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Jason M. Sekzer Date of Birth: June 5, 1970 Position: VP, ITD Trade Support How do you describe perfection? My husband Jason Sekzer, was like the rookie card found in a baseball card deck. He was compassionate, responsible, loyal, tender, and loved life. He was a diamond in the Ruff and a true gentleman. He held the door for a lady, he helped the elderly cross the street and he had the embrace that could soothe a crying baby. Jason was a man of his convictions. He always stood by what he believed in. His integrity and honesty was what he lived by. If you asked him to do something, he would climb Mt. Everest to get it done, without ever complaining. He was truly a noble man. In the 31 years of his life his accomplishments were far and great. Jason began his career with Cantor Fitzgerald in 1996 as a clerk. Within a couple of years he quickly was promoted to VP of Operations. In January of 2001, his hard work and dedication was rewarded by his promotion to Vice President of IT Trade Support. He was traveling down the road of success rapidly but unfortunately, was forced to leap off his path. Jason grew up in Sunnyside, Queens, NY. He was a wonderful and loving son. If his father told him to stay of the street, Jason would stand at the curb and watch his friends play (even when dad was nowhere to be found). Jason was the epitome of a big brother. He and his brother were the loyalist fans of the New York Rangers and New York Yankees. They witnessed the 1994 Rangers Stanley Cup Championship together-and watched many Yankee games, whether it was from the living room sofa or the Yankee bleachers. Many times I asked Jason, “Do we have to watch this game”? He would reply, “Yes, because it makes a difference”…And it always did. Jason was loved dearly by his many circles of friends. He had close relationships to many of his Sunnyside childhood friends as well as friends he made at Camp Sussex Summer Camp, the place where Jason and I fell in love. On September 11th, my life along with our family and friends shattered into little pieces. Our lives will never be whole again. Our priceless treasure has been taken from us. My dearest love, you will always have my heart and soul. We have been robbed of the beautiful future we were supposed to have together. I will treasure the memories you have given me. You will always hold the key to my heart. “In my dreams I’ll always see you soar above the sky, in my heart there’ll always be a place for you for all my life – I’ll keep a part of you with me, and everywhere I am there you’ll be”. All my love, Natasha
We had a precious and perfect jewel. It came wrapped in a beautiful case. On 9/11 someone came along and ripped that jewel and the case from the people who gazed upon it and loved it dearly.
It took time to realize that we will never have that jewel back. Now we are coming to the realization that the true heroes of this city will never find the beautiful case that the jewel came in. We asked God why he had taken the jewel from us and he answered that he needs the jewel at his side to cast the rays of sunshine upon the Earth.
The memories we have of that jewel bring both smiles and tears in remembrance. We all miss it every second of every day.
We love you Jason
Mom & Dad
Jason was one of the nicest guys at Cantor Fitzgerald. When I think of Jason it brings me back to when John and I first started dating. He was the first person I met up at Cantor. He had such a great personality, filled with respect, friendliness, smarts and also humor. He always made me laugh. My condolences go out to the Sekzer family.
Natasha: You are a strong woman whom Jason loved and was so proud of, you brought such happiness to his life. When John and I attended your wedding it showed all over his face. Knowing Jason he would want you and his family to go on and fill your lives with happiness. Natasha know that you always have a friend in me. We share a common bond, that can never be broken. When we feel down we can call one another and brag about our great husbands, who are probably together laughing at us. May Jason R.I.P.
Dear Jason, We cannot find the words to pay you true tribute or describe a loss so great. You were truly a beautiful person. You had the biggest heart of gold. Your love and devotion to your friends and family will always be remembered and most of all the love you had for your wife. You complimented each other so perfectly. You remain forever by Natasha’s side. We were truly blessed by having you in our lives. WE LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU SO VERY VERY MUCH!!
We will remember all the qualities that made Jason the special person he was such as his kindness, his warmth, his tenderness, his charm, his respectfulness, his sensitivity, and his compassion (just to name a few). He was a fallen angel who had to return to a place far greater than this. Our hearts feel what words can not express. Jason was, is, and always will be a blessing from God to all those who were privileged to know him. To Natasha, we are thankful for the days spent with you and Jason during camp years, as well as the days that followed. Jason was a part of all the momentous events of our lives, and will be there, through you, for all the ones to come. Jason adored the ground you walked on. His love for you was spiritual – something that always surrounded you even when he wasn’t around – and always will. During times of loss, some people say you need to let go. On the contrary, we believe you need to allow yourself to hold on with both hands. Hold on to his strength, to the memories he has given you, and to the dreams Jason still wants you to fulfill in life. He will always be your “footprints in the sand” when you need him to be. To Jason, we will NEVER forget you and miss you always. May you rest in peace.
On Sept. 11 my life changed forever. On Sept 14 I did something about it, I went to Ground Zero to help look for survivors. After being there for a few hours and digging I came upon the remnants of a desk. I looked and found a business card and put it in my pocket, and kept digging. As you already know we never found anyone that day. I have kept that card and look at it every day, I never met Mr. Sekzer but I feel I now know him through your tribute on this page. I am so sorry for your loss and may God bless you all.
To our dearest friend Jason, whom we miss so much,
Not a day goes by in our lives that we don’t think about you. Memories are everywhere. We look our children in the eyes and wonder how all our lives will be affected without you. You did so much for all of us, and treated our children like your own. Jason, you were a wonderful part of our lives, and will never be replaced by anyone. We had great times together and we will treasure the memories which are deep within our hearts. I (Loren) went to the beach in Southold last week and wondered how we would make it through the summer without you. I looked in the water and there I saw you playing with the children, which is something you did every time you were with them. Nicole just had to say, “Jason”, and you jumped. Natasha, we all love you very much, and you will always be a part of our family forever. Jason, we love you, we miss you, and you will always be in our hearts forever.
Jason never seemed to need to be the center of attention … but once he was … he could hold a room full of people with a great story or joke. Jason was always such a powerful presence, especially with Natasha by his side. You were such a beautiful couple and when I think of one of you, the other one is right there in my memory. There are very few couples I know who complimented each other as well as you. Jason, if there is a better place than here with your loved ones, I know you’re there … telling a great joke.
Natasha, how lucky you are to have had Jason in your life, though for not as long as you should have. I love you very much and am here for you always.
“Perhaps this final act was meant
To clinch a lifetime’s argument
That nothing comes from violence and nothing ever could
For all those born beneath an angry star
Lest we forget how fragile we are …”
I remember the day I met you as if it was yesterday. Keith and Ari brought me your resume and told me this guy is special.
You were working at the Garden and wanted to work on Wall Street and have a career. Both John Gnazzo and I interviewed you and we quickly realized that you would be a great addition to Cantor.
You started as a clerk in equities clearance and in very short order ran the department. I was very proud of your accomplishments and I was equally proud that John and I brought you into Cantor.
Jason – everything you accomplished at Cantor you earned with hard work and attention to details. You and the rest of the gang are very missed.
Rest in peace.
Dear Jason,
It has been seven months, three weeks and three days. There is not a single day that passes that I don’t think about you. I was going to write about what a great person you were and tell a story, but I realize that anyone who looks at these tributes already knows what a special person you were. So what I want to say is, Thank you. Thank you for all the laughs, the great times we shared and for all the great jokes you told (with such gusto). And especially for always greeting me with a hug and a kiss and always parting with a hug and a kiss. Farewell, my friend. You will forever be in my heart.
Jason epitomized all that a leader should be. We were counterparts for the Equities and Fixed Income Divisions. In one end of the cage my team would be yelling and screaming, and on his end, nothing but quiet efficient work getting done. He led by example and to know him was to really like him. It was great to see one of the cage guys get his deserved rewards on the desk. Jason, thanks for showing me how to get it done. My prayers to your wife and family.
I met Jason 10 years ago. My college roommate Danny was one of Jason’s best friends. They worked together at Camp Sussex and I used to visit them many times during the summer. When Jason would come to Rhode Island for a visit we always had a great time. He was a great person to be around. From the first time I met Jason he treated me like we had been friends forever. I remember Jason as a man with determination and character.
Jason, it was a privilege to have known you. May we see each other again someday my friend.
Bill Palmeri
Dearest Jason:
Our friendship began when we were barely teenagers, still wearing camp clothes, but even at that young age I was able to recognize the qualities of a true friend. A friend that would share in all of life’s special moments. I knew that a young man, who would let a girl beat him in a tennis match in front of all his peers, was one worth befriending. As the years passed, we remained friends and you continued to stand out in a crowd, never afraid to voice your opinion and fight for your beliefs. I feel honored to know you and call you my friend. I will always treasure the memories that we shared together. I miss you!
“Love is light from heaven; A spark of that immortal fire.” Lord Byron
Dearest Natasha:
I admire your strength and courage that has enabled you to continue living life. I know that a man of Jason’s stature could never be forgotten. His memory will live in your heart and in the hearts of all that loved him. I will remain by your side, as a friend and support, always. I love you very much.
“Whoever lives true life, will love true love.”
Elizabeth Barret Browning.
With love and respect,
A caring heart
A beautiful spirit
These are the memories
That will last forever.
The Savodnik Family
I am so grateful that I got the chance to meet you. You always looked after me at camp and made me feel welcomed when I was around you. You have touched my life in a way that I could never repay you. I never had a chance to say it but, THANK YOU!! You will never be forgotten. You will always be in our hearts and prayers!!
Dear Jason,
Tonight was the Camp fundraiser in memory of you and I couldn’t think of anything else to do when I got home but to write something to you about it. There were so many people there in your honor … it’s a testament to how much you are loved. I just started working for a new company and the view from the cafeteria is of downtown — it would have been a perfect view.
My memories of you are with me every day, especially at lunchtime, sitting by the window … Your face is etched into my mind and your voice will never be forgotten. You’ve touched my life in so many ways … You are always missed and whenever I see Natasha and your family, and know that they are thinking of you, my heart breaks a little more.
With love, Shelly
When I heard the news about your passing September I felt so sad. I thought how I had first met you at Camp Sussex and in fact been your first group leader. Now I think back to your wonderful smile and sweet personality. I remember the last time I saw you was at Almuni-Visitors Day last July at Sussex. I feel blessed and honored to have watched you grow up into such a mensch. I feel lucky to have known you and remember fondly our last hug from then.We all love and miss you Jason. Our prayers and thought are with your parents,wife and brother. Love, Mark Marvin and family.
I remember about four years ago, I was working for the Davidsohn Group and Cantor was my customer. We had just turned on a new system for them and I had the pleasure of working side by side with Jason for several months. He was one of the smartest, genuine people that I had ever met. We worked closely together for many years. He really knew his stuff and it showed in his work. I remember the time we were in the sky box and they had installed those screens and nobody could figure out how to work them. At the time it was his brothers job to teach the sky box members. So at a Ranger Game he had his brother come up and show us. That was the kind of person he was.
Jason I miss you and all the others that were lost.
Your friend Mike Bivona
Dear Jason,
August 3rd was Alumni day at camp, and everyone felt the same way, that something great was missing. I guess I never realized how much your smile and great hugs were a part of the day that I cherished. Alumni day always means so much to me because I feel like I can reconnect with good friends who are not a part of my everyday busy, hectic life. You were one of those people. We were not a part of each others daily routine, however, make no mistake, you were a very big part of my life. Some of my BEST memories include you. Thank you.
You would have been so proud of your wife who read a beautiful poem in your honor. Natasha, you are so brave and I hope you know that you are in my thoughts EVERY day.
To Jasons parents: being the mother of two boys myself, I cannot imagine the pain that you are suffering. But I can tell you one thing,I hope that my boys grow up to be the kind of man that your son was. I have so many memories growing up with Jason and they are all memories that are filled with laughter, joy, and kindness.
I know that there is not much any of us can do to bring you true peace. However, I hope it brings you a small measure of happiness that Jason’s life touched so many people. I will always be grateful that I was one of the lucky people who was able to share a part of my life with Jason.
“To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligient people and the affection of children; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others, to leave the world a bit better whether by a happy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. “This is to have succeeded.”
Dear Natasha & the Families of Jason & Natasha,
As you suggested on Alumni day, I’ve come to this website to read the tributes to Jason written by so many warm and wonderful people.
Jason and I were camp friends and although we didn’t see each other more than twice or 3 times a year, seeing you both was always somthing to cherish.
Natasha, the poem you read was gorgeous and will stay with me forever. You and both of your families have had to go through so much and I wish and hope that as things become more managable for you, that the many many happy memories will stay with you forever.
Camp has always been a family and it’s great being part of that family with you.
Glenn Last
Jason was a great guy. For the time we spent at Camp Sussex, he has always been so kind and smiled. Natasha, I feel for you. He loved you so very much. You two were meant to be.
When my brother Mike told me over the phone about Jason’s passing, I collapsed to the floor. I couldn’t believe it. I lost my breath.
Natasha, that poem you read at alumni day was beautiful. I’m too emotional. I had to run and cry. He will always be in our hearts.
Love to you and your family.
Stay strong…. Barbara & Allen Katz
It’s almost a year, and I am lost without you. I still remember the morning of that horrible day how you left the house and came back to give me a second kiss…like you knew something I didn’t. There is not a waking or sleeping moment that I don’t think about you. I miss you so much, and I can’t bear the fact that it’s going to be year since I last felt your lips on mine and seen your beautiful face. Every day is dedicated to you. Your love is what keeps me going every day, and honey you would be very proud of me. Until we meet again…
Natasha, we haven’t known each other long but we agree that we bonded quickly and feel we’re very close friends. I want you to know I hold you close to my heart and feel so very deeply for you. The way you carried yourself here at Lehman was admirable, so strong, I didn’t know anything was missing in your life at all. I couldn’t believe it when you told me of your incredible loss. As we got to know each other, the things you would say about Jason made me see he was very special. You truly are a person who is deserving of having had such a unique, wonderful human being in your life, if for a short time. I can only imagine the kind of person he was: bright, funny, affectionate, emotional, just like you. It’s clear you complemented each other in other ways, too. Jason will be with you every day, Natasha. Know that wherever he is, he loves you, wants the best for you as he always did. It’s not as powerful to say that true love never dies but rather to know that true love always lives, strong and wonderful, in our hearts.
May peace be with Jason and I’m here for you, Natasha. Jason is smiling down at you right now, loving you every minute just like he did while he was here. He’s your own angel. Knowing that should help you through every moment you’re missing him. Jason is so proud of you, watching you move forward through each day like the toughest but sweetest soldier; we’re all proud of your efforts. This I can say on behalf of all who know you. God bless you, Natasha. Jason, may you rest in peace.
I finnaly get it – crd + deb
you were the best dude
i will always remember you
Dear Jason,
From the moment of your birth, you brought joy and unimaginable happiness to our family. You were the same throughout your short-lived life, sharing so much of yourself with your family and friends.
September 11th has jolted so many people to realize that every day is a precious gift that we should cherish.
Thank you for giving us 31 cherished years of yourself and so many precious memories. You are in my thoughts every single day of my life…
I miss you! Till we meet again,
Love, Aunt Maureen
Dearest Jason,
From the moment of your birth, you brought unimaginable joy to our family. You were the same throughout your short lived life, sharing so much of yourself with family and friends.
September 11th has jolted so many of us to realize that every day is a precious gift that we must cherish.
Thank you for giving us 31 cherished years of yourself and so many precious memories.
You are in my thoughts every single day of my life and always will be.
I miss you…till we meet again,
Aunt Maureen
I had the privilege of working with Jason during the year I worked for Cantor, and unlike some co-workers, Jason always made the time to explain something to me whenever I didn’t understand it. He had a way of putting you at ease and was alway’s approachable. After I left Cantor we bumped into each other during the summer of 2001 on Queens blvd, and rather than simple hi’s & bye’s we stopped & chatted for about 10 minutes.
He was a very good person and my heart continues to go out to all his loved ones.
Thank you Jason,
Jason was a truly nice guy. You are missed.
Wilton,Evelyn,Natasha and family,
Jason was a wonderful man,son,brother,grandson,and husband who simply went to work on an ordinary morning and didn’t come home. My children, Kim and Paul Jr. remember all the great times @ Kay’s house whether it was @ John’s, on the boat or @ the pool ! Kay was so proud of Jason! He will hold a cherished place in our hearts and in the history of our Nation. Honor his sacrifice and memory by pursuing peace and justice in the world and security @ home!