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Kristine Swearson Date of Birth: September 4, 1967 Department: Marketing Position: Web Content Manager Kristine Swearson (my younger daughter) was born Sept. 4, 1967. The event of Sept. 11 occurred one week to the day after her 34th birthday. Kris was a web designer at eSpeed, and had worked for Merrill Lynch before that. She was wonderful. “Goodnight, sweet Princess. May bands of Angels sing thee to thy rest.” Daddy Please visit the tribute page that her family has lovingly set up for her at http://www.swearson.com.
I really wish that I could be saying all this to your during one of our many office “sessions”, but since I can’t, this’ll have to do.
I am so sorry that I forgot your birthday this year. I know that you forgave me way before now, but I needed to say it anyway.
I miss our talks about everything. The advice you gave me was priceless and I carry it with me. Our Mr. Toasty timeouts, pouring through your Manolo Blahnik coffee table book, your “performances” with the strange mime man in the lobby, Tess Wildheart, getting jealous over Todd’s latest floral masterpiece, crazy Phoenix playing “jump and bite” on my leg in your apartment, enjoying a little too much at our nights out…I miss it all and I wish you were here with me creating even more memories.
You’re a great role model, Kristine, and I hope I can ever be even half the person you are. I know that someday I will have the joy of your company yet again and I truly look forward to that. But, until then, I will treat people with even more kindness and respect, laugh a little bit louder and harder, try my best to be a little more adventurous, and simply live every moment of my life to the fullest – as I know you would want me to.
I’ll love you and miss you always.
“It’s tea time…”
I worked with Kristine on several diffrent projects in the Marketing Dept. If I had to say only one thing about Kristine it would be that Kristine was a good listener. Kristine would ask me many questions reguarding our technical infrastructure, and whenever I answered her or we had a conversation about something, I felt that I had her undivided attention. At first I thought it was just because she was new, but as time went on, I came to find that’s the way she was. She always listened intently, whether I was talking about servers and connections, or my daughter, whom she would always ask about. Kristine always had a smile and I felt bad for her when she was sitting in the lone office on 105 with no windows. It wasn’t long before she moved into another office with a view of Staten Island and NJ. Sometimes I would stop up and we would look out her window and ponder the day. Even when the weather was bad it was still a great view.
I liked Kristine and she will be missed.
Kris. Thank you for your friendship. Thank you for teaching me about grace, honesty, humility, and humour. Thanks for being the person at Cantor I could always rely on to give me a straight answer, and keeping my feet firmly on the ground. You were an amazing person to work with, and I feel honoured that you grew to call me your friend. I will never forget our trip to North Dakota to the rodeo, and your ability to find truth and happiness in the smallest things. You have taught me a lot – you have taught me to always follow your dreams, and make sure you are happy doing what you’re doing every moment. I’m home in New Zealand now, and I feel like you are here with me, in spirit. Whenever I have a French Martini again, and when my dreams eventually come true, I will celebrate with you.
I miss you.
Kristine was a great friend, coworker and mentor. I spent many hours in Kristine’s office, both of us complaining, laughing, trading advice, and still finding a way to get some great work done. There is a lot I will remember about Kristine, our intense games of tic-tac-toe, her love of pranks, and how she liked nothing better than talking about her travels, her boyfriend, and her family.
Kristine taught me so much about work and life. Her drive to be happy was immeasurable and perhaps that is the best lesson we can all learn from her. In the last few months I have often thought about what type of advice Kristine would have for me now. And the more I think about it, I heard her say it many times before “Do what you feel like doing, as long as it makes you happy.”
I miss her a lot, and I will think about her every time I plan a trip to some far off place.
Dear Sister of mine, and friend to many that loved you dearly……
I don’t think I ever got the chance to tell you how proud I am of you. For that I’m sorry. I have learned so much more about you over these last few months.
I got to meet some of your dearest friends and listen to some of their wonderful stories about you. I am thankful for that & for them. I will never forget our precious moments together like rollerskating in the garage to the “Grease” soundtrack and building forts in the living room and watching “Love Boat”, or pulling you around in my litlle red wagon when you were only 2. These memories and many, many others will stay with me forever.
You were my best friend and I love you very much! I will miss you terribly. You will live on in my heart always,
A Pearl Amongst Us:
I grew to being friends with Kristine when she was just 19 years old. It was in a work setting and our conversations grew more interesting each day. Over fifteen years our friendship grew and changed, changed and grew, over and over and over. Regardless of where we lived, job we had, people we saw, interests we pursued, we knew we always had a friend in each other.
Your world of family and close friends miss you so very much Kristine. Your untimely departure from this world has left us with a void that cannot be filled, just as you cannot be replaced. Thank you for all you gave to us. I assure you that you made a difference in this world and all the peoples lives you touched. You made a huge difference in my life! You will always be missed and certainly never forgotten!
When you moved to the East Coast, we didn’t stay in touch. I’m sorry for that now. But, I am thankful for the few times we did see eachother when I returned to visit New York in recent years.
I will always think of you (along with Yvette) when I enjoy a French Martini — it is my drink of choice since that sweet and rainy evening at Pravda.
I’m especially thankful that we were able to spend a little more time than the usual during my visit to New York in late May. The trip to the Met Museum to see the Jackie O’ exhibit is now cherished in my heart. How I wish I could turn back time to steal a few more minutes, hours talking to you, learning from you.
So many, including myself, have learned so much more about you in these celebrations of your life, through so many beautiful words, reflections, memories. Your heart was beautiful and your spirit unforgettable.
Your soft smile and that pensive look on your face is timeless in my mind.
You will never be forgotten, you will always be in my heart.
You look like an angel in that picture, but that is how I remember you with that smile and those dimples. You were taken so young but God has His reasons even though we don’t understand why right now. Our family will always remember the fun times you shared with us. It was my pleasure to show you how to make some of our Italian dishes. I will always remember you in my prayers.
May your family find peace knowing you were loved by so many.
I worked with Kristine in 2000 when we were developing content for several planned websites. So often since 9-11, my mind has been with her on that day. There is no consolation, but there are lovely memories. She would call me into her office to discuss on whatever the current work challenge was. She was clear, thoughtful, intelligent. And as we’d untangle whatever issues and questions had to be resolved, going over complicated details, she was always so warm and gracious.
Words can not express the sense of loss, pain and emptiness I feel since my girlfriend disappeared.
It has been almost a year and I still have an extremely difficult time accepting this. I miss her more than words can say. I continue to cry, mourn and pray. I need her. It is hard being single without having her to “break it down”. Drinking wine and shopping is not the same. The only comfort I find is knowing that I will see her
on the other side.
Miss and love you girly girl!!!!
See babe-I didn’t forget this year. I know that you are having an incredible birthday soiree up there as I can hear the laughter and the song and the smiles. I wish you could be celebrating it down here with us, but you definitly are in spirit.
I still miss you so much. That hasn’t gone away at all and I don’t expect it will any time soon, but I don’t mind it because it means you are still with me.
Happy Birthday Kris.
Hey, Kristine, you’ll never guess what I just got from Mom (Yona Swearson-Toso, for those listening in). A geneology chart that traces our ancestors back, back, back, back…I mean way back to 485 AD on one line to a King Cedric who conquered and created a kingdom called Sussex in England! I couldn’t believe all the kings, queens, emperors and empresses from whom we descended. Discovering this sudden saga seems like a miracle to me and takes me back our last conversation at Lake Sylvia (where I took this last picture I have of you). Remember our struggles to piece the two or three generations that connected us? It occurs to me that you live in the land of miracles now. If you had anything to do with this gift that I got on YOUR birthday, thanks. I want you to know I am here still, still listening. Thanks again for stopping by on your way back home.
Victor Toso
After a year I have realized I learned a lot from you, not only as a professional, but also as a person. I miss hearing about your plans and your travels they always made me smile. I look to many of your ideas about life as an example of how it should be lived. You are still missed as much as ever. I hope that today you will be able to help your family and friends find some peace as you always did before.
I thought a lot about you this holiday season. The snow yesterday made me think of you and smile, recalling the time you went to Central Park right after a huge storm and took pictures. You were so happy to be able to capture the image of the uninterrupted, pristine snow-covered lawns before the mud and footprints ruined them.
I signed for my first “big girl” apartment today. And, as I put the pen to paper to sign my name, I thought of you and smiled, knowing that you would be so proud of me for having my own little piece of Manhattan.
I still think of you constantly and wish you were here with me and all of your friends at Cantor. You are terribly missed, Kris. I hope you can feel that. Your family and friends are all still aching over your loss. The part that makes me smile is that I know you are still here with us and communicating in the ways that you can, making good things happen for us and smaller things more interesting.
It’s tea time…..
Ah, Kris, was it really two years Memorial Day that last we saw each other? So long ago? You’re with me yet, on my path, in my heart. It’s just that before you left, shadows were still on the west side of life; now they’re looking east, and after that, we’ll meet again.
As September 11, 2003 approaches, I still have Kristine’s warm, intelligent spirit in my memory. And the sorrow, not just of her loss, but of the pain that loss still must be giving to her family and friends as well as us, her colleagues.
I wish you were here with all of us. We all still need you and miss you all of the time. It’s been a lot harder on many of us than I even realized in the beginning. It has lingered and changed us forever. Your absence is still so much a part of my everyday thoughts. Sometimes it feels like it has eased, but then it comes back even stronger than before.
There’s been so much happening lately and so much I wanted to share with you: to get your advice on, to giggle with you over, or to lean on your never wavering shoulder. But, I’ve learned how to do all of that on my own and be comforted by the fact that I know that you can see it all happening and are watching out for me.
I love you, Kris, and you will be with me always.
I just wanted to thank you for continuing to be an inspiration to others and myself. I am finally doing some of the things that we used to sit in your office and talk about, and you were right, it does feel good.
I hope that you are somewhere smiling about it. You are missed and I wish your family and friends the best.
There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think of you girlfriend. What can I say? I just miss our friendship. Nothing and noone can replace that. Thanks for continuing to guide me in the right direction girlfriend! I know you will be waiting for me on the other side and I have peace knowing I will see you again. I love and miss you dearly. My heart continues to ache because of your void.
What can I say????? I still mourn you each day….. I finally watched something on TV about 9/11 but it was about the Pentagon and not about the WTC…….thought I could handle it….. I haven’t eaten in 5 days….. someone on the show said “i don’t like to refer to it as Moving On…. but as Moving Forward”….. and GF…. it is hard without you…. see you on the Other Side…..xoxo! and I will NEVER FORGET! M
Kristine was the joy and bright light of our lives. Everyone who knew her loved her. The pain of losing her is with me everyday. Fly free baby. You are forever in our hearts.