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Robert Horohoe Date of Birth: June 11, 1970 Department: Corporate Bonds Position: Vice President Robert was a very kind and caring person who touched many people in so many ways. He was a wonderful son, a caring brother, a doting uncle, a loyal friend, and a loving companion to his fiancé Lilia. I feel very proud to have raised such a special person. I feel very fortunate to have had such a special son. Robert always went out of his way to include everyone in his life. He loved to socialize. Sitting in the backyard with his friends rehashing old childhood stories over a beer, he would always include his mom. I would be invited to join his friends for a glass of wine. We would laugh into the night. Robert’s coworkers would encourage him to call me when Robert got particularly annoyed at work. Those conversations would usually end in laughter. Laughter and good times were so much a part of Robert’s life. Family and friends were Robert’s life. It was often hard to draw a line between the two. Robert’s family were also his friends and his friends were also his family. Robert loved skiing, fishing, and playing tennis or golf with his friends. He loved his work, and worked hard for the firm and his customers. He had the strength and confidence to face challenges, and took great satisfaction in attaining his goals. I am very proud of all Robert had achieved. Robert was to be married on May 4, 2002 to his fiancé Lilia. He was so happy and very much looking forward to their lifelong future together. They were looking forward to purchasing a home in Holmdel in order to be close to family and friends. Robert will forever be remembered as a compassionate, generous and loving person with a heart of gold. We know Robert was loved by many, and now his memory will be cherished by all.
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Kevin James Hannaford Date of Birth: October 8, 1968 Department: Tradespark Position: Commodities Broker Kevin James Hannaford, 32, of the Basking Ridge section of Bernards Township, died in the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in New York City, on Tuesday, September 11, 2001. He was employed as a commodities broker for TradeSpark, a division of Cantor Fitzgerald. His office was located on the 105th floor of the tower. Kevin moved to Basking Ridge with his family when he was 8 years old. He was an avid swimmer and soccer player for the Somerset Hills YMCA, as well as a triathlon contender. He was also on the undefeated State II championship soccer team. His swimming experiences afforded him the opportunity to be a lifeguard at Long Beach Island. He continued his soccer enthusiasm up to the September 11th disaster as a member of the Montville Men’s Soccer League. He thoroughly enjoyed skiing and bought our son, Patrick, his first pair of skis at 18 months old. Kevin’s greatest passion and pride was his family. In the words of many of his friends, Kevin was seen, standing back and watching, smiling with pride at the many accomplishments of our son, Patrick. Kevin moved to Hoboken in 1990 and lived there for several years. It was there that Kevin and I rekindled an earlier relationship we had in our college years. We were married on April 4th, 1997 and later moved to Basking Ridge in March of 1999. Later on that year we had our first child. Patrick James was born on May 12th, 1999. Patrick will be joined by a brother or sister in January of next year, 2002. In the words of his mother, Nancy, “He was a very good friend and he had many good friends. Everyone will dearly miss him.” In addition to myself (his wife Eileen) and son, Patrick, Kevin is survived by his brother, Patrick Hannaford; his sister, Beth and her husband Bob Saraceno and their son, Evan; his mother and father, Nancy and James Hannaford; my parents Mary and Patrick McGinley and my brother, Patrick McGinley. Kevin was special and God called him. In his short time on earth, he left us fullfilled and enriched. He will make a special place for us all in the future. A dear friend is putting together memory books for Patrick and his-soon-to-be brother or sister, so that they have many memories of their daddy, Kevin. Please send them a note containing stories, thoughts or memories about Kevin. Address letters to Patrick and Baby Hannaford. Include photos/mementos if possible and send letter/items to Susan Regan at 501 Adams Street Apt #2M, Hoboken, NJ 07030. Contributions may be made to the Hannaford Bereavement Fund, c/o Soloman Smith Barney Co., Attn: Michael Betzag, 767 Fifth Ave. 7th floor, New York,NY 10153. You can contact me, Kevin’s wife, Eileen Hannaford at 27 Juniper Way, Basking Ridge, NJ 07920.
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Stewart D. Harris Date of Birth: June 26, 1949 Position: VP, Chief Credit Officer Stu- All anyone can hope for in this life is to hope that we’ve made a difference in the lives of others. Although your life was cut short, for reasons most of us will never understand, your life had great meaning to others and your legacy is great. Your guidance and nurturing to Elissa and Craig have laid the foundation for two wonderful children who will live out the dreams and hopes you had for them. Your relationship with Sheila was one that most people never have and only dream about. Many people will live many years longer than you have, and will never have experienced the joys you and Sheila and the kids have had. When I think about our relationship, I realize that I’ve known you for more than half of my life. I don’t think that anyone has had a more easy going disposition than you exhibited, even at very stressful times. I wish you peace, and know that you are watching over all of us- With much love, Howie
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Joseph Hasson Date of Birth: March 2, 1967 Joe, though we never met, I have come to know you through Mary, Lil Joe, and your family. You are a remarkable person. While I wish we had the chance to celebrate life together, your energy and spirit touches my life and the lives of many others… we miss you. Your family is wonderful. Mary and Joe are a special part of our lives and my friendship with Mary is a special blessing. Her kindness, consideration and honesty are heartwarming. Despite her busy life, she finds time to help us and is always so thoughtful. She is a beautiful person inside and out. Mary is a very dedicated and caring mother and it is magnificent to watch her and Joe together. Lil Joe is adorable, smart, and fun. His enthusiasm and happiness are contagious. My older daughter, Alexa, delights in being with him. At night, when Alexa is in bed, her last words before nodding off are “Where’s Joe?” Once we tell her Joe is asleep, she comfortably nods off. He is so often on her mind and in her stories. Mary is a treasured friend to all of us…. Alexa can’t get enough of her. Joe, I wish you were still with us. My heart aches when I think about you. I still cannot believe this has happened. I know you continue to watch over and give strength to Mary, Joe, and your family. Your memory is eternal.
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Scott Hazelcorn Date of Birth: August 14, 1972 Position: 30-Year Treasury Bond Desk Scott Hazelcorn, raised in New Jersey, attended Governor Livingston High School in Berkeley Heights, N.J. After graduating from Penn State University in 1994, Scott joined Cantor Fitzgerald in the 30-year Treasury bond desk, 105th floor. In his short 29 years, Haze had figured out what was important in life. He never let a day go by with out telling those he loved how much they meant to him. He did not shake hands he hugged people. Scott never got caught up in the materialistic side of life. He never cared what you did but who you were. When he spoke to you he made you feel like you were the only person in the world. He led a life filled with friends; both at work and at home, and never missed the opportunity to laugh. Scott lived his life by a few simple rules: – Ask as many questions as you possibly can, the world is filled with many wonderful things. – Always lend a listening ear to a friend their problems are greater than your own. – Talk to and play with every child that you see they have so much to teach us. – Give hugs, even to strangers, so they know that you care. Scott was a person that will never be forgotten. He left a mark on all those who knew him. It is because of him that those close to him will try to live their lives with a little more patience, compassion and kindness in the spirit of his essence and his zest for life.
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Charles Heeran Date of Birth: November 26, 1977 Department: Institutional Equities Position: Sales Trader A graduate of the University of Scranton in 2000, Charlie started working for Cantor Fitzgerald on the Institutional Equities desk in June of that year. His amazing personality and passion to be a hard worker made him an instant success. He had a unique charisma that made others want to be around him… Charlie could always make you laugh. These qualities allowed him to accomplish many things at the young age of 23 that most guys don’t get to until about 30 in their Wall Street careers. The kid “had it.” He was a loving brother, a loving son, and everyone’s best friend. His determination to succeed was like no other and all he ever wanted was to make his parents, brothers, sisters, and friends proud. He brought the word “confidence” to a new level… if there was a job to be done and Charlie was at the helm, the job would get done and be done well. He was one of a kind and he’ll be missed every second of the day. However he will never be forgotten because “nobody ever forgets meeting Charlie.” Sean Heeran, brother What could I say about my twin brother Charlie? I could probably write a book on his 23 years with us. He lived each day to the fullest treating it like it was his last and it showed in his work with Cantor Fitzgerald. Tragically on September 11th he made his peace with God, along with the greatest group of guys I have ever met. I picture it now where everybody sat on the trading desk and it brings a smile to my face because that is all they did up there was SMILE. One unique quality about Charlie was that he always tried to make people better at what they did, even if he didn’t know how to do it, he would somehow bring that person into contact with someone who did know how to do it. He was the most giving, unselfish person that I have ever known. You always knew when Charlie was out, that there was a round of beers heading your way. His main goal when he went out was to make people laugh. He never let people feel uncomfortable when he was in the room, always introducing people to one another. His $150 beach chair and his long stretched out stories on the beach will surely be missed by our friends in Rockaway. Charlie adored his little cousins, always showering them with gifts, and playing with them on the beach in Rockaway. The one day that I have kids of my own, they will always know who Uncle Charlie was-A Hero. I will always remember him as a young eager man setting the highest goals for himself and always reminding us that he would be a millionaire by our 30th birthday. Charlie I love and I will never forget the unbelievable memories you and I shared together. I know you will always look out for Mom, Dad, Sean, Annemarie, Bernadette, and myself. Take care and may you rest in peace with your coworkers. Your Brother, Billy
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Raul Hernandez Date of Birth: October 12, 1949 Department: Facilities Position: Maintenance Supervisor Raul Hernandez was a great man, great friend and the best of all the husbands. He was very respectful and everybody loved him very much, because every time that a friend or a relative needed him, he was always there to give his support. He was trying to help as much as possible, whenever his friends were in trouble or in need of him. He never gave up easily and he was such a noble man. He never had problems with anybody. For him, family was the most important thing in the whole world. His family was his motivation in life and that’s why he was working so hard, just to give the best to them. His main goal in life was to give 100% of himself in everything that he did for his family, relatives and friends. With this horrible act, we not only lost him, but we also lost ourselves, because without him nothing will be the same now. And even though he’s not here, in our hearts, he’s still with us and we know that he will always be here taking care of us forever. But, we miss him and love him very much. Raul, Tu familia Te extrana y Te quiere mucho, que Descanses en Paz!
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Mark David Hindy Date of Birth: July 20, 1973 Position: Equities Trader Mark was a joy from the moment he was born. I think he was born laughing. As a toddler, we often heard him laughing in his sleep and the sound of a child’s hearty laugh bubbling up from his toes was enough to make us laugh. He was a very determined little boy and before the age of 3, he was riding a two-wheel bike (without training wheels). His athletic ability manifested itself very early. He attended St. Anselm’s elementary school in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, and was an excellent student. He was an enthusiastic participant in all sports and could often be found after school in the park playing baseball, basketball or bike riding. He graduated from Poly Prep Country Day high School in 1991 – lettering in Baseball, Football and Basketball. Mark attended Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee. At Vanderbilt, Mark played baseball – no mean feat to walk onto a Division One baseball team in the Southeast Conference. Here, as at Poly, Mark received a great education, honed that team spirit and made wonderful, lasting friendships which he truly treasured. Mark did what few people are able to do in their lifetime. He was able to pursue his dream of playing professional baseball. After graduating from Vanderbilt, he packed up and drove out to Ogden, Utah, for a summer of playing pro ball with the Ogden Raptors. He found the experience incredible. Of course, he was playing ball and getting paid for it. But that wasn’t all of it. He drove cross-country by himself – passing through states with unending miles of corn on either side of the road, waking up to an inch of snow covering his car on a morning in early June in Wyoming, and seeing unparalleled vistas spread out before him around almost every turn in the road while driving up into the high desert of Utah. In fact, on an overnight bus ride back to Ogden after an “away” game, Mark woke just in time to see the sun rising. The sight was so magnificent that he wanted to share it with someone so he looked around the bus and finding the rest of his teammates still asleep, he just settled back into his seat and in quiet solitude enjoyed the breathtaking beauty spread out before him. He joined Cantor in July of 1996, paid his dues in hours worked and tasks mastered and finally became a Trader on the Listed Equities Desk. He loved his job and the people he worked with. Mark was the ultimate positive thinker. He was steadfast in his continuous unwavering love and support for both family and friends. He was blessed with an enduring charm, a humble nature and a generous heart along with an unending supply of smiles and laughter. He loved and respected his parents; idolized his brother and best friend, Greg; respected and adored his sister-in-law, Lorraine; and was enchanted by and loved with all his heart, his niece, Olivia, about whom he would always say, “She makes me feel so special.” There was a true gentleness, innocence and untouched purity about Mark. He was a kind, gentle man whose absence is now and will always continue to be deeply felt. You will remain forever young and beautiful in our hearts, my darling son. And we will love and miss you always.
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Thomas Hobbs Date of Birth: December 22, 1959 Position: Energy Trader I wrote this not wanting to mourn for Tommy, but to fondly remember those happy moments we shared together. Since September 11th, hundreds of happy snapshots of him pop into my mind and I can’t possibly write them all. I know each of you have your own fond memories of Tommy. I also know that whether you are a friend, co-worker, or relative we’ll all remember Tommy as an easy going, laid back, fun-loving man. As his brother, I remember him as a skinny kid with the ability to throw a baseball as hard as kids twice his size. I remember driving him to play hockey at 4 and 5 AM because that was the only time available for practice. I remember teaching him how to drive. I remember him as a St. John’s graduate. I remember Michele and I celebrating with him and Allison all day and all night the day they announced their engagement. I remember teasing him about his hairline. I would introduce him as my older brother, just to get him upset. I remember him as an avid Mets fan. I remember him telling me how great the Jets are. And I’ll always remember the three phone calls I received after the birth of each of his children. He was so excited he cried. I spoke to him on the morning of September 9th. He called me because he was concerned about Mom. Do you know he visited my mother at least twice a week and called her almost every day since my Dad past away in June, but that was Tommy, a very caring, sensitive and loving son. When I thought of how Tommy would want us to remember him, only one thought came to mind. He would want us to remember him as a fantastic father who loved his children more than anything in the world. Nothing made Tommy happier than being with his children. I remember him running up and down the soccer field yelling instructions to David then jumping in his car to get to Steven’s baseball game so he could do the same thing, he loved to coach them. Tommy and I would talk on the phone and in no time he would start telling me about Jacquelyn, Steven and David’s accomplishments, be it in school, on the ball field or just around the house, he was so proud of his children. Tommy was a wonderful husband and the best father any child could ever want. Tommy was one of the true heroes of September 11th because he was there not for love of his work but because he loved and supported his family. Since September 11th not a day has gone by that I haven’t remembered Tommy, and as the days go by I hope that we all will continue to have wonderful memories of him. Tommy, you’ll be missed and always remembered. God bless you.
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Frederick Hoffmann Date of Birth: July 5, 1948 Position: First Vice President/Partner, Corporate Bonds Many of my husband’s good friends fondly referred to him simply as the “Big Guy”, however, I will always remember him as the “Big Guy with the Big Heart”. He earned the love and respect of many, not just for his remarkable success on Wall Street, but also for his remarkable willingness to give so unselfishly of his time, energy, and possessions whenever the need arose. Early on in our relationship, Fred won me over easily with his sensitivity, kindness and sense of humor, not to mention his good looks. My husband took an active role in the lives of his family and friends. He was the kind of guy that worried about others, often putting the needs and desires of others before his own. Fred did not simply talk about how much he loved his family; he continually demonstrated his love through his actions. He was a wonderful husband, father, grandfather, son, brother, brother-in-law and uncle. I found a strong and loving partner in Fred. I rarely faced anything alone; he was always there to lean on in the most difficult of situations. Our two daughters, Nicole and Michele were his pride and joy. There was no limit to what he might do for them. One year while Nicole was attending Purdue University, he arranged for a flight home on a moment’s notice after learning that she would be spending the upcoming three-day weekend alone in her dorm. Another time, he journeyed out, without hesitation, in one of the worst snow storms to hit our area in order to pick up Michele and a friend who had become stuck while trying to make their way home from Staten Island just as we were about to sit down to a quiet dinner by the fireplace. I don’t think that my husband’s feet ever touched the ground after his two grandsons, Derek and Justin, were born. He adored them and enjoyed his time with them to the fullest. I am saddened that the boys will no longer have their grandfather in their life, but I know that Fred continues to watch over them as he watches over the rest of us. I feel most fortunate to have had Fred in my life for almost 34 years. His absence leaves an immeasurable void that will remain with me always. As I struggle through this new life without my partner, I feel unbalanced and incomplete, for a big part of me is now missing. Not a day goes by that I do not think of the good times we shared or of the future we had planned. Fred, I pray that my memories keep you alive in my heart until that day when we are reunited again. Until then, kiss Michele for me and enjoy God’s Heavenly Peace. Forever, Gail