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Michael Rothberg Date of Birth: May 27, 1962 Department: Portfolio Trading Position: Managing Director Mike loved his work at Cantor Fitzgerald and all the people around him were like family. Every summer he had a big theme party at his home in Old Greenwich, CT where he invited many of his Cantor friends as well as his close friends because he considered them all family. He enjoyed Cantor so much that he brought his two cousins, Kurt and Derek, to work, help and learn on the trading desk. Derek even wrote an essay for college admission about working on the desk and thinking it might be his future. Mike enjoyed helping everybody. He helped his friends start businesses, even his sister Rhonda. He even hosted his friends, Chris and Beth’s wedding at his home. All this was done quietly and without expecting any recognition. Mike enjoyed skiing, boating, running and was an avid spinner. Fun and friends went together. Mike was active in charity work such as raising money for Multiple Sclerosis in a bike-a-thon. He also helped to raise money for the Dana Farber Cancer Institute. Our last and fondest memory was this past July when we spent two weeks in Chatham, MA. On Cape Cod with Michael. The family was constantly together, along with Michael’s closest friends, enjoying the summer activities. This was the first time he had taken two weeks vacation and it was our last time together. We miss you and will always love you, Michael. To cope with the events of September 11th and to comfort Michael’s family, his high school classmates, extended family and friends conceived and organized The Michael C. Rothberg September 11th Memorial Scholarship. Beginning in May 2002, a $2500 merit-based scholarship will be awarded to one college-bound member of the graduating class of Sharon High School, where Mike was a member of the class of 1980. Scholarship winners will exemplify, as did Michael Rothberg, academic promise, ethical conduct and service to community. Through the generosity of many people, this scholarship fund will continue to honor Michael’s memory and inspire graduating members of Sharon High School to sustain his extraordinary spirit through their own aspirations and endeavors. Tax deductible donations are made payable and mailed to: September 11th Memorial Scholarship The scholarship committee will gladly mail acknowledgements to honor names or occasions supplied by the donor.
Michael Rothberg was the son of our dear friends, Jay and Iris Rothberg. Through them I heard of all his success, his charitable works and his kindnesses to all who knew him and strangers as well. So, when my youngest daughter Cathy moved to New York City, I called Michael and asked him to watch out for her. He did. He took her to dinner, listened to her concerns, and generally helped this aprehensive newcomer adjust to the hustle and bustle that was New York. One night he took her to a movie. While they were watching the film a scuffle broke out in the thater and someone yelled, “Look out, he’s got a gun!” Michael wrapped himself around Cathy and with his body he shielded her and got her safely out of the theater. He risked his life to protect my daughter. That was Michael, always thinking of the other person first.
His spirit and his kindness has touched many lives and we will never forget him. Rest well Michael, you are safe in our hearts.
I may not have met Michael in person but it sure feels like I did. I remember Michael as a loving caring brother, son, cousin and friend. I know that everybody Michael talked to, he touched there lives some how, whether it was his fond smile or just hearing his lovely soft voice. Michael would call his sister Rhonda every day at her business, that he helped her with. Rhonda and Michael had such a wonderful relationship and I remember they would always be laughing or playing little jokes on each other over the phone.
On September 11, 2001 I had spoken to Michael that morning. He had called to speak to Rhonda his sister but she was not in the office yet. Michael and I started talking for about another 5 mins on the phone. I remember Michael asking me if he sounded ok, I said, “Yeah you sound fine”. He then began to tell me that they got a new phone system in that day. Then we started to laugh and then I hung up the phone. Then two minutes later–just two minutes later–the plane had struck the first tower. I was the last person whom Michael would talk to out of his office.
I just want everyone to know that Michael was a wonderful person and he would do anything for anyone at any cost. I think about him every day of my life. I will never forget that America just lost a smart and respectable person.
Your family and I miss you so much, and we love you. Michael Rothberg, you will always be in our heart and in our soul. GOD BLESS
When lives suddenly come to an end, we often struggle to find words to eulogize our lost ones. If there ever was an exception, Michael Rothberg is the epitome. My cousin was one of the elite few to combine the often-contradictory traits of benevolence and personal success. While employed in the most unforgiving industry, Michael managed to exhibit tremendous humanity while simultaneously ascending into the top ranks within his profession. The impact Michael left imprinted on those who were once privileged to be graced by his presence will never be forgotten.
It’s the little day-to-day things that only a few shared during conversation that made Michael so special to me. Weeks before September 11, Michael invited my sons to a day atop the WTC inside the company of Cantor Fitzgerald. Soon after his invitation, Michael learned a huge deal would take place on that particular Monday and it would require all of his attention. He did not postpone their visit or even mention his pending circumstances. Derek and Kurt made the trip to New York and shared the experience of a lifetime as they observed the amazing qualities of their cousin Michael at work. Now, they are both holding on very tight to this memory, a precious, last gift from Michael.
During his family vacation on Cape Cod, Michael invited my mom, (his grandmother), to go for a leisurely drive in his new convertible. Along the way, he stopped and purchased for her a wide brimmed hat that tied under the chin. Always thinking of others, his intention was to protect her from the sun.
If you spent any time with Michael, I’m sure special moments are popping into your mind as you remember the little things he did for you.
Michael, I will always remember you as my brother’s little boy, smart, witty, and as entertaining at age four as you were at 39. Always in my memory, with special love,
Auntie Debbie
Although we have written a tribute as a family, as Michael’s mother I wanted to write my own thoughts of my wonderful son. Michael was the kind of son every mother dreams of having…loving, giving, thoughtful, generous and smart, too. Whenever I had a problem, Michael had the solution. He always remembered every occasion and anniversary with beautiful cards, flowers and gifts no matter how busy he was. This was done in a quiet, unassuming way. Michael made you feel good just by being in his company.
Michael touched so many lives with his kindness and gentle spirit. This was evident by the outpouring of love from so many people not just from the United States, but from Canada, England and Singapore. His classmates from Sharon High School in Massachusetts where Michael grew up have established a scholarship in his memory.
Michael, my beautiful son, you were savagely taken from us on September 11, but your shining spirit will live on forever in my heart and the hearts of your family and friends. I miss you and love you “from here to China and back again” as I used to tell you when you were a little boy.
To his extended family, Michael was – and will remain — a cherished nephew and first-born cousin, who carved distinguished paths for his younger cousins and admiring aunts and uncles. As his father’s sister, I watched a darling little boy, wise beyond his years, become a focused, athletic and gracious man who demonstrated love in great and small ways. Michael lived with joy and generosity, and in his brief life created a reality beyond any vision this family had experienced. A visit to Michael’s domain was an event, but his gracious down-to-earth qualities, innate sweetness, humor and modesty allowed us to share in his beautiful world and to believe that extraordinary things were possible. Each of us needed much more time with Michael, but wanting his values and vision to live on may be the impetus for this family to create for ourselves far more than we might have without his strength and spirit as a model. You will always be with us, Michael, and through our tears I see you cheering us on.
Auntie Emily
So many of my childhood and teenage memories revolve around Michael and our special friendship. Living across the street from each other we spent all our free time together, doing gymnastics, rehearsing our so called “band”, riding bikes, talking in our own private “language”. In high school we’d get passes for him to tutor me, but instead we’d practice dance moves! College separated us, but didn’t break the bond. Michael moved me into my first apt in Boston. He danced with me at my wedding. When my first son was born I named him Michael and hoped that he would have my best friend’s intelligence, sense of humor and compassion. I looked forward to the day when we could sit, reminisce and laugh. I still can’t believe that day will never come. Michael was such an important and meaningful part of my life. I will always treasure our friendship. I will always love him, I will always miss him.
This saying epitomizes the life of Michael Rothberg. Although he had only 39 years on this earth, he touched the lives of many in wonderful and caring ways. He made a positive difference! A BEAUTIFUL SOUL!
Michael, you are sadly missed, but will be forever in the hearts and thoughts of those who were fortunate to know you…whether through family, friendship or business ties.
Michael, I love you with all my heart. I’ll always remember how you brought me to “LCG”, lovely Coral Gables, for college. You were there so much that some people thought you went there! Remember the time we flew on People’s Express? Michael, you were one of the truest, kindest, most wonderful people I’ve ever known and I will always consider you one of my closest friends!
Laura Pearlstein-Friend
My last endeavor with Michael was his association with the 2001 Mutual Funds Against Cancer Benefit, we saw the kindness of the people in financial services industry willing to help people with Cancer. The most recent terrorist attacks upon the United States are the worst type of malignant act upon civilization. I was able to fight my malignancy, and with Michael’s effort at Cantor, so will many children. Michael could not fight the malignancy that was afflicted upon him.
malignant (m -l g n nt) (as defined by http://www.dictionary.com)adj.
1.Showing great malevolence;
2.disposed to do evil. Highly injurious; pernicious.
3.Pathology. a. Threatening to life; virulent: a malignant disease.b.Tending to metastasize; cancerous. Used of a tumor.
Please remember the heroic efforts of the people who helped fight this malignancy, were victims to this malignancy and were left to live with this malignancy and find a solution, so those who died, did not die in vain.
I love you Michael and all the Rothberg’s!
If I could choose one person that I knew to stand for an ideal human being and a role model for myself it would have been Michael Rothberg. In both his job and everyday social life, Mike possessed unmatched expertise, friendliness, determination, personality, and optimism. Mike’s attitude never changed day in and day out. He was one of the most generous people I have ever known. The last time I spent time with Michael was in August 2001 and every minute we were together there was not one dull moment. In one weekend, we drove his boat around the bay while listening to music, we cooked our own steak dinner with salad and rice, we hung out at the ESPN Zone in Times Square, we went out to eat, we watched movies, and we spent a full day watching Michael do what he did best…being a remarkable, successful businessman. The day we spent at the office, Mike bought pizzas for everyone in his section and he made sure my brother and I did not leave without at least hearing what the business was all about. The people I worked with that day had nothing but outstanding things to say about Michael. Mike had such a significant influence on the lives of friends, family, and co-workers. He was amazing and I hope I can come even close to being the person Michael was. We miss you.
Love Cousin Kurt
You have done so much for us – where do I begin. You have been a coach, friend and mentor for over 10 years. Matt and I have always regarded you one of our dearest friends. You’ve always been our “go-to guy” whether we were making big decisions like buying our home or small decisions like the evening’s wine selection, you always were there to guide us along. How fortunate are we that you were also Matt’s boss. We always enjoyed our vacations together – ski trips, The Cape, Nantucket, Amagansett and our dinners out were always such a pleasure.
Kara and Kelly end their nightly prayers with a special blessing for Daddy and “Daddy’s friends – Mike, Chris, Carl…” I hope you can hear us.
I still find myself asking Matt for your advice – I just wish I could hear you. Michael, we will never forget you. Till we meet again.
May 27, 2002
Dear Michael,
You will always be remembered in our thoughts and prayers. Matt and Sue always speak very highly of you, your friendship, and your marvelous team of fellow employees you assembled at Cantor Fitzgerald. I will never forget the happy times talking with you at Matt and Sue’s annual gathering for “The Hunt” in October, partying at the beach house in Amagansett, and, of course, visiting your beautiful, historic home in Old Greenwich.
Thank you for being such a positive influence on our family. You have touched the lives of many families. On your special day, Michael, we give special thanks for the gift of your life and intellect; your spirit and courage will always be with us.
Hank Kroh and family
Mike was such a special person. My husband, Blake, always considered himself enormously lucky to have Mike for a boss. He learned so much from him.
I will always remember Mike as an extremely smart, kind, honest and generous man. I was fortunate to have known him.
Michael was a wonderful person
Who generated admiration and respect.
Dearly loved by family, friends and colleagues,
Indelibly remembered with lasting effect.
An intelligent, succesful man
With good humor and quiet humility.
On Wall Street he traded with integrity,
Advising clients with unmatched ability.
A good athlete with form and fortitude
who had a natural aptitude for winning.
Along with strength and endurance
For serious cycling known as spinning.
While biking one day he found
His historic Connecticut home – overlooking Long Island Sound.
House and gardens he impressively restored
Into a beautiful home that he adored.
A caring, compassionate person
Who saw altruistic visions with clarity,
He knew there were many worthy causes
To support with characteristic charity.
Loving parents Jay and Iris,
Michael’s devoted dad and mother,
Adored their wonderful son
With depths of love unlike any other.
Mutual admiration played a role
In a sibling relationship which couldn’t be fonder
Because there was heartfelt love and loyalty
Between Michael and his sister Rhonda.
His artistic grandmother Celia, represents each one
Of all four grandparents who loved their dear grandson.
Aunts Emily and Debbie, cousins and many good friends,
Everyone who loved Michael won’t let meories of him ever end.
Over the years since September 11, 2001 I have had trouble verbalizing my feelings about the loss of my vibrant cousin Michael. There are no words to comprehend or explain exactly its impact on myself and our family. I feel that in his absence I have perhaps come to know him better than when he was here. I always thought I would have more time to spend with Michael in the future – more time to get to know my wonderful cousin. I knew Michael was a very special person, but it was not until he was taken from us that I understood the breadth of his generous heart. Michael was a beautiful, caring, giving individual. Michael – you are forever in my thoughts. I will always strive to mirror the goodness that you epitomized. We all miss you.