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Harry Raines Date of Birth: September 15, 1963 Department: Global Networks Position: Assistant Vice President My honey, my baby. My one and only love. I miss you terribly. I can still feel your hand in mine on our nighttime walks and the stiff feel of your suit jacket as you embraced me during those long, slow dances. Being held in your arms was the most wonderful place to be. I miss your warming up my side of the bed so I wouldn’t be chilled, and the look in your eyes as I’d catch you staring at me. “What?” I’d ask. “I’m just adoring you,” you would reply. “Well knock it off,” I’d snap. I miss our long talks when I would unload everything and you always patiently listened, no matter how late, no matter how tired. You were my best friend. The kids knew they had the best dad. Every night, no matter what your work-day brought, you wanted to spend time with us. I would bring your dinner outside so you could eat and watch the kids play. Then it would be a bike ride to the park, ice cream, swimming or all three. Stories and tuck-ins would follow and then you would collapse onto the sofa, rest your hand on my leg, and ask about my day. So selfless. I can still hear the kids running to the door each night screaming “Daddy’s home!” and jumping into your arms. And I will always laugh remembering my trip to Virginia. How many times did I call to check on the kids! And then at the airport, there were the three kids, wrapped in gauze and bandages, streaked with fake blood, writhing on the floor in pain. I’m sure we provided a few laughs to our fellow travelers as well. Jillian will always treasure the trips she took to the office, chair races down the hall and candy from the guys. How you loved to show her off. She will always remember you tucking her in each night saying “I love you more than any Daddy loves their daughter.” Kyle will hold tight to his memories of you waking him early on Saturday mornings for a bike ride and workout at the park, you saying “Hey buddy, how about me and you and a game of football?” and scary movies only you watched in the basement because the girls were too scared. Kimberly, who has a smile that lights up a room as you did, still breaks into fits of giggles when we pretend to throw the grapes from the Barney book into each others faces. That was your game. It’s Kimberly who reminds me of our last year together. “Memba Mommy, memba me and Daddy at beach? Memba train at Disney? Whoo, whoo.” Yes Kimberly, I’ll always remember. She talks of her angel Daddy and calls “I love you Daddy. I miss you Daddy.” and blows kisses to heaven because she knows kisses are being sent her way as well. Just this past summer, during a rare, quiet moment, I told you that it would be difficult for me to find a woman who was loved more or treated better. I can still see your shy, blushing smile. “I’m glad you told me that,” you said. I’m glad I did too.
I remember that when he came home from work we played a special secret game called Da,da,da,da,da. He gave me and Kyle a ride on our big stuffed horse,
Black Beauty. He would chase me and my friends around the house and throw us in the pool. I miss him.
I love my Daddy. He is the bestest Daddy a little girl like me could ever ask for. I miss him. Hi Daddy. I love you Daddy.
When I think back on these times
And the dreams we left behind
I’ll be glad ’cause I was blessed
To get to have you in my life
When I look back on these days
I’ll look and see your face
You were right there for me
In my dreams I’ll always see you soar above the sky
In my heart there will always be a place for you
For all my life I’ll keep a part of you with me
And everywhere I am, there you’ll be
Well you showed me how to feel
Feel the sky was in my reach
And I always will remember all the strength you gave to me
Your love made me make it through
Oh, I owe so much to you
You were right there for me
In my dreams I’ll always see you soar above the sky
In my heart there will always be a place for you
For all my life I’ll keep a part of you with me
And everywhere I am, there you’ll be
‘Cause I always saw in you my light, my strength
And I want to thank you now
For all the ways you were right there for me
You were right there for me
For always
I miss you Daddy. I hope you’re having a good time up there in heaven. I miss you very much. I miss when we played football, the scary movies and the time we watched Frankenstein, and don’t forget Predator, our favorite movie. Remember the old basketball net? You passed the ball to me and I dunked it. Remember when you would try to guard the net when we played hockey and I would wack the ball right past you? Remember when we installed the sprinkler system and Mommy brought out the plate of cookies and you ate one and I ate the rest? Remember our early bike rides and how we went into the pool with Copper? I remember you teaching me to dive in the pool, holding snakes at the pet store, wrestling and boxing and lifting weights in the basement, and the special song you sang when you tucked me in at night. I will always remember you.
Harry was the head of my communications dept among other depts at Cantor, he was a great boss and a great man. We always looked forward to having Harry bring in his children Jillian and Kyle, remember Red Light Green Light? You could tell what kind of man Harry was by watching both Kyle and Jillian and their care and concern for not only each other, but for others. Harry was the exact same way, you dont get that very often from your boss, so that made me appreciate him even more.
I know Harry is watching over Jillian, Kyle, Kimberly and Lauren from heaven and he will always walk beside you.
Harry is my friend. We grew up together in Queens N.Y. We played sports together. We trained with each other in boxing down my parents’ basement. He is a great athelete and the memories I have of Harry, his brother Mark, and the guys from 68 Park will be in my heart forever.
Lauren, love your children, and constantly tell them how special their father is.
With prayers and love, John, Tracey, Shane, Luke
Harry Raines, one of the good guys. Always smiling and warm. All the memories: handball, stickball, softball, football, Spencer’s, the park, halloween parties, so many happy times shared. A great athlete, an outstanding dad, a sensitive friend: that’s Harry. He always had a positive attitude with respect and kindness for everyone.
I remember the day he married Lauren; you never saw a smile so bright. I watched Harry grow from a shy, curly-haired kid to a loving and devoted husband and father. I’ll miss your smile
Harry, but you will forever live on in my heart.
I remember his laughter and his warm caring style
His constant good will to go the extra mile
Whether it was a run at dawn or a walk at sunset
Harry always offered a greeting to each neighbor he met
Throughout the years, he was always around
And his presence was noted in his children’s joyful sound
With Jillian, Kimberly, and his only son Kyle
Harry formed a sense of love and a family full of smiles
His character was marked with great compassion and care
A man of his reverence is all too precious and rare
And for those of us blessed to share in his life
September eleventh was a day of great strife
Our nation’s tragedy filled us with pain and regret
And despite the passing days we will never forget
All the moments we spent with a man we all love
As we go on with our lives he’ll be watching from above
There are not enough words to describe how we feel
For most of us still, this all feels so unreal
Although a cherished life was taken away
In our hearts and our thoughts Harry will always stay
(Poem Continued)…
I look at Lauren now and remember their great team
The perfect mom and dad full of spirited esteem
And in the eyes of his children I can still picture his face
And the look of a man who will never be replaced
I’ll remember the chicken fights and the days in the pool
All the waves we exchanged on my way to school
The dives that he taught me so many summers ago
And the conversations I’ll cherish and never let go
Harry was a son, a father, and a friend
A neighbor and a husband and a brother till the end
Although we have lost someone we all hold so dear
Wherever we go he will always be near
He is close to our hearts in all that we do
And for all future milestones, he’s got the best view
Our hero’s in heaven watching down from above
Looking after his friends and family with patience and love
~Lisa Caffrey
Although Harry was only 37 when he was taken from this world, he was/is the model of success. In just 37 years, Harry accomplished what very few accomplish in 65 years. He found the perfect balance between family and work. His family understood that his job was important to him, but they also knew that they were the most important to him.
To know Harry’s wife and kids is to know Harry’s legacy. Jillian, Kyle & Kimberly are wonderful, loving young people who clearly are a testament to the loving home environment Harry and Lauren have provided for them.
Harry always had a warm smile & kind words for whomever he came in contact with. Whether it be the good old days at 68 Park or family gatherings. He was always there to make Lauren’s life a little easier or happier. Lauren & the children meant the world to Harry. Jillian, Kyle, & Kimberly would always look forward to him coming home from work or the weekends because they knew it was time for fun with daddy. Harry was not only a brother-in-law, but a friend. I will not let his memory fade in my heart or my Nieces & Nephew. I will always remind them what a great warm-hearted human being he was.
Though it is still hard to believe and comprehend that the tragic events of September 11th have taken you away, I will always cherish and hold close to my heart the many memories and happy times together. From the time you were small peeling labels off cans so Mom had to guess what she was opening. Watching you grow and mature. As teenagers when you and Mark put a snake in bed with Sal as a practical joke because you knew he hated them. To watching you play superman with your nephews, Sal IV and Jason. To building human pyramids when we were together. Having chicken fights in the pool. To the time we went to Boodles and you got up on stage to sing and dance. I will have these memories plus many more to hold on to. Harry, you grew into a wonderful young man and was always a loving brother, whose life was cut way too short. I will always love you and miss you and will never forget your smile, laughter, great personality and all the good times we shared. You may be gone but will never be forgotten.
Your Loving Sister,
I have not seen Harry since grammar school so there really isn’t much i can say
except that I was deeply saddened by the news from a friend.My memories of
Harry are few but are instilled in my mind as a child.I will always remember
Harry as my classmate from ST.ANTHONY’S SCHOOL. I hope for the best for his
family and my other classmate Mark.
You will be in my prayers always
Thomas La Russo
Harry was one of the smartest guys I knew. I respect him greately and he was always there for me when I had a project to work on or a problem to workout. I always hoped that I could be there for him when he needed help on something so that I could hope to repay his kindness and generosity.
He was on my “list” of people who I would work with in a heartbeat.
I will miss him greatly.
“THE BEST”, that is the simplest way I know to describe Harry. For the 20+ years that I knew him, Harry always strived to be the best, whether on the playing field or in life. He was the best father to 3 beautiful children and the best husband to Lauren that he could be. In my life he was my best friend. I feel blessed just having known him and will carry with me many wonderful memories. There was the moving toast he delivered as my best man, the vacations together (racing home from Cape Cod for Mom’s sauce), just hanging out in the park or beach, and of course the sports. I can still hear Harry coming into the huddle and declaring ‘Throw me the ball, I can beat this guy!’ With our offices so close we were still able to meet regularly for lunch, catch up on family news, and share a few laughs. I know a man as good as Harry could be only one place now, Heaven, and from there he will always be looking down on his family, sharing his strength. We lost a great friend, father, husband, brother, and son that fateful day, but I honestly believe Harry’s spirit will live on with each of us who were lucky enough to have been touched by him.
My friendship with Harry dates back to our days at JP Morgan-some 17years ago. Even in those early days one could see Harry’s tremendous gift and instantly know he’d go far. To my good fortune fate brought us together again in 1989 when I joined Cantor Fitzgerald. I can still see the look on Harry’s face when I appeared out of nowhere for one the group’s weekly sessions. From this point on we worked closely.
We stayed in touch upon my leaving eSpeed in 2000-the last call taking place on the evening of September 10th. As usual we jumped from subject to subject, be it his family that he deeply loved or his recent appreciation for the TV program
“West Wing”. With this call rooted in my possible return to the firm he told me that no matter what we’d always be friends. I’ve since returned to the firm to continue to drive towards the goals he and so many others worked so hard to obtain. Like countless others, my life been enriched for having known this fine gentleman. I miss his smile, wit, and profound kindness.
May God watch over those he loved and cherished.
Harry was a real nice guy. Every time I came to work with my dad he would play football with me in the hallway and sometimes we would hit people with the ball. Harry always made me laugh. I bet he is making everyone laugh right now, especially my dad.
Harry deserves every word of high praise anyone could ever say. My family is better for knowing him for the short 8 years of past. Always smiling, genuinely happy to spend our times together. One day, at Jillian’s pool party, he showed his true colors. Kristen came without her swimmies. Harry assured me he would be “right there” for her. As I was leaving, I turned to see Harry exactly where he said he would be. Right there for her and everyone else. Not just physically, but offering his words of praise and encouragement. Anyone could see he was having fun, too, and everything was coming from his heart. It struck me then that nowhere else would my daughter be safer and happier that day. In my eyes, that was only one moment of many that he truly shined.
Harry was one of the nicest people I ever had the privilege to work with. I knew him since he first came to Cantor as a consultant, and was lucky enough to have worked with him on many projects. He was the kind of man you hoped to emulate in your life. I will miss him.
Harry and I shared an office in that tower for a couple of years. We always marvelled at the view from our window. He was a genuine, honest, caring person. I truly enjoyed working with him. He was technically brilliant and could bring out the best in everyone he came in contact with. We spent many nights and weekends giving our all to make Cantor a better place. Harry was a mentor and leader to many.
Harry was also a proud family man. He loved to tell me stories about his children. I could hear his love for wife and family come through when he spoke to them from his desk.
To Lauren and the children – He was ALWAYS thinking about you. And still is.
God received a gift when Harry walked through the gates on September 11th. I guarantee you, he’s throwing a football around with St. Peter, chatting about Lauren and the kids.
He will be truly missed,and it is comforting to know he will be there waiting for us.
We are all blessed to know and love Harry.
You are all in our thoughts and prayers.
I have made repeated attempts to write this tribute for Harry. Every time I attempt to write this, I look it over and choose not to submit it. The reason simply being I felt my words could even come close to describing the type of man Harry was.
I had the pleasure of working with Harry for almost 5 years. From day one he took me under his wing. I felt he was one of the rare few you come across in life that seemed to have everything figured out. He had a wonderful family, very successful career and a pleasant personality that people were drawn to. I always got a kick out of his competitive spirit. From the monthly racquetball outings with his brother (The better looking and stronger one as we always joked) to the basketball games at Pace and Chelsea. I always enjoyed bumping shoulders or throwing an elbow as he walked by in the hallway to see his expression.
I thank you Harry for everything you have done for me. I will do my best to keep my head up and to enjoy life. It is a very difficult task knowing that I will not have a friend like you to lean on. I will never forget you Harry. My heart and prayers go out to you and your family.
Harry was one of the kindest and most intelligent people I knew. The first time I met him was during a branch office relocation in Boston. I thought he just knew about network issues, but I soon found out that he knew about everything from construction to engineering (as he helped me out with a critical air-conditioning problem).
Thursdays at Cantor were always “pie-day” if Harry was around. He would go downstairs to farmers’ market outside the Trade Centers and bring back pies for everyone. If he know I would be around, you can bet one of those pies would be blueberry because he was that thoughtful and paid that much attention to detail.
In the beautiful pictures of his family Harry proudly displayed at the office, I remember seeing his sparkling eyes staring back at me through those of his children.
My heart goes out to his family: You can be so proud of your father – he was so smart and so kind and loved you so much!
I know he is watching over you now and his love will be with you always.
It’s rare in life to cross paths with a person as genuine, honest, dignified and unassuming as Harry. I admired his personal integrity, his work ethic and I enjoyed just being with him. He was a genuine soul and I will miss him forever.
One Saturday last winter, before an anticipated snowfall on Long Island, I noticed a man in front of me at the checkout line in the supermarket. By the amount of groceries that he had, he had already been shopping for some time. He was alone with three small children which is no easy task. What struck me was his patience and good humor with these children, he was laughing and making them laugh. I thought that this must be a devoted father.
The next day, after the snowfall, Charlie and I and our children went to the state park to sleigh ride. Here was this man again alone with his childen sleigh riding. They were just leaving the park and obviously had a great time. They were soaken wet, had red noses and were still laughing. Charlie introduced me to this man, Harry Raines. I think that it is these small glimpses in one’s life that tell the measure of a person.
Charlie and Harry would work together from time to time on various projects and Charlie spoke about Harry with great respect – a good worker and great family man.
I have come to know Lauren these past months and realize that she is a devoted and committed mother who will continue to keep alive the memory of Harry for their family.
God Bless the Raines Family
I have known Harry for about 25 yrs and his passing fills me with many emotions: deep sadness, sympathy for his family and friends & anger at those responsible for this tragedy. His passing was a loss for all of us who knew him, particularly those of us from ’68 Pk’. You see, we all grew up together, played together & shared special experiences together. The result created a unique & extraordinary bond that made us all ‘family’. Harry was a special part of this family. He was somebody who was dependable, trustworthy & smart; always there when you needed him & he had a great sense of humor. He certainly had a great passion for life and a great passion for sports. We had a lot of laughs over the years. I have the greatest respect for him & will really miss him.
My husband,Troy,worked with Harry up on 103rd floor.Troy talked very highly of Harry.They all had good times up on 103.Troy would always make nicknames for everybody.Harry and Troy be loved and missed forever.God bless . Jennifer Nilsen
It is one year ago today
That tragedy stuck and took you away
Although you may not be here
I feel in my heart you are always near
Gone is the face I love so dear
Silence is the voice I long to hear
The tears in my eyes cannot be brushed away
The ache in my heart is here to stay
A heart of gold, a smile of Grace
There is no one who can take your place
I miss you more than anyone knows
And with each passing day my emptiness grows
I laugh, I cry, I play the part
But beneath it all lies a broken heart
I hide the tears as I speak your name
While the ache in my heart remains the same
I think about you always and often call your name
But all that is left to answer is your picture in a frame
Love Always and Forever
Your Sister
When I think about you and Mark, it brings many fond childhood memories. Visits were few and far between with you living in New York and me in California. But I remember my first trip to New York and the two of you took me for my first subway ride, we were only eleven then. I remember your trips to California, enjoying the orange tree in our backyard, making fresh orange juice daily and our trip to Magic Mountain. Harry, you are missed by many. Thank you for these wonderful memories.
It took me a year to even be able to come to this site. We think of you every day. Harry was one of those rare people that you felt comfortable with as soon as you met him. His laughter is unforgettable. If I close my eyes I can still hear it in my head and it brings a smile to my face and a tear to my eyes. I remember Hat Day at 68, paddleball, Halloween Parties and fishing with him and Pat in the Adirondacks. It all seems like yesterday. My heart goes out to his family and you’re in our thoughts. We miss you Harry and I feel so lucky to have known you.
Mary Sands-Kessler
Dear Harry….I don’t know if you remembe me or not, but I am a friend of your Uncle Cliff and Aunt Kay’s in San Diego. I was deeply saddened to hear of your passing, as I remember you well with your visits here in San Diego, especially taking you and Mark horseback riding. I remember your great personality and your warm smile. I can still hear your laughter today! Your aunt and uncle would keep me posted on how you were doing, and, I might add, SO VERY PROUD OF YOU, Harry. You will forever be in my prayers, including your wife, children, and your mom, brothers, and sister. I know you’re watching over them. May God Bless you and your family, Harry.
11 September 2002
Dear Harry
We miss you more than you can possibly know, but we rejoice in your life and in our having been blessed with sharing a part of it. You became the exceptional man we knew you would: loving husband, father, and son; devoted brother; highly successful businessman; compassionate human being. Your legacy to Lauren and the children is not only your strong love and devotion for them and your strength of character but it is also your zest for life. Your strength is there to guide them as they continue down the always-changing and often curving road of life. The model for living that you have given us truly is a priceless gift. We will do all we can to be worthy of it.
With much love,
Uncle Cliff and Aunt Kay
If wealth was measured by love and respect, you are the wealthiest man that I know of. What a joy it has been to read this reflection in the words of those who knew you well. I wish that the miles between us had not been so great, and the opportunities for sharing more frequent. But the East and West coasts are far apart, and somehow Phoenix seems even farther. The love that you gave will live on in your family and your children. I pray that they will grow to be as wealthy as you are.
Harry was a great person. Great personality. Great character. He always had a smile on his face. That picture above, that’s what you’ll always see when you see him. He knew a lot with regards to his profession too and he never hesitated to share his knowledge.
I’d like to thank you Harry for believing in me and supporting me.
Dearest Harry,
This is for every hour we have ever spent together: for every kiss, each embrace, and every tear shed for one another.
This is for every precious moment we have created just by being together: for all the times we managed to work through our anger and our tears, for all the times I was distressed and you were patient.
This is for every time that you were there when I needed you: for all the personal sacrifices you have made for me, for all the times when you understood me, and for all the support that you have always given me.
This is for all the beautiful memories: of the love we have made and given to each other, of the beautiful children we created, of all the tenderness and love that you have shown to me, of all the little things you have done for me that in time have added up to be so great.
This is from my heart: to thank you for everything you have done for me, and to remind you that I will always love you.
It’s been over a year since you’ve been gone, Harry. I am writing this brief note to let you know that you and your family continue to be in my thoughts and prayers and that you are missed very much.
Heaven smiled
the day this soul was born,
for there were
a lot of good things
headed for the earth
in that one package–
kindness, generosity,
integrity, love…
even a little humor —
all the things
a person would need
to make a good life…
And Heaven
is rejoicing now,
welcoming that soul
back home…
dusting off the suffering,
throwing out the shortcomings,
polishing up those same
good qualities
in preparation for the day
we all meet once again.
Harry, thinking of all the laughs we had together with the guys from Goldman always puts a smile on my face. I know your watching me write this now and I’m going to remind you of an incident when we were both alot younger. Remember the comedy club when I made fun of the comedian and got thrown out of the place. I never thought we would stop laughing. Harry Raines was a real unique person. His laugh could brighten your darkest day. Well I just want him to know that a day doesn’t go by that I don’t think of him and smile. Anyone who knew Harry should consider themselves lucky.
I now know the line in the song “ONLY THE GOOD DIE YOUNG” is true!
Two years to long without you in this world. We think of you every day and pray for your family. We miss you and your laughter.
In loving memory of
Harry A. Raines
2nd Anniversary in Heaven
September 11, 2003
You never said “I’m leaving”.
You never said “Goodbye”.
You were gone before we knew it,
and only God knows why.
A million times we needed you, a million times we cried.
If love alone could have saved you, you never would have died.
In life we loved you dearly, in death we love you still.
In our hearts you hold a special place no one can ever fill.
It broke our hearts to lose you but you didn’t go alone,
For a part of us went with you the day God called you home.
Love You Brother.
Your Sister Joann
& Sal, Sal IV and Jason
We hold fast to our memories,
to all the cherished moments of the past,
to the blessings and the laughter,
the joys and the celebrations,
the sorrow and the tears.
They all add up to a treasure
of fond yesterdays
that we shared and spent together,
and they keep you close to us
in spirit and in thought.
We miss you and pray for you!
Harry, although I hadn’t seen you in at least 25 years, when a friend recently told me you had been lost on Sept 11 it hit me like a ton of bricks.
I immediately remembered all the fun times we had when our families lived on Cooper Avenue in Glendale. I particularly remember us getting along so well because you, your brother Mark and I all liked snakes. I can remember the fun we all had cramming into the 2 foot pool in my yard, playing with go carts, and the baseball and soccer games we played with Anthony and Francy who also lived on the block.
You were a good friend and a really nice guy and will live in our hearts always. . .
On this, the third anniversary of our losing you, we hold fast to our memories, cherishing each and every moment we spent with you. For death leaves a heartache no one can heal…but love leaves a memory no one can steal. You are always in our thoughts and prayers and we look forward to the day we all meet again!
Love you always,
Mark, Danice and Alyssa
On this, the third anniversary of our losing you, we hold fast to our memories, cherishing each and every moment we spent with you. For death leaves a heartache no one can heal … but love leaves a memory no one can steal. You are always in our thoughts and prayers and we look forward to the day we all meet again!
Love you always,
Mark, Danice and Alyssa
September 11, 2004
It is so hard to believe that three years have passed. Little did we know that morning that God was going to call your name. You left me peaceful memories, your love is still my guide, and although I cannot see you, you are always at my side. Our family chain is broken and nothing seems the same but as God calls us one by one the chain will link again. I hold you in my heart and memories. You are truly loved and missed.
Your sister,
I worked with Harry in the summer of 1997 as an intern. Everyone at Cantor was very gracious and kind to me, but Harry went out of his way to make make me feel welcome. I specifically remember smoking a cigar with him and some others outside the towers one sunny afternoon. The experiene I gained that summer was invaluable, and it was a result of efforts made by friends like Harry.
Harry was one of a kind, and I’m sure is dearly missed. May God bless him and his family.
Its hard to believe its been 5 years…the hurt is still so strong…we miss you Harry and think about you often…you’d be so proud of Lauren she’s being so strong for the children…they are also being strong and doing so well..you remain always in our hearts and forever in our prayers..Rest in Peace Friend
Hey Harry i saw your picture and name read on the tv today and I thought of when we used to play football in the hallways when ever I would come to work with my dad and it jsut made me smile thought I would drop by and say hello …..bye bye for now
September 11, 2006
Five years have now passed and it never seems to get any easier especially when this day draws near. Your are still sorely missed and not a day goes by that I do not think of you. Just wanted to let you know that you will forever be in my heart.
I only recenly heard of your passing in talking with Mark and asking how you were. Although I havent seen you in 20+ years we played pop-warner football together (who could forget our 11-1-1 season) and many a touch game in the park. I am sure you are in heaven with Greg Buck, Firefigher from our family who also left us on that horrific day. I vividly remember your personality as strong, kind, gentle, humorous; a role model for all. I would like to express my deepest sympathies to your family.
Forever in our prayers….Forever in our hearts….Forever our friend…we love and miss you Jean and family..2008
Seven years ? It’s hard to believe it’s been that long now, the events of that fateful day are still so vivid in my mind. I remember as I stepped out of my building across West St and looked up at the towers my first thought, or hope, was that you were not in your office. I remember that I came to work that day looking forward to our annual birthday lunch, which you had to postpone from the day before because of work. As I have for the last 6 years on Monday I will say a pray and wish you a happy birthday, and I know that because you are in heaven you will receive it. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about you and your family. Often in a difficult situation I think about you and try to figure out what your advice would be, and it always seems to make the matter clearer. I miss you, but will never forget you and will always cherish the frienship that we had. To we meet again….
As the day quickly approaches, the day we will never forget, I look to the stars and say another prayer for you my friend. Forever in our hearts…we miss you. Jean ’09
8 yrs since that horrible day. Your family and friends miss you just as much today as 8 yrs ago. You touched so many people in so many special ways. Forever in our hearts. You will never be forgotten.
sigh…another year without you in this world. you are missed by so many everyday. the sky’s cried for you today, as did i.
We will never forget….miss you dear friend.
Just remembering some fun times at 68 park….really miss you and your smile. Rest in peace my friend. 2012
Cannot believe it has been 20 years that you are gone. We think of you often and pray for your family. Rest in peace sweet man.