetest brother a sister could ask for. It is only getting harder each day without you.
Please God keep my brother safe in your arms. We need you God to keep us going until we are all together one day in heaven with Danny.
Rest in peace, dear brother. Until we meet again. We all love and miss you dearly.
Love, Ange
Danny, It’s been a year now and I’m finally able to write without losing control of myself. Not one day goes by that we don’t think of you and shed a tear or two. You have made such an impact in my son Joseph’s life, not one day goes by that he does not talk about cousin Danny. He goes to school and comes home with pictures and tell me that this is cousin Danny. We pray to you at night to give us strenght and courage to go on.
I know you are watching over us as well as the rest of the family. We all miss you and love you very much!!
Till next time….
Cousin Emma
Danny I miss you so much! The day of Sept. 11 2001 my mom picked me up from school and told me what had happened and I just did not know what to say because I was so sad. I now know that you will be in my heart forever and ever. I love you! And I will think of you until the day comes to see you in heaven. Your Cousin from Chicago,
I am Danny’s “oldest” cousin, Nancy from Chicago. It has taken me a year to write something because of obvious reasons. I’ve read everyone’s comments, thoughts and prayers about Danny. He was truly a good-hearted, loving person. Although he’s gone physically, he is NOT gone mentally. Danny, the memories of when we were little is what I keep thinking of. How I miss those times. Remember “tickle my arm”? You are and always will be remembered. I am sure you go to sleep at night doing that special thing with your head. Rest well. I will write you soon. Love, Nancy
Dear Uncle Danny:
I love you Uncle Danny. It was fun to be with you. I know now that you will be in my heart forever and ever.
I love you, Uncle Danny.
Christina Chiara Frunzi, Niece
Danny, I hope you saw the wonderful message my mom and I sent you. I’m writing you another message because you bring back a lot of memories to my mind and it’s really hard to write the feelings that you bring to my mind. Although the feelings that you bring to my mind are wonderful and happy feelings, but still it’s just hard to think about when you’re not with us anymore. We all know that you’re up in heaven having a good time watching all of us down here from up there. Well we all love you and miss you sooooooooooo much and we will all see you pretty soon when one of us slowly goes up to stay with you and everybody else up there. I love you Danny and I will write you again soon.
Love Always your cousin Cathy from Chicago
My Dear Sweet Danny,
I am sitting here today, like everyday, thinking of all the laughs and tears we shared, the conversations and hopes and dreams we both had for one another and I wonder where we would have been today. I still cry for you and at the same time, I try to figure out how to continue without you. I cannot put into words how much I love you and I am thankful I was able to tell you that day. No matter what my future holds here, you will always have my heart and soul. You have a wonderful family and I also thank them for adding to my memories of you.
I love you always.
Dear Danny:
Just wanted to say thank you for my little bundle of joy. I know you sent me baby Daniel from Heaven. He is so perfect. We named him after you! I hope he has every wonderful quality that his “Uncle Danny” had.
I will never forget the way you came into both my dream and Mark’s dream the morning of June 26th to tell us that the baby was coming. I didn’t believe it until the doctor made me go into the hospital that evening. And then came Daniel Mark, on Friday, June 27th at 8:13 a.m.
Thank you for all the signs throughout this time without you. It is because of these signs and dreams that you appear in that help us all get through each day. Just as soon as I lose faith in the afterlife, bam, there you are again with yet another sign, and yet another dream. Proving time and time again that you are here with us at every moment of this difficult life without you.
We love and miss you more every day.
P.S. Happy 36th Birthday in Heaven on July 26th!
Don’t forget to send us a sign that day. Thank you for the black and yellow butteflies you send me daily.
Love You Always!
Your sister, Angie
Hey Dan:
Another Christmas and another New Year without you. I can’t stand it anymore. It just seems to get harder. I still ask why. Why would God let such a horrible event happen to all these good people.
Just wanted to thank you again for the signs. How did you make the candle wick in mom’s house form into a buttefly? You stopped us all in our tracks with that one. I’m glad cousin Danny got it on photo. You finally made a believer out of everyone that you are still around.
Also, thank you for telling Mark in his dream where the baby’s jewelry was. I asked you for help and there you were once again. You are still helping me from heaven. I know you are with me. I feel you around. And just when I need you the most there you are.
Rest in peace dear brother. Until we see each other again. Save me a seat right next to you.
Love Your Sister, Angie
Hey Dan:
A lot has happened here on earth since I last wrote you. Every day is still very hard without you. You don’t visit me as often, but when I do receive a butterfly I know it is you saying hi to me.
Danny, your birthday this year was even harder. We lost Tino, our baby cousin who was only 22 years old in yet another violent tragedy. The family keeps asking why? How can our family have lost two beautiful young adults in yet another tragic death. We don’t understand why? Help us understand why? Does God need you there more that we need you here?
But I do know you met Tino when he crossed over. Your birthday was difficult this year because it was also the first day that Tino was laid out. We will never forget that day. You would have been 37 years old and there is Tino laying in a casket on your birthday. I took that day as yet another sign from you that you had Tino with you.
Then on the day that we buried Tino I asked you and Tino for a yellow buttefly and yes, you both brought down 2 yellow butterflies flying together on the winshield of the limousine leaving from the cemetary. That was a small comfort for our family on such a difficult day. Thank you again for that sign. Yet again, it is these signs that tell me you still do exist.
I love and miss you always.
Your sister, Angie
its coming on four years now. its hard to comprehend. i still miss you and think of you often. i continue dealing with the guilt of never saying i was sorry about our stupid fight. no matter how many tears i cry i cant make it up to you. i live with a heavy heart. i love you always and forever.
Dearest Danny,
I cannot believe 4 years have gone by since I last heard your voice, seen your face, heard your laugh. I will always remember that day, I will always remember our last conversation. I promise you that you will never be forgotten.
It was such an honor for me and Frank this year to read your name at the memorial. We miss you so much. Life will never be the same without you in it. Rest in peace now Dan until we are all together again. We love and miss you.
Dear Danny:
It is Wednesday, July 26, 2006, your birthday. Another year has gone by and today you would have been 39 years old.
We can’t do enough for you on your birth day. It has become a sad day now for us. Just another reminder that you are not with us. I hope you read the birthday message in the SI Advance, I hope you liked the flowers and balloons at Angels’ Circle.
Thank you for the butterfly that was by your picture at Angels’ Circle. I will take it as a sign from you that you were with us.
Time seems to go by without you and we are still so sad. Life will never be the same. We all feel an empty void in our hearts.
I just pray for you every day that you are at peace. I have to believe that you are in a better place.
Rest in peace dear brother. All our love.
Mommy, Daddy, Frank, Angie, Mark, Christina, Vincent and Daniel.
Dearest Danny:
Another year has gone by. Six years later it still feels like yesterday that we spoke. We love and miss you more every day. You touched so many lives and talking to your friends about how you loved your family just is so comforting to us. You loved us so much and we loved you so much. You will never be forgotten Dan.
Happy 40th Birthday in Heaven.
Love Always,
Your Sister Angie
Dear Danny:
We cannot believe six years have gone by without you. Every year gets harder for us especially when we go down to Ground Zero and relive that day. Life will never be the same without you. We love and miss you so. Happy 40th Birthday in Heaven. Rest in peace now dear brother, until we meet again in Heaven.
Your sister,
Angela Frunzi
Seven years. That is a long time my friend. I told you yesterday how much I miss you. I meant every word. You are like indellable ink on my life, and I wouldn’t be who I am today without the friendship we had. You were supportive and encouraging when I needed it most, thank you. I hope you can see me, my husband and my 3 year old son and smile, knowing that you helped me get to the place I needed to be. Again, thank you. I realized yesterday that some of my memories are fading a little bit. It saddens me so. I can’t quite hear your distinctive laugh or recall the last words we spoke. Time has been ticking away and I am forgeting the nuances that were you. This harsh reality is a fierce one to choke down, how can I not remember so clearly? When did this happen? I am reassured in knowing that someday in the future we can laugh once again about ridiculous things. I smile at that thought! I miss you. You touched my life like no one ever has, you were my gift. Thank you. Tomorrow, visit your family, bring them peace, and come see me if you have some time. I always have an open heart. I love you, always and forever, your friend,Amy