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Charles Waters Date of Birth: August 26, 1957 Position: Vice President, Facilities What can I say about Charlie Waters? Charlie was my first boss. I worked for Charlie for 2 years. He reminded me alot of my older brother Frank. His mannerisims, the way he talked, his love of the Mets! I remember on the interview, he asked me where I lived and when I told him Queens, he asked if I like the Mets, almost as if his decision to hire me depending on that answer. (Of course, I said YES!) He really cared for his staff. He always looked out for each and every single person in facilities, including myself, and I will be forever grateful to him. I left Cantor on a pretty bad note, and I would just like to thank Charlie for everything that he did for me, and for the opportunity to meet and work for such a great guy, and if I could’ve done things differently, I would. My thoughts and prayers go out to his beautiful wife and children.
To say that Charlie Waters was a “family man” does not do justice to the person that I loved for 21 years and was my husband for 17 years. He built his life around raising our children and providing for his parents and family. He had a capacity for love that was greater that anyone that I’ve ever known.
I never saw him happier than when his son, Charlie, was born and he was never as proud as when his twin girls, Allison and Jaclyn were born. He would insist on holding the 2 babies at the same time, completely at ease with himself. He was so thrilled with the family that he had created.
He had a passion for many things in life that only grew greater when he could share them with his family and friends. How many men encourage their wife to take up golf so they could spend more time together? He shared his love for music with his children. Holidays and family occasions always included a recital with Charlie Jr. on the guitar, Jaclyn on the clarinet and Allison on the piano. Late at night I would hear Charlie in his son’s room loudly singing Grateful Dead tunes with his son playing along on the guitar.
His passion for all things sports was never greater than when he shared it with his family. The five of us attended many Mets games at Shea with Charlie always leading us, rooting for the team with tremendous enthusiasm. He would continue to watch the Mets on TV with his folks on summer evenings despite the afflictions that had come to them. He would coach the girls on comebacks to say to those dreaded Yankee fans that seemed to be everywhere. When the girls started to play basketball, there would be dribbling drills in the basement and shooting drills in the yard. He loved to watch Charlie Jr. play basketball and was always right there, his biggest fan, shouting “box out”, “go to the hole” encouraging him to always do his best.
When Charlie’s only sister Ann died from cancer 4 years ago, there wasn’t anything that he wouldn’t do for his niece Jessica, and nephew Alex. Their “Uncle Brother” was always there for them and he loved them as his own children. It is very hard to lose two such wonderful young people from the same family. Charlie then took on the sole responsibility for his parents, moving them out to Long Island to be near us so he could better care for them. He would call them every day and visit them every weekend. He would always make them laugh. His staff at Cantor knew that they would have to interrupt meetings so Charlie could talk to his mother if she called there.
Summer weekends would be spent at the beach. Charlie would be on the boogey board right along with the children, laughing and claiming that he got the best ride. We also often fished and crabbed; he taught us how to bait a hook and set up a crab trap.
A favorite memory of mine will always be summer nights in Montauk. We would start a fire on the beach. Charlie would cast a fishing line in the ocean, always guaranteeing us a big catch. Charlie Jr. would play the guitar, the girls would toast marshmallows and we would all sing. Charlie was never happier than at these moments.
Charlie’s terrific sense of humor was apparent to anyone who knew him. He was always ready with a quick remark but he was able to take anything in return with self-effacing good humor.
Always impatient with pettiness or things that he considered trivial, he was able to focus on important things whether at home or in his career. He felt that his job at Cantor was as close to running his own business as it could be. He took his responsibilities very seriously, always putting Cantor’s interests first, and he was proud of his work and enjoyed the people that he met while at Cantor. I have heard from many former business associates as well as people he did business with on behalf of Cantor. They all told me that he was a moral, ethical man, always “above aboard”. These are the qualities that will live on in his children.
Charlie, we miss you so much and will love you always. I am so proud of our children; every day they amaze me with their ability to get on with life even though they have been hurt tremendously. You provided us with a strong foundation. Their lives will always be a memorial to you, honoring the best son, husband, and father that there ever was.
It seems like only yesterday since I last saw you leaving the house. “Call me later, hon.” I know that you are still taking care of us up in Heaven, watching over us and protecting us.
Till we meet again…
Loving wife, Barbara
Allison Waters, daughter, age 11
When my wife, Colleen, went for her interview with Charlie over 6 years ago, she came home very excited about working for Cantor and especially working for a man like Charlie.
Charlie was a great boss and a better friend according to my wife. She loved Charlie and thought of him as a second father figure. He gave her the shot she always wanted, and he showed her that hard work and determination does pay off.
He always had cokes for her in his fridge, he made sure it was always stocked. He always had a kind word for her or a piece of advice to follow that never proved wrong. He would run into her office and sing Grateful Dead tunes together.
He was one of the most influential people in Colleen’s life, and I will always thank him for that.
I am positive that they were together in the last few moments, she would have ran to no one else. I am sure that he comforted her, even though he probably knew the outcome to follow.
Charlie, I know you are with her now, keeping her sane, singing Dead tunes and having fun. Watch over her for me, I will thank you when I see you again.
A great man, a great friend.
Danny Barkow
Hey! Charlie. I was always late even to say thanks. I was having problems in the Department I was in and you took me in. In a short time that I knew you, you made a difference in my life. You gave me the opportunity to move on and make a new life when my life was in the toilet. You are a great friend because you still inspire me. Your family should be proud to carry your name. God Bless the Waters.
Charlie was one of the most plesant and friendly gentleman you could every wish to talk to. Whenever myself or other collegues from London called he always made time to speak to us. He was always willing to help and we would often share ideas that had been developed in London and vice versa. Everyone in Facilities in London liked him. My prayers are with his family and friends in New York. You are greatly missed.
I worked for Charlie for about 6 years and I can sincerely say that he was a great man,a great family man, a great boss and a great friend. I could come to Charlie with any problem and no matter how busy he was he always found the time to provide me with the fatherly advice I never had. He took pride in his job and extreme pride in his adoring family. He worked extremely hard but this never got in the way of his family. He shared numerous stories about all three of his children. Whether it be little Charlie’s sports or his girls sleep overs, Charlie always talked about his children with great pride. I hope I am half the father to my children as Charlie Waters was to his. I miss Charlie so much and cant stop thinking about him and Colleen. Charlie would come into our office and it was like he was our father checking up on us. I miss the golf tips,the golf stories, the endless battles of our Met vs Yankee discussions. But most of all I miss the man !! Charlie would be so excited about all the Met moves, I know he is watching and rooting hard for his beloved Mets. Days and weeks after the tragic events I still thought Charlie somehow would appear. I guess this was due to the strength and conviction this man possessed. Thank you Charlie for the huge impact you have had on my life and so many others. May God Bless Barbara and your wonderful children. Charlie will always be my hero.
Our lives have been forever changed since September 11, 2001. The hours searching for Charlie, turning into days and then having to realize he was taken from us. As I sat with Barbara, I watched a parade of people pass through her home. Friends of a lifetime to those who only knew him for a short time. Hearing stories from the old days, seeing his lifelong friend Bob drawn to tears. Charlie was loved by everyone who knew him. He loved his family and lived every day to the fullest. His laughter, sense of humor, and love of music live on in Alison, Jackie, and Charlie. Barbara you had the love of a lifetime. I know Charlie is watching over all of you with great pride. We agonize over our loss of such a great man, rest in peace. You will never be forgotten.
Uncle Charlie, You the Man!
Brendan Lynch 2yrs old
I got to know Charlie when I started working in the Facilities Dept in 1997. He was always a nice person and he treated me very well. When I started moving up in the dept, he was always there giving me advice and pointing me in the right direction. I will never forget the friendly pat on the back he would always give me and I admired his professionalism very much. He was also very funny and he knew how to kid around when the moment was right. My heart goes out to his family and I will never forget Mr. Charles Waters, ever.
I had the priviledge of spending a lot of time with Charlie at Cantor. I remember the long hours in meetings with the move team as we planned the transformation of the 103rd and 101st floors. No matter how long the meetings went, Charlie would keep it light by cracking a joke or poking fun at our ability to turn “naming conventions” into a 3 hour decision process. He was integral to many amazing accomplishments at Cantor and I am proud to have worked beside him. He truly cared about his work and his people. I’m sure if Heaven needs a need wing, Charlie is on the job.
May you rest in Peace.
“See you later, Bro.” These were the last words Charlie said to me. It was about six weeks before that awful day and I was in Tower 1 on some business on the 87th Floor. I decided to drop by to say hello to Charlie and, as busy as he was, Charlie, as always, took a few moments out from his busy schedule to spend a few minutes with me. I would drop by often to see him, especially when I worked in Tower 2 the summer before. His office was adorned with many photos of his beautiful family, and it didn’t take much (if any) prodding for him to speak about his two wonderful daughters and his son with unabashed pride and joy. I knew Charlie for 30 years from the day we first met as freshman at Christ the King H.S. We did our best to keep in touch and I will always treasure his friendship. I miss him dearly and I will never forget him. To his family, especially his children, you can be as proud of your Dad as he was of you. Charlie was an exraordinary person. The world is surely a lonelier place without him. May God bless you and always keep Charlie by your side.
I never really knew Charlie Waters. Our relationship consisted of exchanging friendly waves as he dropped off Harry from work. Harry spoke highly of him, telling me about the laughs they shared and Charlie’s regard for his family.
After September 11, Cantor friends urged me to call Barbara. “She’s a great person,” they all said. How glad I am that I made that call.
I recently came across Charlie’s tribute from the New York Times which detailed the letter Charlie Jr. wrote to his dad. When a fifteen year old boy can be that open and honest and loving with his father – well, that speaks volumes about both individuals and the relationship this family created.
May Charles Waters rest in peace, and watch over his family with love and pride.
Hi Hon,
Yesterday was Charlie’s 15th birthday, June 11. I was thinking about the night he was born. You were watching the Lakers and Celtics championship game and eating slim jims in the labor room at the hospital. I couldn’t even get mad at you because you were still making me laugh and was just so excited about having a child. I remember your face when the doctor said it was a boy, we were both crying but were so happy.
Charlie and I went to the U.S. Open yesterday, using the tickets that you and Joe sent out for last August. I felt you with us the whole day and know that you are proud of the way that your son continues to pay tribute to you with his words and actions. We had a nice time. I know how you would have loved to have been there.
Thank you for being in our lives, we love you forever.
Hi Hon,
Yesterday was the girls’12th birthday and once again I kept thinking about the day we found out we were having twins – the look of disbelief on your face. When they said it looked like two girls you were thrilled in spite of yourself. You predicted that they would be very different from each other and you were so right. They are growing up to be two totally different but terrific kids. They are both like you in their own ways and I couldn’t be more proud of them.
We went to the Mets game the other night and they were rooting the loudest. I’m sure that you could hear us.
Miss you and love you
To try to put my feelings and admiration for Charlie Waters into words is just about an impossible task. Charlie Waters has been my best friend since we were in the same freshman class in Christ The King High School in 1972. When we first met, I took an immediate liking to him. Though he came across as the class clown, he was an intelligent and bright individual. I always admired the determination and sacrifice he made to make himself better, which included going to night school and getting his bachelor’s degree from Baruch College.
As we became adults, I found that I was truly fortunate to have one friend above all that I knew I could confide in, ask advise of, or just talk to about anything. Beneath Charlie’s sharp wit and one-liners, was a levelheaded individual whose advise I took on many occasions.
The more time goes by, the more i miss him. More and more, memories come back to me of things we have done together over the years. This just does not include huge occasions like our weddings and the birth of our children, but the many times we just got together for golf, or years back when we palyed raquetball, or when we just got together to watch a ballgame. It seems like everything I see or hear reminds me of him. I miss his phone calls to me during the workday, he always signed off by saying “go do some work before I tell your boss you don’t do anything”. His wit and wisdom are his greatest assets.
We had talked to each other the Monday before about our golf round that weekend, and he was telling me how he had shot a career low 81 the day before. He then began to tell me how he thought he was ready for the PGA tour. I thought, oh boy, I will never hear the end of this. How I wish I could still hear about that round first hand.
My admiration for Charlie’s wife, Barbara is immeasureable. Her courage and fortitute have been nothing less than heroic through this tragic time. I know somewhere: Charlie is beaming with pride, seeing how she has been holding herself together, and comforting Jackie, Allie and Charlie. She has kept them together and upbeat, doing everything in her power to get them through this. Because of her fortitude and love, they will grow up carrying the memory of their father with pride and honor. His legacy will live on through them, and they will be stonger individuals because of their father, and the values he instilled in them.
Not 10 minutes go by during the day when I do not think of Charlie. I didn’t just lose a friend, I lost a brother, my soul brother. There is now an immense void in my life, which will never be replaced. He is a first class father, husband and friend and no one that knew him would doubt any of those statements.
Charlie Waters is one in a million and I hit the lottery when I became fortunate enough to call him my friend.
Rest in peace my dear friend, I carry you in my heart always.
Hey Charlie,
Happy birthday buddy. When I used to call you and wish you a happy birthday, you’d bust on me by saying “oh is that today?”.
I’m going to play golf on your birthday. See if you can help me out a little bit, I could sure use the help. My game hasn’t been right this year. I miss hearing how you did and how you were going to wipe me off the course. I know you’re looking down, laughing when you see me miss a short putt.
Know that I am always thinking of you, and know that Barbara and your children are doing just fine. I love you my brother, and I miss you terribly.
One Year Later. I think about you and your family all the time. It is hard to believe it is a year already. You were a great Dad a fantastic husband and a solid friend to all who knew you. You truly hit lotto the Day you married Barbara. She has enormous inner strength and resolve. Your love for music and hoops has passed on to Charlie Jr. He has your passion and, thank god, your wife’s athletic ability. We went our seperate ways as Men but you were always right there. Keep an eye out for my brother Tommy up there, look up Jerry and Pig Pen and save a seat for me in the bar, Not Far away Charlie,
Bob Kelly
It has been over a year since that terrible day and there is not a day that goes by without thinking of Charlie and his family. About a month ago, I got an American flag which contains the names of all the victims of 9/11. I placed it in my office and underneath Charlie’s name I placed his wedding photo. It is a constant reminder to me of the wonderful friend that I was blessed to know, and how much I miss him. I pray for his children, his wife and his parents, that God may bring them peace and that Charlie may always be by their side. Knowing how much he loved his family, I am sure he is always watching over them. I look at that photo of Charlie in my office (he was about 26 at the time) and realize how much I miss his wide Irish grin, his wit and humor, and most of all, his friendship.
Mike Veras
Hey buddy, I played golf yesterday with a few of my friends in honor of your birthday. We drank beer, smoked cigars and played bad golf in your honor. I told them a few stories about you, and I had them laughing all day. I miss you so much. I know you made me miss a couple of short putts, but I know you made it up to me by letting me chip in for birdie on #15. I can’t believe it’s almost 2 years since we spoke, I miss you more and more each day. PLease look out for all of us, and be proud of the job Barbara is doing with Charlie, Jackie and Ally. I love you my brother.
I didn’t know Charlie quite as long as a lot of people here but, needless to say, he still made an impact and impression on my life. He was the Office Manager at the law firm of Hall Dickler, et al. when he hired me in 2/93 as a Secretary to one of the Partners. There was one time I came in suffering from the flu and was determined to try to finish the day but, noticing how pale and sick I looked, Charlie was every bit the “mensch” as he told me I should really go home and take care of myself and get over what I had and not to worry about losing anytime at work. In all my years of working (since 1969), Charlie will always remain Numero Uno among all the office managers I have ever worked with, always being very fair and diplomatic in all his dealings with both legal and support staff alike. All future office managers should have taken a course in dealing with people the way Charlie did. When I heard that Charlie was among those lost to us in the 9/11 tragedy, I knew that the hole Charlie left on this earth could never be filled. May you always rest in peace, Charlie.
Following the 8:46 a.m. moment of silence to commemorate the 2nd Anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the WTC, I sat at my desk and wept like a baby. I wept for you, for Barbara and the children, and for the loss the world suffered on that date. Not a day goes by when I don’t think about you and Ann and the plain fact that this world was a much better place when the both of you were upon it. My tears were triggered when I re-visited the cantorfamilies web site and read all of the touching tributes to you written by family, friends and co-workers. There’s not much more that I can say other than ditto. You truly were all of those things – a great all around family man – father, son, husband, brother – you truly were a great friend and inspiration to many people – you truly were one of the most extraordinary men I have met in my life – and you truly are missed by many, many people, including me.
Having grown up so closely together with you and Ann – attending the same school – dating your friends (which I know you absolutely hated) – weekends fishing or going to the beach – family holidays – the ’69 World Series — so many fond memories and so much to miss. Then in later years the celebration of our marriages and the birth of our children — what memories! There were also the sad times that we have shared – family illnesses — funerals. I am lucky to have had such a close, lifetime relationship with you and Ann in both the happy and sad times. You and she were more like a brother and sister to me. I was touched that you honored me as a sister when Ann passed and allowed me to accompany you, just as I was touched when Barbara invited me to join your family during your memorial service.
After your memorial service, Bob, Anthony Imp, Joe and I sat down and toasted you at the first hole of the golf course you regularly played at.
Joe vowed to hang up his golf clubs because he had lost one of his favorite golf partners. I’m sure you knew what you meant to people and how you positively affected everyone you came in contact with during your lifetime.
You were always a pillar of strength for me – criticizing me when it was due – steering me in the right direction when I was lost – cautioning me when I made you worried — making me laugh when I took things too seriously. I still can’t believe you told me I looked like Dennis Rodman after I highlighted my brown hair with blonde and red streaks! You almost made me cry. Actually, looking back at the photos at this point in my life, I’d say I would have to agree. You always called a spade a spade.
Your family is so beautiful, Brother. You would be so proud of them. You taught them well and they have developed your inherent inner strength.
Especially Barbara. She’s da bomb! You picked a wonderful woman to raise your children.
When I saw you for the last time (although I didn’t know it was going to be the last time I’d set eyes on your goofy smile) you had my son Donnie doing the tomahawk chop (a Braves trademark) but you instructed him to say “Let’s Go Mets” – “Let’s Go Mets”. And he did. We have it on video and we watch it from time-to-time. Ironically, the tape that precedes the video of our visit with you shows our day at the World Trade Center. Now that’s a helluva tearjerker.
Well, I wrote a poem for you. I entered it into a poetry contest. I won. It will be published in a hard cover book next year some time. Here it is.
911 Ode to Brother
As I sit my sorrow echoes
Sob-like sounds from my guitar
Lose myself and my mind wanders
Outward past the farthest star
I continue on my journey
Visions of the past no more
The depth seems forever reaching
Darkness never seen before
Faceless voices I don’t listen
Visions of the years gone by
Voided space where nothing glistens
Why do loved ones have to die?
Time to say goodbye dear brother
Journeyed with you far too long
Do not fear my special loved one
You’ll live on in my heart’s song
Memories will not elude me
Visions shrouded in the past
Silent moments will include thee
I hope you have found peace at last.
Rather than leave off on a melancholy note, I have a joke for you, Brother.
Jimmy Buffet dies and goes to Heaven. He is greeted at the Pearly Gates by St. Peter who shows him to his new Heavenly abode. Jimmy looks out his window across the cloud-filled planes and sees a huge, shimmering white mansion on a hill with a Grateful Dead Flag raised full mast. He summons St. Peter and asks why Jerry Garcia has a mansion and he has such a small living unit. St. Peter responds that it’s not Jerry’s mansion — it’s God’s House.
I would have liked to have told you that one in person but it was not to be. I can only hope that you and Jerry are serenading the Heavens daily with renditions of “Friend of the Devil” – actually, maybe not that particular Grateful Dead song.
I think the Beatles had some prophetic words in many of their lyrics.
Whenever I hear, “And in the end, the love you take, is equal to the love you make” I think of you. You were greatly loved by everyone who met you. Brother, you were a GREAT man and you are GREATLY missed by all.
Please give Ann a big hug and tell my Mom I love her if you see her. Tell her about Donnie and Caitlin, as well. She never got to meet them.
Rest assured there are thoughts and prayers directed at you and Ann each and every day from your loved ones in Hotlanta. God Bless.
Dear Charlie:
It’s been four years since you were taken from us but you’ll never be forgotten. You are in my thoughts and heart always. To read this website is a testament to what a special gift you were to this world, as people from your family, your youth and those you worked with praise you for the kindnesses you gave them, for the wonderful memeories you left behind and the laughter (and tears) you brought all of us. Rest in peace and watch over us all. Until we meet again, your buddy,
July 30, 2008
Wherever a beautiful soul has been, there is a trail of beautiful memories.
We will never forget.
Dear Daddy,
It is now 2010, I am 19 years old, and I do not miss you any less. I never wrote on here before, but it makes me so incredibley happy to see all the things people have said about you. Losing you has left a hole in all of our lives, but I do not consider any of us unlucky. We are the lucky ones because we knew you. I feel sorry for all the people who will never get a chance. Please do not worry about me and please do not worry about Charlie and Allie because you left us with wonderful memories…but most of all a wonderful mother. I hope I can embrace your optimism, strength, love, and humor for the rest of my life. I know you are taking care of Aunt Annie, Grandpa, Poppy, and Joanne and making them laugh. I hope I live a life half as great as yours.
The Dash –
There was a man who stood to speak
At the funeral of a friend
He referred to the dates on her tombstone
From the beginning to the end
He noted that first came her date of her birth
And spoke the following date with tears
But he said what mattered most of all
Was the dash between those years
For that dash stands for all the time
That she spent alive on earth.
And now only those who loved her
Know what that little line is worth.
For it matters not how much we own;
The cars the house the cash
What matters is how we live and love
And how we spend our dash.
So think about this long and hard.
Are there things you’d like to change?
For you never know how much time is left
That can still be rearranged.
If we could just slow down enough
To consider what’s true and real
And always try to understand
The way other people feel.
We’d be less quick to anger
And show appreciation more
And love the people in our lives
Like we’ve never loved before.
If we treat each other with respect
And more often wear a smile
Remembering that this special dash
Might only last a little while.
So when your eulogy is being read
With your lifes actions to rehash
Would you be proud of the things they say
About how you spent your dash?
Cos that dash stands for all the time
That you spent alive on earth
And only those who loved you
Know what that little line is worth
It matters not how much you own
The cars the house the cash
What matters is how you live and love
And how you spend your dash
What matters is how you live and love
And how you spend your dash.
Daddy, you impacted the lives of every person you met and are truely one of a kind. You will always be my hero.
I will love you & miss you forever,
It is so hard to believe that it has been 10 years since you were taken from us. In our hearts you continue to live on. Through our memories you continue to make those who were fortunate to call you friend and brother be inspired by your too brief time among us. The loving tributes which grace these pages are a testament to the wonderful husband, father and friend you were. May God bless your family and may you continue, as I know you do, to watch over them with love and pride. Until we meet again, with great affection, your friend, Mike
“I am a part of all that I have met. Though much is taken, much abides.” These words, taken from Alfred Lord Tennyson’s poem Ulysses, sum up what Charlie has meant to all of us who knew and loved him and mourn his passing on the anniversary of that awful day. He truly was a part of each and every life that he touched along the way of his too short 44 years on this earth. And though he is now with our God, what made him so special still resonates with each of us who knew him and called him friend and brother. Rest in eternal peace dear friend. Until we meet again.