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  James Quinn

Date of Birth: November 6, 1977
Position: Trade Support Staff

James Francis Quinn was born on November 6th, 1977. He is the middle child of Noreen and Michael Quinn. He has an older brother Michael (26) and a younger brother Joseph (21) who is a cadet at West Point. For all of us it is hard to imagine the world without Jimmy. Jimmy was fired up and ready for life from the time he was kicking like a madman in my mother’s womb. I was two years old when Jimmy was born and it was quite evident to me even then how special he was. Jimmy was always interested in people. He was curious and loved to experience new things in life. Sports played a huge role in Jimmy’s life, he played basketball at Xaverian High School and went on to manage the basketball team at Manhattan College where he was known as “the mayor.” Jimmy could be seen often at Shea Stadium rooting for his beloved Mets or at some important event at Madison Square Garden mingling with celebrities, but the most important people in Jimmy’s life was his family. He would never hesitate to express how he felt about us with a hug and a warm smile. Jimmy adored children and I hope when I eventually have children they will one day realize the special uncle they once had named Jimmy Quinn. I will always remember Jimmy as young, beautiful and forever my loving brother. I love you too kid! –Michael Quinn

James F. Quinn, Brother