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James Quinn Date of Birth: November 6, 1977 Position: Trade Support Staff James Francis Quinn was born on November 6th, 1977. He is the middle child of Noreen and Michael Quinn. He has an older brother Michael (26) and a younger brother Joseph (21) who is a cadet at West Point. For all of us it is hard to imagine the world without Jimmy. Jimmy was fired up and ready for life from the time he was kicking like a madman in my mother’s womb. I was two years old when Jimmy was born and it was quite evident to me even then how special he was. Jimmy was always interested in people. He was curious and loved to experience new things in life. Sports played a huge role in Jimmy’s life, he played basketball at Xaverian High School and went on to manage the basketball team at Manhattan College where he was known as “the mayor.” Jimmy could be seen often at Shea Stadium rooting for his beloved Mets or at some important event at Madison Square Garden mingling with celebrities, but the most important people in Jimmy’s life was his family. He would never hesitate to express how he felt about us with a hug and a warm smile. Jimmy adored children and I hope when I eventually have children they will one day realize the special uncle they once had named Jimmy Quinn. I will always remember Jimmy as young, beautiful and forever my loving brother. I love you too kid! –Michael Quinn
James Francis Quinn was born on November 6th, 1977. He is the middle child of Noreen and Michael Quinn. He has an older brother Michael (26) and a younger brother Joseph (21) who is a cadet at West Point. For all of us it is hard to imagine the world without Jimmy. Jimmy was fired up and ready for life from the time he was kicking like a madman in my mother’s womb. I was two years old when Jimmy was born and it was quite evident to me even then how special he was. Jimmy was always interested in people. He was curious and loved to experience new things in life. Sports played a huge role in Jimmy’s life, he played basketball at Xaverian High School and went on to manage the basketball team at Manhattan College where he was known as “the mayor.” Jimmy could be seen often at Shea Stadium rooting for his beloved Mets or at some important event at Madison Square Garden mingling with celebrities, but the most important people in Jimmy’s life was his family. He would never hesitate to express how he felt about us with a hug and a warm smile. Jimmy adored children and I hope when I eventually have children they will one day realize the special uncle they once had named Jimmy Quinn. I will always remember Jimmy as young, beautiful and forever my loving brother. I love you too kid! -Michael Quinn
I remember Jimmy from working at Cantor,he was such a nice guy, very pleasant and respectable. he always had a smile on his face. My thoughts and prayers go out to the Quinn Family
Where to begin? Jimmy you are not only missed but adored by all of those whom you graced. Undoubtedly the most vivacious, loving and selfless friend I have ever had. I can never forget your laugh and will always remember your one of a kind “personality”. I know that you were infatuated with all of your celebrity pictures, but I hope you know that you were a celebrity in all of our eyes. May God Bless You.
I miss you so much buddy! You’ve left us with so many “Jimmy Quinn” stories, the ones that keep our spirits high and make us laugh during such a tough time. What I wouldn’t give to hear one more from you Jimmy. Jimmy had a personality that could single handedly light up an entire room. Jimmy you were one of the greatest guys, and I feel so lucky to say that I knew you. Thank you. You came from such a strong and loving family, and so it’s easy to see how you turned out to be so special. I’ll never forget your graduation party speech, where you said so many wonderful things about your closest friends, you were nothing but a class act Jimmy. We love you so much down here, and May God Bless You. Thanks again for all the great memories.
I am lucky enough to have gone through both Xaverian and Manattan College with Jimmy. He was the most good natured person I think I ever met. Anyone that knew him misses him. My heart goes out to the Quinn family. You raised a great son and he adored all of you. I will never forget you Quinny. You were truly one of a kind.
Jimmy, You and I had some great times together. I’ll never forget the night we left for spring break and all the Mets games we went to. You always had a smile on your face and a joke to tell. I’m going to miss you.
I just wanted to share my heart & condolences with both Jimmy and his family. Although I did not know Jimmy personally, I am friends with Michael who reflected his brother’s great spirit & energy whenevr he spoke of him. I remember Michael speaking proudly of Jimmy, emailing me links to see how well he was doing with basketball and college. My prayers are with you and your family, Jimmy – you’re loved and missed by many people; no matter how far away you me seem right now, your and soul with be with us now and forever, always by our side.
Quinn right now your probably pacing back and forth up above wondering what in the world I am going to write. Just keep chewing God’s ear off and giving Saint Peter #1’s. Whether its from our days in CYO competing against each other in basketball and swimming, or taking the last Green line back from Rockaway in high school. No long will my phone ring five minutes before I am ready to leave work to go to a game or for some other spur of the moment idea. Most of all I remember the many happy hours after work that went into the early morning hours. How we talked about some day being the millionaire on the Street that everyone talked about. You left more than a million dollars you left all of us a million memories. I’ll see ya above.
It is difficult to describe feelings in times like these. Some people in your life, no matter what role they have played, can never be forgotten. Although I was not close with Jimmy throughout college, I felt the impact that Jimmy left wherever he went. The day that his brother was going to be on national television playing basketball for Army, Jimmy told everyone he knew to watch the game. Jimmy knew everybody, and everybody knew him. God Bless the Quinn family, and God grant them the strength to carry on.
I didn’t know Jimmy on the same level as most of his other frineds did, I was sort of a friend by association. But I’ll tell you this, he was a great kid. Whenever I went for those weekly visits to Manhattan college, I always asked if Quinner would be out; he always made it more fun. His stories were hilarious and his personality was like no other. I loved going to Shea with him and I’ll miss him. The world lost a very good one on September 11. My heart goes out to his family.
Jimmy is my cousin. He always had a smile on his face, and he ALWAYS made sure he put a smile on yours. He knew how to get to the center of action, and he would have pictures to prove it! (Celebrities and athletes were his strong point.) In a bizarre metaphor, his death makes sense. He was a part of THEE world/life changing event of my lifetime. Again, he was at the center of action. I always had a feeling that Jimmy would somehow make it into our history books. It is not surprising that he will be found under “American Heroes.”
I met Jimmy Quinn in the second grade at basketball camp and instantly became good friends with him. When I got home after the first day I couldn’t stop telling my mother about my new friend “Sammy”. I called him Sammy because of his strong resemblance to a character on the show D’ffernt Strokes. Jimmy was definitely one of a kind. He was extremely enthusiastic about everything he loved: his family, he loved bragging about Joe’s basketball skills, his friends, and sports. I mean, how many people do you know, other than Jimmy, who has been in the same picture with Michael Jordan and Wayne Gretzky! Jimmy, you have touched the lives of everyone who knew you. I think of you everyday and I am so proud to be your friend. I love you.
Jimmy and I met in college and became very close friends over the years. Quinny was one of a kind. I will never forget the times I’ve spent with him. He had a great sense of humor. I loved to hear him tell a story and especially loved to get his reaction out of one. His laugh could be heard for miles. He was a great friend and was always there for you. He will be missed very much and will never be forgotten.
Jimmy is one person who has not left my mind for long in the past seven and a half weeks. Being next door neighbors, I’ve known Jimmy my whole life – from playing ball on our street when we were kids to making that long trip to and from Xaverian every day. If you’ve ever met Jimmy before you’d know that he always has an upbeat personality… one true individual… always kind and caring about everyone. In all the years I’ve known Jimmy, one thing I know for sure, he would always be there for you. And as sure as I can ever be, he will always be missed. May God bless him and be with him always.
Truly, I am better off for having known “Quinny”. There really was no other person like him. I will never forget watching the “Sugar” Shane Mosley fight on HBO. Just as Mosley came out of the dressing room I see Quinn stick his fist out, pound Mosley on the glove and then scream into the camera giving the #1’s with his finger. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I think he even scared Mosley. Beyond all that he was a great friend. He always had a great story and it was ALWAYS funny. My heart and prayers go out to his family.
To know Jimmy was to love him. He had a zest for life and his passion for things shined through. He was a very good friend and I will remember all the good times that we had. To the Quinn family, you are in our thoughts and prayers. While I know the pain you are going through, take comfort in the fact that Quinny enriched alot of lives and we are the better for it. He was, is, and allways will be remembered
Jimmy worked with me for about 6 months in Mortgage Back Operations. He took his good friend Brendan O’Brien place; when Brendan was transfered to the trading room. Jimmy was very eager to learn. He always had an unbelievable story to tell you. He had a great sence of humor. He would bring pictures of him and all kind of celebrities and he would have a story on each of them. He was a great person, a great co-worker and a great friend. I will miss him.
Jimmy, miss you more than words can say. Now as you watch over us, you can truly see how many hearts you touched. Jimmy–for always having a smile on your face, a great story to tell, for always putting in 150 in everything you did, for being a great friend to so many — Love you Baby!
Until we meet again, you will be carried in our hearts.
There are no words to describe the lost that I feel. Evidence of my brother’s special soul lies in his actions that remain in the hearts of family and friends. My brother took more pride in me then anybody. When I was in sixth grade, he worked all summer to pay for my basketball camp. When I was up for Army athlete of the week, I won by a landslide because he got his friends to vote. When he would just hug me and say I love you without hesitation. Many of nights he would talk me to sleep, but there isn’t anything I wouldn’t give to hear his voice one more time. My brother loved me, and told me that constantly. Jimmy, I just want you to know that I will never forget, I owe you my life, and I just hope that you always knew that I loved you.
I have never met you Jimmy, and only heard of you through a friend. After reading the things that these people wrote, I can’t wait to meet you, and I will my friend…in Heaven. God Bless your friends and family, and say hello to Jesus for me. Love Kimberly
Jimmy is my best friend. There is no better way to sum up our relationship. The two of us grew up together-literally. We met so early in our lives that I cannot pinpoint the exact date, which is why I feel I’ve known him my whole life. When I say literally grew up together, I mean it. Since childhood, our growth has progressed side by side, both physically and emotionally. We have shared countless memories together; so many that I would not even know where to begin, but each so classic and unique that they will never be forgotten. I am the youngest of two sisters therefore have been asked my entire life if I wish I had a brother. I just smirk and reply, “I have a brother and his name is Jimmy.”
Quinny: I’ll always love you, bro.
Jimmy Quinn, two words that will never be forgotten. To try and explain Jimmy in words is impossible. Of all the qualities that he possessed, one word stands out in my mind, PASSION. Anyone who knew him that he had a passion for celebrities, a passion for sports, a passion for work, a passion for friends, a passion for his family, and most of all, a passion for life. I can honestly say that I have never met anyone who was so happy to be alive each an every day. Of the countless memories of Jimmy, his ability not only to get into any event but also have the best seats possible, will never be forgotten. I know he has the best seat in heaven as he is sitting next to God giving his trademark #1’s for all to see. Thanks for the memories kid
Jimmy Quinn is my cousin and I am truly blessed to have shared a part of his life: to love him and to be loved by him. His lasting gift to all of us is a love for life, for family and friends that will be shared for generations. We will all truly miss that smile, that laugh, that hug (and, oh, those stories!). We will never forget him…”good night, sweet prince, and flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.”
We would like the Quinn family to know that Jimmy touched the lives of all our family. Our daughters Heather & Brianne are Jaspers and “Quinny” came to their graduation parties at our house. He promised he’d wait for our youngest daughter Kathryn to get older, then he would marry her. He was such a character, my husband and I immediately fell in love with him. In the midst of a crowded bar, celebrating St. Pat’s Day in NYC this past March, he made a point of re-introducing himself to me…like I could ever forget his beautiful eyes and great smile…like anyone could ever forget Jimmy Quinn…the Devine Family will always remember this wonderful young man.
I knew Jimmy through friends from Xaverian and Manhattan. I played basketball at Loyola and would always see Jimmy when our teams played, or when I went to visit Manhattan, in Rockaway, or more recently around the city. Whenever I saw him, he would always make it a point to say hello and ask questions about how I was doing, genuinely interested in the answers. I saw Jimmy for the last time this summer. I was out one night and was by myself waiting for friends to arrive. Jimmy was there with a bunch of people, but came and stood with me, so that I didn’t have to be by myself. Jimmy always was able to make me laugh- and, he definitely had a unique personality! He will be missed! Rest in peace Quinny!!!
Whenever I had some crazy idea in my head like going to the Indy 500 or going to the Kentucky Derby, I knew I could always call Jimmy, and he would say, “We’re there.” I will never forget Brendan O’Brien and I sitting in the car in the parking lot for an hour and a half outside Market Square Arena after the Pacers-Bulls playoff game and finally seeing Jimmy come running out and telling the story about how he snuck into the post-game press conference and was hanging out with Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen and Dennis Rodman. I know everyone has a story just like this to tell. I love you, Jimmy, and will never forget you, man!
What can you say about Quinn? Everyone loved him, he was the life of the party. Always the center of attention with an incredible story to tell that you’ll never forget.
Jimmy made a lasting impression on all of us. He was a great friend; true, honest, and so much fun. A one-of-a-kind guy.
My heart goes out to the Quinn fmaily. You should be so proud that you raised such an amazing son.
Quinny – You will never be forgotten, I love and miss you!
“Jimmy loved women and women loved him.” This is how Jimmy once told me he wanted to be remembered. This statement is not entirely true. Jimmy definitely loved women but everyone loved Jimmy. Quinn from the second I met him was a bit of an enigma to me. How could someone talk so much and have so much energy? He was a rare bred that possessed an insatiable lust for life. Jimmy, in the future when I am laughing and having a good time I will stop and think of you and smile for 2 reasons. First because I know you are posing for pictures with the likes of St. Peter,Lincoln and Marilyn Monroe.More importantly because I was given the distinct honor of knowing you and being able to call you a friend.Thanks and see in the nextlife
Jimmy was everything anyone would ever want in a son, brother, cousin, nephew or a friend. Since moving to Florida 5 yrs. ago I hadn’t seen Jim in a while but we were so lucky that he decided to spend his vacation this year in Florida. How many 23 year olds would take time to visit with their old relatives while on vacation? How many 23 yr. olds would spend one of those nights to take out an old uncle to dinner and spend time with him? Or sit with an 89 yr. old woman and make her laugh giving her attention that no one else did? Jim always respected everyone no matter who or how old they were, he made you feel as if he really cared about what you had to say. Jim, we will always love you and never forget you. Thank you for the memories!
My sisters and I live in Texas. Reading about Jimmy and what his friends and family have to say about him makes me feel cheated that we did not know this fantastic guy, this cousin of ours. Expressions of your feelings for him and stories about him make us realize that men like Jimmy Quinn are here to add love, life and laughter to everyone he came into contact with. This family of ours will be together soon, Quinns, Dalys, Rices and O’Conners all, and we will raise a few thousand glasses to Jimmy, the man of 1,000 stories and even more friends. Jimmy will remain in everyones thoughts and hearts, after all, how do you forget an angel (with a slightly cock-eyed halo) who gets his wings.
If I can accomplish or do a portion of what Quinner did and touch only a portion of the people that he touched, I will consider myself a lucky person. “Many people will walk in and out or your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.” Quinner you could complete the NYC marathon a few times over with all of your footprints. Thank you for the footprints you left on my heart. You will live forever in my memories and I know you are watching over us holding up #1 while spinning the tunes. To the Quinn family, thank you for sharing Jimmy with us. All of my love and prayers. Quinner I love you and miss you.
We met Jimmy at Manhattan College and instantly we knew he was one of a kind. He touched so many lives and was always making someone laugh. He cherished his family and this was shown in everyhting he did. The name Jimmy Quinn will never be forgotten in our house. Jimmy’s laugh and zest for life will always be remembered. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Quinn family now and always. We love and miss you Quinny! God Bless.
Days after the September 11 attack, someone said to me, “I bet Jimmy is up there in heaven right now surrounded by a million new friends-happy just to know him.” That is how I will always remember Jimmy, as someone I was privilaged to have known. Although I only met Jimmy 2 short years ago, he has made a permanent impact on my life. Jimmy was the most selfless human being I have ever met. His entire existence was spent on making others happy, never asking for anything in return. Underneath the charismatic personality that made people want to know him, came a caring, giving son, brother and friend that made everyone love him. He touched every life he entered and I will miss him dearly.
Living in Maryland, we very seldom got together with our “New York” family members. But when we did, we knew Jimmy was there. He left an impression on our daughter Mary as a six year old. Many older teens would ignore any young children, but while attending a family party, Jimmy introduced himself to Mary and then proceeded to talk and entertain her for most of the evening. Each time we got together, he did the same thing. I remember her laughing hysterically and telling me about her handsome and funny cousin. I was surprised, as he could’ve spent his time talking to people his own age. But now she’s fourteen and knows how special a person he was to take the time to get to know her. God Bless You Jimmy.
As I read through the tributes for Jimmy (with a
box of tissues at hand) I was amazed to find how
many lives he’s touched and how all remembered him
as an unselfish, loving, passionate, and funny person. Jimmy was my nephew, and I couldn’t help
thinking how one person, so young, could have so
much zest for life. He always made me laugh. He
always had a funny one! Jimmy, you were so proud
of your family — if you only knew. You were the
sunshine on their shoulders. We are so proud of
you. You are our celebrity, you are our hero.
Aunt Rosemarie
I will miss Jimmy’s incredible smile but I take some comfort knowing that Owen and Maggie have a beautiful Angel to watch over them.
I have met so may people in my life but you my friend i will never forget. You brought laughter to all of us with your stories. Your timeless photos of famous people will be in our minds forever, but our biggest celebrity we will keep in our hearts until we see you in heaven.
i love you and i miss you Quinny
Greg Brennan
I only met Jimmy in person once, but we had an immediate bond in being the 2 “Quinnies”. The other thing we had in common was that we both showed up on our first day at Cantor with a black eye. I’m sure all his boys know the story behind that one. It is no surprise reading these tributes that Jimmy was a class act and loved by everyone he met. Quinny, we all miss you. God Bless you and your family.
I met Jimmy my first day at Manhattan College, I was a freshman and he was a senior. Throughout my first semester we became better friends. He would call me, inviting me to Overlook parties or just to hang out in 6L. As time went on we grew closer. We became very close the summer of 99; Happy Hour at Morans, Mets games where one night he chased after newscaster Ernie Anastos just because he was “known” and we all know Jimmy had to meet any celebrity he saw. I hold so many memories of Jimmy including Hoboken hanging out with John or Rich, Culture Club with the Quinn brothers where Jimmy broke out ridiculous dance moves. Jimmy, you always knew how to make me laugh even on a bad day. You have forever touched my life and I will NEVER forget you
I had just met Jimmy. I asked him, “Where do you work?” He said with a big smile, “On top of the world!” I only knew Quinny for a short time, but it was enough to know that he was in fact on top of the world. I must have heard 101 Quinny stories in only two days. His love for life and people was definitely imminent; as I will always remember his eagerness to share this excitement with all of us who were around him. His sweet, vibrant, and loving personality is a treasure to all who knew and spent time with Quinny. He brought out the best in others, and for this he is missed beyond words! Quinny you will always be celebrated as your presence in our lives is a blessing to us all.
I first met Jimmy through my best friend Lauren at the All Star Cafe. From first meeting Jimmy you could instantly tell what a warm, generous, outgoing person he was. Jimmy loved life and was always ready to have a great time. I mostly remeber Jimmy talking about his brothers. Michael the model and Joe the amazing West Point basketball star he has always been so proud of them. I will always remember Jimmy for his love of life and the party whether in the Hamptons, Manhattan or Long Beach. He was a wonderful person who will be cherished and missed by many and we can all only be grateful that we are able to say we knew this amazing guy!
Even though I did not know Jimmy that well, one moment sticks out in my mind. It was last year when I saw him at a bar in the city and he introduced me to people as “His friend Danny.” These Wall Street genuises all thought I was his party animal friend who was still in college after 6 years because I told all of them I was still in school. By school they didn’t realize I meant I was 16 and in high school. It didn’t seem like much at the time, but now when people ask if i knew anyone who was lost I always smile and say “Yeah I lost my friend Jimmy.” You will be missed my friend.
I have many happy memories of Jimmy. Most of these memories revolve around just having a good time.He was a very special person to me and to those who knew him. He was a great person to be around as his enthusiasm for life was contagious. It is these happy memories that have helped me in these diffult times. Jimmy will be missed by us all, but will continue to make us laugh as we recall the many Quinn story’s and the fun times we shared with him.I love you Jimmy and you will never be forgotten.Untill we meet in heaven you will hold a special place in my heart.
To the quinn family thank you for Jimmy. He loved you guys so much. You raised a kind and happy man that lived his life to the fullest. i was looking for something to say to make you feel better, but couldn’t come up with anything. I found a mass card with this saying.I know if he could say something to you right now it would be somthing like this.”Grieve not, nor speak of me with tears, but laugh and talk of me as though I were there beside you,I loved you so ’twas heaven here with you….” you are in my thoughts and prayers
The loss of Jimmy Quinn has for ever altered our lives
And all that can be heard is the sorrows in our cries.
It broke our hearts to loose him, but he did not go alone
For part of us went with him, the day God called him home.
Jimmy was a man of many faces but truely one of a kind
How could this happen to such a beautiful person really blows my mind.
He brought happiness and cheer whenever he was around
So look into your hearts and that’s where Jimmy will be found.
Jimmy spoke of his family with love, devotion and pride
He said they were bound together and could never be untied.
When you are walking somewhere and Jimmy is on your mind
Know that he is your gaurdian angel, a half of step behind.
Jimmy has left a lasting impression for everyone to hold
With his endless stories, memories and his heart made of gold.
His love, his loyalty and friendship was always seen as true
He lived his life to the fullest, and regrets maybe just a few.
Next time you raise your finger to throw up #1
Have comfort knowing that Jimmy’s looking over everyone.
All my love to the Quinn family, you are in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless.
Jimmy was the kind of person that lit up a room with his smile and passion for life. I will never forget how gracious he was,how kind and loving. It didn’t matter if you hadn’t seen him in months or if you had seen him the day before, he always had a great big hug and kiss hello for you.He made everyone feel that they mattered in life, Jimmy you mattered. We all have memories of Jimmy and we could wall paper the world with stories about him.When we were graced with your presence you had this ability to make us laugh and although you are no longer with us you are still making us laugh as we tell our Jimmy Stories.You left your mark on all of us and for that we are all better people. Jimmy you might be gone, but you will never be forgotten.
My only regret is that I was not closer to Jimmy during my four years at Manhattan. It was only after a few random encounters at Moran’s that Jimmy and I became friends and no longer just acquaintances. It wasn’t long before we were making plans to meet up at the Knights over on Quentin Rd. Jimmy captivated all who he engaged in conversation. I remember clinging to his every word and just waiting for the inevitable punch line. He spoke glowingly of his family, friends and of course, the Mets. Jimmy also loved his career and the people at Cantor. He was destined to be a successful Wall St. trader. Jimmy, I will miss your company….May God bless you and your family.
Jimmy touched and left a mark upon so many people. It was because Jimmy had such an enormous heart. He was always giving part of his heart to his friends, his family, and his ambitions. How lucky we all are to have known and loved such a genuine person. How lucky Jimmy’s family is to have had a part in molding that heart. May God bless the Quinns and may God always be by Jimmy’s side watching over us.
Quinny, to know him was to love him. Jimmy Quinn worked with my husband John Gnazzo and he looked upon Jimmy like a little brother. He was a guy who loved life and had so much energy, and ambition. We all went out a couple of times and I could honestly say I myself loved him like a brother. They were all so young and innocent it just isn’t fair. So I try to believe that they must be in a better place.
Mr&Mrs Quinn &family: My heart goes out to you, be proud of yourselves for growing this respectful, fine young man. He will be missed.
I first met Quinny when we very young in Xaverian basketball camp. Years later I had the honor of going to Xaverian with him for 4 years. When Jimmy was around, there was never a silent moment. He always had a story to tell, whether it be a joke about himself or about someone else. He knew how to make people laugh and that is something I will always remember about him. Quinny, you are one of a kind. My prayers are with you and your family.
Jimmy is, without a doubt, one of the biggest characters I have ever met. Trying to sum up in a few sentences how much he will be missed is impossible, but I can say that he will live on in the memories of his friends and family; and that the only true tragedy is that there are so many people that never got a chance to meet him.
Quinn “The Eskimo”, as I would call him, was truly one of the funniest kids I have ever met. We would talk about the latest Phish shows and how he would stalk celebrities!! A stand up guy, he always made sure to ask about my family and how my weekend was. The world is not the same without Quinny. Be well bro, you are sorely missed.
I’ve been living in Florida for about 5 years now, so I haven’t spent the usual holidays at the Quinn house for a while. Jimmy recently came down here to visit John Gunther, as well as myself and my family here in Florida. It was the last time we saw Jimmy. My more common memories of Jimmy were when I was younger. He was my funny older cousin. He came to all of my horse shows and birthday parties, which is really not something a regular teenager would want to do. Jimmy wasn’t a regular person. He could always make you laugh, and he always had an unbeleivable, yet true, story to tell! He was just such an amazing person who lived an amazing life. He made such an impact on my life as well as everyone he knew.
-I love you Jimmy-
A great person and a great friend, I went to Xaverian with him, everybody liked “Jimmy Quinn” he was a friend to all. I never met anyone that had something bad to say about him. He’ll be greatly missed, but never forgotten.
Jimmy was my cousin whose mere presence brought an immediate radiance of life and the warmth of compassion to the quietest and meekest person in a crowd, for he so loved people. He could see anyone’s weakness, yet bolster into them a positive spirit, bringing the deepest introvert out into the light of laughter. Though some of us are saddened by his loss, just think of those he is with: Peter, Rita, Tom and Jack and think what laughter he brings them this day.
Jimmy and I grew up together and remained close throughout his entire life. We would often go months at a time without seeing each other because of busy schedules and time spent away at school. This made the time that we did spend together even greater and always had us tripping over our words trying to find out what was going on in each others’ lives and furiously attempting to get as many stories in as possible. Since that fateful day I have pictured Jimmy holding court in heaven with Babe Ruth on one side and Pete Maravich on the other and pictures being snapped the whole time. Jimmy, I miss you and I’ll see you again some day.
Everyone here at The Knights of Columbus, Columbus Council 126 would like the Quinn family to know that your in our prayers and that we are here for you. Jimmy will always be in our hearts!
Do not stand at my grave and weep
I am not there, I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow
I am the diamond glint on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you wake in the morning hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circling flight
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry
I am not there, I did not die.
Author Unknown
Just surfing this site, it breaks my heart and the heart of all Americans seeing young ambitious people so full of lust for life cut down in their prime. May his soul be at peace and his family comforted.
Jimmy, I think of you everday, wishing that you could be back with us. You were taken from us much too soon. You have left your friends and family with a legacy that will forever live on in us all. You have also left a legacy to the world about the way to live live to the fullest. I only wish we could have had more time with you, although it never would have been long enoug. Rest in piece Jimmy, and know that we love you and miss you always…
I feel blessed and honored to have known a man like Jimmy Quinn. His zest for life and generosity drew people to him. Jimmy possessed the qualites of life that many of us strive to achieve, but they came naturally to him. I wish that I could write about every wonderful moment that I spend with Jimmy, but there would not be enough space. Last night, at Jimmy’s benefit, when I walked outside to leave, my cheeks hurt. It was then that I realized that I did not stop smiling and laughing the entire time that I was there. That is the way that Jimmy would have wanted it! In saying good-bye to you Jimmy, all I can say is that “WE’LL ALWAYS HAVE ELTON JOHN!”
Jimmy, I have never met a person who touched more lives than you did, and after attending your beautiful Mass at Good Shepherd this weekend, I am now sure that I never will. I have my own memories of growing up with you in Marine Park, the Good Shepherd schoolyard and Breezy Point, as well as the nights out in the city after a Mets game or an event at The Garden. Your friends and brothers were able to depict what an amazing and passionate person you were, and always will be to all of us. We miss you.
Jimmy, you were constantly talking about your brother “the model” and your brother “the star basketball player.” It was never out of jealousy, but rather a sincere pride and sense of love. I just hope you know how entirely special and unique you are. I will never forget when you talked “basketball” with my mom for two hours at Lauren Sweeney’s birthday party! Wherever you went, you brought your charisma, glow, and genuine interest for whoever you were talking to. You had a talent and a habit of making whoever you were with feel special. Jimmy, you’ll always be special in my heart–I’ll never forget you!
I met Jimmy Quinn at Manhattan College, but it wasn’t until this summer that I really got to know him. It wasn’t until this summer that I truly had the privilege of becoming close with possibly the warmest, funniest, most full-of-life person I’ve ever met. Jimmy’s generosity never ceased to amaze me, always going out of his way to get us tickets to something, or inviting us to another event he had spent weeks planning. His optimism was incredible, never letting anything get him down or stand in his way of having a good time. If I learned anything from Jimmy, I hope it is to embrace life and make the most of every single day I have the way he did.
Jimmy, it was an honor and a joy to have known you. Thanks for chatting all day at work. You could make me laugh out loud even telling me your stories over the computer! I’ll miss you and cherish my memories of you forever.
To the Quinn Family: You raised a hero, a true angel. Jimmy was an inspiration to everyone he met. Everyone envied his energy and his exhilaration for life. Thank you for helping to mold such a unique person. I am certain that all the amazing qualities he possessed, he drew from each of you, which explains why he constantly admired and praised you the way he did.
I know it is difficult to find happiness during these times, but if it helps, please know that your son and brother brought more happiness and thrill to the lives of his friends and all the people who knew him than many people are able to do in a lifetime.
I first met “quinny” at back Manhattan College. I knew right away that there was something really special about him. He was always happy and always smiling. The first time I met him, he was showing off a picture that he had in his wallet. It was him and Frank Thomas. I’ll never forget that and the countless other pictures with celebrities that he has.(I’m still trying to figure out how he pulled it off). My heart and prayers goes out to the Quinn family. You’ll always be #1 in our hearts “Quinny”
I first met Jimmy at Manhattan College in 1995. After spending a year with him there I transfered out to West Point. His brother Joe came to West Point and brought me and Jimmy closer. He always seemed to know so many people. I easily realize now that he was able to do that because he always seemed to go out of his way to be friendly and do whatever in his power to make people happy. I knew his family and friends meant the world to him. I also know that he meant the world to everyone else.
First, I would just like to send my condolences to the Quinn family. Having spent time with Mike and Jimmy in Xaverian and Breezy Point, we had a lot of laughs. I remember going to an Aerosmith concert with Mike and Jimmy. Jimmy left half way through the show, only to come back to us in the “cheap seats” with a few guitar pics from the band. I am angry that this happened, especially to a real good kid with a promising future. May God bless his family and his friends. You will be missed by all.
“QUINNY”-what a name that stands out in the crowd to so many people who had the opportunity to meet him. Although I only knew Jimmy for a short period of time, he always made me feel like I knew him for years. We always seemed to run into each other in the city and we would instantly talk about St. John’s B-ball. “Quinny” it was a pleasure and a honor to have known you.
To the Quinn family: You raised one of the most respectable, friendly, and outgoing people I have ever known. Please take comfort in knowing that he will never be forgotten. It truly was a pleasure to know your son and brother Jimmy. My prayers are always with you always.
I met Jimmy through his brother, Joe a few years ago. Whenever I’d see Joe visiting from school, I’d always see Jimmy with him. They were closer than any two siblings I’ve ever seen. The few times I ran into Jimmy without Joe, he’d either spend the time talking about Joe and how proud of him he was, about how he managed to meet yet another celebrity or about the upcoming vacations he was taking. Jimmy was truly the nicest person I have ever met and he will be truly missed.
Quinner…Now and forever you will always be in my heart. It hurts so much sometimes, but I am glad I know where I can find you. Truly the best!
Although I only had the privilege of knowing Jimmy for a little over a year, I will remember him for the rest of my life. Jimmy was always there at all the right moments-whether to say Hi first thing on a Monday morning, offer advice, or to show everyone he was with a great night out. I will always be amazed at his friendship and kindness to others and the lasting impression he made on everyone he met-from the famous athletes of Sports Illustrated to the random deli guy in my summer office building. I am grateful for the legacy he has left with his friends and family, which is apparent every day. Jimmy reminds me to give 100% in everything I do and to live life to the fullest. Jimmy: I will always remember your constant advice to “work hard and be good” and look up to you forever. I am proud to call you my friend Jimmy, and I miss you.
I met Jimmy his freshman year at Manhattan and he made an immediate impression on me. I consider him one of my best friends and will never forget him. We shared so many good times together mostly because of him as I was usually just following his lead. I keep reading it, and it’s true that he was so full of enthusiasm and life. I really can’t say enough good things about Jimmy. Mr. and Mrs. Quinn, you raised a beautiful son and a wonderful person of whom you can be proud. I know I was proud to call him my friend. I love you Jimmy.
I hope to do you proud.
Dear James,
I really miss you. All my prayers went to you and your family. I really hate all the people responsible for killing and wiping out your company. I will always remmember your smile and I just always wanted to work with you at Cantor. I realy miss you. I just wish you would come back to those great college years. I just want you to now I will never forget you and I will try to make it to your memorial
Your Friend,
Greg d.
There are no words, justifications, or thoughts one can have to make sense of this or encapsulate what you were. Although the times I saw you after graduation were few, the mere thought of one of your words of wisdom, stories, or jokes made me miss you in a world after happy hours and safe college chaos. Yours is a rare case – I believe all of us recognized your pure golden light and were immediately taken forever with it, rather than not appreciate it until it was gone. Each heartfelt word above is a part of what you actually were. We don’t need to fabricate your short, brilliant existence on this earth. A soul as full of life cannot extinguish – it is another star above, laughing and winking and shining as you did on earth. I will always be thankful for the brief time I knew you as it will effect me always. God bless and keep you safe until you make us laugh again.
Jimmy was one of the friendliest people you would ever meet. He was full of life. Going to his memorial and seeing all his friends and family there and hearing all the tributes made me realize that Jimmy was one of a kind. No one could ever match his inspiring personality, his way of always being able to do what many thought was impossible. Jimmy was a great person to be with. He is truly missed by everyone who knew him. Mr. and Mrs. Quinn, you raised a great son. I only wish that there were more people like Jimmy in this world. If there were, this world would be a much happy place to live in. I wish Jimmy was here with me now!
I didn’t know Jimmy Quinn personally, but my son James Gadiel, three months younger than Jimmy Quinn, spoke of him often. Reading the tribute by Michael Quinn to his brother showed me why my James and his Jimmy got along so well. My James also loved his family and also would happily express that love openly with a hug.He too loved children and was very gentle. He also loved the Mets and he and Jimmy went to games together.
Jimmy was James’ first friend at Cantor.
I once heard that everytime a bell rings another angel gets thier wings. Well Quinn, I heard the bells ring at the memorial today, so I now know you’re OK and you have your wings. Rest in peace. My thoughts and prayers go out to all of the Quinn family, your son was truly one of a kind.
Just wanted to say happy St. Patricks Day Jimmy! I know you will be on 5th ave leading us all up the green line! I miss you more then words can say!
Sometimes, life just is not fair and losing you is proof. I want you to know that I do take comfort knowing that you are looking down upon everyone who has touched by the great life you lived. I hope that when people look back on my life, they can say as great as things as we hear about you. Jimmy, you truly lived a great life. There is a place in my heart that is empty since you are gone. There is a void in life that used to be filled by your crazy activities. You are forever in my heart and prayers. Until we meet again…
I know Jimmy through friends at Xaverian and also through the neighborhood. Although we were not close his death is truly a great loss. My prayers are with both you and your family. God bless you and be with you.
I was just thinking about old times
The way it used to be
All of the places we would go
All of the things that we would see
All of the good times spent
Over the years
Your life had no boundary
And you had no fears
I have finally made it here
Tonight I hang this letter
Your voice echoing in my head
Does life get any better?
Things have changed
They will never be the same
I live everyday thinking of you
In Heaven’s Hall of Fame
Words cannot express
The times we had
The good, the bad
The happy, the sad
I will never forget you
Your life is an inspiration
Not just to me
To an entire nation
You are truly the best
A legend among men
May you rest in peace
Until we meet again
Opening Day at Shea wasn’t the same without you. Take care my friennd.
I was just spending some time paying my respects to the victims of Sept. 11th and I randomly clicked on your name. I was so floored at how many people loved you. So I thought I would read a few of them. I ended up reading a lot of them and I realized that as I was reading the song “I will remember you” by Madonna was playing in the background. You must have been a very special person. Now you are very special angel. May God keep you and bless those who so deeply miss you.
Jimmy’s favorite Met was Mike Piazza and anytime we witnessed his home runs, he would quickly turn to me and say, “give me a few adjectives to describe that” then fall on the ground in laughter after I’d respond with words like, “colossal and gargantuan.” Shea Stadium on the night of May 29, 2002 was the site for the well attended First Annual Jimmy Quinn Mets Game. Over 100 friends and family members gathered together to honor Jimmy at a venue we all know he loved. The game was tied in the late innings until Piazza stepped up to the plate and blasted one over the center field wall to give them the victory. After the game Mrs. Quinn hugged me and said, “that’s proof Jimmy was with all of us tonight.” Noreen: He was indeed with all of us that night…in a colossal and gargantuan way.
I have never been to Shea before and I always thought that if I did go I would want to go with Quinny. So on May 29 I went to Shea for the first time and Jimmy was right there with me. I know everyone else who attended the First Annual Jimmy Quinn Met Game felt the same way I did that night. We could feel his presence and took pride in being a part of such an incredible event honoring our dear friend, Jimmy Quinn.
Not a day goes by that I don’t think you Jimmy. Some days I laugh, others I cry, but no matter what, you are NEVER forgotten. You are forever in my heart and I MISS AND LOVE YOU ALWAYS!
I don’t know where to begin. I know what all of you are going through. I lost a cousin on September 11th Francis Nazario. And he was the world to his wife and little baby girl. I can only imagine what James was to you. Well I will keep James in my prayers and in my heart along with the others who lost their lives on September 11th. Will all of my heart God Bless you (James) and your family and friends.
You will never be forgotten.
I can’t remember ever being so touched by something as I am by these moving tributes. It pains me to know that I was not forunate enough to get to know Jimmy better. I am sure that Jimmy is up in heaven looking down on all he knew and loved. Take comfort in that.
I have been to this site a million times, just to remember how great you are. You have touched my life in more ways than you know. It’s never going to be the same. You will never be forgotten or replaced. The games, the trips, the nights out, and the stories. You are without a doubt, one of a kind. I am sure you have figured out a way to be right next to the man – so tell him I say hello. We’ll see you soon.
James Frances Quinn. A beautiful name. A beautiful face – the first one I saw on the faence of St. Paul’s Chapel. He was one of the first to grace the fence. Mounted on poster paper with “Happy 24th Birghday Jimmy Quinn” written, what could I do but cry. Many cried. He became, to me, a symbol of all the lives taken that horrendous day by hate.
It was October when I first “met” Jimmy. My church, St. James Episcopal, was privileged to send volunteers monthly to St. Paul’s – a place of respite for the workers at Ground Zero. There were many faces on the fence our last day in May, which happened to be the day of the closing ceremonies. Many family members came to St. Paul’s after the ceremony, among them, Jimmy’s brother Michael. He was kind enough to send me Jimmy’s mass card. He sits on the table now with my children’s pictures. He has been on the altar at St. James and will be again on 9/11 at our service. We have had a service every Tuesday and will continue to. Jimmy and all of the victims will not be forgotten. I wonder, as I often have, when will we learn to love one another?
Hey Quinny- Just wanted to write and say Happy Anniversary in Heaven! I can’t believe that this all happened a year ago. I know you are up there with Charlie and all of your other Cantor co-workers! I hope you all know how much you are missed by your family and friends. May you rest in peace!!!
It has taken almost to get words together to explain what we lost that day. I hold the last time I saw you in my heart. We had just gone the Met game where, THEY WON. We had decided to stay around and instead of a person living in Rockaway giving you a ride we decided to keep the fun going. We stayed until each Met left. When it comes to Jimmy the night does not end. We went back to TGIFs for mudslides (his suggestion). A movie later, we had a sleep over. From mudslides to sleep over what a great kid Jimmy is. After he lent me a toothbrush we talked all night. As I slept in the basement I swore the temp has raised 25 degrees. Later I found out from his mom that no-one sleeps downstairs because of the heat (thanks jimmy). Jimmy took one and a half hours making me late for an appointment just to find his mom’s keys to direct me to the parkway. That 10-minute drive was the last time I saw him. There he was Jimmy Quinn on the service road waving to me goodbye. I saw that goofy full of life Jimmy that I loved so much for the last time that day. But in my heart it replay every time he has touched my heart. Jimmy, you will always be in my heart and the hearts of so many. God bless you and your family. We all live to love life as you have taught us to.
i only met jimmy a few years ago at manhattan college, but like so many other of his friends he made a lasting impression. just recounting the memorable stories of jimmy, we find comfort. thank you for the good times. you are deeply loved and missed.
I miss getting woke up in the middle of the night to hear a story that just can’t wait till the morning…..I miss being prompted for one liners in front of an audience that Quinny set up…..I miss arguing over who must have been more fun to play high school ball with…..I miss knowing that Quinny could pretty much make any miserable situation a fun and memorable one…..I miss abusing Quinn for how bad the Mets are…..I miss sitting around Sunday mornings recalling new stories from the night before…..I miss making Quinn laugh…..I miss my monthly vocabulary lesson to learn all of Quinn’s new terms…..I miss being reminded that life is great and enjoy the moment…..Most of all, I miss my friend. Thinking of you, kid, and I’ll never stop.
A year and over a 100 visits later I finally feel I can write something. I have come here at least 100 times over the year just to read and remember the person who Jimmy was. I still to this day tell people that I knew this kid; he was wonderful, amazing and had a knack for getting pictures and to meet people that I could only dream of. Jimmy and Jordan-I remember when he showed me that picture, it was like he was showing me a new baby or something. I hope he knows how many of us miss him and how many lives he touched.
I had the privilege of meeting you only a couple of times but those times have left a lasting impression. I will remember that you were full of life & happiness and a blessing to be around. God Bless you up in heaven & know that you are truly missed but never forgotten.
JQ, Hard to believe a year has passed since we lost you. You were certainly one of a kind. My thoughts and prayers are with your family and many, many, many, many, many, friends this day. Hopefully we can all enjoy life as much as you did. RIP.
I will never forget you screaming like a maniac at West Point Basketball games. Even though we had some rough years you always seem to cheer for us like we were the Duke Blue Devils. You truly are one of the best human beings I have ever met in my life, and anyone that ever has had a significant encounter with your family knows why. I speak on behalf of anyone that ever played at the Academy when I tell you we will love and miss you always brother. Thanks for the memories, we will never forget you.
I really only knew Jimmy to say HI to. Luckily for me, Jimmy is quick to leave a good impression. I will always remember him walking around the quad saying hello to just about everyone, convincing our accounting teacher to give us less homework or on the side of the basketball court during games in a tie. I’m so sad that he is gone for all of his family and close friends, its a tremendous loss for everyone. No words could ever capture this loss or give any consolation but I know he is with God. He will not be forgotten.
Although I had only personally talked to James on a few occasions, I clearly saw his enthusiasm for his family. He was an undoubtful supporter of the Army basketball team and especially his brother Joe, a teammate of mine. You are and will always be remembered. Rest in peace.
Wow, it’s been a year, a long hard year. It feels like yesterday that we were down in Manasquan for Labor Day weekend last summer. We had a blast that weekend, just like every other time I hung out with Jimmy. He was the best, so much fun to be around, always made you laugh and a great friend too. What a guy! Who could ever forget him, not me.
You are sorely missed, no party is complete without you. I love ya always Quinny. Until we meet again.
I still can’t believe it has been a year since we lost you. I still can’t believe you are gone. It has been said thousands of times in the past year but I just wanted to reiterate how much you ment to me and all of your friends. You are, and always will be number 1. I miss you Quinny.
Jimmy, I cannot believe how fast this year has gone by. The picture of you that is shown in this trbiute, is the very same picture that I have in my room. I look at it everyday and think of all your GREAT stories. You’ll be happy to know, that those stories are still being told and are still making everyone laugh. We all miss you!!! Rest in peace!
I feel like I talk to you more now then ever. When I am sad, I think of something that you would say to cheer me up. So many times I want to cry but find myself laughing. I know you are my guardian angle as well as all of our other friends and of course your family. I know you may have left us in body, but you will never leave us in mind and soul. So thank you for being such a great person.
Jimmy, I just want you to know what I have tried to do since I heard that the world lost you. I remember your stories and your impish grin, harassing Overlook. We loved every second and you made my years at Manhattan unforgettable. I remember seeing you in the Hamptons, then calling you the next day only to hear you answer your cell phone from North Carolina (on some random mission). I think of all nighters at Fenwick’s and the city. Most of all, I think of your undying spirit that charged at life. Then, I think of what I could do that day to enjoy it. I have loved deeper, laughed more, and created new memories. I am a good friend, as you were to hundreds. I strive to be a person that will be remembered as lovingly as you are, though I can’t compare! I feel as though this is how you live on. We all have a little Quinn in our souls and the world is a better place for it. My prayers are with your family today. Jimmy spoke so fondly of you. He beamed with pride when his brothers’ names were mentioned. He is with us, I feel it everyday and smile.
JQ, A year has passed and I miss you even more. By now everyone upstairs must know and love to be around Jimmy Quinn. I think about you everyday, and I’m constantly telling others about you, and wishing they could of gotten the opportunity to meet you. I’ve never met anyone like you, I haven’t since you’ve left us, and I know I never will. I’ll never forget our last hurrah when you came out to my beach house. I miss you so much!! I see a lot of you in little things I do now and days, it’s as if your watching from above and it makes me feel so comforted. I’ll see you someday…..
If there were more Jimmy Quinns in the world, this would be a heck of a place to live. I won’t forget you Jimmy.
Chris Spatola
Jimmy~ though it has already been over a year, I just wanted to let you know you are more talked about and thought about than ever. By the tributes on this page, it is so evident that after all this time we are still here still reminiscing our Jimmy Quinn memories. This will continue until we meet with you again. Happy anniversary in heaven and keep watching over us. You will never be forgotten.
I feel honored to be able to catch a glimpse of a young man who was able to give so much love and have it returned so completely. You have touched even me, a stranger, with your passion for life. I don’t know why but you will always be the face of September 11th for me, maybe because I notice bits and pieces of you in my own circle of beloved friends and family. One thing I am sure is that you will never be forgotten–how could you be?–it is obvious that most of the great memories happened because of you.
Your spirit has given me a strength I have not experienced in my 33 years of life. I have laughed more, cried more, loved more and appreciated everything more in my life because you have clearly shown me what it means to cherish family–the greatest gift of life. I will strive to never again let important moments in my life pass by without being perfectly clear how I feel to the people who matter the most to me. Thank you for that.
On Sunday, Oct 13th 2002 I will run my first marathon here in Chicago. I have my own sources of inspiration for the last difficult miles but I am dedicating mile 23 for you Jimmy, for every year you have made others feel special, lived your life with such energy and passion, and walked on this great earth.
To the Quinn family: I hope these words find you and if only for a moment bring you some comfort. It is evident you are strong to endure this planet of pain over the last 13 months. You must also be incredibly loving parents and brothers to influence and mold such a star like Jimmy. Just knowing there are families like yours out there fills my heart with a sense of hope. Please know that we all care about you and are praying for you.
Rest in peace, Jimmy.
We will never forget!
These past 14 months have been tough on everyone but I want to point out something positive among all the sadness. We all vowed to keep Jimmy’s spirit alive in every which way possible and I know he’s proudly looking down on us for all we’ve done. Quinny is center stage at the memorial in downtown NY, there was a Mets game in his memory, numerous newspaper articles written about him and now a street being re-named in his honor. All this would not have been possible without the ongoing love of Jimmy’s friends and family. I was so amazed to see how many people strived to get Jimmy the respect he deserves and I think this is admirable. In fear of leaving someone out, and due to the extremely long list, I will not even attempt to name names of those who stepped up in honor of Jimmy, but you all know who you are. You are all true definitions of the word “hero.”
Happy Birthday Jimmy!!! We all Miss you!!!!!!!
JQ, Happy Birthday My Man! I cant believe its been so long. I miss you so much. You are on my mind all the time. Jack is even wearing a shirt with your name on the back and a huge number “1” as his pajamas. Its a little big on him, but he wears it well. You’d get a big kick out of it. Enjoy your party up there today….I LOVE YOU.
I think it’s obvious by the letters on this site how many people wish they could have known you. I was one of the lucky people that came across your path 2 or 3 times. The second time I saw you, you wore a light blue button down shirt with khaki pants. We were both going to the same end-of-the-year party for some grad students, it was May, 2001. I knew who you were and never expected that you would remember me. And to my surprise, you came right over to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek and said, “Hello, how have you been?” I smiled and thought, wow, what a sincerely caring person, you remembered me only from having spoken to me once briefly. Jimmy, I didn’t know you well, but learn more and more about you every day, you’d be amazed at how famous you’ve gotten down here! Seems everywhere I turn there’s a picture of you (I’m the one that waves to you in the morning in Union Square), or an article or a comic strip in the paper about you, or a baseball or basketball game or a golf outing dedicated to you, or a street being named after you. You are loved and missed by so many people; I am so happy that I had the chance to know you, even if it was only for a short time. I hope things are going well for you up there, Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday. I know right now your holding a bash up in heaven. Just like you did two years ago at Tammany Hall. A memory like all of them that seemed like yesterday.
Raise your glass of woo-woo tonight. For a life that couldn’t be better.
Keep pulling for us down below. I can walk but can never ski again. I owe you one already.
Until I sit in a room again listening to a camp fire story.
Kevin Comer
Merry Christmas in Heaven Quinny! Keep watching over and smiling down on everyone! You will be in my thoughts and prayers this holiday season and always!!! Merry Christmas Jimmy!
The other day I was thinking about the times I ran into Jimmy when i was coming home from practice and he as coming home from work. I always got a kick out of the crazy stories that only could have happened to him. Though those rides can no longer happen you still are one of the best. I came across this little poem and it fits what happened perfectly.
God looked around His garden and saw an empty
He then looked down upon His earth and saw your
loving face
He put his arms around you and lifted you to rest
His garden must be beautiful, He only takes
the best
Keep watching over us Jimmy. See you soon.
I didn’t know Jimmy I live in Toronto but in May 2002 I visited New York and I was viewing the platform there along the fence my eyes caught his missing photo and 2 minutes later his brother arrived, me and my sister were in tears as he spoke of his brother Jimmy, and ever since then we talk about this Angel. We didn’t know Jimmy but he touched our hearts, our thoughts and prayers go out to the Quinn Family.
non relative, Liz & Tina
While I never had the chance to know Jimmy, I am thankful to have had glimpses into his life, his personality and the people who were touched by his kind, charismatic ways. I hear stories about his unique ability to draw people in, from strangers to celebrities. I see pictures of experiences so rich and exciting, it becomes clear to me why everyone wanted to become a part of Jimmy’s world. And now, I know a family who shares a strength of spirit and character with others, even on their darkest of days. It is through their eyes, their smiles and their thoughts that Jimmy lives on, in a smile to a stranger, a new friendship made, a laugh from a shared memory… helping us to see the goodness in all people, to cherish those closest and to experience life with the purest joy and vigor that Jimmy always felt.
May god bless the Quinn family and the memory of Jimmy, forever.
Jimmy Quinn was an alumni of Good Shepherd Sports. In growing up he participated in all Good Shepherd sports activities. He was truly a credit to our program. On April 26th,2003 Good Shepherd Sports will dedicate our 5K Run/Walk in his memory. Good Shepherd Sports Run/Walk
Saturday April 26, 2003 10AM
Jimmy Quinn Way- Batchelder & Ave S
Dedicated in memory of Jimmy Quinn
On-line Registration http://www.activeusa.com
Hey Quinny- Just wanted to say hi. I was looking through some old pictures last night and I found one of us out in the Hamptons. You were smiling, of course! I remember how much fun that day was and thought how I always laughed when you were around. Thinking of you Jim! Keep smiling!
Well Jimmy, I went to my 2nd Mets Game ever last week and once again we had another great night telling Quinn stories. It was great to see all the familiar faces come together to honor you. Sometimes I sit in my apartment and look at the pictures of you on top of my tv and say, “Poor Quinny” and feel sorry for myself and all of our friends who no longer have you in our lives but i know you wouldn’t want us to do that so what do we do, we tell our famous Quinn stories and laugh for hours. Im so jealous of all those who are around you in heaven because you were so much fun to be around. I miss you everyday and cant wait to see you again. You were the life of the party and like Ive said before its just not the same without you. Keep looking down on us and being our guardian angels because we all need you in our lives. You are not forgotten and I love and miss you Quinny! 🙂
It’s been a long time since I saw you. I’ve been thinking of the words to say to you and everytime I start to write – I seem to break down.
We all knew you were special when you worked in our little office on Rector Street. You were very focused even though you were just a part-timer. You got along with every one. When you graduated, you knew it was time to move on and we sort of knew it too.
We talked about the Rockaways as well as talking about the Mets all the time. I remember seeing you in the summer of ’01. You were with a friend of yours on the way to a Mets game. We talked about our jobs, the Mets and parted our ways.
Quinny, I miss you. Everytime I go to Shea you are thought of. I hope that I will be able to participate in your friends and family next year at the annual Jimmy Quinn Day.
I never met Jimmy Quinn, never knew him. I live 3000 miles away in the UK,
our paths would never likely have crossed but for a tribute I saw to him on
the walls of St Paul’s Chapel a block away from Ground Zero in July 2002.
I travelled from the UK to ground Zero to pay my respects to those who were
lost on 9/11. I went there looking to find some kind of connection, some
kind of closure to the nightmare that was witnessed the world over that
otherwise beautiful September morning. I never found what I was looking for,
I went back to England still feeling very unsettled.
Now, two years on, because of a photograph I took, Jimmy Quinn has reached
out from the sadness of 9/11 and tell me who he was, defining himself as
much more than simply another faceless victim. Jimmy Quinn gave me the human
connection that I needed to find some peace in all of this, and for that I
thank him.
Dear Jimmy,
I have never seen a picture encompass the true nature of an individual, but the picture on this web site comes close. Your smile was the light that lite up any room you entered. I will always remember your smile, I will always remember your talent and I will always remeber your lovely family, Mike, Noreen, Mike and Joe. May God bless you all.
wow, has it been two years? After each time all our friends are together the next day I will be telling my family who was out with us, and I go to say your name. I then stop and at first think to myself, your crazy why do you do this to yourself, but continue. Because I am not crazy, you are always there. Even though you are no longer there in body you are still very much with us all the time and your presence if felt so much no matter where we are or what we are doing. Its as if you have never left us and I know you never will. I miss seeing you and getting the great Quinn hug and the smile that you gave that made me feel like I was the most important and special person. I can’t wait to see you again to get that hug and smile. I miss you and love you!!
Jimmy, My Cousin, I feel honored and sad 2 yrs. later. I miss you more today. This, 1st time I visited the site. I’m one of many who’s been blessed to have loved you. We grew up together, you 3 and us 3, true cousins! Us the babysitters, but much more. Our playmates, our friends, our family, in Brooklyn our home. I’ve been in Fla. now 10 yrs, I experienced the early Jimmy Quinn stories. My story…when you were 10, and told everyone I was dating Bon Jovie! Thanks for sharing my dreams Jimmy! I love and miss you.
Hey Jimmy. Unfortunately I never had the pleasure of knowing you but I wish I had. I visit this web site frequently. A friend of mine (Bryan Craig Bennett) also perished on 9/11. He worked for eSpeed on the 104th floor (north tower). You seem to be so much like him…a loving/caring person. Just wanted to say that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family & friends. Keep Bryan company for me. Maybe some day we will meet. Until then, it was nice reading all of the wonderful things about you.
It sounds impossible that it has been more than 2 years. Everyone still talks about you. This world is bizarro without you: Johnny Tiger is ‘taking the plunge’, Mike teaches at Xaverian, and I will be living in Iraq for the next 6 months. I know you’ll take care of me, but make sure to show your face to Mom, Dad, and Mike. Love you, bro…Haven’t forgotten you and I never will.
To the Quinn family and friends,
I have visited Jimmy’s site many times over the last two years. I have read the many tributes and shed many tears.
My thoughts and prayers are, and will continue to be, with all of you.
Happy 26th Birthday JQ. There is not a day that passes without me thinking of you. Things just aren’t the same without you around but it helps to know that you are watching over us each and everyday. I can only imagine some of the friends that you have made up there in the past two years. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family always. I know you are keeping an eye on Joe just as you have kept an eye on all of us for the past two years. We miss you and we will never forget you. Take care and have a great birthday.
It’s taken me awhile to lay down some words about Jimmy. The day he left us I lost several friends. It’s been hard dealing with the loss even after two years but thing seem to be getting easier.I was stacking wood in my yard the other day and I thought of Jimmy who had helped me the last time I did it. The thing about it is I wasn’t sad anymore but rather i smiled thinking about him. Part of the healing process I guess. My memory of him will never fade away.
Please join friends of Jimmy Quinn for a benifit:
Location: Tavaru
3rd Ave. 17th,New York,NY View Map
When: Friday, February 6, 6:00pm
Friday February 6 from 6-9PM at Tavaru 3rd Ave. and 17th St. NYC. $35 ($1000 from Kevin Comer to cover his liquor cost)all you can drink from 6-9PM top shelf liquor included! To benefit the Jimmy Quinn scholarship fund at Xaverian H.S. Spread the word!
My name is Katy Straine O’Hara and I lost my brother Jimmy Straine on September 11th. I was in a mall last weekend and I struck up a conversation with a friend of Jimmy Quinn’s … it was amazing to hear how similar my brother and Jimmy Quinn were, and then when I came home and read his tributes it really was amazing. We talked about our losses and how after 2 /12 years it is still so hard. His name was Matthew and he was a friend from college. Both Jimmys loved basketball and college sports and seemed to be the “social coordinators” of their groups of friends. The other coincidence is that my 5 year old daughters name is Quinn. I will keep your family in my prayers. Peace to your family.
Katy Straine O’Hara, another sad family member
I grew up with Jimmy, and although it has been some time since I last saw him, I often find myself thinking of him and what a great person he was. The other night I had a dream and Jimmy was there, hanging out like old times. I have not written on this site before, because I felt that it was for close friends and family, but then I realized that it is for anyone who’s life was touched by Jimmy. I feel blessed to have had the pleasure of knowing him.
I grew up with Jimmy, and although it has been some time since I last saw him, I often find myself thinking of him and what a great person he was. The other night I had a dream and Jimmy was there, hanging out like old times. I have not written on this site before, because I felt that it was for close friends and family, but then I realized that it is for anyone who’s life was touched by Jimmy. I feel blessed to have had the pleasure of knowing him.
The Jimmy Quinn Music Festival benefiting the Jimmy Quinn scholarship fund will be held on Saturday May 15 from 6pm-1am. Peggy O’Neill’s Keyspan Park(home of the Cyclones) 1904 Surf Ave. Coney Island,Brooklyn. $35 all you can drink plus FOOD from 6-9PM. $2 drink specials after 9. Featured artists include the very popular “FIXER”11PM, “CORN MO” (just finishing his tour with David Bowie)7PM, local bands PERHELION 10PM,THE DIRTY STAYOUTS 8PM, THE JB COMER PROJECT 9PM ,and my project the NEW YORK DOLLS cover band the LIPSTICK KILLERS 12AM!! Come on out and ride the CYCLONE!! In memory of the one and only JIMMY QUINN!
I like other people that have written have no relation to the Quinn Family, but have been drawn in by their family closeness and true friendships. Your loss is beyond any words I could express and its strange that in some way I have found peace in everyones writings to deal with such a terrible tragedy. I saw that brother Joe was going to Iraq for 6mths & just hope all is going well with him, I’m sure that is on the minds of your family as well. Proud to be an American!!!
Well Jimmy it’s been three years now and me and Hurley were talking about you last night. We were dying laughing as we remembered all of those nights in the Hamptons. Anyway, I just wanted to say hello and that I was thinking of you. Miss ya buddy.
Wow, 3 years already. I can not believe it has been that long. It feels like yesterday!! I want you to know that you are always thought about, remembered, and loved. To the Quinn family, stay strong, you are always in my heart.
Love always,
It doesn’t seem possible that three years have passed and we have not seen you, felt you hugs, and heard one of your stories. It doesn’t seem like so long because anytime two or more of us are together we remember all of these things that make you so special. We are crying and in a moment rolling with laughter, as we recall a story or an event. Through the pain we see you as a blessing to alway cherish.
God bless.
Happy 27th Birthday JQ. I can’t believe it has been 3 years. Sometimes it seems like yesterday that my phone would ring and you would be on the other end all fired up with some kind of plan for the weekend. The stories still get passed around on email, the stories still get told every night when we are out, and these stories which have been told hundreds of times never seem to get old. Sometimes it is tough to think about, but when you see an entire group of people light up with smiles and endless laughter, it feels like you are right there with us. I am not sure there was anyone who liked to get people together more then you but years later I have seen what making new friends and bringing people together can do. I never could have known it at the time but you have taught me so much over the years and I am grateful for that. I am sure there will be many toasts to you, the one and only Jimmy Quinn, all across NYC tonight. Have a great birthday and keep watching over us. You were, you are, and always will be #1 in our hearts.
Happy 27th Birthday. Love you and miss you more everyday.
Wow, just a few days ago I realized it was your birthday. I wished we could have kept on growing together. There is not a day that goes by with a person smiling and reminding me of you. I have moved now to Atlanta. I only wish I could have taken you with me. I am blessed that God has given each one of us a bit of you. I miss you so much. I need my happy hour buddy. So many things in life are missing as we age and grow in our many aspects of life. YOu have inspired me to live it in happiness and smile through the tough times. I miss you.
Merry Christmas, Jimmy!
You are missed so today.
Look down on all you love and share your strength.
Love you forever.
Merry Christmas, Quinny.
Please send so of you strength down to us.
Needless to say what a wonderful person he must have been on Earth – all we need to see is the amount of comments here by friends…he seem to have been a rare gem. I’m sure there must be a huge void in your lives because of this senseless and irrepairable loss…
Fly away with the angels Jimmy…and smile down on yor family and friends…they miss you so much.
4 years now…still feels like yesterday. Our Mets had a shot a few weeks back but Mikey P went down with a broken hand and as usual the bottom fell out. I miss the sausage and peppers and Mets games at my apartment. As unimportant as it seemed at the time it is so important to me now. Well buddy it looks like Mets in ’06. I miss you kid and still think about you all the time. Say what’s up to Tug McGraw and give high fives to all your other celebrity friends that I am sure you are hanging out with right now.
God Bless
Hey Jimmy, wanted to say happy 28th birthday. Wow, time flies. I remember your 21st birthday. I was just getting to know you, I was a freshman and I met you on the quad and you invited me out for your 21st to Exit I think. I can’t believe that was 7 years ago!! I hope you have a great birthday in heaven. Lots of love.
Happy 28th birthday. You’re always remembered and very much missed. Much love today and always.
I was at the St. Johns game last Saturday, (they lost to Marist by the way) and couldn’t help but find myself looking around for you at half time. I remember we’d always go down to the St. Johns games and you could not wait till half time and then with the stride of the mayor you would walk around the Garden glad handing and back slapping everyone from AAU coaches to Lou C himself. People loved to see you and you lit up a smile in everyone you embraced. Nick’s dad said to me I just always expect to see Jimmy when we come to the games. I miss you so much, I wish you could be a part of our lives. I strived each day to emulate your persona, your charitableness, your constant energy, let me tell you it’s not east trying to be you Jimmy! I always wonder where you would be in your career, how you would look as you aged, what lucky woman you would have made your wife someday….it’s hard to know I’ll never get these answers….But I do have the condolence of knowing your in heaven shining down on all of us. I miss you Jimmy, Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Merry Christmas!
5 years and still missing you Quinny.
Hey Jimmy,
It’s been five years today since you left us…just wanted to say hello. Our Mets are tearing it up this year and we got a good shot to get to the World Series. I am hoping the Yanks make it as well. This way we can get them back for 2000. I am sure you are watching the games up there as well, they are making us proud. LETS GO METS!!!
Know you are in my heart and missed just as much as you were 5 years ago. The time may pass and life does go on, it has to, but not a day goes by that I am not grateful for being able to spend some great times of my life with you. You are one of a kind and still so loved and missed. Quinn family~ know that I pray for you and you are always in my thoughts and prayers no matter how much time goes by. Lots of love and I hope you find comfort during this difficult time.
Wow, 5 year, it feels like it was just yesterday that I was opening an email with plans for going to happy hour, or whatever even you were planning. I guess it feels like just yesterday because I feel you are with me every day. Not a day goes by that I dont think of you & smile. I miss you so much but know you are still with us all. you will forever be in my heart! I love you and miss you!
Happy Birthday JQ!! I know you have made a lot of friends up there and hope you had a good day. Know you were still thought of here not only on your birthday, but everyday. Wow, 29??? Can’t believe a few tributes up I was wishing you a 28th.. It just goes to show no matter how much time goes by, you are never forgotten. Love always,
Happy Birthday. Miss you more each day.
Happy Birthday. You’re missed more everyday.
I visit this site every now and then when I feel down or when I simply need to remember the goodness there is out there in this crazy world. I came across this tribute and was filled with every possible emotion. What a guy you must have been to have so many people love and miss you. You must have been really special. My prayers are with your family and friends. I doubt you need them – you are with God and the BVM – and for that we all should be comforted.
I visit this site every now and then when I feel down or when I simply need to remember the goodness there is out there in this crazy world. I came across this tribute and was filled with every possible emotion. What a guy you must have been to have so many people love and miss you. You must have been really special. My prayers are with your family and friends. I doubt you need them – you are with God and the BVM – and for that we all should be comforted.
I visit this site every now and then when I feel down or when I simply need to remember the goodness there is out there in this crazy world. I came across this tribute and was filled with every possible emotion. What a guy you must have been to have so many people love and miss you. You must have been really special. My prayers are with your family and friends. I doubt you need them – you are with God and the BVM – and for that we all should be comforted.
Six years…unreal. Still think about ya all the time. I know I wrote this last year but I really think we a got shot this year. If our pitching holds up…who knows. I’ll be thinking of you down the stretch. Miss ya bro.
So it has been 6 years and things have changed but the fact remains that we miss you, more with each passing day. Your picture still hangs on my wall and as I pass it each day I think of how lucky I am to have had a friend like you. No one can tell a story with such passion, and charisma or make us laugh like you did. I hope you know how much we all love you and miss you. May you rest in peace until we meet again.
I would liketo offer my condolences to the family.
I’m so sorry
Wow, 7 years…time has flown in so many ways but in others it has remained frozen in time. There is not a day that goes by that you dont come into my thoughts for some reason or another. It feels like you are still here yet I cant believe your not. Thank you for still being such an important part of my life you alway will be forever!
Can’t believe it’s been 7 yrs Jimmy…..seems like yesterday. Miss ya buddy
As I sit here on September 11, 2008 reading about Jimmy, I’m truly touched. Like many on here, I never knew Jimmy, although I feel like I do. His passion, compassion, and zest for life inspire me. My unlce once told me, when you find that one special friend, never ever let them go. That type of friend is rare. Hold on to them. Laugh with them. Let them know how much they mean to you every chance you get.
It seem like thats what Jimmy did with his friends and family alike. So thank you Jimmy Quinn from a complete stranger. To the Quinn family, just from the tributes alone, know Jimmys life was not in vain!!
Well Jimmy…now its 7 years…i cant even beging to explain last years Mets collapse…i am sure you were fuming as well. It was last year that I said it looked like our year. Well, i have learned my lesson and even though we are in first place I cannot say I am convinced this team has it all to win the World Series. You know I will be watching and thinking of you, wish you could be with us at opening day next year at Citi Field.
I am a police officer for the Dayton Airport Police in Ohio. I have recently been assigned to the k9 bomb detection unit. I was pleased when I was assigned my 19 month old chocolate lab because I found out he was named Qquinn, after James “Jimmy” Quinn. If anyone could help relay a message to his beloved family, they could contact me for more information. It is a pleasure to protect america with a partner who is carrying the name of a hero.
[email protected]
Mike Lawson
JQ your on my mind buddy
8 years pal…still no World Series. I cant even begin to talk about the season this year. Getting married in October and wish you could be there. Things are good with the boys. Still telling stories and you are always in half of them. Be well buddy…miss you.
Well Quinny, it has been 8 years today and it has taken me way to long to write. I have been to the site countless times, just reading up on you. It is amazing how many people you have touched who never knew you, if they only had the great fortune of knowing you the way your friends did. Well I feel lucky and fortunate to have known you for so many years. I think about you alot and all the good times we had growing up. Your family is always in my prayers. Hope you are having a great time upstairs, I say hope when I know you are. Throw some love to the Knicks and Mets they both stink, Knicks still can’t get a good draft pick.
All the best, you are missed every day.
Longtime Friend.
It’s been 8 years and not a day goes by that I don’t think of you. I am sitting here reading all these tributes thinking about how lucky I was to have you as a friend. Words can’t describe what a great guy you were. I miss you Quinny.
JQ Smooth, I cannot believe you are 31!! I don’t think its the age that takes me back, I think its the fact that it was 10 years ago that I started to get to know you. I know in a past tribute I had mentioned that for your 21st you had invited me to The Tunnel. haha I remember you telling me about it in the Quad at Manhattan College. I thought wow, a senior is inviting me out.. That was you though Jimmy always including everyone no matter who they were. I thought you were so much older than me lol. And to think my 21st birthday came and went so long ago also. Thinking of you today and always. My love and prayers to your family. Much Love, Lauren
As you know a day doesn’t go by without me talking to you but god do I still miss you! Thanks for still being there for me!
As you know a day doesn’t go by without me talking to you but god do I still miss you! Thanks for still being there for me!
9 years now…maybe its because I am getting older, but the years are going by faster and faster now. Coming up on my first anniversary, wish you could have met Heather as I know she would have loved you. We are expecting our first child in February and we found out it is going to be a boy. Even though Heather is a Yankee fan I already laid down the law and told her our boy is gonna be a Mets fan. Although the Mets are so terrible right now I almost want to save him from the misery. Miss ya pal..
I cannot believe that it has been almost ten years. I miss you everyday that passes. It seems, though, that you are constantly popping up in my life in the most random places, like you are still watching over me and watching me grow up from the young kid that you knew to the person I am now. The first trip I took to ground zero was in 2006 with English exchange students in high school and it was one of the hardest trips I have ever experienced. We visited St. Paul and I was looking for you or some sign of you when my teacher tapped me on the shoulder and pointed. There was your picture. Right in the middle. Center of attention, like always. Like it should be. I started crying and my teacher turned my attention again and said look. I followed her finger and right above your picture was a little angel with the word BELIEVE. I have since then believed that you are always with me watching down on me and I have had many other experiences that tell me I am right. I was in the Port Authority station waiting for a friend and there was a 9-11 memorial and there you were. Your name…right on top. I took a corrections class…and there you were on the cover on my textbook. The author was James F. Quinn. I went on facebook and my computer spazzed and redirected me to a site and it was a page for you! I looked down at the bottom of the page and there were hundreds of flowers and every flower was a visitor to that site, to your page.
I can’t thank you enough for the memories you have given me and my family and you are missed soo much. We all loved you and your appetite for life. The way you lived each moment and cherished and appreciated it for what it was. I just wanted to let you know that i think about you and miss you and you will always be NUMEBR 1 in my heart.
As the 10 year anniversary approaches I can’t help but think about you Quinny. I think of you all the time even more so now that I named my daughter Avery Quinn! Everyday I call her Quinny and think of you because your smiling face comes back to me! Oh how I wish you were here to meet her. You are still missed and loved and always will be. Love you JQ #1
It has been 10 years since that tragic day and I am amazed at the impact your short life had on so many people. To the friends and family of Jimmy, it is clear he was an amazing individual whose presence is still felt as strongly today as it did 10 years ago.
To Jimmy: Rest in peace! Your life continues to be an inspiration.
I’m going through the Cantor site and reading about as many of the Cantor heroes as I can. God bless the family of James. When things are “hard”, I think of people who passed away in the 9/11 tragedy and think that things aren’t that hard at all. Stay strong.
Happy 34th birthday, Jimmy . I still pray for you and your family like I have done for 7 years after seeing your name in New York, today I lit a for you at my church like I do every sunday, but this time I truly felt your presence. May the peace of Christ be with you and your family, Ben
I really never told anyone the way I feel about Jimmy since he passed. I have some wonderful memories of Jimmy; we went to school together from our first day of kindergarten at Good Shepherd to graduation at Xaverian High School. Although I know I had nothing to do with what happened to Jimmy that dreadful day, I can’t help but feel guilty. I don’t know if it’s because I considered him a better person than I was or because we drifted apart after high school, but I feel guilty. I could have been a better friend. I could have let him know that even though I was taller than him for most of our childhood, I looked up to him. If I only had a little more time with him………It was way too early………I now love my friends and family fiercely, I try to tell and show them as much as possible. I also aspire to be a better person. If I can just be half the man that Jimmy was, then I’m sure I will meet him again one day. Until then I hold on to my memories and try to celebrate life the way he did. I owe it to him.
I love and miss you Jimmy!!!
Your Friend,
Its amazing how it’s been so long yet yesterday, I know you are still here with us every day and get me thru some tough times. It brings me joy to share your stories but yet a large part of my heart is still broken. You will always remain a part of my and my families everyday! We miss you always and forever
20 years. just a stranger sending love. you seemed so special.