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James J Straine Jr Date of Birth: February 5, 1965 Department: Fixed Income Sales (Repo Desk When we were kids our family would rent a shore house each summer in Long Beach Island. I remember walking up to the beach with Jimmy when the lifeguards left after 5pm. He with his Mark Richards surfboard under his arm and me thinking he was without a doubt the coolest guy in the world. He would let me tag along and I would watch him surf. My big brother. As time passed and we grew older Jimmy solidified his place in my mind as “the coolest guy in the world”. We developed a wonderful friendship. We would talk about how this year was going to be ECU’s year or the Mets year or even the Nets year. If you gave Jimmy 15 minutes he would convince you that ECU had a legitimate shot at the National Championship. When Erin, my wife and fellow ECU alum, would tell Jimmy about her work as an athletic trainer with the ECU football team, he would get so excited hearing the “inside scoop” about his Pirates. Jimmy had a short but wonderful life. He loved and was loved by his brothers and sister and had the greatest parents anyone could ever ask for. He found true love with Trish and true joy with Finn and Charlie. But it still is not fair that you were taken from us. I love you, Jimmy. You will be in our hearts, minds, and constant thoughts forever. We will all take care of Trish, Finn and Charlie.
Jimmy was a Hoboken friend before he joined the desk and Andy was thrilled to work with him. They had so many laughs together and I heard so many Mook and Trish stories that I didn’t even need to talk to Trish to find out what was new. With the birth of Finn, the guys discussed parenting styles, always with Paul chiming in with the hard line approach! Jimmy was a great father, and we will all tell Finn and Charlie how much he loved them. What a great loss our children have suffered. We are all family now, Trish, and it would make the guys happy to know that our kids will grow up together.
Jimmy is the oldest of my four brothers, he was our voice of reason, now he is our Guardian Angel. Jimmy told stories to my daughter Quinn and his son Finn that would captivate them. He loved my son Ryan’s red hair. Our baby, Patrick James (dob 12/18/01) has a dimple that the nurse told us meant he was “kissed by an angel”. My husband loved when Jimmy called him “BernDog”. Jimmy and I danced at my wedding to “These are the Days, You’ll Remember”. Although he hated to shop, he took me shopping for a prom dress. Trish is one of my very best friends and Charlie and Finn are the most beautiful boys because of their parents. Our family misses him more than words can ever describe. I wish I said it more, I love you Jimmy.
I have know Jimmy for 17 years. We graduated from college and moved to Hoboken. We rented beach houses together. Jimmy was one of the smartest people I have ever known. He was a closet-intellectual who was not satisfied unless he had a nonfiction book nearby. His mind was broadband in an analog world. Jimmy also had street smarts and I always admired his combination of common sense and intellectual capacity. He was also a Voice of Reason within a group of guys who often lost their reasoning before kick-off and their voices by the end of the night. Jimmy and I played golf together during the last 10 years. He and I were always teammates, always. It was always Jimmy and I versus Mike and either Greg, Hop, Chuck, Tommy, Pash bros., Sam, etc. It did not matter with whom we were playing. It could have been Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson — Mookie would still say, “Dino, let’s take these guys on and win some money.”
I am glad to have known Jimmy through my husband’s relationship with him. Jimmy, his wife Trish, John, and I have spent several wonderful times (dinners, parties, birthdays, vacation trips) together and know we will continue to share these with Trish, Finn, Charlie, and our boys.
I knew Jimmy many years ago back at East Carolina University. We had so much fun our freshman year in Jones Hall. I remember Jimmy loved that movie “Night Shift” and knew all the funny lines. I can still picture him in his toga. He was really funny and always had me laughing, yet he had a very sweet side too. I was so sad to hear he was at the Trade Center.
My heart goes out to your family and all who were close to you Jimmy, may you rest in peace.
The first time I met Jimmy Straine was back in 1991 or 1992 when my sister, Megan, began dating John Modin, one of Jimmy’s best friends. I remember being so happy for my sister because she was dating a great guy who had this group of friends who were second to none. One memory I have was of a day when Meegie & I drove over to say hello to John Modin at his summer house that he was sharing with Jimmy & friends in Manasquan on Brielle Road. On our way into the house, we looked over and saw Jimmy standing on the side of the road with a pile of golf balls that he was hitting into the marsh of the Glimmerglass! There was Jimmy, in the middle of the afternoon, perfectly content to hit his golf balls while people were passing on their way to & from the beach & Happy Hours. Jimmy seems to have passed on his love for golf to his son Finn because this past summer I witnessed Finn (3) swinging a full-strength 8-iron in my parents’ backyard!
I consider myself truly fortunate to have become part of Jimmy & Trish’s & my sister & John’s truly awesome group of friends. Jimmy & Trish & their family & friends will always, always be in mine & my family’s prayers
I was fortunate to sit behind Jimmy on the sec. lending desk at Cantor. Jimmy was a great guy and it was quite clear that there was a special bond among all the guys on the repo desk. I was fortunate to work with his brother Mike at one of my previous employers and it was quite clear that the Straines had done a great job in raising their children. Jimmy would sneak peaks at the East Carolina website during the day to keep informed of the latest happenings at his beloved University. He was clearly in love with Trish and excited about the move into his new home. He took great pride in being a father and husband. Trish, please know that you are not alone in your grief.
Friendly, sweet, funny are just some of the words that come to mind when I think about Jim. Turtle and I used to run into him around Hoboken all the time. There were many days that the three of us would meet and take the PATH home. He was always smiling. He will be missed by many. But, I take some comfort knowing that Turtle and Jimmy are together with the rest of the guys. Trish, Finn, and Charlie will continue to be in my thoughts.
Jimmy was the brother we always wanted, and especially the son that my dad never had. I met Jimmy when I was 16, so I feel like I spent a lot of time “growing up” with him. We were so excited when Jim & Trish got marrried. Jimmy set a great standard for the men that my sister, Coleen, and I would marry.
I can remember days on the beach when my sisters and I would open a “People” magazine and chat about the celebrities as if we knew them. Jimmy would be sitting in his beach chair and just laugh at us – waiting for the days when Coleen and I would get married and Jimmy wouldn’t be the only man tortured with our gossip.
Jim always included me in events with his friends. Considering the 9 year age difference, that was very generous of him. I learned even more about Jim just by hanging out with his pals.
My friends who lived in Hoboken when Jim and Trish lived there would always call me and say “Hey, I just saw Jimmy with Finn – I think they were watching cars go over the speeds bumps at Kings!” or “I just saw Jim & Finn over at the Fire house again”. My husband George always said that he hopes to be as devoted a father as Jim was. Now it’s up to us to let Finn and Charlie know what a remarkable man their father was.
We are all better people for knowing him. God bless you Jimmy. We love you and we miss you every day.
February 5, 2002 – Today is Jimmy’s birthday (37). I remember when he was born. It was the biggest event in the Fineran family! Jimmy was the first grandchild and my parents and all of us were overjoyed. I have tons of Super8 home movies of him and Mike growing up and hardly any of my own kids. He gave me the name “Aunt Ka”.
He was a terrific kid from a terrific family who grew up with great friends and married a wonderful girl from a wonderful family. He has two beautiful children. Aren’t we all blessed by these memories and don’t we all miss him terribly?
Happy Birthday Jimmy
Aunt Ka
Happy birthday, Jimmy. We’re all thinking of you.
I’ve got a long letter written to you honey, but just can’t seem to articulate everything I want to. I wish I could add colors, music, textures, temperatures to truly capture how you enriched my life and the lives of others.
But I can’t let the day go by without wishing you a happy birthday and to thank God that you were in my life. I am forever blessed to have been your wife and the mother of your children. I can see you now with your ever present smile looking down on us.
I love you CP and miss you more and more each day. Thanks for sending the balloon back to Finn.
We always knew that Jimmy was “the one” for Trish, and we could not have been any happier. He was funny, sweet, sincere and so great to Trish. I can remember many fun evenings spent with Trish, Jimmy and their friends in both Hoboken and at the beach, and I was always made to feel like part of the group. When my husband and Jimmy met, they hit it off instantly and I knew that there would be a lot of wonderful times ahead.
With the birth of Finn came a new dimension to Jimmy as a person. He was now a father, and I don’t think anyone has ever been so proud. Just the other day, I thought about a morning last summer that was cold, overcast and damp. We were at my parents house and Jimmy was taking Finn and Taylor outside for an adventure. With his morning coffee in hand, and the kids by his side,he was having a ball. They all had sticks for poking and were looking for treasures under bushes, behind trees, anywhere the kids wanted to search. I finally thought that I should relieve Jimmy and asked him if he wanted to come inside. He shook his head no, and smiling he said, “Col, this is great out here.” And he meant it.
Jimmy, I feel so lucky to have had you as part of my family and not a day goes by that I don’t think about how much we all love you and miss you. You were not only my brother-in-law, but also my friend, and I will always be there for Trish, Finn and Charlie.
Jimmy Straine was more than a husband, a father, a brother, a son, a
friend; he was genuinely one of the greatest people I’ve ever met. He was truly a jack of all trades, and had more interests than anyone I know. Jimmy is my big brother, and he will always be my big brother. I continue to talk to him daily, and will never forget the example he set for me and for everyone he met. It is still very hard to accept that Jimmy is no longer with us, but we will remember him always and continue to look to him for guidance. Our brother Daniel wrote a poem in memorial to Jimmy. I think that it quite eloquently expresses our feelings:
When I look up into the sky I see the stars shine high above and glow so bright,
They shimmer in moonlight twilight and speak so sincerely with little sound
Sparkling like early water on grass they tell me a story that explains history.
So old and so strong, so bold and so long. I wonder if they have always been.
Like a brother or sister that is always there. Always by your side. If you could dream.
A dream as this, that is true. One that does not falter, stumble or fade away.
It is simply there by your side, forever more, to be, and always be.
If one of them stood out and sparkled extra bright, would it be saying something?
Would it say, this is the way? You wonder these type of things as you look high to the sky.
Shimmering in moonlight twilight is the guiding light. Providing a light in which to see.
To embrace, to love and to behold. May it be this light. That never lets us down.
Let it be the history, that never goes evil, that never stops, that will always be there.
Let it be your light. Your inspiration. Your life. If nothing else, your soul.
Let it be Jimmy Straine. Let it be his loving wife and beautiful children.
His brothers and sister. His Mom and Dad. His relatives. His life.
Jimmy’s family
Do Not Stand At My Grave And Weep. I did not die.
(I’m not there I did not die)
Do not stand at my grave and weep
I’m not there. I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awaken in the morning’s hush
I am the swift uplifting rush.
Of guiet birds in the circled flight.
I am the oft stars that shine at night.
Do Not stand at my grave and cry;
I am not there. I did not die.
God Bless. Stay Strong.
What I liked the most about Jimmy and what drove me the most crazy was that he would never say a bad word about anyone! Believe me when I say that I tried my best to break him but to no avail. I had the pleasure of seeing Jimmy at Cantor (usually we ran into each other in the kitchen) or at the parties thrown by Meghan Driscoll. I remember a man who was down to earth, kind, and funny. He was the kind of person that put a smile on your face just to see him. It was a privilege to know him.
Jimmy was my oldest cousin and he was 8 years older than me. I always looked up to Jimmy and Mike like the oldest and coolest cousins that I wanted to be more like. I would tell my buddies about Mookie and Fridge and their crazy stories at ECU all the time.
One summer, around 1984, our families all rented out one house in Surf City, LBI together for a few weeks. I thought it was great because I got to hang out and tag along with Jimmy, Mike and all of their buddies. I will never forget the wiffle ball games that we got going each night, Jimmy was the wiffle ball king. I remember trying to learn how to surf and read the waves like him.
Jimmy always had a good story, a good joke, or great advice for me. I always looked up to him and I miss him more than I can say. He was my oldest cousin but more like an older brother. He led by example and he loved loved Trish, Finn and Charlie more than anything. I will never forget his smile and all of the great times.
Jimmy, you were the best cousin in the world and you and your family are always in my thoughts and prayers.
Jimmy Straine was the love of my life, my best friend and devoted father, son, brother, uncle, nephew and true friend.
Never before have I experienced a love as great as what Jimmy and I had. Jimmy gave me wonderful gifts – friendship, love, patience, understanding, but most of all he gave me the privilege of being his wife and the mother of his children. I’ll never forget the first night I met him and noticing his big, blue eyes and long eyelashes and shy, sweet smile. He told me that night he was going to marry me and we’d have 10 girls that looked just like me, but I struck gold that night and now have two beautiful boys that who are just like their daddy. Finn and Charlie are so blessed to be the sons of such an amazing man – a true hero and patriot.
When I think of Jimmy, many images come to mind, but the one that stands out the most is of him walking home from work, book in hand and smiling as he saw Finn and I waiting for him on the corner. We loved to meet him and continue that walk – up to King’s, or down to the pier, or around the block to chat with the neighbors. Jimmy loved to talk — to anyone and everyone. When we first met, I would love to bring him to parties because I never had to worry about him – he always left a party with 20 new friends. He was the most interesting and well-read man I have ever met and he would crawl the walls if he didn’t have a book to read.
Jimmy had so many interests – golf, fishing, Pirates football, pickup basketball games, Civil War, Ernest Hemingway, and a little known talent -lassoing lizards. He taught me how to chip & putt, how to spot an osprey resting atop a telephone pole, how to look up and appreciate the stars in the sky.
Some favorite images that come to mind: eating Triple Delight with Tabasco all over it, riding his bike to my apartment every night to hang out, listing to an old REM song, flying a kite at the pier with Finn and checking out the catch of the day, grilling his rib-eye in the rain as he popped open another Corona, digging into his Chunky Monkey while watching Hannity & Colmes, relaxing on the beach (any beach!) while listening to the FAN, coming home soaking wet after a great game of basketball, planning the next Carolinas trip, rubbing my back and talking to my belly, rocking and kissing our baby boys, waking up at 5AM to get a tee time, teaching Finn how to swing a golf club, catching Finn as he jumped into the pool, crying when I told him I was pregnant with Charlie.
I will miss his wonderful laugh, my goodbye kiss in the morning, finding empty coffee cups all over the car, watching him get dressed in the dark closet so he wouldn’t wake me up, lottery tickets on the nightstand (the eternal optimist),the soft hair on his arms, his beautiful spirit.
If you knew Jimmy you know you’ve been blessed by this angel. I love you CP.
I was lucky enough to meet Jimmy when we were students at East Carolina University. We had such a great time hanging out together in school, especially our last year, seemingly inseparable on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. Our friendship grew stronger over the years, bonded by REM, rounds of golf, happy hours, Pirate Football, road trips, and Hoboken. Jimmy had a special way of making you feel so great about yourself, like you’re the funniest guy in the world, best story-teller ever, or the best athlete on the field. He had a smooth golf swing, speed on the bases, and great instincts on the court. He was smart, interesting, curious, confident, modest, successful, caring, genuine, and handsome. He was the best friend of so many. I am so proud of Jimmy, such a caring and loving husband, father, brother, son, and dear friend. I still talk to Jimmy, in my own way, looking up as he smiles down.
Jimmy worked with my husband John. Jimmy was a really great guy. Whenever I called it was usually Jimmy who answered the phone. He would always ask about my kids and tell me some funny adventure that Finn got himself into. I would talk to him for awhile and then he would put John on. Invariably, my phone calls would last longer with Jimmy than with John. I really miss those phone conversations.
God bless you Trish, Finn and Charlie. You guys are always in my thoughts and prayers.
Love, Nancy
Jimmy (Mookie), just thinking about you brings a smile to our faces. How fortunate we were to have known you. Two crazy girls (as you called us) met the sweetest guy in Hoboken – how were we so lucky? It seems like just yesterday that all of us (you, Fridge, Jimmy Dugan (Dugar), Whaley, Tom Levine, etc…) were hanging out without a care in the world outside of O’Neals. We remember how much you liked our cat Calvin (or pretended to) and the Calvin & Hobbes pictures we made for you. Summers at the shore bring even more memories You, the guy who refused to lay on a towel on the beach. Instead, making yourself a “sand pillow” and getting sand in your ears, all the while, rolling your eyes at all our silly “girl talk.”
We don’t even know her, but, Trish seems like an amazing woman, not to mention beautiful —– we would have expected no less from you. I’m sure with the help of family and the many, many friends you have, that Trish will be able to tell Finn & Charlie what a great guy their Daddy was. We are so sorry this happened and our thoughts and prayers are with your family.
Helen & Heather
To one of the most loving, caring, sweet and generous dads around, Happy Father’s Day Jimmy. The boys and I are so proud to call you dad and the world is a better place because you were a part of it. Your spirit and love will live on in your two beautiful boys, Finn and Charlie (who looks more and more like his dad everyday!).
All my love,
I have never had the honor of meeting Jimmy but feel as though I know him. My fiancee, Jeff Miller, worked with Jimmy a few years back at Cantor and lived in Hoboken. When I met Jeff, he was still at Cantor and would always talk about the guys he worked with. He would often tell me about Jimmy and Trish. Jeff thinks the world of you guys and has fond memories of the times he would sometimes go to your apartment to visit. He always said how fun it was to be around you two and admired your relationship. Jeff knew how excited Jimmy was to be a dad again and how much he loved Trish. Your love for each other is so apparent to others, even to me whom never got to meet Jimmy and only briefly met Trish once. Trish, Finn, and Charlie, there is nothing I can say to ease these horrible times for you, except that I, as a stranger, know how much your dad cared and loved you all. Jeff said he would constantly smile at the mention of your names and when Charlie was born, he could hear Jimmy’s smile over the phone. Please know you and your families are in my thoughts.
I married in to this group of Jimmy’s friend, so to speak. I went on many adventures with Jimmy and Trish. Any new wedding or reunion get togthers we would always share a room with them. I say this without hesitation that I feel so blessed that I was able to experience Jimmy Straine! And to know Jimmy I believe it was an experience. He seemed to take life and give it back to you so that it was so much brighter and calmer. He was one of the few people I knew who truly understood life. It was simple to him and always an adventure. He not only left me with a sense of appreciation but also watching him love his wife was also an enormous appreciation. I feel lucky to say I witnessed it. We will always think of Jimmy and miss Jimmy for the rest of our lives, but how so completely nice that when we do it will always be with a big smile. I believe that it is gift that not everyone can give or receive. Thank you Jimmy for showing me many wonderful things. You are truly missed!
It is 9-11-02 and not one day has gone by that I haven’t thought of Jimmy and his family. In high school, Jimmy was a friend to everyone and not just one “click” ! He always made me feel welcome in any group. I hurt for his parents and brothers and for his wife and children. I held my breath waiting for his name to be called in the memorial just hoping this was all just a nightmare but..He is in my heart forever.
Tonight I sit scrolling through these tributes and loving words for you Jimmy and all I can do is cry and think how unfair life can be. I remember old times with you and the gang and of course Mike (you always included your little bro)!Slinging subs with Mike was fun and hearing his version of “Jimmy” stories were hysterical. For everyone who’s hurting from your loss, hang on to those “Jimmy” stories!!!!! To Jimmy’s parents, brothers and sister..To Trish and the boys..though I do not know all of you, I pray each day gets a little easier to cope. To Mike, Thanks for the stories.
It’s almost Christmas Jimmy and I keep thinking about you. Our family has had many great holidays together and I have a lot of wonderful memories of those days. My only wish this year is that we all can regain the love and peace and happiness that used to be taken for granted.
Aunt Ka
Jimmy has been on my mind a lot this summer… Many of the good times my husband Shawn and I spent with Jimmy were during the summer months whether at the beach with Trish and other good friends, or out at Captain Famas house with Sharon and Dan and all the kids! I think of him on nice warm sunny days when I am by the water- he was like a breath of fresh air that has touched my life. Last Monday (June 30th, 2003) was the annual golf outing held in Jimmy’s honor… it was bittersweet to be there and to see him on video.. it was wonderful to see his face again.. makes me realize how important it is to continue to celebrate his beautiful life all the wonderful memories and good times many of us we blessed to share with him.
Final Score from 9/20:
Wake Forest 34
East Carolina 16
You owe me a beer!
Jimmy, this time of year will always remind me of you. I used to love how when you and Trish pulled up to our house you’d step out of the car and say, “Smell that salt air!” You were such a boy of summer. You added so much to our lives with your cheerful optomism and love of the simple things. I miss you so much.
Love, Catherine
Kevin and Erin Straine and the Straine family welcome with love, their new son, Jimmy’s newest nephew:
Hugh James Straine
April 26, 2004
I’m a friend of Katy’s. I know you hear our conversations about you and listen to all the wonderful things Katy has to say about you. She loves you so much and misses you every day. She has such admiration for you and she’s so proud to call you her big brother. I know you are taking care of our Mikey. I’m sure you are one of his favorite people.
God bless your family,
Sherry Katy’s Friend
I’m a friend of Katy’s. I know you hear our conversations about you and listen to all the wonderful things Katy has to say about you. She loves you so much and misses you every day. She has such admiration for you and she’s so proud to call you her big brother. I know you are taking care of our Mikey. I’m sure you are one of his favorite people.
God bless your family,
Sherry Katy’s Friend
Hi CP –
I remember telling Catherine on September 10th of 2001 that I was never happier. Our lives were perfect Jimmy, weren’t they? I don’t remember having any worries at all, thanks to you. You, Finn and I had just moved to our dream home near the beach, we just had Charlie 5 days earlier and our families and friends lived close by. What more could we ask for? Thank you for giving me so many blessings. I love you.
I just want you to know that my heart goes out to you and your children over your terrible loss. I want you to know that reading your tributes have helped me in my life a great deal. My husband and I have been married 17 years, with three kids and are on the very brink of divorce. Reading about all of the love you had for your husband and the things that you miss about him has helped me to realize that nothing, nor anyone, is perfect and that love can overcome anything if you let it. I will try to appreciate my husband more and I realize that even though I may see things differently, he really does love me and wants only whats best. Your tributes have helped to change my attitude about a lot of things and for that I am grateful. Good luck in your life and I hope that someday when your time on earth is done that you will reunite with your precious love in heaven. God bless you and the kids.
Please send me down some strength. We really need it down here.
I love and miss you every single day.
Jimmy was one of the first people I met at ECU in 1983. Jimmy,his brother Mike and I remained good friends throughout our time in college. To this day Jimmy has been one of the most influential people on the way I have lived my life. He was one of the greatest people I have ever met.
Thanks Jimmy.
In a few days it will be YOUR day Jimmy. The annual golf outing that so many people enjoy to go to because for that one day we can all be closer to you. This year 2009, I wasnt going to make it because I had to catch up on work hours and school hours and blah blah blah. How dare I! So I will be at your dinner and spend some time with so many who like myself will put all the *&%$#^ behind us and focus on what is really important and remember our blessings. Thanks for making me see straight Jimmy. I love and miss you.
9/11/09- Jimmy- just saw your beautiful face flash across my tv screen…. Shawn and I think of you often and we will always cherish great memories of you close to our hearts… xoxo Cheryl